Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 336

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Chapter 336. Shortcut to hegemony (2)

“I will do a project that will give the Magentano royal family a thousand years of continental hegemony.”



The wooden sword and the shovel head clashed again.

Shockwaves and noise rushing in all directions.

And each other’s sweat drops flying and scattering.

Amidst the stormy air, King Alicia raised one eyebrow.

I looked straight at Lloyd, who was using a shovel to fight against the wooden sword over there.

“I bet you just promised to give me and the royal family an overwhelming advantage?”

“Yes, I did.”

“A profit big enough to be the price of receiving the summer pupil.”

“Yes, it certainly will.”

“However, it is strange.”


Lloyd tilted his head.

A ferocious smile formed on the corner of Alicia’s lip.

“The benefit of seizing continental hegemony for a thousand years. Jim didn’t know. I never thought that your knowledge of bluffing would be so great and deep.”

“Oh, that’s not bullshit….”


In an instant, King Alicia’s swordsmanship changed.

If the previous one was focused on speedy combo attacks.

Now, it has changed in an instant to the style of hitting and inserting one shot at a time.

Lloyd, who tried to answer the king’s question, could not respond flexibly to the change.



Like a giant’s axe, it’s a heavy slash that is pierced at once.

I awkwardly lifted the shovel and blocked it.

At that moment, his eyes turned black.

Like a film cut.

It was only for a second or so.

My vision went completely black.

It was upside down, of course.

‘Koo uhhh!’

How would you feel if you got hit in the stomach a hundred times with a hammer?

My knees rattled of their own accord and folded in half.

The waist was also hunched over.

But there was no time to be fussing.

“Wouldn’t your head be shattered if you stayed there blankly like that?”



A second slam was coming down.

‘It’s too late to stop it!’

the moment you sensed it.

Lloyd leaned his body forward.

He fell openly and attempted a front roll.

Thanks to this, I was able to avoid the king’s second strike by a narrow margin.


Before I could finish rolling forward, I heard a bloody ground cry right behind me.

A pit dug by the King’s slash.

Lloyd said quickly, feeling cold sweat welling up on the nape of his neck as if an oil field in the 7th block was about to explode.

“I am not bragging.”

However, the king’s offensive did not stop.

He swept the wooden sword straight from the ground and swung it horizontally.



If hit, at least left rib annihilation.

Sensing that, Lloyd said while trying to get out of the offensive range.

“You can open a trade route in the Pantara Mountains.”



The king’s wooden sword stopped two centimeters in front of his left rib.

Soon, her head tilted to one side.

“What nonsense is that?”

“It’s not bullshit. It’s not even a bluff. This is a very sincere statement, Your Highness.”





“Then let’s continue fighting until the blood bursts.”

King Alicia smiled.

With a sidelong glance, he glanced over to one side of the training ground.

The meaning was clear.

The guards who made me retreat far away are over there.

Fortunately, they may be able to hear the conversation from this side with their bright hearing.

It meant that we should keep bumping into each other and talking with a roar.

Lloyd caught it and laughed hard.

“Seo Seong-eun is embarrassed.”

Will I be able to walk out of here unharmed after I finish talking?

I grabbed the shovel handle with all my might.

And didn’t wait.

rather jumped in.

‘If I give up the initiative, they’ll keep coming!’

The king’s sister is obviously stronger than this one.

It is the same even if you use the dark mind method.

So, what about when you compete against such a strong person?

You have to stay on the offensive as much as possible.

That way, you can keep breathing on this side for a little bit.

With that fact in mind, Lloyd turned the shovel head.

A sharp thrust was mixed into the clumsy-looking movement.


A delightful expression appeared in the King’s eyes.

Her wooden sword lightly received the shovel head thrust from this side.

Cacan! Kang! Kakakang! Kakakakakang-!

He opened the door to the story he wanted to bring out in the noise.

“First of all, I dare to ask Your Highness one thing. The Pantara Mountains towering over the southwest of our kingdom. Does His Highness know well what the length and scale are?”

“Seriously. Do you dare to test my burden?”

“Yes, I’m sorry….”

“The length of the Pantara Mountains is about 690 kilometers. The highest peak is Mount Pantara in the center, and its height is about 5700 meters. The approximate shape of the mountain range starts in the southeast and runs obliquely toward the northwest. Is this enough?”

“You are wonderful, Your Highness. However, there must be something more peculiar that you left out.”

“Ah, that unusual sanse?”

“It is.”

“Should Jim even mention that?”

“I’m sure you don’t know, but I’m telling you.”

“…Compared to the height and length of the mountain range, the width of the mountain range is extremely narrow. It’s not even a few tens of kilometers. As if a tall partition had been erected. So, because of its high peaks and narrow width, it is also the steepest mountain range in the world.”

“Yes, you are wonderful, Your Highness. That is why the Pantara Mountains are sometimes referred to as ‘a blade made by God’.”

Still poking the shovel breathlessly.

Even while the offensive was blocked by the King.

Lloyd grinned.

Everything I had just said to the king was true.

The Pantara Mountains were the most rugged and damned mountain ranges on the Laurasia continent.

The height of the highest peak is 5700 meters.

The average height of the entire mountain range is about 4200 meters.

However, the width of the mountain range was only tens of kilometers.

Thanks to that, it was incredibly steep.

It just wasn’t that steep.

Wouldn’t it look like that if you put the blade on the ground?

It was a series of rugged cliffs and cliffs that naturally made me think that way.

It looked like a knife blade or potato chip stuck in the ground.


‘It’s just a folding screen.’

Of course, it was not a naturally formed mountain range.

Originally, it was said that it was quite normal in the distant past.

But was it thousands of years ago?

At the time, it was said that the demonic dragon Kaisertooth, who had driven the world into a pit of fire, cut and smashed the mountain range into such a strange shape.

‘…It was mentioned in the Iron Blooded article. That demon dragon was later smashed by the dragon king Berkis.’

Lloyd, recalling the secret story (?) of the birth of such a mountain range, organized his thoughts.

The big picture you drew.

He said with that in mind.

“In any case, because of the unique shape and vicious slope of the Pantara Mountains, our kingdom’s trade in the southwest has not suffered great inconveniences until now?”

“That’s right.”

King Alicia nodded.

What Lloyd said was true.

“Because the mountain is too tough. That is why only a few hunters, explorers, or a few hard-boiled native peddlers risk their lives.”

“Yes, that’s right. It’s a mountain range that only a veteran explorer can barely cross unless you’re a native familiar with the geography of the mountain range. Because of that, it is the current situation that the movement of large-scale goods through the guild cannot be dreamed of.”

“But you’re going to open a trade route there?”

“Yes, Your Highness. If successful, the benefits will indeed be enormous.”

Lloyd’s voice softened.

Still continuing the flamboyant battle with King Kangka Kangkang.

In the meantime, I continued to talk while diligently managing my breathing.

“Think about it, Your Highness. Isn’t it a situation where direct trade is currently impossible in the southwest direction of the kingdom? The fourth dimension that can’t be crossed…No, because of the Pantara Mountains.”

“yes. Because there is only trade that bypasses the southeast or northwest of the long mountain range.”

“That’s right, Your Highness. Not only does the length of the trade route unnecessarily lengthen by more than 1,000 kilometers, but it is also a pity that you have to go through the two kingdoms on the detour to advance across the mountains to the southwest. In the process, we have to waste a huge amount of customs duties and logistics costs.”

“Would you be able to clean up all that waste and expense?”

“Of course, Your Highness.”

Beyond the mountain range, which can now be reached by going round the mountain range for nearly a thousand kilometers.

What if you open a passage to get there?

But what if the length of the passage is only about 100 kilometers?

What if you don’t have to go through another kingdom?

What if a direct (?) trade route opens like that?

There will surely be huge benefits.

‘You will enjoy an economic effect similar to opening the Suez Canal or the Panama Canal.’

Lloyd recalled a similar case on Earth.

Although it is a little different because it is the sea.

The Suez Canal eliminated the need for ships to go around the Cape of Good Hope in Africa when traveling between Europe and Asia.

It reduced the operating distance by almost thousands of kilometers.

The same was true of the Panama Canal in the Americas.

Thanks to the Panama Canal, located between North and South America, it was possible to travel directly between the Pacific and the Atlantic.

What is its economic effect?

Needless to say, it was huge.

It will be the same here.

‘It becomes possible to trade directly with the countries in the southwest across the mountain range. In the aftermath, the distribution of various resources and processed agricultural products will explode. Commerce and industry as a whole will be booming. In addition, the Magentano royal family will fully manage the entire trade route through the mountain range, so there will be a tariff benefit from it.’

Even militarily advantageous.

In other words, military advances into the southwest are possible at any time.

‘It’s because the Magentano royal family is slowly rising to the position of continental hegemon. If only that trade is pierced, it means that the tiger will gain wings. If you hit it with sx craft, you eat 5 multis from the start. In terms of the League of X War game, it’s like eating Baron 3 times in a row. When it comes to childrearing, from the time the child is born, he has an IQ of 200, no minor illnesses, no crying at night, and full sleep for 8 hours per queue. How nice.’

It was a thrilling effect just thinking about it.

What if that trade route is really open?

Depending on management and utilization, the Magentano royal family will be able to solidify its position as a hegemon for about a thousand years.

‘So if this is the king’s sister, I can’t refuse. never.’

Lloyd was confident.

From any angle, this is unconditionally beneficial to the royal family.

Even if it is compared side by side with the royal family’s sacred object, the Eye of Summer.

‘Even if it’s a new thing, it’s just putting it in the storage room and staying there. But what about trade routes? Once opened, it can be used for hundreds of years until the water runs out.’

That was his calculation.

From the first time I drew this big picture.

It was the most important thing to keep in mind.

‘And if it’s the king’s sister, she’ll express her concern at this point.’

Busy moving the shovel.

Trying not to get hit by a wooden sword.

Lloyd glanced at the king’s eyes.

At that moment, as expected, the king slightly frowned in this direction.

“Lloyd Frontera. Jim’s faithful Your arguments and proposals are surely enchanting. But there are two things that bother me.”

“What is…Keugh! Do you come?”

bang! Kagagakak!

A wooden sword and shovel that move bloodily, spraying shockwaves and sparks in all directions.

In the meantime, the king’s voice mixed with concern was mixed.

“First concern. Because of the revelation that the angel came down today, the aristocracy will be divided into two in the future. Are you taking that into account?”

“Of course, Your Highness.”



Lloyd nodded vigorously.

He instilled confidence and revealed what he expected.

“Anyway, this is an unprecedented situation in which an angel came down and gave a revelation. The House of Nobility will be divided. There are those who are in favor of following the revelation and those who are against it.”

“I guess so.”

“Yes, Your Highness. The pros will insist on bestowing the iris of summer on me according to heaven’s revelation. It would be a bonus to accuse the opposition of trying to blaspheme.”

“that’s right. The opposing faction will express the opinion that it is too much to bestow the royal family’s sacred objects to you, a mere servant, no matter how much it is a revelation. Throwing accusations of being a traitor to those in favor of it.”

“Yes, it will come. Isn’t that why Your Highness is concerned about me?”

“…Did you even notice that?”

“Yep, Your Highness.”

Of course.

noticed early on

“Because of the division of public opinion, Your Highness will be in an embarrassing position. It is because both the pros and the opponents will each have their right cause. That would make it difficult for Her Highness to readily raise either hand.”

“Perhaps. But doesn’t that mean that you will bear the burden and responsibility of that choice?”

“It’s coming.”


I am proposing to do so.

“Please put me to the test, Your Highness.”


“Yes, Your Highness. Please commission me to build a direct trade route to the Pantara Mountains. And please give me qualifications according to the success or failure of the construction.”

“…Isn’t qualification the qualification to obtain Summer’s Eyes?”

“It is, Your Highness.”

Lloyd said in a softer voice.

“If you do, both those in favor of following the revelation and those opposing it will agree to the result. Whether or not you receive the Summer Eyes will depend solely on the success or failure of my project.”

“In addition, will you ease the political burden of Jim’s choice?”

“Since you know that far, I’m just going to close it.”


The king laughed and threw it away.

The more I looked at it, the more it was a clever suggestion and trick.

In addition, it was clearly visible how hard Lloyd was rolling his hair.

“If the construction succeeds, the opposition will accept it because a trade route comparable in value to the divine object will be secured, and the royal family will benefit enormously. It sounds like something.”

“Exactly so, Your Highness.”


Lloyd answered as he removed the stabbing wooden sword.

I thought as I counterattacked with a sharp thrust.

‘If you’re the king’s sister, you’ll accept this offer. From the king’s point of view, this is a complete flower viewing game.’

As a king, you have nothing to lose.

What if this succeeds in construction?

Instead of giving the Eye of Summer, you get a great trade route.

What if this one fails?

Trade routes are not gained, but summer’s eyes are not lost.

Either way, it’s not a loss.

In addition, this side took the posture of opening important information to emphasize that point.

‘So I naturally revealed that I didn’t lose the heart of winter earlier, but that I got it. Because she is the king’s sister who is at the highest level in the political world and has a high level of notice. I think you can guess that much by now. However, I thought that if I gave another excuse to hide it, I would rather lose trust.’

So naturally, he said he got the heart of winter.

The Heart of Winter is threatening his life as a side effect.

stated frankly.

the result?

‘It wasn’t bad.’

The king’s sister naturally accepted this sneaky confession (?).

As expected, this side must have guessed to some extent how to obtain the winter heart.

‘So the king’s sister will understand my intentions at this level.’

Lloyd was quite confident.

However, was the intention of this side too obvious?

Suddenly, King Alicia smiled meaningfully.

“under. Ridiculously.”


The shovel I was stabbing with got stuck.

At some point, the king’s wooden sword entangled the handle of this shovel.

One hand reached out.

I grabbed this by the nape of my neck.



The tremendous power of his grip squeezed his neck.

The king’s smile became bloody.

“Are you trying to tempt me now with an offer that won’t hurt either side?”

“…Big cool! Did you get caught?”

“of course.”

The king’s bloody smile turned into a bitter smile.

“But I fully understand that your offer is attractive nonetheless. So I’m going to ask you about the second concern.”

“Please ask me.”

“of course. You and the royal family must have looked foolish, but the Magentano royal family has already tried several times to build a trade route in the Pantara Mountains.”

“I am well acquainted with it.”

“I know?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“If you do, you will also know that all of those projects failed.”

“Of course, Your Highness.”

“But with what confidence do you dare to be sure of the success of this project?”

“I can see a way to succeed.”


“Yes, Your Highness.”

“Tell me.”

The king’s eyes flashed coldly.

It was a gaze that seemed to see through the truth of this side.

But Lloyd was not intimidated.

“Yes, Your Highness. The secret to the success of this project I proposed is-”

Rather, it seemed that he was waiting for the King’s response and question.

He gave the answer he had in his heart like an instructor for the 1st stroke college entrance exam.

“Narrow-gauge loop tracks and switchback systems are coming.”

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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