Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 333

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Chapter 333. How to use revelation (1)

Since when?

I believe you are my son.

I love you as my son.

Even though I love you more than anyone else

The doubt that suddenly rises in my heart is what I tried to suppress.

‘Since when did it start?’

I don’t know.

no matter how hard you try to remember

Even if I try hard to recall it.

I don’t know when that started, Count Prontera thought.

I couldn’t help it.

‘no. Maybe from the beginning of that day.’

I suddenly remembered that day a few years ago.

It was a very sad and hopeless evening.

Even so, it was because of the huge debt that I had to shoulder.

Even the eldest son always gets into trouble.

The more I thought about it, the more I could only sigh.

Then I heard unexpected news.

I heard that the eldest son is carrying out a strange construction against Young Ji-min.

So, I called my son to dinner.

across the table.

Face to face with the eldest son.

Apparently, strange rumors are spreading these days.

What are you doing in the backyard of the town pub?

I asked full of doubts.

On the one hand, I prayed in my heart.

Please don’t make more accidents.

Even a little bit is good, so please listen to me now.

I even heard the feeling of wanting to pray towards the sky.

But what was the reaction of the eldest son who returned?

‘It was unexpected. It was amazing.’

The eldest son who was always full of rebellion.

Lloyd, who had only sent a crooked look from sometime ago.

Surprisingly, in a calm and composed manner, he rather tried to persuade this side.

He said that he had his own thoughts and pushed forward with the work.

I can’t help it if you don’t believe me right now.

Even so, if you believe in me, I would like to thank you.

He appeared unexpectedly and left.

‘Maybe I….’

I don’t know if I hoped that the appearance that day would be a miracle.

I don’t know if I wanted that action that day to be the beginning of an amazing change.

Count Prontera looked up at the sky.

The time that has been frozen and finally started to flow.

Thanks to you, I look up at the night sky for the first time in a few months.

Night sky full of moonlight, starry clouds and shooting stars.

And Lloyd, the eldest son, walking side by side in silence.

“Isn’t the night wind cold?”

“Ah yes.”

Lloyd grinned.

I looked at this and asked.

“As you know, I became a sword master. Are you okay? You wore a coat thinner than mine.”

“I’m fine too. If it’s really cold, can’t you take yours and put it on?”

“ah. that way.”

“yes. It’s a privilege to have a strong son.”

“ha ha ha.”

Lloyd laughed.

The Count also smiled at that laugh.

strong son.

I really hope so.

You from the day you called me to the table in front of me that day.

If it’s really my son right, I wish I couldn’t ask for more.

It’s just that I’ve been sober since that day.

I finally heard that it was right.

that he had been reborn as a faithful son.

I really wish you could say that.

‘If that wasn’t my greed, how great it would be if I didn’t cover my own eyes with greed.’

A sigh was about to come out.

Trying hard to suppress the end of heavy breathing.

The words that the jewel of truth floated in the air came to mind again.

It was just something that would make people laugh.

Lloyd’s ear-digging habit.

Bo-ok told me that.

Everyone was laughing and wondering.

He said that his heart had suddenly collapsed.

Because the son he knew terribly hated having his ears dug.

I didn’t even have a special habit of digging my ears.

The Count involuntarily stopped breathing.

I struggled to suppress the sigh that was about to escape.

After a while, I was able to barely open my mouth.

“So you’re going to the royal capital tomorrow?”


“Did you already have so many bell-shaped rebars piled up?”

“Ah yes. It’s because I’ve been collecting it from time to time. But selling and disposing of all of these things at once is too sensible.”

“You mean to His Highness the King?”

“yes. It’s because this is steel, a strategic item. If you recklessly sell it in large quantities anywhere in the country, you may be accused by the royal family. Taking it out of the country is even more ridiculous. Not to mention, there was no place willing to step out to buy them all at once.”

“but. It did. I’ve tried contacting this father in many places, but everyone just waved his hand. But would the royal family buy it?”

“I will buy it. Otherwise we will be in trouble.”

“You mean stored food.”

“yes. Apparently, the support supplies from the royal family were cut off for several months when time was frozen.”

Lloyd told the truth.

It really was.

The monster domino crisis that swept the entire East Coast in the past.

After the incident, tens of thousands of refugees flocked to the territory.

Accepting them all, the population of the territory exploded.

In addition, because of the construction of the dam and the jewel over the past few months, hundreds of Orc warriors and Elf archers had to be mobilized.

Are we going to feed them all?

‘Thanks to the Marez clearing and terraced farmland, I managed to survive. But even that is the limit now. At this rate, it won’t be long before the stockpile of food is gone.’

Hani was in a situation where he had to bring (?) a large amount of support materials from the royal family.

But are you just asking for that?

There was no good excuse.

‘of course. The royal family wouldn’t even be aware of the situation where time was frozen. From their point of view, they’ve been sending support materials well, but they’ll just look like they’re whining about running out of supplies.’

So, I wanted to sell the drops that I had been stocking up on.

Delivering steel in large quantities to the royal family.

I thought that it would be possible to bring a lot of support materials such as food.

This was the superficial reason for Lloyd’s trip to the royal road, which he presented to the Count.

‘Of course, the real purpose is to get summer’s eyes.’

Lloyd looked up at the night sky, keeping his true intentions hidden in his heart.

“Anyway, I don’t know if things will work out. I have to try it though. Thanks to Yongyong, it won’t be difficult to pack a bundle of steel and go to the royal capital.”

“but. I heard and saw it.”

“yes. When you arrive at the royal capital, look at Julien’s face.”

“Yes, please tell me about this father and mother.”


Suddenly, I remembered the news of the Julienne couple who had recently arrived in the royal capital.

In fact, they had recently completed their honeymoon.

After that, they were also the ones who lived in the royal castle of the Eastern Sultanate.

‘It was because of the tradition of the royal family of the Sultanate. The sultan’s son-in-law must live a newlywed life as a son-in-law in the sultan’s palace for at least one year.’

Thanks (?), Julien had only recently returned to the royal capital Magenta.

It was only now that he had finally received the position of the royal family and started working properly.

‘Tsk. He must be completely captured by Miss Serazade, right?’

A bitter smile came out of me at that thought.

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen Julien.

Lloyd said, thinking of him.

“So don’t worry too much. If anything, I plan to kidnap him for a day or so and bring him back.”

“Uh huh. then it didn’t work To the guy who started working after all.”

“You still want to see it, don’t you?”

“What is that, but.”

“So just say it, just say it.”


The Count kept his mouth shut.

While laughing at Lloyd’s nerdiness to just say something.

Thoughts reached me of things I couldn’t bear to say.


Looking at Lloyd, sadness and complicated feelings pierced me.

The eldest son, who had thought that he had grown up and changed since that evening.

save the family like that

save yourself and your wife

The proud eldest son who saved this territory.

The days when I can’t convey all of my heart with any words or expressions of gratitude.

The Count looked at Lloyd with a sorry, grateful, confused, and sympathetic heart.

I had to swallow the words that were full of my heart.

‘…i want to say too But I don’t know what to say or how to ask. To you, who is already grateful and precious like a son.’

Count Prontera looked up at the sky.

I don’t know what else to say.

The night sky is so deep and dark blue.

Night sky full of moonlight, starry clouds and shooting stars.

Sighs, doubts and pity that fill the heart.

And Lloyd, the eldest son, walking side by side in silence.

In the end, the Count reached out his hand without a word.

He gripped Lloyd’s hand tightly.

tell me to go carefully

whatever you do

whatever you’re hiding

I’m just saying that I’m already grateful and precious to you.

He held Lloyd’s hand firmly as if to convey his sincerity.

The night breeze is cool and cozy.

Holding each other’s hands tightly makes them more affectionate.

It was a walk between father and son, or two people who hoped so.

The next day, Lloyd left the Frontera estate as scheduled.

In Yongyong’s two hands, he was holding a steel bag of bells wrapped in wild scabs (?) for sale.

Of course, Xaviel was also with him.

It flew like that all day.

The sun rises in the middle of the sky

leaning towards the west

By the time the moon finally rises.

Wang was also able to reach the outskirts of Magenta.

“So, we are going to enter the royal castle for an audience with His Highness now? But you’re big, so that’s not possible. So how did you say you were?”

squeaking! Beep!

In response to Lloyd’s question, Yongyongyi twisted his bones and gestured earnestly.

A satisfied smile filled Lloyd’s lips.

“good. That’s correct. We’re waiting for you to play around here until we get back. Then, how should I store the steel?”


“yes. That’s it. It is difficult to eat moisture, so do not remove the oil paper. See that flat rock over there? On top of that, playing steel stacking would be a perfect way to pass the time.”


“okay. not nice Then go and play. Oh, shouldn’t you follow someone you don’t know? Even if they give me candy or something to eat, they say no. Don’t bite or step on it. Understand?”

squeaking! thump thump!

After receiving the request (?), Yongyong ran excitedly while holding the pile of steel.

Leaving that figure behind, Lloyd and Xaviel entered the royal capital.

The royal capital, which hadn’t been in a while, was still crowded.

He broke through the crowd and entered the royal palace.

Fortunately, the admission process was simple.

“Welcome to Lloyd Frontera, the eldest son of the Frontera family, a public servant of the royal family. Come on this way.”

As soon as I confirm this side’s identity.

The guardsman’s attitude changed.

And that wasn’t all.

Upon receiving the call, a member of the palace staff hurriedly ran out and guided us this way.

“It is indeed a great honor to guide the royal family in this way. But what did you enter the palace for today?”

“Ah, I have come to have an audience with His Highness the King.”

“Are you talking about Your Highness?”

“yes. I have an urgent matter to tell you. Did I enter the palace too late?”

I asked just in case.

The palace staff waved their hands.

“Ah, that’s not it. However, since His Highness is already discussing government affairs with the officials, I wonder if it will be possible to have an audience right away…I’ll put a message in for now.”

“Thank you for that alone. Then please.”

“Ah yes. However, I’m sorry, but I’m just a member of the palace, so feel free to say it….”

“no. I am comfortable with this.”

“All right. If so, please wait here for a moment. then.”

A member of the palace staff greeted me and quickly walked away.

This side’s request for an audience was delivered to the main palace.

Fortunately, the wait time was not long.

A member of the palace staff returned with a brightened face.

“His Highness granted an audience. Come this way. Let me meet you.”

“thank you. By the way, did His Highness say anything else?”

“Ah, there is something you have been told to tell.”

“What did you order?”

“You, Lloyd Frontera. Even today, you came to find Jim only when you felt sorry for yourself. He told me to tell him that he is indeed a nasty and nasty person.”


Why is it not going to be easy today?

Lloyd managed to suppress a bitter laugh.

So I entered the main palace following the palace staff.

Through numerous hallways and stairs.

I entered the ‘Hall of the Rulers’, the largest and most magnificent in the main palace.

“The public servant, Lloyd Frontera, has been ordered to meet His Highness, the rightful owner of this land.”

It was a huge hall.

It was a grand and overwhelming space.

Along the red carpet in the center of it.

He knelt on one knee in a place where he could look up at the throne of the king.

According to the law, he raised an obeisance to the king.

Then, he scanned the surroundings.

‘Maybe they were still in a meeting.’

Indeed, many people were already seated in the Ruler’s Hall.

King Alicia sits on the most prestigious seat of power.

And it looked like dozens of people lined up on both sides of the red carpet.

There were also some familiar faces among them.

‘That person is the head of the nobility. And the rest of the people are all nobles who snort a little in the capital.’

At this point, it would not be an exaggeration to say that this was the place where almost all the great and small ministers of the royal family had gathered.

Thanks to Lloyd?

The corner of the mouth caught on the ear.

‘Just right.’

He thought about what he was going to do from now on.

The more eyes you see and the more ears you hear.

The more eyewitnesses of this incident, the more.

The higher the status of the witnesses and the greater the influence.

Because things will work out in your favor.

Because that would be the ideal form of the big picture you want.

Thinking so, Lloyd waited.

“Raise your head, you Lloyd Frontera.”

The king’s name fell.

Lloyd raised his head.

I prayed earnestly in my heart.

Recalling the contents of the negotiations with the archangel.

Looking forward to the cooperation I was supposed to receive from the archangel.

So, looking forward to the royal family’s sacred item, the Eye of Summer, which will finally be obtained.

‘Hey, archangel? Right now. Three two one!’

The moment Lloyd counted inwardly.


Suddenly, a divine light filled the hall.

A celestial angel descended in the middle of the hall, scattering wings of light.

That moment.

Lloyd’s lips curled into a smile.

A light of astonishment and worship appeared on the faces of the great and small gods.

everything was as planned.

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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