Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 323

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Chapter 323. Attack design options (2)


A bewildered sound escaped Raphael’s mouth.

It had to be.

It was embarrassing.


So sudden, out of the blue, out of the blue.

All the strength flowed out of my body like an ebb tide.

completely against one’s will.

Both arms stretched out.

The neck came out like a turtle neck dream tree.

The waist was bent unpreparedly and carelessly.

Even in the crucible of both knees, the tension is missing!

‘What is this?’

The left angel’s heart thumped with urgency.

It shouldn’t be like this.

It can’t be like this.

Isn’t he in the middle of executing an important public duty in the summer world?

In the meantime, wasn’t it punishing those who dared to obstruct the execution of public affairs?

‘But did I put down my mace? Awesome! Ugh!’

I tried to bend my back more.

I wanted to reach out.

Picking up the mace again.

I wanted to subdue those two humans, Lloyd and Xaviel.

But I couldn’t do anything.

My body didn’t listen!


The moment you try to wash away the embarrassment and confusion.

I heard Lloyd Frontera’s screeching cry in my ears.

“hey! Step on it!”



shock to the ankle.

For a moment, Left Angel Raphael felt the sky shake.

No, to be precise, his body was falling in a poor posture.


overturning sky.

Two legs floating on the sky.

Her upper body fell from the back of her head toward the floor.

‘shovel? Did you hit my ankle with that?’

Right before the back of the head lands (?) on the floor.

I caught a glimpse of the shovel Lloyd Frontera was holding.

Only then did I understand the situation a little bit.

while he was in a daze for a while.

It was as if that person had hit my ankle with a shovel.

‘Nonsense. So I’m out of balance? what the hell is this…!’


The impact of the ground hitting the back of the head.

It didn’t hurt.

In the meantime, I even bit my tongue a little bit.

Even so, the left angel’s strong body hardly felt any pain.

In fact, there wasn’t much damage.

‘This much!’

Rather, the left angel was hot.

It was a shame.

I don’t know why.

The fact that he had fallen from an attack by a human from the underworld, and that was only a blow with a shovel, was incomprehensible, absurd, and even humiliating.

he jumped up

no i was trying to get up

But that…Too bad!


The Left Angel hesitated.

I have to get up soon.

That’s why I have to condemn that heinous human being.

My body still didn’t listen!


I cried out in my heart, but to no avail.

Contrary to the urgent mind, the body was in the posture of falling down and was just taking a posture of ignorance.

‘why? For what reason? Whoops! Wow!’

Tukan! Tukan! Tuck!

A series of shovel hits pouring down one after another toward the fallen side!

‘Awesome! Aww!’

I barely rolled my eyes and looked up.

Lloyd Frontera was brandishing a shovel with an excited look on his face.

As if beating a dried pollack fish.

Or like catching a mole.

He was striking the shovel rhythmically with such a joyful expression and eyes!

“hey! What are you doing! Step on it!”

Even shouted to the side.

I could see Xaviel Asrahan’s eyes change at that cry.

Only then did the left angel feel his heart sink.


Lloyd Frontera’s shoveling doesn’t hurt.

But what if, in this defenseless state, you are attacked by that human grandmaster?

‘That’s not allowed!’

The Left Angel felt an urgency.

please i have to move

I desperately gave strength to my whole body.

Then, finally, strength returned to the body that had been helplessly stretched!


woke up

Immediately after that, a tremendous sword attack fell on the spot where he was lying.


Thousands of auras ripped through the ground.

What if this happened only 0.1 seconds later?

He must have had to take on that storm of aura with his entire upper body.

At that thought, cold sweat broke out all over the left angel’s back.

‘Aura is dangerous.’

The beings of the underworld can hardly harm you.

But there is one exception, and that is Auror.

‘Because Aura is an aggregate of pure mana. That’s why I can directly hit my body, which is made up of spiritual power. Besides, that Grand Master’s Aura…It’s especially dangerous.’

I’ve been hit before

That was really dangerous.

If you hit it right, you’ll be instantly incapacitated.


‘You’re failing to do your duty. That’s not allowed.’

It can’t be.

Your achievements so far.

My future to serve the heavens and the world.

Falling down like this is unacceptable.


Resolutely determined, the Left Angel quickly rolled over.

He stretched out his hand as he rolled over.

Caught the mace.

It kicked the ground like a bounce.

He jumped up and raised his mace.


I hit Xaviel’s sword, which was about to give me an extra hit.

Powerful shockwaves rushed in all directions.

It broke the shockwave and rushed.

He pushed Xaviel.

Quarter tutter! Tucker-Kong-!

Hit it, shoot it, swing it, hit it, cut it off.

Xaviel’s sword reacted brilliantly and received all attacks.

A workshop that has been shared countless times so far.

It was a fierce battle that was no different from those intense moments.

But what about Lloyd looking at it from the side?

The corners of the mouth were properly caught in the ears.

‘good. it’s perfectly fine The attack design is beyond expectations.’

He looked back at the moments of a few seconds ago.

I did in case

To be honest, I thought it was long.

Have you tried loading and applying attack design options to reality?

It was implemented in reality as it is without any errors!

‘Attack design stored in data slot 1 free of charge. It was literally about putting you in a completely bruised position.’

It was the first attack design I ever tried.

That’s why I made it simple rather than complicated.

It was made with the most efficient configuration that is simple yet effective.

That was what got me into a bruised posture.

‘The design was implemented as it is. In fact, that left angel put down his mace in the position I had planned and became completely defenseless with a bruised posture.’

And that wasn’t all.

His own attack action inserted there.

It was implemented just as it was designed.

‘I hit my ankle with a shovel. Then the left angel fell. I hit that guy lying on the floor with a shovel. So far it’s been implemented perfectly. The only regret is that Xaviel’s reaction was a little late.’

In my heart, I hoped that Xaviel would join in and step on (?) the Left Angel.

Unfortunately, that hasn’t been done so far.

It was because 5 seconds, the application time for attack design options, had passed just before he flashed his sword.

But it didn’t matter.

‘Because there are still two data slots left!’

Lloyd moved slowly.

The Left Angel took advantage of the gap where he was distracted only in the fierce battle with Xaviel.

I was caught off guard by not considering this side as a threat at all.

I stood behind Xaviel.

The safest place not to be attacked by left angels.

At the same time, the shockwave generated by the clash between Xaviel and the left angel is the least affected.

I sat down in a safe place and said.

“Hey Xaviel. Why didn’t you just listen to me?”

“What do you mean by that?”

Tukakakan! Tucker-cucka-cucka!

Clashes and crashes close to infinity!

In the meantime, Xaviel cast a glance in this direction and asked again.

“Rather, I want to ask Mr. Lloyd. What were you doing just a moment ago?”

“What are you doing?”

“Didn’t that angel stop attacking as soon as Lloyd-sama looked at him?”

“Yeah and?”

“As if Lloyd-sama had waited for that, he counterattacked.”

“Was that weird?”


Xaviel nodded briefly.

“No matter how I look at it, I get the feeling that Lloyd-sama was waiting for something.”

“The feeling is crazy.”

Lloyd let out a snort of laughter.

“How can you stop an angel from moving like that by staring at me as a great being? Does that make sense?”


“He was just dazed in the middle of the confrontation.”

“Is that true?”

“of course. look at it now No matter how much I look at you, isn’t that angel madly trying to hit you?”

Kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-! Tukacang! Tuck!


It was true.

Even while talking like this.

Xaviel had to put almost all of his nerves into the fierce battle with the Left Angel.

Otherwise, the left angel’s attack was fierce and ferocious enough to be defeated in no time.

‘But something was a little strange.’

Xaviel tilted his head inwardly.

Even so, there was no way not to believe Lloyd’s words.

What kind of transcendent ability did Lloyd have that made the left angel helpless with his eyes?

The left angel who was listening to the conversation shared the same thoughts.

‘That’s it…Was it like that?’

Left angel Raphael’s eyebrows twisted.

As he wielded his mace to break Xaviel’s defenses.

While flying the dawn with the wings of brilliant light.

In the meantime, the left angel rebuked and reflected on himself.

‘Yes, what that human Lloyd Frontera said is true. There’s no way I could have been caught up in the underworld’s tricks and looked helpless.’

Come to think of it, it really is.

To think that oneself was tossed around by a human from the underworld.

It is an impossible and impossible story.

So, the conclusion is one.

‘It must have been that I was careless.’

Because the opponent is a being of the underworld.

I thought I was only human.

It must have been that he was unconscious and let go of his mind.

So even in the midst of a fierce confrontation.

Stop unknowingly.

He must have lost his mind and become dazed.

‘Tsk! It was easy. I had only been successful until now, so I was conceited without even realizing it. It shouldn’t be like this. Let’s be deeply aware. and let’s reflect You can’t do that stupid thing again.’


The left angel gnashed his teeth in penitence.

He gripped the mace with a firmer heart.

and the next moment.

Again, I felt my whole body weaken.

It was from the moment Lloyd looked at me and flashed a meaningful look.

‘PT No. 8!’

Ding dong!

[Exclusive option for Mana Heart skill ⑥: Activates attack design.]

[Loads ‘PT No. 8’ data in slot 2.]

[250 RP is consumed as an option cost.]

[Currently possessed RP: 321]


The moment you feel something strange.

The moment when a strong energy rises up the spine.

Left Angel Raphael had the feeling that things were going wrong.

At the same time, a fruitful message flashed in front of Lloyd’s eyes.

[The 2nd slot ‘PT 8’ data has been applied to reality.]

That moment.

“uh? uh huh?”


Left angel Raphael fell backwards himself.

He set down his mace, spread his arms, and slammed them into the ground.

He brought his legs together and stretched them out.

It was lifted at an angle of 45 degrees when spraying.

I also listened softly.

Naturally, the strength of the abdominal muscles went in.

In the midst of a fierce battle, it was a posture that really did not suit.

‘of course! Spare Gymnastics PT No. 8! It’s a twisting posture!’

An evil smile formed on Lloyd’s face.

As expected, the attack design worked well.

As soon as I was sure of that, I cried out.

“hey! Step on it properly this time!”

He pointed at the Left Angel with his shovel.

This time, Xaviel did not disappoint his expectations (?).

As soon as I saw the Left Angel lying flat on his back.

Xaviel, who had already sensed his opponent’s weakness, raised his sword.

‘also. Lord Lloyd’s trick was right.’

The silver-haired knight was convinced.

Although Lloyd said no.

No matter how you look at it, the left angel’s behavior was strange.

So, the Left Angel was not careless.

He’s obviously struggling with Lloyd’s trick.

But it didn’t matter.

‘Because I can’t miss this opportunity!’

Cheer la la rock!

His sword cut through space. I sliced it.

He swept the left angel lying down in a strange posture.

Scar Gaga-!


A scream erupted from the left angel’s mouth.

Even so, the Left Angel could not offer any resistance.

All she could do was lie on the floor in an awkward position and receive Xaviel’s onslaught with her whole body.

‘thing…Heh heh!’

My eyes became dizzy.

It felt like my entire body was being torn apart atomically.

However, the Left Angel gritted his teeth.

‘like this…I can’t fall!’

It raised all the spirituality of the body.

The divine power obtained by absorbing the angel’s ring was amplified to the maximum.

To counter the thousands of aura bombardments that slash through the entire body.

I invested all my strength in resilience.

And prayed.

let’s endure

ask for the strength

Lend me the will of the Great Heaven.

I sincerely prayed and prayed and endured the time of endurance and endured again.

And finally.

Five seconds that seemed like forever passed.

“…Cuckold! Whoops!”

am i alive

The battered left angel barely got up.

He touched the ground with both hands.

Legs hanging down.

I barely raised my upper body.

You have to wake up even in a daze of consciousness.

Guided by his own will or his great will.

I crawled forward, touching the ground with both hands.

And both eyes were burning.

‘I don’t fall. Don’t get frustrated by people from the underworld. It won’t collapse like this!’

I raised my head.

And saw.

A single shovel head flying right at his forehead.

‘…dare. Use a shovel to kill me!’


I gave strength to my forehead.

On the one hand, I also felt ridiculous.

It’s just a shovel.

It’s just a lump of metal attack without even an aura.

So you can easily endure it.

If you endure that and get up and wait for a while to recover from the current blow….

‘Then you can do it. You can recover quickly. we can fight again Then, even if that Xaviel Asrahan is a grand master, he’ll eventually tire of it. The final winner will be me. So I can handle public affairs!’

I cried out in my heart.

I made up my mind.

However, there was a fact that the Left Angel was completely unaware of.

Her current posture, struggling with both arms on the ground.

Lloyd Frontera’s shovel, aiming at this side’s forehead.

That this posture and situation itself were the contents of the third attack design slot ‘Kang’ that Lloyd had put together.


The moment the left angel made a decision.

A brilliant aura bloomed on the tip of the shovel.

He struck the left angel’s forehead roughly.

In the conflict with the heavenly realm, an unstoppable last blow burst into full-scale fire.


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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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