Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 313

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Chapter 313. Sword Master Syndrome (1)

– Hey Dragon King Membership Sponsor? It was a big deal. If you want to continue building the Jewel of Truth, come here. hurry up to come


Lloyd hesitated.

while working in the sun

While supervising the ongoing dam foundation construction.

I furrowed my brow at the sudden voice that pierced my ear.

and questioned

“Dragon King?”

– Yes, it is me. do you know where i am Run within 1 second. hurry.


What the hell is going on?

The wrinkles between Lloyd’s brows deepened slightly.

It was because I didn’t understand.

‘What’s that sleepyhead Yonggary calling me for?’

No, maybe something bigger happened than that, so I didn’t even wake up.

Lloyd was shocked by that fact.

‘I haven’t woken up once since using Time Freeze.’

It literally stopped time outside the territory.

So there was no need to provide a wake-up call service to the dragon king.

Even the dragon king, with a very happy face, said, “Did you get a free nap?” and went into full sleep mode.

‘But Ji woke up first. even calling me that something big happened. This is a bit strong.’

It’s definitely not normal.

Considering that sleepyhead Yonggary is making a fuss.

It seemed that something really serious and dangerous had happened.

“Lord Bavaria. me for a moment I’m looking at you here.”

The field was entrusted to Lord Bavaria, the commander of the Corps of Engineers.

I ran straight to the guest quarters of the mansion.

“Whoop whoop! What are you doing?”

I opened the door of the dorm with no manners or anything.

and was able to find

“How are you?”

Dragon King Verkis was lying down.

However, that posture was somehow unnatural.

To be precise, the neck was bent at an angle that seemed rather unnatural and uncomfortable.

Lloyd asked, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

“He said he was in trouble, so he came right away. Maybe I’m not late What are you doing?”

“Oh, it was a big deal. Luckily you weren’t late. What’s going on is this.”

Just as Berkis was lying down.

I rolled my eyes.

without lifting a finger.

He pointed in the direction of his neck with a wink.

and said sweetly.

“I’m stuck.”


“It got caught.”


“It’s a big deal. It’s just that I’ve been sleeping in the same position for about a month. Am I not the same as before? haha i miss the old days At that time, even if I fell asleep directly for about 500 years, I didn’t even feel the tickle, let alone contain it.”


“Anyway, that’s why I called you.”


“Yes, tell me.”

“Is that why you called me with such a sense of urgency because you had a stiff neck in your sleep because you had diarrhoea?”



“why? Isn’t it a big deal?”

…Not at all!

Lloyd groaned inwardly.

In my mind, I wanted to jump up and put a double side kick into the dragon king’s stomach.

‘I was so busy that I was about to die!’

Not that I wasn’t, I was really busy.

Complex construction of a large dam and the jewel of truth.

There were not one or two things to be concerned about to do it safely and successfully.

There were many factors to consider.

There was no time to take my eyes off the scene.

Of course, rest was unimaginable.

Even after the workers had finished their day’s work, they had to watch the site finish.

Even if I had to stay alone on the site, I had to check the construction status that day and diagnose safety.

And I had to check the work plan for the next day and make sure the necessary materials and equipment were ready!

There was literally no time to rest!

Except for the time to eat and sleep, there was not enough time to work!

‘But you said that a person who worked so hard was only caught in the wall, so you called him to come out in one second so urgently? Oh, this Yonggary man really!’

Can’t you just grab it by the collar and shake it?

Naturally, that urge came to sprout like a new sprout on that green meadow.

But Lloyd didn’t.

Instead of getting angry, I laughed.

Instead of bursting into anger, he spoke kindly.

“Ooh, of course it’s a big deal. Say no to that. Then what can I do for you?”

Suppressing the life that permeates in your pupils.

With the corners of his trembling lips hanging from his ears.

Armed with the spirit of service.

It was truly a perfect social life, a smile for hospitality.

However, Dragon King Verkis was still brazen.

“Oh hold on.”




Berkis pointed at the nape of his neck again with a wink.

A dozen strands of hair on the back of Lloyd’s head rose sharply.

“It’s a presumptuous word, but it is.”


“I thought it would be simpler to use recovery magic than to knead it.”

“Oh that. bothered.”


“You have to use your head to use magic. But what if I call you? Because you can’t do that. How comfortable.”


“Come on, hold on.”

“…All right.”

Why are tears welling up in my eyes?

Lloyd realized all over again that when a person bursts into anger, tears well up in his eyes.

Then, he gripped the Dragon King’s neck tightly.

‘Oh, I want to strangle her like this.’

I put a little emotion(?) on it.

With full strength in both hands.

With the hope that you should try it once.

He grabbed the dragon king by the nape of his neck.

And expected.

‘Ahh! and would be furious My grip is quite strong. Thanks to shoveling every day and paying for all kinds of construction work. It will hurt quite a bit. Cheek!’

If the dragon king complains about being sick like that.

I was surprised for no reason and put on an apologetic expression.

Say sorry over and over again

Only then will the power be controlled.

That was Lloyd’s rewarding plan for small revenge.

However, his wild plan went awry from the start.



Lloyd hesitated.

‘The hand…Won’t you go in?’

I grabbed the dragon king’s back with all my might.

My fingers couldn’t press the skin at all.

It felt like holding onto a rock.

No, it feels like grabbing a chunk of titanium.

‘What makes it so hard?’

I was embarrassed inside.

It’s not that it’s not, but it’s too hard even if it’s hard.

As well as the skin, the muscles beneath it were added.

It seemed like the knife would break even if I stabbed him with a knife openly without making a joke.

‘Is it because it’s the Dragon King? Even in human form, his body is so hard and strong?’

It was absurd.

But even more absurdly, the dragon king even blew a nag.

“Hey you? Are you not doing it right?”


“Weren’t you supposed to give me a massage?”

“Are you working hard there?”

“No, no. not quite I have no feelings at all.”


“Are you doing it on purpose? Did you feel bad for calling me in the middle of work? So you’re doing this with a grudge? and saw you again I didn’t even know I was this kind of person. If I had known this, I would not have sponsored it.”


“okay. Humans are always like this. Don’t you know what to be thankful for? I’ll support you at best, huh? I’m looking for the core material of jewels, so I’m going to do my best to take a tour to another dimension, huh? He descended all the way here and took a nap often, huh? Then, when I was in trouble, I called. Huh? He frowned arrogantly saying he didn’t want to give me a romantic massage and didn’t even give strength to his hands.”


“If this is the case, should I cancel my sponsorship because my heart is broken?”

“…I will do my best!”

damn damn damn it!

Lloyd cried and tightened his grip.

But still, my fingers didn’t even fit one millimeter into the dragon king’s back.

I thought there was nothing I could do.

‘It’s absolutely impossible with just strength.’

Key Yiing-!

He used an astounding mental method.

Awakened the three-pronged circle and turned it into full force.

Extracted Mana Heart’s mana.

Amplified the extracted mana with a circle.

The amplified mana was loaded into the mana heart again.

It was explosively delivered to both arms through Mana Heart.

The power was transferred to his hands.

Eventually, the effect was revealed little by little.


‘done! Enter!’

little by little, little by little.

The skin on the nape of the dragon king’s neck began to be pressed with the tips of his fingers.

First 0.1 millimeters.

Let’s use a little more force 0.3 millimeters.

When using the dragon with electric power, it was pressed down to 0.5 millimeters.

Finally, the dragon king’s expression relaxed slightly.

“Oh, that’s itchy. cheer up.”

“Gwak! Gee! Got it…It is!”

It is difficult at first to solve the original clump with a massage.

What if you succeed in solving a hard place for the first time?

The tight muscles are getting softer and softer.

Recalling that, Lloyd worked harder (?).

‘This is really no joke! Ugh!’

In Korea, my father’s shoulder had never been massaged with all his might.

I tried harder to suppress the feeling of shame that was blooming.

Beads of sweat welled up all over his body like natural bedrock water.

But how long did he massage the dragon king’s back?

In the midst of writing a dragon.

An unexpected question came from the Dragon King.

“But what about you? What are you going to do after you finish building the Jewel of Truth?”

“…Whoop whoop whoop! yes?”

“The jewel of truth. What are you going to do?”

“What are you doing? I’m thinking of asking how to stop the Restoration of Destiny phenomenon once it’s all built?”

“Oh, I know that too.”

The Dragon King’s reply sounds somewhat cynical.

he asked again

“After somehow blocking the restoration of destiny. What are you going to do with the Jewel of Truth then?”


Lloyd became a savage.

Are you running out of words to answer?

It wasn’t.

It was because of a sudden realization.

‘This is why the dragon king called me. It was to ask me this.’

I finally found out.

So what did you do when you got caught in the wall?

That was just an excuse.

‘Are you worried that I’m going to fool you with the Jewel of Truth?’

Suddenly, I had such a guess.

Lloyd’s guess was correct.

In fact, that was what Dragon King Berkis was most concerned about.

‘Because I didn’t know that this human would actually build a jewel.’

Lay down on the bed and get a massage.

Dragon King Verkis threw a look of regret toward the pillow.

To be honest, I had no idea when I told Lloyd the Gem of Truth.

I really didn’t know.

To think that Lloyd would find the treasure house of truth.

To think that even the core materials scattered around the world could be found.

It was something I never even dreamed of.

‘Because it was impossible for most humans, even dragons. So feel free to let me know Because I didn’t expect to find them all. Because I didn’t know it would become this big. I didn’t even know that a situation like this that really led to the construction of that jewel would come true.’

But that’s all done.

It really turned out to be true.

So I was worried.

‘What if this guy gets greedy after building a jewel? So what if I abuse the gem?’

what will happen

What harm will it do to the world?

Then how should I deal with it?

I couldn’t help but worry.

‘Anyway, I told him about the existence of the Jewel of Truth. But what if this guy completes the jewel and does something stupid and damages the world? Because that will be my responsibility.’

I felt that I had to take responsibility for it.

So it was.

I wanted to hear this guy’s thoughts.

As a human being, of course you would be greedy for jewels.

I wanted to see how they hide and wrap it in words.

As a result, what if you feel a bad kind of greed from this guy?

‘I have to break it down like a jewel.’

never build again

I can’t even dare to build it.

I will turn all of the core materials into powder.

That’s how the Dragon King Verkis made a promise.

I waited for Lloyd’s reply.

And at the end of that wait.

“Um, I….”

Lloyd finally spoke up.

“Honestly, Bo-ok is a bit burdensome.”


It’s a bit poor and obvious for a cover that hides excuses or greed.

Verkis furrowed his brow.

Lloyd’s words continued.

“It really is. In fact, I feel like having a lot of things becomes a cumbersome burden.”

“It’s a burden. why?”

“Actually, I had a really hard life.”



Lloyd nodded.

His voice, which had been a little excited at first, became calmer and quieter.

As if the truth was carefully presented.

“I had nosebleeds every day. I don’t have money. When I wake up in the morning, I go to work. Sweating reluctantly all day. Even though I was exhausted from fatigue, I worked again. In the meantime, I had to study. There was something I really wanted to achieve.”

“Is that what you wanted to achieve?”

“I wanted to have a normal family.”

“In the world you were in?”

“yes. It’s okay to be ordinary, so I wanted to have a family that welcomes me after a day’s work. I thought that it would be nice if the family lived a normal life without worrying too much with the money I was earning.”


“I worked hard like that every day, and then suddenly I came here. But even after coming here, the dream I had before hasn’t changed.”

“Having a family?”

“yes. Although one more greed was added to it.”

“Are you greedy?”

“I will play and eat for the rest of my life.”


“Because we have an enriched estate. I wanted to keep it well and put a straw in it. I wanted to hug that jar of honey and play for the rest of my life. That’s how I longed for a leisurely unemployed life with my family. That’s why.”

It was sincere.

Lloyd’s voice gained strength.

“I think it would be cumbersome to have such things as power, larger territory, and military. There will be more things to worry about and you won’t be able to play anymore. won’t you be bothered? That’s why. I just want my family and the people around me to be comfortable and happy. I want to live comfortably without work for the rest of my life amidst their warm kindness.”

“So you say that the bail is burdensome?”

“yes. Because I already have all the conditions to live as a leisurely unemployed. Because there is nothing more to ask for. As long as we stop that fucking restoration of destiny, we’ll really achieve it. Anything else you look at there will only interfere with the life of the unemployed.”


“So it is. As long as the restoration of destiny phenomenon is prevented, the gem will not be used unless it is really urgent. I would like to. Because I want to be a happy and leisurely unemployed for the rest of my life.”


“By the way, Dragon King?”


“Why are your eyes wet?”

“I was impressed.”


Lloyd stuck out his tongue.

Berkis was sincere.

‘Ha, I didn’t have eyes to see. This guy was an unemployed dreamer like me.’

The bell of a new realization rang in the dragon king’s heart.

The Dragon King, who was already an unemployed man at the highest level, was immediately recognizable.

This human in front of his eyes.

It was Baekrin, a dream tree of unemployed people who grew up to the fullest.

He was a humble man with precious aspirations and sincerity.

The desire not to work for the rest of my life!

In the meantime, the desire to be relaxed!

Likewise, even the attitude toward the life of an unemployed, wealthy building owner!

There was no way that the Dragon King, who was born a nerd and unemployed, would not be able to recognize such a wish and sincerity.

So it was.

“Stop the massage.”

Berkis stopped Lloyd’s massage.

He looked up at Lloyd with very moved eyes.

“I heard your sincerity. I understand. Cheer up.”

“Thank you.”

The Dragon King made up his mind.

I will not destroy the jewel.

Just watch this man build.

That’s how Lloyd’s dreams and hopes were sincerely acknowledged.

and that moment.

In the meantime, the result of mobilizing Mana Heart and Circle with all their might to knead the neck of the Dragon King appeared in front of Lloyd’s eyes.

Ding dong.

With an out-of-the-box notification sound.

[You pushed the performance of Mana Heart to the limit.]

[As a result, you gained a small amount of experience.] [

The newly acquired experience is added to the accumulated experience.]

[Skill level up!]

[Skill name: Mana Heart]

[Level: Sword Expert Advanced Lv.1]

[Physical Ability Improvement Rate: 1500%]

[Owned Skill Only Options: ① Shock Offset ② Invincibility ③ Trance ④ Half Man, Half Dragon ⑤ Time Freeze]

[To the next level up Required RP: 2000]

[The grade of the Mana Heart skill has risen to < Advanced Sword Expert >.]


A completely unexpected message.

Lloyd’s eyes widened.

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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