Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 312

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Chapter 312. Compliment Link Effect (2)


This is a heavenly office.

Angel Minister Gabriel slightly furrowed his beautiful eyebrows.

It was because of a bunch of reports on his desk.

‘Summer Illegal Building Construction Status Report?’

Indeed, it was the type of report I received after a long time.

In terms of summer time, it seemed to be exactly 9184 years, 9 months and 28 days.

‘Reports like this don’t come up often.’

Of course.

Because it was a building that was not permitted by Heaven in the first place.

Because it is a building that the beings of the underworld cannot enjoy.

Construction conditions were extremely demanding.

It was also a building that few beings in the underworld would dare to build.

‘But is there anyone who dares to build it? Hmm, where should I look?’

Gabriel opened the report.

His eyebrows furrowed slightly.

‘A jewel of truth? Aotearoa?’

It was a familiar name.

he recalled.

‘This is a building that was demolished before. Because it is too powerful and unmanageable for the beings of the underworld to enjoy. It’s because it’s a building that can even leak. A demolition order has been issued.’

As a result, a great war broke out in the summer.

It is said that the Jewel was destroyed at the end of the Great War.

Humans and orcs and elves and mermaids.

Giants, centaurs and other races.

It was a successful demolition by borrowing the hands of numerous underlings.

‘But you’re going to rebuild it?’

I didn’t understand.

What kind of existence was born in the underworld?

He had such great ability that he reached the stage of constructing illegal structures.

The archangel’s gaze scanned the report seriously.

The jewel of truth that was destroyed in the Age of Myth.

How did the building materials come together?

Where are illegal constructions being attempted?

The archangel’s hand as he turned over the report grew faster and faster.

And finally.

The name of the builder of the illegal building caught my eye.

‘Lloyd Frontera.’

The archangel’s hard gaze was fixed on the name of the illegal builder.

he reached out

I shook the bell on the desk.

Soon someone entered the office.

“I have responded to the call of Archangel Raphael, Deputy Director of the Summer Inspection Bureau.”

“Ok, thanks. I called you because I have something special for you.”

“Please say yes.”

“It’s not different, it’s because of this.”

I handed over the report to Raphael.

Raphael’s eyes hardened after receiving the report and taking a quick look at it.

said the archangel.

“From now on, you will set up a special audit team to keep an eye on Lloyd Frontera in the underworld. Report regularly to me the status of the illegal construction he is attempting to build, the Jewel of Truth.”

“All right. but….”

“Do you have any questions?”

“If it is a jewel of truth, it must be a building related to the leakage of heavenly secrets, which is in the upper class among illegal buildings. Wouldn’t it be more convenient to block construction attempts at an early stage than to wait and see?”

Raphael asked.

The archangel chuckled.

“okay. You are right. it will be comfortable But it can’t be. Do you know why?”

“Yes I know. It must be because we, beings of the celestial world, should not intervene in the affairs of the underworld.”

“that’s right. The affairs of the underworld should be left to the underworld. As long as it is possible in the natural way.”

“What do you mean?”

“It is a very difficult construction anyway. Because there are countless variables of fate in the world. The flow of fate, such as unexpected accidents during construction or construction plans being frustrated due to design errors. However, if the humans of the underworld overcome all the flow of such fate and are really close to completing the Jewel of Truth….”

“Are you going to intervene then?”

“I guess so. Because it is an illegal building. At that time, I will give you the demolition order.”

“All right. Then I will set up an audit team right away.”

“okay. Please do your best.”


Raphael backed off with a knife-like greeting typical of a celestial civil servant.

The office left alone like that.

Angel Minister Gabriel looked over the report again.

As I read it, I secretly let out a small sigh.

“…Dragon King Berkis. You’ve had an accident again. Why did you just let humans know about the existence of gems?”

On the other hand, this is the Prontera territory of the distant underworld.

Lloyd had no idea that he had come to receive the archangel’s great attention (?).

I just want to focus on the present.

I want to prepare for the future of sucking honey.

Received plenty of support from the residents of the territory.

I was finally using the time freeze option.

Ding dong!

[Skill option ⑤: Do you want to use time freeze?]

[YES / NO]

‘Of course yes.’

Lloyd proudly chose ‘YES’.

The response came right away.

[Exclusive option for Mana Heart skill ⑤: Time Freeze is activated.]

[3000 RP is consumed.] [

Currently owned RP: 8755]

Freeze. Accordingly, you can designate an area of your desired range as an unfrozen area that is exempt from time freezing.] [The

range limit of an unfrozen area is determined by the total amount of mana you have.]

[Currently designable unfrozen areas Limit of area range: 300㎢]

[Please specify the range of the unfrozen area you want.]

A guide message pops up in front of you.

It seemed that an area almost half the size of Seoul could be designated as an unfrozen area.

Lloyd said the answer he had in mind.

‘Of course, to the max. Instead, follow the area I designate instead of circular.’

Centered on the Prontera estate.

The area where the dam is to be built stretches to the north.

In addition, the unfrozen area was extended and applied to the east as well.

Along the prona river.

The whole of Lake Capua in the Eastern Mountains, where the water intake is located, and the entire area are abundant.

Unfrozen areas were generously designated.

It was to ensure that drinking water would not run out in the manor while time was frozen.

‘Because the river must continue to flow. Because the water supply has to work properly.’

Fortunately, the limit range that can be specified is not lacking.



As expected, mana began to flow out of Mana Heart like the ebb tide.

Not to mention the mana in the body.

It was as if the esophagus and duodenum were ejected into the heavenly realm while dancing the lamprey ascension hand in hand.

Just like that, all the mana escaped.

turned into extreme cold.

shot towards the sky

It spread in a dome shape several kilometers above the Frontera territory. covered froze rapidly. formed a barrier.

And time in the world outside the ice barrier stopped.

Ding dong.

[Time freeze has been completed.]

[The range of the unfrozen area cannot be changed until the activation of the option is canceled.] [

If you leave the unfreeze area, the activation of the time freeze option is canceled immediately.] [

In the future All living things in the unfrozen region, including you, will not experience aging for a year.] A

rewarding message filled my eyes.

Lloyd let out a breath he had been holding.


I’ve felt it before.

The aftereffects are no joke whenever you use the time freeze option.

It felt like all the gin in my body was literally draining out.

But it was also rewarding.

This was the reaction of the residents of the Yeongji.

“Mom, what is that?”

“Yes, my son. That’s a miracle Master Lloyd showed me.”

“What is the mother miracle?”

“Yes, my son. Miracles are things that Master Lloyd often shows.”

“Who is Mother Lloyd?”

“Who is it? You are a grateful benefactor that my son should faithfully serve in the future.”

A young woman held her young son tightly.

She thought.

At the time of the previous gruesome locust raid.

If it wasn’t for the sound of the gong ringed by Master Lloyd.

The son, who was a baby at the time, must have suffered a terrible catastrophe.

Master Lloyd is the benefactor of himself and his son.

I would trust him in any situation.

Although there is a strange barrier in the sky.

Somehow the sun isn’t moving.

Still, there must be a deeper meaning to him.

I thought so.

The majority of other territories were the same.

No, they were enjoying this situation(?) at all.

“Did you see my brother? So what did I say Am I right?”

“Is that so? Did Lord Lloyd really stop the sky? So, has time stopped out there? Outside the ice wall?”

“Yes and more. But since we can move normally, how good is this ha ha ha!”

“Then are we the only ones getting old?”

“Oh no. What kind of person is Master Lloyd?”


“They say we don’t get old.”

“All the time while time stands still?”

“I think so. Isn’t it nice?”

“haha? her! If that’s true, you’re living longer for free, right?”

“Exactly. To commemorate that, I heard that a festival will be held for two days from today. Are you going?”

“I have to go. If you say it twice, it’s nagging.”

A lumberjack brother left the house excitedly.

A simple festival was already being held on the main street of Yeongji.

I heard Master Lloyd really stopped time.

But they said we can be fine like this without getting old.

Because it’s strange and fun.

It seems that life has increased for free.

So that I can enjoy fresh morning air and sunlight all year round.

Everyone participated in the festival with a joyful heart.

They ate, drank, and enjoyed themselves.

shouts of praise were scattered.

He is also our young master.

I believed in you from the beginning.

They were openly spitting and praising.

Even the count couple wandered among the territories throughout the festival.

He seemed to enjoy the compliments and compliments pouring down on his son.

Seeing everyone like that, Lloyd smiled bitterly.

‘Wow these people? Isn’t that a joke?’

I was worried that if I used time freeze, I would get strange misunderstandings.

Somehow, now that I came back, the situation was quite the opposite.

Not to be misunderstood.

I just received a lot of praise.

‘If I hadn’t used this time freeze, I would have been disappointed, criticized, and even lost my temper.’

Could he be trusted and praised so much?

It made me think deeply.

Of course, the conclusion came naturally.

‘Of course you can! How many things have I done for the estate!’

Lloyd let out a snort.

In fact, he was the one who revived the ruined territory so much.

He also saved Youngji from being swept away by the monster dominoes.

He even promoted the unattractive outskirts of the countryside to county status!

So I decided to be bolder and bolder.

As soon as the festival was over, the dam construction began.

The first step was the formation of a working group.

“Ego. As everyone has heard from the count, starting today, we will dig the first great shovel for the infinite development of the territory. So 1 trillion?”

“Dig! Mowing! Scoop out!”


At Lloyd’s call, Lord Bayern and the sappers stepped forward in an orderly manner.

tanned skin.

Fine wrinkles around the eyes.

That figure was telling me that he was a veteran who rolled and rolled in the field.

Whether it’s here on the Laurasia continent or in Korea, wherever.

It was also a look that he would instantly get the position of foreman even if he was thrown into any field.

Lloyd said, looking at their reassuring appearance.

“The Corps of Engineers. It is the first set of the complex time-space of the jewel of truth and the dam that you are going to pay this time. What is number one?”

“The center of the work!”

“you’re right. Let’s all think. Let’s think back to those days when we were making an ondol room with me and were newbies who weren’t used to shoveling.”


“Yes, everyone, let’s not forget our initial intentions back then. And let’s remember There is no safe zone in the field. Accidents do not discriminate between beginners and veterans. Keeping that fact in mind, you must center your work site. It means that you have to sweat together on site, check the work status of other team members from time to time, and lead the atmosphere on site. Relief from the Corps of Engineers, if you understand.”

“Dig! Mowing! Scoop out!”

“great. Next Article 2?”

“Put it on! move! Fill it up!”

Lloyd’s head turned.

Then, 500 White Lancers, or those who were now called White Shovels in the territory, stepped forward.

Unusually, they were carrying shovels and sacks while riding horses.

Sometimes, how to shovel?

We were the ones who grumbled that we wouldn’t do that.

But now?

Everyone had completely turned into mobile shovelers.

Lloyd’s eyes lit up with excitement.

“White Lancers. You are the people who will be the lubricant for this construction. This is because there will be more digging and moving of soil than any other construction project. You are the greatest sand carriers I know. There is no one who can move soil better, faster, and in perfect order than you. So, let’s go to Guo in the sense that we’ll do well this time too.”

“Put it on! move! Fill it up!”

The chant of the white spear cavalry, the second team in the operation, resonated loudly.

However, there was no relief in the next 3 articles.

They only responded with bone noises.

“Now, what’s next?”


At Lloyd’s call, the bone soldiers came out with a bone sound.

Without vocal organs, they did not utter vocal slogans.

Instead they….

Chuck! chuck!

The leaders of the bone guards, Geobukmok and Fifty Dogs with Square Jaws, took up pickets in turn.

The slogan of the Goalkeepers was written on the placard.



[Death from overwork!]

Seeing their relief, Lloyd’s smile grew warmer.

“great. I know. You guys are a tough unit that never gets tired. You don’t need to sleep, eat, or rest. That’s why I entrust you with the heavy duty of Article 3. If the 1st team, the Corps of Engineers, manages the field and the 2nd team, the White Lancers, moves the soil, your 3rd team will literally become the center of labor and work the hardest on the site. That’s why. I would like to introduce you to a special new member.”


The bone guards tilted their skulls.

Lloyd laughed even more happily.


“Yongyong! Say hello to the seniors!”


Lloyd’s cry was terrifying to fall.

Yongyong showed off a landing that made his chest grand.

He bowed his head at the guards.

very welcome

As if I was waiting for this moment.

I am sincerely happy to be officially enlisted in the Goal Brigade.

With emotion, every bone in his body trembled.

All of a sudden, the goalkeepers who welcomed the big recruits also shuddered.

I heard that there is finally a reliable maknae in our unit.

Now we’re going to give some strength to the shoulder blades.

They danced shoulder to shoulder with pure joy.

As such, three main groups were organized to roll up their sleeves in this complex construction.

In addition, Xaviel and the fantasy species became a group of 4 and received the role of the heavy equipment team.

The blacksmiths of the territory, including the Dwarven craftsman Cogidus, and civilian volunteers were grouped into 5 groups and organized as a support team.

Likewise, time freeze and manpower team organization.

All preparations were finally completed.

Started in earnest foundation work.

A temporary road for transporting materials was built.

Limestone and aggregate were mined for the dam.

With the Volcanic Explosion skill, Bell produced volcanic ash every day to be used as a material for concrete.

The division of labor in each group was carried out smoothly.

The whole process went smoothly.

But one day, as usual, I was directing the construction site.

Lloyd received an unexpected telepathic magic.

– Hey, Dragon King Membership Sponsor? It was a big deal. If you want to continue building the Jewel of Truth, come here quickly. Come quickly.

It was the call of Berkis, the Dragon King, that sounded somewhat urgent.

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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