Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 309

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Chapter 309. Reasons for needing a dam (1)


This is the county of Prontera.

A peaceful estate nestled at the foot of the Eastern Mountains.

In this estate, an alarm went off without fail today as well.

It seems to shake the entire mountain range.

A loud roar woke everyone from their slumber.

Farmers prepared breakfast by removing mucus, the bull in the barn drool while waiting for the morning food, and the rooster pecking ants in the backyard said, ‘Why does this kid not even know how to cry in the morning? I had to hear gossip about it without fail.

As such, everyone was at peace.

I started a very normal daily life.

And Lloyd, who returned to his bedroom after a long time….

‘Peaceful daily life sucks!’

As soon as Bibeong heard the alarm, he jumped out of bed.

I got up at the speed of light, put on my shirt and went out of the bedroom.

I went to the annex for guests, tidying up the new house that had grown overnight.

They woke up the dragon king with a song that was composed and full of energy.

After that, I had breakfast with the count couple.

And started working right away.

‘of course. Where’s the time to rest?’

Lloyd thought.

There was really no time to rest.

Now was not the time to relax.

‘I’ve been working hard all this time, so I finally gathered all the key materials. At best, I made a contract with the mermaid queen to change the construction site. So now I have to build a jewel of truth.’

We must prevent the phenomenon of restoration of destiny.

However, there is only about 2 years left.

Just thinking about it made me feel rushed.

‘It’s not the end just by building jewels. Jewels are just a means to find the answer to prevent the restoration of fate.’

After finding the answer?

You will have to move according to the answer.

Maybe it was an answer that required a lot of effort and time.

So, he thought, he shouldn’t relax now.

“…Is that why you climb the mountain like this in the morning to hasten the construction of the jewel?”

“uh. of course. Then did you think I had a hobby of climbing?”

Xaviel suddenly climbed the Eastern Mountains together.

Lloyd grinned at the boy’s grumbling.

Xaviel frowned.

“yes. Why did you suddenly climb a mountain? If you were going to climb Jeongsan, you could have flown comfortably on Sir Koming.”

“Yeah, I haven’t thought about that either.”

“Then why are you walking up the mountain like this?”

“You’re sick, Kkoming.”


“Really. Pudongi, Belle, and even Hamangi are all group bodies. You’ve been running around here and there without a break.”

Lloyd’s smile turned into a bitter laugh.

What you just said was true.

Was it last night

Starting with Pudongi, the fantasy species began to suffer.

It’s not seriously painful, but it’s a slight fever.

He complained of muscle pain.

It was a body ailment.

“I guess so. Everyone has been working hard for a while and suddenly came to a comfortable place.”

“That’s it. I guess the tension has eased.”

“Then, Lloyd-sama, are you okay?”

“uh. As you can see. You have a lot to do.”

Of course.

It is not yet time to relax.

So there is nothing to get sick of.

However, Xaviel’s eyes slightly sulked as he looked this way.

“Then, why did I follow Lloyd-sama and ride the mountain together from the wind this morning?”

“You still don’t know why?”


“I just brought you.”


“You’re bored. If you ride the mountain alone.”


“Again again. That’s how crawfish eyes are open. This is all about caring for you.”

“What do you mean by caring?”

“The air is nice here.”

“So what?”

“Think about it. When I went to Seoul recently. Do you have that other dimension? Was the air really terrible there? right?”

“I did.”

“That’s why I brought you here from morning. Wash your lungs.”

“…Rather, just say that you brought it because you were bored, just like the first answer.”

“Yeah, that means I brought it because I was bored.”

“…You can’t even hit one, just.”



“Did you hear everything?”

“Why do you carelessly listen to people’s sincerity without permission?”

“Hey, seriously. See how she naturally expresses her violent wishes.”

“Everyone lives with at least one true hope and desire in their heart.”

“Tsk. either way Anyway, everything came. Whoa.”

While chatting with Xaviel.

In no time, we arrived at our destination.

I stepped on the last hill in front of me and climbed up.

Then my vision was clear.

The mysterious sight of the wide mountain lake filled my eyes.

The place where I came up to do waterworks work one day and where Bibeongi was sleeping.

It was Lake Capua.

‘Wow, it reminds me of memories.’

It’s been a long time since I’ve been up, and I’ve been reminded of the past things.

But now I’m in a position to come up to work.

Lloyd gave strength to the eyeball.



[Scanning begins.]

Along with a familiar message, the terrain around Lake Capua has been surveyed.

It was converted into data and started to be registered as a design space.

Of course, I had surveyed this place before.

All the slight topographical changes that might have occurred in the meantime had to be checked.

‘Besides, this time I have to check all the underwater topography.’

Lloyd took off his boots and top.

“I’ll look inside the lake and come back. you play here…Don’t lose, grab your head and sit down.”

“Are you going to sit down and hold each other?”

Xaviel asked back, seemingly puzzled.

Lloyd let out a snort.

“This body works so hard that you have to splash around, so you should take a good look around you. Wouldn’t that be able to protect me? is not it?”

“Hmm, why do I feel like I’m being grumpy because I’m unfair because I’m trying to work alone?”

“…no it’s not. It’s a guess.”

“All right. I will follow your request and play hard.”

“…Sheesh, you mean bastard.”

“Who will tell whom?”

I heard the guy’s whirling reply and jumped into the lake.

with a plop!

Fortunately, the lake water was very low in turbidity.

Thanks to that, I could see quite far without goggles.

‘Let’s see. Where should I build the jewel?’

Introducing infinite diving with underwater breathing option.

Lloyd looked at the bottom of the lake with a worried face.

It was flat, so there were quite a few good places to build underwater buildings.

‘Because they said that the gem of truth only works properly in flowing water.’

Suddenly, I remembered what had happened the day before.

Was it after concluding the contract with the mermaid queen?

Before leaving their kingdom, the queen had asked for it.

The jewel of truth must be built in flowing water.

Whether it’s the sea with currents.

Or a river or a lake.

It must be a place where there is a flow of water somehow.

I was told that it doesn’t work properly in other places.

‘I also checked it myself.’

It was because of the Queen’s request.

Last night, before going to sleep, I was lying in bed and turned on my design skills.

The Jewel of Truth data was loaded into the design space and examined.

As expected, the words of the mermaid queen were true.

It was said that it was found that it was written in the precautions for construction, ‘It must be built in water with a flow of more than 70 meters in depth to operate properly’.

‘In this area, the depth of water is more than 70 meters and the only environment where there is flow is Lake Capua.’

The Prona River that runs through the estate was not that deep.

This was the only place that fit the depth conditions.

Lloyd’s eyes became cautious as he observed the bottom of the lake.

‘Let’s see. The floor is flat and stable…It’s a place where the water flows too strongly as it drains. There is quite a bit of water current than it looks. then drop out. There…It’s all good, but the ground is a bit unstable, so I’m afraid I’ll lose my hand. At least, considering all the conditions, this is the best place.’

Did you play in the water for about an hour?

Lloyd finally found the best place to build a jewel.

‘Then check the next order.’

The data of the planned construction site was transferred to the design space.

The design data of the jewel was overlaid on top of the floating geography space.


A jewel of truth was built in a virtual simulation space.

It showed its majesty in the construction site that Lloyd pointed out.

‘good. nice and pretty It also satisfies the condition of 70 meters of water depth. The flow is gentle and moderate. Unless it’s a very severe drought, the water depth here won’t go below 70 meters. Then let’s test it out and see how it works.’

After building all the jewels in the simulation space, curiosity arose.

What will the completed Jewel of Truth look like when it is activated?

With curiosity, I touched the design data of Book.

Fortunately, there was a ‘virtual operation’ menu.

chose that

[Activate the Jewel of Truth in the simulation space.]

The moment a message pops up.

The jewel of truth emitted a tremendous wave in the simulation space.



A shockwave like a large bomb exploded from the top of the jewel.

A shockwave spread through the water.

transmitted vibrations.

Waves rose on the surface.

However, the height of the wave reached a whopping 60 meters.

The speed of the waves was even more terrifying.

Like a high-speed train running.

We rushed towards the edge of Lake Capua.

It easily crossed the barrier of the natural dam at the edge of the lake that Bibeongi built when he created the lake.

No, part of the natural dam barrier was completely torn down.

And it poured straight down the mountain.

without hesitation.

like an angry wretch.

Hitting the valleys and canyons.

Grinding the foot of the mountain completely.

They trampled the terraces and coal mines at the foot of the mountain.

Finally, the entire peaceful territory was swept away by a huge torrent.

However, that territory was the county of Prontera.

‘What is this….’

Lloyd’s eyes widened in astonishment.

He turned off the simulation option.

What does what you just saw mean?

What will happen if you build and operate a jewel here in Lake Capua?

It was because I realized it so clearly.

‘Wow. driving me crazy.’

A sigh came out of my mouth.

At the same time, I also felt relieved.

‘It was good that I turned it into a simulation beforehand because of curiosity. If not…I don’t even want to think about it.’

Suddenly, my shoulders trembled.

I thought all that was left was to build the Jewel of Truth.

So I looked at what kind of seat would be good with the feeling of speculating on land.

I never dreamed that such a huge wave and wave would occur when activating the jewel.

‘Then what should I do?’

It got embarrassing.

I only peeked once.

The waves generated by the gem’s operation were no joke.

The resulting waves were also jaw-dropping.

‘It’s a miniature version of the Italian Biont Dam accident.’

Massive landslide event in a dam reservoir in Italy in 1963.

A large amount of soil collapsed by the landslide poured into the reservoir.

As a result, a massive tsunami occurred.

crossed the dam barrier.

Nearby villages under the dam were swept away.

It was a shocking event that resulted in thousands of deaths.

But what if the jewel of truth was built here at Lake Capua?

‘You’re just not going to get away with it. Besides, from what I saw earlier, the height of the waves was no joke. At that level, even if I build a jewel somewhere in Lake Capua, it won’t be able to prevent a water crisis.’

The conclusion was clear.

‘They say you shouldn’t build jewels on this lake.’

A deeper sigh came out.

It got embarrassing.

‘Tsk. Then what should I do? The Prona River is far short of depth. Even if you make a reservoir by digging deep into the ground and pouring water into it, it will not meet the construction conditions because there will be no water flow. Then, should we look for lakes in other provinces? I don’t like that. At best, he made a contract with the mermaid queen and built a jewel in the territory. I really don’t like building this precious thing on someone else’s land.’

In that case, it would be a hundred times better to build it in the Mermaid Kingdom.

The thought deepened my anxiety.

His worries deepened as he descended the mountain with Xaviel.

‘What should I do with this?’

What a huge wave and waves.

An unexpected difficulty arose.

Even after returning to the mansion.

Send Xaviel.

lean on the bed

I stared at the opposite wall and was lost in thought the whole time.

‘I’d rather build a wall to block the waves on the lake shore. then you won’t do any damage no. For that to happen, the walls have to be incredibly high and strong. Besides, you can’t just build a wall in one place. It should be built around the edges of some of the lakes.’

Lake Capua was a mountain lake of enormous scale, almost comparable to Lake Chuncheon.

But how to put a wall around the lake so that it doesn’t overflow?

even if it’s only part of it.

As a rule of thumb, it would have been more than a few kilometers.

‘This is nonsense. To build a wall several kilometers long to block waves 60 meters high. And how thick it must be to withstand its own weight and wave impact.’

It seemed like an overly large project.

Even the reality is extremely low.

The odds of the wall remaining stable seemed even more remote.

‘It doesn’t work that way. Dropped out without a choice.’

I drew an x on the plan chart I drew in my mind.

After that, Lloyd continued to worry.

how long was that

After lunch.

The afternoon sun was shining.

Finally, evening came when the sunset was red.

I heard the knocking of the maid, Emily.

smart smart

“Brother Lloyd? Excuse me. This is Emily.”

“Uh what’s up?”

“I’m here to get the laundry. May I come in?”

“Yes, come in.”

As soon as I could give an answer, the door burst open.

Emily came in with a bashful smile on her face.

“Hello, Master Lloyd. Excuse me for a second.”

“Yeah, good job.”

still sitting on the bed.

I stared blankly at Emily at work.

Of course, in my head, I was thinking only about the construction site of the treasure house.

But was it because he was conscious of such a blank gaze from this side?

Emily, who was about to pack the laundry, blushed.

Slightly hesitant, he opened his mouth to speak gibberish.

“Uh uh uh, I’ll wash it pretty and neatly. this shirt too. Pants too.”

“Yeah thanks.”

“These laundry tips have increased a lot.”

Embarrassed, she holds the laundry basket and twists her whole body.

said Emily, looking at the floor.

“Before, I was just pounding the laundry hard and rinsing it. I don’t even look around. In particular, I don’t look at the other maids who are located above me, that is, above me.”

“Upstairs? Another maid?”


Are you happy with this half-question?

Emily smiled softly.

“No matter how hard I wash my laundry and rinse my shirt, it is useless if the lye is released from the top at a different beat than mine.”

“Hmm. I guess so. Detergent…No, if the lye seeps through, you’ll have to rinse it all over again.”

“You are right.”

Emily said with a slightly excited expression at this side’s reconciliation.

“So these days, I’ve come up with a way to keep in sync with the other maids. Thanks to this, I can wash my shirt much faster and prettier than before. It’s all thanks to the sense of looking at the water flowing upstairs.”

“Look at the water above. That’s right. upper water…upstream…uh? wait for a sec.”

Lloyd hesitated.

It was in the middle of a soulless exchange of words with Emily.

something flashes

sparkle in my mind

started to hang around

‘Upstairs. upstream. flowing. Then wait. downstream?’


he was up

lower lip quivering.

Without realizing it, I strode into the bedroom.

I thought more about the concept I had just come up with.

Chew, ponder, and examine.

Reconsidering, anticipating, reminiscing.

finally got an answer

“…This is it. thank you!”

“Yes? Yes?”

I clapping hands with Emily happily.

I ran wild for a long time.

And before Emily could get out of the confusion, she stormed out of the bedroom.

I passed through the hallway without hesitation.

I strode downstairs.

I hurried into the family restaurant.

Just in time, I saw Count Frontera, who was about to have dinner.

As soon as I saw the count, I asked for it.

“I’m thinking of building some gravity dams down the Prona River.”

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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