Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 291

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Chapter 291. Reckless driving is bad (2)

“Now, how about building a circuit-type coliseum for racing purposes?”


Lloyd’s proposal came with a smile on his face.

Warchief Cherokan tilted his head.

It was an odd opinion.

It was an unfamiliar suggestion.

“It’s the Colosseum. It’s a circuit for racing purposes. What the hell is that?”

“Simply put, we are talking about a dedicated arena for speed competitions.”

“Stadium? An arena for running competitions?”


Lloyd nodded.


That warchief was tempted.

Showed at least as much curiosity as necessary.

When you see this reaction, you have to row properly.

Lloyd, who caught the timing, quickly teased his tongue.

“It is a space dedicated to running where everyone can watch the run in the utmost comfort and in the utmost safety. It’s a place where you can run freely without any hindrance.”

“Hmm. It’s a space stadium dedicated to running. Are you saying that it can solve my problem?”


“why? how?”

A wrinkle formed between the warchief’s brow.

Lloyd said, reinforcing the iron plate that was spread all over his face with triple embossing.

“The warchief said it. I am worried that young people these days run too recklessly. Didn’t you say that accidents, big and small, occur frequently while running intoxicated with speed during a match for a marriage proposal?”

“It did.”

“Yes, so it is. He said it was a pity that young people, who had a bright future in this prairie, died or were seriously injured and crippled because of such accidents, big and small, and ruining their precious lives. By the way. What would happen if the young centaurs were allowed to run freely only in a dedicated arena?”

“Hmm, since you can sprint only where safety is guaranteed, it means that accidents will be relatively less. Am I right?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“But that seems to be a bit of a flawed opinion.”

“Do you see any loopholes?”

“As you may know, our species are people who have lived their lives sprinting everywhere anyway. But just because a dedicated stadium is built, will you run only there? no Even if there were stadiums, they would still compete, compete, and run anywhere. In the first place, we are a species that cannot see anyone running ahead of us.”

“Yes, I know. That’s why we need rules.”



“What rules are you talking about?”

The warchief’s eyes sharpened.

Lloyd replied as if it were natural.

“It is a speed regulation according to the place.”

“Speed regulation?”

“yes. It’s a simple regulation. Do not run at a tempo higher than Trot in the village area. You can run freely in other grasslands. You just have to keep it.”

“But there must be a problem with that too.”

“What if it’s a problem?”

“If sprinting in the meadow is allowed, wouldn’t there be a need for a stadium dedicated to running in the first place?”

“Yes, it is. But just one more rule and that will be solved.”

“What rules?”

“It is to designate the circuit-type Colosseum as a dedicated confrontation venue for marriage proposals.”

“…Are you saying that the race for marriage proposal should only be held there?”

“yes. That is an accurate summary.”

good night. it comes down slowly

Now is the time to bring out the core of this opinion.

Lloyd teased his tongue even more vigorously.

“Because the time of the match for marriage proposal is the most dangerous. Wasn’t the warchief like that when you were young?”

“Umm, thinking about it…that’s right. I guess so. It was just like that when I proposed to you. I was burned with a competitive spirit that was incomparable to usual. to the extent that nothing can be seen. Even though I gave everything and won thanks to running, I succeeded in proposing.”

“also. That’s it. That is why it is dangerous.”

That’s exactly what it is.

Lloyd thought.

‘It’s like that. Humans and centaurs are all the same.’

Competition for marriage proposal.

It must have been more intense than other times of running.

It was a simple matter if you think about the case of a fight or friction with the table next to you at a drinking party.

‘Actually, I’ve seen that often in Korea as well. What if there is a fight between tables with only men? If the real truth is not at stake, there are many cases where things go well with each other unexpectedly. Unless you’re a douche who likes to fight, it’s burdensome and disgusting to collide and collide needlessly. But even there is an exception.’

It was a case of a mixed male and female table.

Or if your girlfriend is with you.

‘In that case, the probability of a fight escalating quite high.’

Men’s unique psychology is activated.

Not wanting to look weak in front of my girl.

The probability of using such useless Gao(?) increases.

make less concessions

Compromise is regarded as defeat.

There is a case of being stubborn with a more radical attitude.

In the end, the atmosphere becomes even tougher because of the attitude of not withdrawing.

‘That’s really childish and funny. It’s the kind of behavior and attitude that makes you wonder why they did such crazy things.’

In reality, things like that used to happen.

At least that’s what Lloyd recalled looking back on.

‘It’s a really cool guy to deal with situations like that wisely and keep his rationality. But it’s not all that easy. Then what about the centaurs here? it will be similar Because that was also mentioned in the novel Iron Blooded Knight. Their running for marriage proposal is more radical than ever.’

I remembered the contents of the novel.

It was a brief explanation of the centaur race here.

A race that loves speed and running from the beginning.

What if they go into competition mode for marriage proposal?

More than ever, he said he was running without hesitation.

only to win.

in order to mate with the desired mate.

Did you often risk your life and run?

‘If you think about it, you can do that. Even if I was a centaur. There’s a girl I’m flirting with. I want to date her and I want to marry her. what? Are there any competitors? But if you run faster than that guy and win, you can date and marry a girl? then? Running like crazy, of course. regardless of front and back. To win unconditionally.’

I’ll wear it and run.

regardless of means and methods.

I don’t care what the place is or what.

They only look forward and run like crazy.

That puts you and those around you at greater risk.

“So it is. A marriage proposal match that runs wilder and more recklessly than usual. It’s about creating a space just for that match. As a circuit-type coliseum.”

“Does that mean there will be fewer accidents due to reckless running?”

“yes. I think yes. Those who risk their lives will compete in a space separated from others.”

It was a natural story.

It was the same in a modern society like Korea.

It was not for nothing that the roads were divided into general roads and highways.

‘Especially such an extreme example is in Germany. Autobahn. A road with unlimited speed made to run openly.’

Or there were places like that in Korea.

It was a dedicated circuit located in Inje, Gangwon-do.

Did you roughly grasp the meaning of this side?

The warchief’s brow wrinkles deepened.

“okay. I understand what you mean. To get to the point, it is to divide the use of running in each zone, right? That’s why we want to make a circuit-type coliseum.”

“Yes, that is it. In the village, only at the speed of a trot. In the grassland area outside the village, freely trot rhythm, cantor, or gallop. Instead, only the most intense marriage proposal matches must be held in the Colosseum.”

“Good. If everyone puts that opinion into practice, I think there will definitely be fewer unfortunate accidents.”

“Is that right?”

“I guess so. but…Will our people live up to that opinion and put it into practice?”

The warchief looking this way.

His eyes became meaningful.

“Your opinion is very good. The purpose is great. But I don’t think it’s realistic. So let’s talk. Would our kind, naturally fond of running anywhere, be willing to accept such cramped rules? no. I guess not.”

“You’re saying that everyone would choose running over safety.”


The warchief nodded.

“Our desire to run. A desire for speed. That’s probably something humans don’t quite understand. We are such a species. A race that would rather die than not be able to run.”


“However, for safety’s sake, designate an area where you can’t run to your heart’s content? In particular, a marriage proposal contest is prohibited from being improvised anywhere? Probably no young centaur would follow that rule. Everyone will snort and ignore or react. Their instinctive drive for running and speed is just as wild and hot.”


“Besides, this is also a matter of the traditions of our people. From the time of our first ancestors in antiquity, we have been running freely across this land for generations. So, this is a tradition. But what about your opinion? It is no different from saying that we want to change that tradition.”


“So it is. I like your opinion. But I don’t have the confidence to convince the tribesmen to accept that opinion. Because everyone will protest. Because there is no reason to follow.”


“…But you keep looking at me with strange eyes from a while ago?”

“Ah yes. It’s because I feel like I’m watching a biker who is eager to make excuses.”

“A biker?”

“yes. What kind of people are they?”

Lloyd laughed bitterly.

A bitter laugh came out.

It had to be.

‘What is this? We’re originally free spirits, so what’s different from saying we don’t care whether we die while running or not.’

After listening to the sentiments of the centaur race that the warchief had told me, it was roughly like that.

‘but. I said everything because speeding tickets are a badge of honor for them.’

Congenital speeders.

Of course, he didn’t really care if they died or were injured while driving recklessly.

It probably would have been the case normally.

But not now.

‘Because the warchief said he would tell you where Taupo is if you make a safety plan. So, whether it’s a natural speeder or something, we have to make it safe.’

Lloyd made up his mind.

He said he would make (?) the centaur race safe.

so i calculated

I got a quote quickly.

What to do from now on.

The reaction and response of those who will come out to it.

Even the big picture and the result that will be made like that.

Finally, having drawn and measured all the estimates, he looked the warchief straight in the eyes.

“Then how about this? If the warchief doesn’t have the confidence to convince the tribesmen, I’ll convince them.”

“You? Persuade?”



“It doesn’t matter. Let me ask you one thing. If the lackeys follow the opinions I gave. So, after you finish building the Colosseum, can you tell me where Taupo is?”

Now is the time to push.

He asked with firm confidence.

Fortunately, the warchief’s troubles were not long.

“…nice If you succeed in that persuasion and the tribesmen follow the rules.”

“great. Then start with this.”


As soon as the warchief nodded, Lloyd pulled a sheet of paper from his bosom.

Like a spider that senses prey caught in its web.

Or like a serpent that captured today’s prey.

Without giving the warchief a chance to react, he handed out the paper.

“This is the paper on which you will write what you just verbally promised. So, just write two conditional contracts. Mine and the Warchief’s.”

“…contract? conditional?”


smiled brightly.

said calmly.

“Wouldn’t it be better to make sure that this is all the case? Oh, I’m telling you in advance, but I’m not doing this because I don’t trust the Warchief. Rather the opposite. Couldn’t I say something different to the warchief later? So, let’s build a healthy and constructive trust relationship where we can work together by deepening mutual trust and trusting in-laws, sisters, and eighth cousins.”



Maybe I’ve encountered a con man.

The warchief, who had lived a simple life in the prairies, came up with such an idea without even realizing it.

However, apart from his anxiety, Lloyd’s drafting of the contract proceeded skillfully at the speed of light.

“Yes, write your name here. write the date signature too. great. Then you can just take a picture here.”


“Oops, maybe you’re shooting the Jizo in the right way. After all, a contract must be signed to be a corporation that shows human character. Judging from Jijang’s style, it’s clear that he’s always thoughtful, meticulous, generous, and considerate of those around him, so he’s popular with people of all ages.”

“Is that so?”

“yes. It’s a bit embarrassing to say this, but I’m not sure if I’m looking at people again.”

“hmm! Heh heh! Looking at it now, it doesn’t seem wrong. Heh heh heh.”

“Isn’t it? After all, I saw the warchief properly.”

“Ha ha ha thank you!”

“Okay, then I’ll just leave. I’ll come back and see you when I’m done convincing the tribe members.”

Lloyd smiled and got up.

I signed the contract, so that’s it.

He quickly withdrew before the warm atmosphere he had created with difficulty changed.

When I came out of the Warchief’s stable, Xaviel, who had been waiting in front of me, greeted me.

“Are you done talking?”

“uh. Did you hear about it?”


walking alongside this side.

Guy Xaviel shook his head.

“So I don’t understand. It’s a circuit-type coliseum. You’re going to build it and make sure you follow safe driving rules.”

“why? Strange?”

“yes. Strange.”

“What is it?”

“Because I don’t think anyone will follow the rules.”

“Yeah, probably.”


I could feel the guy’s strange gaze poking at the side of my face.

Before long, the guy’s question came flying.

“Maybe it is. You speak as if you predicted everything.”

“huh. I predicted it.”


It was already when the construction of the circuit-type Colosseum was proposed.

After that, while explaining safe driving rules early.

He had already thought about how the centaurs would react.

“Then you must have an idea in mind.”


“Can I ask about that mystery?”

“Uh, okay. We will provoke everyone with a safe driving campaign.”

“…A wide-area provocation?”

Xaviel tilted her head.

Lloyd said sweetly.

“Simply put, it means to piss everyone off.”

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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