Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 280

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Chapter 280. Accident of Fortune (2)

Cesare di Bergamo, the lowest-ranking wizard of the royal family.

Originally, he was a gold spoon who lived a prosperous life.

A prestigious family of Bergamo marquis who has produced the royal chief magicians for generations.

He was born as the proud fifth son of the family.

Since I was young, I grew up receiving all the benefits of preferential treatment.

As befits the scion of a prestigious family who will lead the country in the future.

Like a person who will live with many people under his feet.

without any deficiency.

receiving an elite education.

I grew up enjoying all the privileges.

Thanks to that, I learned most of the basic theories of magic by the time I was ten years old.

Bocchan was praised as a genius indeed.

then i realized

that you are special.

That he is an extremely noble and important person.

That’s why you deserve to be treated more like a special person and live.

I felt it and engraved it in my heart.

It was from then.

The people below did not look human.

They just become their own limbs and grovel.

Insects that would gladly lick shoes at your words.

I grew up thinking that way.

entered the academy

He was also treated with great respect there.

A prestigious family, and that’s because he was the fifth son of a family that produced the royal chief magician for generations.

Because he is a member of a family that is even distantly related to the royal family.

Because his 6th great grandmother was a royal princess.

Therefore, he too is a being who has inherited some of the noble blood of the royal family.

No one at the academy treated him badly.

The other students had nothing to say.

It was the same with the supervisor and the professor.

Even the dean was close with his father and his academy classmate.

He took care of all the conveniences for himself.

That’s how he reigned in the academy.

One word and everything was done.

The grades and treatment were all arbitrary.

Thanks to you, I was able to be sure again.

Even in this place where the children of nobles gather, he says that he is a special person.

Those who are lower in class than themselves have enough reasons to be treated as bugs.

So it was.

He frequently harassed the easy-going lower-ranking nobles.

There was no great reason.

The way they babble in front of you.

It was fun just watching it.

Especially Julien Frontera.

It was the most enjoyable time to harass a small fellow who came up from a country estate in the corner of the East.

He was different from the others.

Unlike other guys who can’t even make eye contact after being bullied once or twice, their eyes didn’t die.

No matter how bullied he was, the next day he looked at himself with clear eyes.

After that, I got high grades every time, as if I had been bullied.

He was a man with a taste for bullying.

He was a man worth destroying.

so it bothered me even more.

He mobilized the lower ones and tormented them again.

I can’t stand it at all and I’ll torture you until I die.

It’s not that a country idiot with no roots gets good grades recklessly.

It would be appropriate to just give in, grovel and lick one’s own shoes.

determined and tormented.

Then things happened.

‘Lloyd Frontera….’

Cesare could not forget that name even now.

The elder brother of Julien, who he led and intensively harassed.

That man ruined everything.

I thought they wanted to take Julien out of the academy.

I was thinking of building a strange suspension bridge in the royal capital to earn the king’s trust.

He had an accident at the site of the suspension bridge completion ceremony.

I told the king everything.


This and that kind of people bullied his little brother.

That it has tarnished the fair spirit and honor of the academy.

told everything

That’s how he fell.

This and that kind of people Lloyd Frontera told me about.

It was because he was their representative.

The consequences of the whistleblowing were harsh.

He properly bought the king’s wrath.

expelled from the academy.

I had to stay at home for two years.

It was a time that was different from being imprisoned in a prison without bars.

But the real pain was different.

He lost his honor in aristocratic society.

It became a family shame.

Although he is the 5th son of the prestigious Marquis of Bergamo.

Although thanks to this, he avoided greater punishment or torture.

So I was able to take care of my life and health.

All other honors and futures had to be lost.

out of the king’s eyes

The path to career advancement was blocked.

He was openly ridiculed even in social circles.

Even at home, it became a neglected existence.

After that incident, my parents hadn’t talked to me until now.

Brothers and sisters had nothing to say.

Every time he looked at himself, he threw an insect-like look at him, saying it was a disgrace to his family.

Even the servants and maids of the mansion seemed to be bowing to him from behind!

‘dare! About worms!’

He was genuinely furious.

He felt that he was being treated unfairly.

The fact that his father went to the king and begged him on his knees.

That’s why he even managed to get himself selected as the lowest-ranking wizard in the royal family.

I thought it was very unfair.

Because he was special.

‘of course! My skills are much better than other mages. A nobler lineage! But am I the last one?’

It is nonsense.

If it’s your position and skills.

Of course, from the time of selection, I wondered if it was necessary to create a position for the second-in-command of the royal family.

It was unfair.

On the other hand, Lloyd Frontera?

Who dared to snitch on himself?

The bug that ruined his life?

Uncharacteristically, they were on a winning streak!

‘It’s public opinion!’

Recently, he was even appointed as a public servant by the king, saying that he had contributed to the suppression of the dragon.

When I heard the news, I was speechless.

No, the words were still the same.

“Are there any special events here today?”


Cesare was silent. It was straight. He looked at Lloyd in front of him with cold eyes.

Lloyd grinned with one lip and shrugged.

“I guess something bad happened this morning? what makes you feel Then work hard today.”

Is that shameless?

Or is Nucksal good?

Lloyd Frontera, that pathetic fellow greeted as if nothing had happened.

I was about to leave after checking the refrigerant injection room here where the heart of winter is working.

Could it be because of that unassuming look?

“Wait over there.”

Cesare called Lloyd without knowing it.

And I impulsively asked a question.

“Don’t you know who I am?”

“I know.”



Lloyd Frontera turned around and shook his head.

And he said it like it was natural.

“Aren’t you a wizard who came from the royal family to operate and manage the heart of winter, haha?”


“Thanks to this, the heart of winter is supplying refrigerant stably, so the construction is progressing well. Next time, when the construction is finished, we will have a general dinner together with the work team. Then work hard today.”


Lloyd Frontera left the refrigerant injection room with a blank expression on his face.

It was because of his attitude.

Cesare left in the refrigerant injection chamber.

His face had already turned red.

It was because of uncontrollable anger and humiliation.

‘That guy dares…You don’t even recognize me?’

It was absurd.

I thought I’d remember this one though.

I thought you’d ask if he was the one who bullied his brother in the past.

That was not it.

‘You don’t even remember me. my life is ruined Because he’s acting like a low-end wizard in the royal family. On the contrary, he is doing well as a public servant of the royal family. dare…dare. dare! On the subject of worms!’

The one who ruined his life and doesn’t even remember.

The guy who doesn’t even recognize this.

Even now, that guy became a senior and was pampering himself!

‘That guy is trusted by the king enough to become the general manager of the royal castle repair project…Am I rotting here listening to that bastard’s orders? why? why?’

I didn’t understand.

he is a special being

He is such a noble character.

I’m not one to rot in a place like this.

I was filled with thoughts that something was wrong with the world.

The more he thought about it, the more his heart filled with the feeling that his life was ruined.

A day, two days, five days pass.

Such resentment and despair grew in size.

And the day bottom-up shaft excavation began.

The day when the brothers looked at me with contempt early in the morning at the family mansion.

Coming to the scene, he made up his mind.

‘Let’s die.’

But I won’t die alone.

That buggy Lloyd Frontera.

I will make him my companion along the road to the underworld.

Also, it will ruin his job.

It would ruin his honor.

I came out to the scene as usual with a dark and shady promise.

From morning to morning, I peeked at a treasured opportunity.

And it finally moved.


A fellow wizard who managed and guarded the Heart of Winter together.

Taking advantage of the moment he turned around, he drew out his dagger.

He stabbed him from behind and covered his mouth.

I confirmed that my opponent was knocked down.

‘I do not have time.’

Six royal guards are guarding the closed door of the refrigerant injection room.

Although, of course, their strict vigilance faces the outside.

Thanks to the incredibly thick infusion chamber door, I don’t think I heard the sound of someone falling down here just now.

Guard knights will sooner or later notice that this inner movement is suspicious.

‘Right Now.’

Don’t kill me like a worm.

Especially you, Lloyd Frontera.

After brooding over his fishy resolve, Cesare stood in front of the special control box where the heart of winter was stored.

He mobilized all his magic power.

It was a talent that I heard the sound of a genius from a young age.

Even though he stabbed his colleague in the back and became alone.

Originally, it was normally a control box that could be adjusted only when two excellent royal mages combined their magical powers.

With all his might, he managed to interfere with the control box.

‘that…That’s it!’

Control box output was adjusted.

raised to the maximum.

to cross the limits.

Enough to damage the control box altogether.

The response came right away.


With an eerie sound, the outside of the control box was instantly covered in frost.

Cesare, standing in front of the box, was no exception.


His body was enveloped in the sudden burst of cold.

He struggled to resist the cold without even screaming.

The heart of winter that began dissipating chills at full power.

As a mere wizard, the time he could endure in the face of the divine power was only an instant.

And finally.

A cold crack formed in the control box that controlled the heart of winter.

A fishy smile formed on Cesare’s lips as he intuited the end.

“Is there a problem!”

Did you notice the suspicious feeling belatedly?

Guardsmen spurred on the door of the infusion room.

At that moment, a devastating blast of cold air emanated from the control box and swept everywhere.



Lloyd shook his head.

I was in the middle of excavating a vertical shaft.

Unlike before, it is a bottom-up vertical shaft.

It’s a construction that needs to go up while digging.

I was particularly nervous and was watching the progress of the work.

Suddenly, a strange vibration was heard.


It was not too far away.

Judging by the intensity and reverberation of the vibration, it seemed that the direction of the tunnel exit was the epicenter.

Lloyd tilted his head inwardly.

‘The vibration was quite strong. But there’s no way this kind of vibration will happen on the other side. Sufficient support materials were also installed. The condition of the concrete was also carefully inspected. So what about the Rock burst phenomenon? no. Judging from the state of the ground, there’s no possibility of that.’

Lloyd shook his head.

The rock burst phenomenon was a phenomenon in which a stone mass on the inner wall was suddenly ‘launched’ due to the pressure acting inside the tunnel.

‘For example, it’s as if the pimple kernels made of wild scabs pop out.’

In fact, it was also a phenomenon that occurred during the construction of the European Alps Tunnel.

Did you know that among the rocks fired into the tunnel at the time, there were some that were as large as 2㎥?

‘but…no. That can’t happen here. Then what is that Sorin?’

I was worried.

I was more concerned about this place because it was inside the tunnel.

Because tunnels can collapse even with minor cracks or subsidence.

If that happens, everyone in the work crew here will be in great danger.

‘It was like that in the past when drilling a bituminous coal mine. Although it was because of the ants. I exploded methane gas to destroy them, and then I was isolated with Xaviel.’

But what about today?

There is no Xaviel.

The guy went to the royal castle after being called by the king, as he had been doing every day recently.

By now, he must be taking extra lessons in ‘Xaviel’s Grand Master Swordsmanship Class’ for the King’s special training in swordsmanship.

‘It would be difficult if something happened in the yard without him.’

Should I go and check it out?

Thinking so, Lloyd raised his hand.

I tried to send a signal to stop working towards the work team.

But that was then.


through the tunnel.

this way from the exit.

I could feel the cold wind blowing gently.


Lloyd was taken aback.

It was strange.

‘what. Why is the cold wind blowing here?’

It was like the early morning wind when frost began to fall.

But the problem was that it was blowing from deep underground tunnels.

The deeper you go underground, the hotter it gets.

It’s a place where cold winds can’t blow.

“Everybody stop working! Wait here!”

The moment I realized that this cold wind was not normal.

Lloyd shouted to the task force.

I hurried my steps towards the exit tunnel.

‘I guess it’s really strange. I’ll have to check.’

An unfamiliar vibration that I heard a while ago.

A cold wind began to blow.

Somehow, an ominous feeling slowly bloomed.

As the concentration of ominousness deepened, so did his steps.

As he walked faster, the air around him grew colder.

From the frosty morning wind in early winter to the cold, blunt wind in midwinter.

From the chilling cold wind in midwinter to the harsh cold wave of the polar region.

By then, Lloyd was already running.

‘I’m guessing something happened to the heart of winter or the refrigerant supply or something?’

I hate to admit it.

I want to deny it.

Frost on the inner walls of the tunnel on all sides.

A cold wave scratching the skin in real time.

All the other senses and notices made the ominous predictions turn into certainties.

But he didn’t stop walking.

Even if frost settles all over the body.

Even if your breath comes out white.

Rather, he ran more briskly toward the direction from which the cold air flowed.

It seems like something happened to the Heart of Winter.

If you leave your hands alone like this, all the workers inside will freeze to death.

I need to do something right now.

So, let’s start by understanding the situation.

I was determined, prepared, and ran.

‘If anything really happened to the Heart of Winter. So if cold air is leaking out. Should I set off a volcanic eruption in the direction of the passage with the bubble? Then, can the heat storm push the cold out? no. If we do that in a poorly enclosed space, we could all die from the tyranny.’

That’s how I figured out how to respond. I ran.

Finally, the refrigerant injection chamber where the heart of winter is stored.

A cold explosion arrived at the horrifying scene.

That moment.


No time to look at the situation.

An ice age cold storm overtook him.

At the same time, his tribute effect was activated.

Ding dong!

[The tribute you have < I have cold hands, but I have cold feet > takes effect.]

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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