Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 268

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Chapter 268. Make a feat (2)

“Do you need a reason to help someone in danger!”


Lloyd Frontera shouted an unexpected sound.

The mermaid queen kept her mouth shut.

It was because I was bewildered.

‘This land man. What is it?’

Suddenly, the request left by the previous queens came to mind.

Didn’t I tell you not to trust people on land?

They are staunch opportunists.

if it’s money

if it is profitable.

Friends and those who betray without hesitation.

Even so, they are very incompatible beings who will hold hands if there is a benefit again.

He must have said so.

‘But the interest….’

It seemed a little different.

Lloyd Frontera appeared out of nowhere.

A dangerous situation like this is unfolding right now.

Without hesitation, they ran and stood shoulder to shoulder.

They were holding a huge egg house together.

the visible situation.

A fact that cannot be denied.

He drove the queen into a trance of emotion.

“good night. Land Human Prontera. I will gladly accept your help.”

“thank you!”

Is it because he is using extreme power?

Or is it because of the emotion that fills the heart?

The queen’s voice sounded slightly trembling.

A rewarding smile graced the corners of Lloyd’s lips.

‘good. With this, I’ve saved myself from a big disaster.’

He quickly glanced sideways at the mermaid queen.

A face all red.

swollen muscles.

I was using a dragon to stop the 200m giant egg house.


Beside him, they stretched out their hands side by side and pushed the eggs out.

To be exact, he was just putting his hand on it pretending to do so.

He was making only grunting noises with his mouth.

Of course, it wasn’t for nothing.

‘of course. that Kraken. I don’t know the exact reason, but after finding the base of the gem, it started rampaging. With that strange resonance.’

Suddenly, Lloyd’s mind recalled what had happened earlier.

They said they had finally unearthed the base of the jewel.

To activate the blueprints that are said to be hidden there.

Rotorua had been tinkering with a jewel-based device.

It was successful.

Did the base of the jewel begin to vibrate violently with the sound of a cooing sound?

Did all the surrounding sea water resonate strongly?

It was truly grand.

I was sure.

I thought I had found the right jewel.

I was happy.

But that joy was short-lived.

‘The Kraken started rampaging.’

Although he was several kilometers away from the mermaid kingdom, he could clearly see the raging Kraken.

A huge nest of eggs that makes up the mermaid kingdom.

It was thanks to the light that the egg was emitting softly.

‘The Kraken roared and started doing random twists.’

It was said that he could clearly see the eggs being crushed and scattered in pieces.

It looked like cod roe breaking with clumsy chopsticks.

‘As soon as I saw that, I immediately ran to it.’

The raging Kraken.

I could sense it as soon as I saw it.

The action that activated the jewel foundation.

Resonance that happened like that.

It definitely seemed to have something to do with that resonance.

‘Because the timing was too coincidental to say no.’

In other words, it meant that there was a strong possibility that he was responsible for the situation where the kraken was rampaging and crushing the mermaid kingdom.

‘Of course, Mr. Rotorua was responsible for activating the foundations of the jewel, but I, who directed the excavation, are also responsible. That’s why I can’t just leave it alone.’

Because of moral responsibility?

to right a mistake?

Of course not.

‘What moral responsibility or mistake! If I leave my hands alone like this, the mermaid queen will take a one-punch shot to the pit of my stomach before I even feel it, and I’m going to return to Mother Nature’s arms!’

It was a development with great potential.

The kraken that went rampage.

A mermaid kingdom that suffered tremendous damage.

But what if it is later revealed that the cause is the excavation of the jewel foundation?

It seemed that the mermaids would surely hold themselves accountable.

It seemed impossible to even gloss over it.

‘of course. I ran a sauna and mobilized mermaids to the excavation site. There were even hundreds of mermaids who witnessed the treasure being excavated in real time. they will be the witnesses I can’t hide this even if I want to hide it.’

But what if this situation is resolved as it is?

When it comes to determining who is responsible for it?

I thought that an arrow would surely come flying at me.

So it was.

‘You fart in advance! Actively pretending to help resolve the situation, while making merit! I have to get some points like that!’

That way you will be less hit by the arrow of criticism later.

The matter of getting hit in the stomach by the queen will be gone.

At least you won’t be banished from the mermaid kingdom.

‘Because I found the base of the jewel.’

It was a treasure that was hard to find.

But now, I didn’t want to be banished from the mermaid kingdom.

The time I’ve been struggling here until now.

Efforts put in here.

Even if it was a waste, I couldn’t leave my hands like this.

Lloyd shouted as he engraved such calculations into the frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex.

“Queen! Just a little bit more! I will count the decrees!”

“Oops! Rescue?”

“yes! Let’s do our best together according to the commands! one!”

“That’s great!”



Lloyd shouted a command.

I just pretended to give it strength.

Each time, the mermaid queen spurred on with more strength.

Just like when you receive PT at the gym, even if the trainer gently holds the bar, you gain more strength.

As if an unheard barbell is being lifted little by little.

As if my ancestors would carry the 20kg rod instead.

Finally, the momentum of the 200-meter egg house began to decline.

coo coo coo…!

“great! little bit more! one!”





The mermaid queen’s pectoralis major and triceps swelled like they were about to explode.

Finally, he succeeded in stopping the 200-meter egg house.

A mermaid race that bursts with physicality.

It was the great power and majesty of a queen, their pinnacle.

“…Whoop Whoop! Are you okay, Queen?”

“of course.”

The mermaid queen looked back at Lloyd, still flushed.

Her savage hand, like a pot lid, rested on Lloyd’s shoulder.

“If I had been a little weak, I would have been pushed back and almost landed on the sea floor. thanks. It would have been dangerous without your help.”

“Whoop whoop! no. I only added a feeble force.”

Lloyd chuckled and pretended to catch his breath.

It was fortunate.

I safely stopped a flying egg house.

Adding to that, the mermaid queen didn’t seem to notice what was going on here.

‘good. First of all, I got some points.’

However, there seemed to be a feeling that the score was still lacking.

I felt like I needed to score more points and get a snow stamp.

That way, even after this situation is settled, he will be able to use the gem without being criticized by the mermaids.

‘To do so, they say that a big contribution must be made in resolving this situation.’

Lloyd’s calm gaze turned to the Kraken.

An enormous size that cannot be measured.

Long and thick legs that are hard to even guess.


The whole sea was shaken with one roar.

Every time he struggled with his enormous size, the egg houses that made up the city bounced off in all directions like bouncy balls.

Seeing that, Lloyd felt a deep sense of skepticism, like a bone broth espresso.

‘Would that be a fix?’

As much as that, the scale of Kraken’s riot was different.

However, the bravery of the mermaids also exceeded Lloyd’s expectations.

“Sisters! Stand up!”

“sister! Take my hand!”

“brother! Trust me and hold on tight!”

Kraken’s unprecedented and sudden riots, which had been protecting the city.

Even in the face of that unprecedented situation, the mermaids were resolute.

I was not afraid.

Rather, they reacted aggressively.

united on the basis of outstanding strength.

“everyone! You must have clearly felt the majesty the Queen showed by leading by example! Let’s do it too!”


Hundreds of mermaids gathered together to get the eggs.

He rescued mermaids who were struggling in an egg house.

The rescued mermaids soon regained their strength.

They also joined the aljib jersey.

after only half an hour.

The mermaids succeeded in safely collecting most of the thousands of egg nests corresponding to the living quarters and safely placing them on the bottom of the sea.

And everyone agreed.

Surrounded by the raging Kraken.

However, they did not resort to violent means.

‘of course! The Kraken is our friend!’

Although I suddenly ran wild today.

Although the house I lived in was a bit broken.

Although tens of thousands of egg nests outside the residential area were completely scattered.

So, rebuilding the city is going to take a lot of effort and money.

Even so, the Kraken were still mermaids they considered friends.

Maybe you’re doing that by mistake.

There must be a reason for running amok.

So I guess I’ll have to calm down first.

everyone agreed

opened the vocal cords

contained sincerity.

sang a song.

It was a chorus with the hearts of the mermaids.

The chorus gently caressed the sea.

He comforted the raging Kraken’s entire body.

Thanks to this, Lloyd was sincerely reduced.

“…They were also tone deaf!”

Unknowingly, out of resentment, I cried out.

I really had to do that.

‘What is that! You’re tone deaf! Not a single pitch is right! You weren’t in a position to criticize me at all!’

In fact, the mermaids’ songs were terrible.

What if you take them to karaoke in Korea?

It seemed to have enough power (?) to make the excited tambourine and lighting dull at once.

It seemed to be enough to fix the eyes and hands of everyone who was clapping on the karaoke booklet reservation remote control or the ranking list of popular songs of the month on the wall.

But Lloyd couldn’t show that resentment any longer.

It was because of the mermaid queen who had been talking to her.

“Tone deaf. Could it be that our songs sound a mess by human standards?”

“Oh yes? that….”

“Isn’t that what you just shouted?”

“Ahaha. It was because I felt a sense of identity.”

Lloyd quickly turned around.

The mermaid queen tilted her head.


“I was also treated as tone deaf in the human world.”

“Is it?”


“It seems that you are very unhappy about that.”

“yes. It reminds me of the resentment I felt in the human world, so stop.”

Lloyd glanced at the Queen’s eyes.

And just before the Queen said anything.

“Oh there!”

Quickly pointed at the Kraken.

“I don’t think soothing with a song works, does it?”

It was true.

At first, it was the Kraken who wanted to be quiet while listening to the mermaids’ songs.

But that’s only for a moment.

“…Creeper! Krung!”

Did something else make you very uncomfortable?

He roared and twisted his whole body like a whirlwind potato.

He started to run wilder than before.

The expression of the mermaid queen next to her also hardened.

“…Kraken rejected our request for reconciliation.”

Is it like the feeling of being rejected for a handshake that was extended to a friend you trusted?

The hardened gaze of the queen looked sad on the one hand.

“Lloyd Frontera, land man. Please step back from now on.”

“yes? What are you planning?”

“What is the plan? Since the Kraken has rejected our request for reconciliation, we will have to fight.”

“Are you fighting with him?”


The Queen asked with a bitter look.

“My friend is running amok. I tried to convince you didn’t work together If so, what’s next?”

“Um, do I have to roll up my sleeves, dry it, and suppress it?”

“okay. I’m going to try that from now on.”


As soon as she finished speaking, the queen moved her fin.

Cast a Dolphin Kick with overwhelming strength.

In an instant, the whole area was caught in a whirlpool.

Lloyd was no exception.


Is this the feeling of laundry thrown into the dryer?

Lloyd, who was caught in a sudden whirlpool, was able to regain his posture only by relying on Xaviel’s outstretched hand.

In the meantime, the mermaid queen, who had left behind a whirlpool and rushed, was already far away.

“Creeper-! Krung!”

The roar of the Kraken reverberates throughout the deep sea.

An army of mermaids forming numerous ranks against him.

The Kraken and Mermaid Corps, who had long believed and relied on each other as friends, were about to collide.

It was all because this side had discovered and activated the base of the gem.

Of course, Lloyd wasn’t going to feel guilty about it.

To be precise, I couldn’t afford to feel guilty.

‘I can’t fight like this. Then, when the base of the jewel is destroyed…I’m going to go out of my way!’

I was nervous.

Just imagining it was terrifying.

It wasn’t a useless whistle.

‘Because the foundation of the jewel I found earlier is located within a few kilometers from here.’

It’s not even close.

At least by this standard it is.

But what about Kraken’s standards?

‘It’s within reach if you stretch out one leg. In terms of people, it should be said that the distance is like a remote control left in front of a couch lying around.’

If you hold back for a while and stretch out one foot, you can touch the big toe with a click.

Like, what if you touch the tip of that huge Kraken octopus foot?

The structure, like the foundation of a jewel, looked like it would just crumble.

Like potato chips stepped on by a shoe.

Wasasak in one room.

There is also a way to prevent the restoration of fate like that.

‘…That’s not allowed!’

Lloyd, who was fanning his imagination, shook his head.

‘We must prevent the mermaid army and the Kraken from going into armed conflict. Then what should I do? What am I supposed to do?’

My clenched fists would sweat.

The brain pings faster than ever.

Lloyd shook his head desperately.

Kraken started rampaging as soon as the resonance of the jewel’s foundation arose.

So Kraken goes on a rampage, ignoring the gentle persuasion and restraint of the mermaids.

The mermaid army is on the verge of using force to subdue the Kraken.

looking at their appearance.

I thought fiercely.

I thought hard about it.

Observed for clues.

I tried not to miss the little things.

It was at one point.

“Creeper! Krung…Lou luc krung!”


The Kraken, who had been struggling and roaring wildly in the encirclement of the mermaid army, only once strangely swayed his whole body.

Then, at the end of the roar, it made a strange yet somehow familiar(?) sound.

“Turn it off!”


For a moment, Lloyd thought involuntarily.

I don’t think that’s bullshit.

“no way?”


It felt like something in my head was flashing.




All the behaviors of the Kraken that I have observed so far.

They started to fit together as a puzzle.

It looked fine from then on.

The Kraken’s legs move and pounding torso.

A silent gesture that the torso twists and shows.

And then, to the point of spitting it out on purpose.

Seeing it reminded me of an unfamiliar experience.

Suddenly, the answer finally came to mind.

‘Wait. Did Kraken do that because he was in an emergency?’

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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