Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 267

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Chapter 267. Make achievements (1)

The moment of discovery often comes without notice.

There have been such moments in real history as well.

Like when Archimedes, who discovered the principle of buoyancy, shouted Eureka.

Like the moment when Galileo Galilei discovered the moons of Jupiter.

Like finding a 10,000 won bill that went missing last year in a padded pocket.

And so on, all the great and minor discoveries used to come unexpectedly at completely unexpected moments.

It was the same for Lloyd today.


Lloyd opened his eyes wide.

He had been directing the excavation site for two months already.

He was the one who mobilized hundreds of mermaids every day to thoroughly overturn the bottom of the Arctic Ocean.

Still nothing was visible.

Even if you use surveying skills.

Even if you activate the underground scanning option.

No matter how much the pearl was removed, it was hardly detected.

Not a single piece of treasure was visible, let alone the site of the jewel.

So, I was feeling exhausted at the same time.

But it was a while ago.

Something started to show.

‘no way.’

A point not too far from the mermaid kingdom.

From the outside, it was an ordinary place with nothing special about it.

It was just part of a vast undersea plain.

But right after the mermaid army cleared the pearl there.

When I looked into it with my surveying skill, I saw something underground under the floor.

‘It’s a stratum, though. It’s so slick. Like an artificially created structure.’

The moment you realize that fact.

Lloyd shouted.

“for a moment! Everyone stop working!”

At his cry, the shoveling of the mermaids stopped.

Lloyd had all the mermaids withdraw from the scene.

He frowned.

All nerves were focused on the eyeball.

The point at which artificial-looking strata were detected.

I approached it slowly.

The closer I got, the more detail I saw.

‘Are you sure. That looks like a stratum, but it’s not. It’s obviously an artificial foundation.’

About 3 meters deep from the bottom of the sea where the pearls were removed.

An unusual shape of the foundation was seen there.

It was square as if it were made by pouring cement.

In particular, the top side was overly neat to the point of being unnatural.

It was somehow familiar to Lloyd.

So that’s….

‘Just looking at it, it looks like the foundation of a building. It doesn’t look like reinforced concrete. Hmm, is it a trace of the flat, straight rocks?’

It looked like that.

My heart was pounding.

‘Because they said Jewel was a building.’

Maybe that’s really the foundation of the gem.

The excavation and exploration work of the past two months was not in vain.

‘If we’ve really found the prison site, it’s important from now on.’

Lloyd’s eyes widened.

He moved the shovel with a more careful hand.

Crisp Quagjak!

The seabed was dug up.

Hard at first.

By the time the artificial foundation is exposed, carefully as if scooping out a grain of millet with a spoon.

At the end, he swept the mud off the foundation with his bare hands.

how much did it move

Finally he was able to expose most of the top side of the foundation without damage.

“…It’s real.”

An artificial foundation that can be seen with the naked eye without surveying skills.

I was convinced when I saw it.

This is not a natural strata.

It is a ‘foundation’ made by someone with a clear purpose.

‘Maybe I’ve found the foundation of the jewel.’

Lloyd’s eyes widened even more.

It has been confirmed that this foundation discovered today is an artifact.

So now it was time to confirm that this was the foundation of the jewel.

“Hey Mr. Rotorua?”

“Ah yes. yes!”

Rotorua, who was worried from a distance, swam swiftly at the call from this side.

asked him

“What does this look like to Mr. Rotorua?”

“I don’t know either. but….”


“If this is the foundation of the jewel, the mark mentioned in the record will remain somewhere on the foundation.”

“A mark?”

“It resembles a starfish, except for the pointed marks on all sides.”

“All right.”

It was from then.

Lloyd and Rotorua began combing through the foundations.

How much did you struggle to find the mark?


Indeed there was

A starfish mark the size of a palm could be seen carved into one corner of the foundation.

But Lloyd wasn’t satisfied with that.

His eyes moved even busier.

‘of course. It’s not a matter of just finding the prison site.’

I am not an archaeologist.

Just because I found the site where Bo-ok actually existed.

I had no intention of being satisfied with the academic value or anything.

He was not interested in the foundation of the Jewel, which was simply a relic.

Because what you need is a jewel that you can use right away.

‘I need to find the blueprint.’

He looked around Rotorua.

“Hey Mr. Rotorua?”

“…Hee hee hee hee!”

“Stop crying and look at me.”

“Kheheheung! Kheung! Paeng! Goo That’s it, I’m so moved, so stop…Heung!”

Is it because of the joy of finally finding the prison site?

Rotorua was literally holding her face and crying profusely.

The tears were like those of a person who suddenly won the lottery prize after suffering from severe monthly rent and interest on loans.

Lloyd waited for a while.

Soon Rotorua’s cries subsided.

“Hmmm! I’m sorry. I must have been insane for a moment.”

“no. I understand. By the way. Didn’t you say before that if you find the site of the prison, there will be blueprints there?”

“Oh, yes.”

“Then where are the blueprints?”


that’s what’s really important

Finding the prison site alone is not enough.

You must have the blueprints to restore the former jewel.

After all, you’ll be able to activate the gem and ask questions.

I’ll figure out how to prevent the Fate Restoration phenomenon.

‘That’s why the blueprint is nothing without it.’

However, no matter where I looked at the foundation, I couldn’t see anything similar to the design.

Smalsmal worry started to bloom.

However, Rotorua was unconcerned.

“Ah, the blueprint is simple. Records say it’s right here.”

Rotorua reached out.

It was toward the starfish mark I had just discovered.

“It was my 16th-great-great-great-grandfather who discovered the record relating to this mark. According to the records discovered at the time, the blueprint was hidden in this starfish mark.”

“At this starfish mark?”

“exactly. I thought I could press it like this…Let’s see.”

Rotorua fumbled for a mark.

Pressed the central part.


It was from then.

Woo woo woo woo-!

Like a vibrate mode alarm.

The entire foundation of the jewel began to vibrate greatly.

All the surrounding seawater resonated with the vibration.

Resonance spread far and wide.

“Oh oh.”

Lloyd clenched his fists at the magnificent resonance that shook the entire sea area.

It’s real.

Judging from the grandiose effect (?), it seems to have been found correctly.

A spark of hope bloomed in my heart.

and similar views.

A kingdom of mermaids several kilometers away from the Jewel Foundation excavation site.

Even in the stomach of Kraken, an even bigger octopus that guarded the huge egg nest containing the kingdom, resonance began to occur for no reason.



The Kraken was startled.

It had to be.

I was enjoying a peaceful nap.

It was just the same calm day as usual.

But all of a sudden, I started to feel a fierce resonance in my stomach.

“Krung? Crumble?”

It was embarrassing.

In an instant, my stomach felt uncomfortable.

But Kraken couldn’t figure out why.

his fifth camouflage.

Between certain villi processes on the inside of the stomach wall.

The fact that an object is stuck there.

Also the fact that the object began to resonate with the vibrations of the jewel’s foundations miles away.

The Kraken had no way of knowing.

So it was even more embarrassing.

“Crumbling! Krung! Krung!”

I coughed out loud.

I tried shaking my whole body.

Even so, the sudden and loud resonance in the stomach did not subside.

No, on the contrary, it only got worse.

It felt like my stomach was twisting and my intestines were twisting, and I felt uncomfortable.


The Kraken’s scream grew louder.

I wanted to move more vigorously.

I wanted to twist my whole body randomly.

Then, wouldn’t this loud pain in the stomach subside?

Wouldn’t this pain, as if the intestines were being torn apart, ease at any moment?

A fierce desire was intense.

The Kraken fell into anguish.

He couldn’t move with the ship.

Because it has such a large size.

It’s because it’s wrapped around the egg house that contains the mermaid kingdom.

What if you recklessly moved your whole body without warning?

I thought there would be damage to the mermaid kingdom.

The Kraken desperately exercised patience.



gave strength to the ship.

I tried to suppress the discomfort in my stomach.

But that effort is short-lived.

A limit was quickly reached.

Woo woo woo woo woo-!

The resonance in the fifth stomach intensified.

Whatever it was, it was a vibration and resonance that was physically unbearable.

In the end, Kraken reflexively twisted his whole body.


The huge body, which stretched for several kilometers, twisted like a seizure.

Beneath it, the city of mermaids, which had been wrapped in eight legs, was separated by violent gestures and scattered in all directions.



Kiakora, the queen of mermaids, was startled.

She was in deep trouble.

Because of the open Hellgate over the Arctic Ocean.

I was wondering how to solve the problem.

Day and night, I was brooding over my fierce worries.

But all of a sudden, the fertile egg house was engulfed in a fierce shock.

coo kung! Coo-goo-goo-!


It was embarrassing.

The entire royal castle leaned to one side in an instant.

No, the queen realized that the nest containing the royal castle was leaning.

It was then.

“I report to the Queen! Outside the al house now! Something big happened!”

One attendant mermaid came panting.

shouted in an urgent voice.

“The Kraken! It started to go wild!”

“What? The Kraken?”

“yes! I don’t know why. However, after trying to let out a few screams, he suddenly twisted his whole body and started to run wild!”

“What is that….”

A wrinkle formed between the queen’s brows.

It was an incredible report.

It was natural.

Kraken was an old friend of the mermaid clan.

It was because she had been with her clan even before she became queen, even before the previous queens hatched from their eggs.

‘Hoho, the most respected queen of all time, isn’t she the one who woke up from the egg on the same day as her and grew up with her? Even at the time of the Demonic Dragon Kaisertus subjugation, he was a being who willingly participated in the desert expedition battle shoulder to shoulder with his clan. Since then, he is a companion of the clan who has protected us from generation to generation. But suddenly, this kind of riot?’



I didn’t understand.


Or because the wild came to life?

That seemed more nonsensical.

‘There must be something.’

It’s not a Kraken that goes wild for no reason.

It is not an existence that will harm the clan recklessly.

Having concluded that, the queen ordered in a calm voice.

“i get it. It’s just that it doesn’t seem safe here, so everyone, without exception, evacuate. right now.”

“I take orders!”

At her command, the left and right attendants and guards all moved in perfect order.

He escaped from the castle at the speed of his life.

Escaped the tilting egg nest.

After that, I was able to see the situation at a glance.

“The entire nest of eggs in the kingdom….”

All of them were being scattered.

Like pollack eggs thrown into the rapids.

Tens and hundreds of thousands of eggs that were originally sticky were all separated.

It was floating all over the place, falling, rolling and colliding.

There is only one cause.


The Kraken was roaring and running wild.

Originally, he was violently swinging his eight legs, which were firmly holding on to the egg house.

It was twisting its huge body several kilometers in diameter in all directions.

A violent struggle on that gigantic scale.

Eggs caught in it were scattered like broken pollock eggs and were being swept away by the current.


Just then, an egg swept away by the current flew towards us.

Among the eggs that make up the city, it was quite large.

Its diameter reached 200 meters.



The attendant mermaids on the left and right shouted in fright.

But the Queen did not listen to them.

For a moment, I was dumbfounded by the Kraken’s overwhelming rampage that I had never imagined.


He let out a rough snort.

His poisonous eyes flashed.

I glared at the eggs that were flying in this direction.

Her forearms, biceps, triceps, and deltoids in her shoulders sprouted like anaconda tendons.

The muscles such as the chest and abdomen showed an angry figure like an ironclad.

The queen charged head-on at the 200-meter egg.

“The home of my people is being blown away! Leave it alone and escape!”

I spread my arms out.

stuck out

I picked up the egg with my pectoral muscles.


A queen who single-handedly received an egg filled with all sorts of structures as tall as 200 meters.

The queen’s body was pushed about 300 meters in an instant.

But the queen never stopped her explosive fin snapping.

It was an astonishing level of supernatural power that was displayed underwater.



The tendons sprouting from the queen’s body surpassed those of an anaconda and grew thick like a serpent.

However, the momentum of the egg house did not soften at all.

Still pushing the queen with furious speed and weight.


The queen’s face turned red.

Maybe it will be laid down like this.

Suddenly, such a thought flashed through the Queen’s mind.


Suddenly, someone shouted from the other side.

His whole body trembled from using the dragon, and he reflexively turned his head.

I was finally able to see

“Even if it’s a weak force! I’ll help too Ah! Ugh!”

It was Lloyd Frontera, a land human.

He was right next to him.

He was holding out both hands to receive the eggs.

It’s like I’m going to give all my strength to this side.

He looked so spleen as if he was shouting with his whole body.

“Land man? Why are you a stranger?”

“If you’re asking why I’m helping you! I’ll just answer that!”


“Yes! Do you need a reason to help someone in crisis!”

Lloyd shouted even more without hesitation.

The sight moved the Queen.

Of course, she didn’t even know.

The truth is that Lloyd was just putting his hand on the egg box.

The truth that he was only pretending to give strength to this side.

In fact, even in this unexpected situation, Lloyd had a plan.

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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