Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 246

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Chapter 246. Yongwang Sponsorship Membership (2)


Lloyd’s eyes widened as he confirmed the opponent’s appearance.

Apparently no one was around until a while ago.

Xaviel even confirmed it himself.

But someone was there.

no it was an animal

To be precise, it was a lion.

Bigger than an elephant.

Even the slightly visible claws on the front paws look enormous.

An enormous mane worthy of the dignity of a king.

It had bat-like wings and a scorpion tail.

But the belly fat looked poopy again.

Just by looking at it, it seemed so soft and fluffy that I wanted to touch it.

So, if we put together that appearance and infer its true identity….


The moment Lloyd remembered the name of the monster that appeared in front of him.

Manticore’s mouth opened.



“Corolong Cologne!”


What do you say?

Could it be that he’s growling?

Or is something talking to me?

However, Lloyd showed no reaction to Manticore’s roar or greeting.

He did not flinch or back down in fear.

He didn’t even show a look of bewilderment or bewilderment.

Actually, it was embarrassing.

Still, I persevered.

It will not show any signs of agitation.

With such a commitment, I tightened my facial muscles and managed my facial expressions.

The reason was simple.

‘You don’t know what people do. Seriously, what if that Manticore were the Dragon King?’

It was because I felt that way.

If you think about it, it was quite possible.

‘Dragon is a being that uses powerful magic. He said he could transform into any race if he put his mind to it.’

So it would be possible to transform into a non-human monster.

When I thought that way, I couldn’t dare to react hastily.

‘of course! Seriously, what if the dragon king had a perverted taste and appeared like that? I did, but if I get flustered, shout, or show a strange reaction, I’ll just lose my first impression score, right?’

I just wanted to avoid such a dead end situation.

I went all the way to hell to qualify for the Yongwang Sponsorship Membership.

I’ve been working on the construction while suffering from the heat of hell comparable to tropical nights for several months.

So I finally received the Dragon King.

I didn’t want to lose my first impression score because of a momentary mistake.

‘That will never happen. Because the dragon king has to be the best protector for me.’

+1 life.

infinite riches.

And even an unknown additional reward.

The dragon king was the one to decorate the splendid end of the honey-sucking life setting.

So, I never wanted to give the Dragon King a bad impression.

So it was.

“Hmm hmm! Respectfully wait for Xaviel.”

I stopped Xaviel once.

I’m afraid he’ll pull out his sword without notice.

After drying the silver-haired knight, he politely put his hands together.

Standing in a dignified manner, he looked up at the Manticore with sparkling eyes.

But did such a polite strategy (?) work?

Manticore’s expression softened as he looked at me.

stood on its hind legs

He raised his chubby body.

It started gesturing with its front paws.

“Corolong? Cologne! Kororong!”


“Cologne! Kororong!”

“…Ahaha ah yes.”

“Corolong? Cologne! Cologne?”

“Um, is that so? Ahahaha.”

An awkward smile bloomed on Lloyd’s lips.

Xaviel crept to the side.

I asked in a whisper.

‘Mr. Lloyd.’


‘Do you understand what that manticore is talking about?’



‘Shut up for now. Because I’m going crazy too.’

Lloyd wiped away the sweat that welled up.

It was different from that Manticore Podong or other fantasy species.

Seriously, I couldn’t understand what that fat giant lion was talking about, what he was beckoning about, or what he wanted from us.

‘Oh hey, he’s getting old and even had hair loss on his stomach!’

I suddenly wanted to cry.

If I could, I wanted to give her a pinch of pink belly fat that was revealed by the baldness of that manticore.

Then, suddenly, Lloyd remembered.

‘Wait a minute.’

Come to think of it, there were beings mentioned in passing in the novel Iron Blooded Knight.

Dragon King Berkis.

And was it a story about the five beasts serving the dragon king?

‘that’s right. They said that the dragon king had such aides.’

I couldn’t recall all aspects of the five monsters.

However, I remembered the story of an 8-meter Manticore being the leader among the five Demon Beasts.

‘Then who is this guy?’

Lloyd looked up at the Manticore with a new look.

The thought that I was wondering was gradually changed to certainty.

If so, check first.

“excuse me.”

Lloyd cautiously asked the Manticore.

“Did you, by any chance, be sent by the Dragon King Verkis?”


Manticore smiled broadly and nodded.

He gestured more vigorously as if he could now communicate.

“Corolong! Cologne? Cologne!”

“Ah, just gesture slowly….”

“Cologne? Kororong! Cologne!”

“So you’re on an errand for the Dragon King Verkis?”

“Corolong! Cologne!”

“Oh, so you came to pick me up?”


Manticore nodded again.

Soon, he sat down with his fur sticking out his cheekbones in this direction.

Then, he turned around and patted his back.


“…Ride on my back?”



It seemed like that.

Lloyd exchanged glances with Xaviel.

Xaviel also nodded.

‘I’ll protect you if it’s necessary.’

Manticore is unquestionably the highest level of magic.

An angry Manticore can single-handedly annihilate an elite human legion.

It was similar in size to Pudongi, but his fighting power far exceeded that of Pudongi.

Besides, a Manticore who has aged that way must be a veteran with a lot of experience.

What if Xaviel wasn’t there?

I should have hoped that it would not become a snack.

‘Still, I’m glad I have this guy.’

It became strong again.

Thanks to that, I was able to trust (?) and get on the Manticore’s back with him.

“Umm, please take care of me.”


Manticore let out a snort as if to take care of it.

And the unimaginable run began.



too instantaneous acceleration.

A ground that moves away in an instant.

No, the surrounding scenery is pushed out at an overwhelming speed.

Thanks to a reflexive grip on the mane hair, it did not fall out.

Lloyd was finally able to grasp the situation.

‘What kind of sprint is so fast?’

The manticore’s sprint was truly staggeringly fast.

Although I was used to riding and running on Podongi.

Although I was used to flying in a Kkomingi.

The manticore’s speed was much faster than that of the two fantasy species.

To some extent, the headwind made it difficult to breathe!



The wind blew so fiercely.

Every facial muscle and skin was crushed and distorted by the headwind.

The air entering my nostrils felt like an invading army.

It felt like the wind pressure forced my nostrils to expand three times.

Lloyd hurriedly lowered his head before he could barely breathe.

And then I expected

‘What about Xaviel?’

This is your chance.

I had a sudden thought.

There is a huge headwind that crushes and crushes even the skin and muscles of the face.

Even Xaviel would have a humiliated face at a time like this.

Lloyd felt his heart race with anticipation.

‘At times like this, I need a smart phone!’

That’s how you take a picture of humiliation and keep it for the rest of your life.

Lloyd threw his gaze at Xaviel, holding a sense of regret and anticipation mixed together like noodles.

And I had to find Xaviel’s normal (?) face looking back calmly.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”


“Somehow, it seems that your eyes are much brighter than usual.”


Lloyd was at a loss for words.

So, Xaviel’s face was perfectly fine!

His face was not distorted in the face of such a stormy headwind.

Not even an eyelash fluttered.

‘This is a scam!’

I couldn’t believe it, so I screamed inside.

But, did Xaviel understand the feelings of this side?

He smiled at this side.

“You seem to be wondering why my face is intact right now.”


“Because it’s the Grand Master.”


“You are turning mana. Coincidentally, recently, I was researching a technique to raise the external resistance of the body to the limit. According to my calculations, it seems that the strength and elasticity of the skin can be raised to a level similar to that of steel. Just like now.”


“It makes sense.”


“Like this.”


Xaviel raised a hand.

He raised his index finger and gently stirred the air.

A stream of glowing aura flowed from the tip of his index finger.

Following that hand gesture, a picture was carved in the air.

However, the identity of the picture was strange.

It was a human face.

Uncomfortably ugly.

It was just like putting a stocking over your face and pulling it straight for about 100 meters.

Lloyd furrowed his brow.

“What is this wrinkly face?”

“This is Lloyd-sama’s current appearance.”


“Really. Very impressive. No, should I say avant-garde? It used to be an ordinary face that you don’t see much of, but now it’s terribly distorted, crushed, and fluttering in the wind.


“What is this? It seems to be a reinterpretation of the material of the human face from a new perspective. It’s so intense and dynamic, but it’s also full of asymmetrical uniqueness and specificity. Such a strange incongruity creates a plane that is out of uniformity and a three-dimensional effect. Impressive. I feel like I have seen a new standard of intense asymmetry.”


Would you please stop admiring the man’s face as if he were describing modern art?

Lloyd swallowed his saliva.

I couldn’t bear to resist.

Just in time, Manticore slightly changed the direction of the run.

The wind that was blowing hit me right in the face.

My lips were fluttering blue from that drizzle.

Even if I loaded the words I wanted to refute, I couldn’t fire them.

So I just swallowed the bloody tears inside.

One day I will avenge this humiliation.

I made a promise in my heart.

Beside him, Xaviel continued talking with a serious face.

“Anyway, what really doesn’t make sense is this incredible run by the Manticore.”

“…Uh uh uh that’s what I think too.”

In the face of the wind, he lowered his head and answered.

I heard Xaviel’s reply.

“Perhaps the dragon king cast a special spell on this manticore.”

“I’m sure that’s the case?”


It will too.

No matter how top-of-the-line the Manticore is, such a speed makes no sense.

It’s just a speed that clearly exceeds the biological limit.

‘It’s so amazing to be the Dragon King.’

How does it feel to be born as such?

What kind of gold spoon or diamond spoon should I bite into and accumulate three lives of merit to be born as such a powerful and unenviable existence?

‘Is it okay if I save the country 100 times in my previous life?’

I was embarrassed all over again.

while thinking so.

The scenery around me changed quickly.

crossed the hill and crossed the river.

It crossed fields and wilderness.

We passed several villages and towns.

We jumped over lakes and passed through valleys.

I finally climbed the huge mountain foot.

There was a large oyster there.

‘Is it a demon cave?’

Gapel, a neutral independent city.

It reminded me of Marryong Mountain that was there.

A place where the Dragon King Verkis lives quietly.

It seemed that the cave in front of me was the Malyong Cave of Malyong Mountain.


The Manticore’s sprint continued into the cave.

Soon, he passed through the well-polished and complicated passage without hesitation.

Lloyd’s eyes grew serious as he scanned the aisle.


Dragon Cave is correct.

Besides, I can’t see it in detail because I’m passing by here, but it’s a great building.

‘It was made by cutting and digging the whole inside of the mountain. The entire bedrock that forms the mountain was used as the outer shell of the dungeon.’

to proceed with this work.

to undertake this construction.

How much capital and manpower will you need?

Thinking about it made me feel so far away.

No matter how much surveying and designing skills you have.

Even with the help of fantasy species.

It occurred to me that it would take at least 10 years to carry out such a transcendental construction, in which the bedrock itself of a huge mountain was used as material.

‘No, this won’t come out even in 10 years. It’s really no joke.’

Seeing the interior of this dungeon again, the fraudulent nature of the existence of the dragon king touched my skin.

It was incomparable to the dungeon of Solitas, a dragon that had just become an adult.

So, this place was overwhelming.

Lloyd felt his heart pounding.

‘That kind of existence will be my sponsor.’

After all, there are several elements that are realistically valuable in life.

A cozy and warm family.

Assets to eat and live in abundance.

And a back that you can rely on at any time, such as a strong academic relationship, regional kinship, etc.

But what about you now?

The last element among them, Back, was secured as the final boss.

The people of the Frontera family are cozy and warm.

The property of a well-prepared manor.

Even the support of the dragon king.

Now, the life setting where only honey can be sucked is about to be completed.

‘Lulululuru huhehe!’

A humming song flowed out of nowhere.

The hum didn’t stop until the manticore’s run was finally over, even when it got off the manticore’s back.

He even took a few steps of joy as he landed on the ground.

He was guided to the deepest part of the Demon Cave.

“Cologne! Cologne!”

corner of the last aisle.

When I went around there, a vast hollow welcomed me this way.

The length and width alone were estimated to be several kilometers each.

Even the ceiling was far too wide.

It was enough space for a couple of 200-meter-long dragons to team up and play a game of full-court basketball.

The space was littered with all kinds of gold and silver treasures.

However, even in such a vast space, Lloyd did not take his eyes off the overwhelming amount of gold and silver treasures that filled the space.

It had to be.

The heart of the dungeon joint.

A sofa placed randomly there.

It was because the presence spread over the sofa caught his gaze so intensely.

With dragon king-like charisma?

Or with overwhelming majesty?

It wasn’t.

‘The housekeeper in the corner…Why are you here?’

It’s like a father who lays down after a baseball game on a weekend afternoon and says ‘Daddy isn’t sleeping’.

So literally, all of them.

A being spread out as one with the sofa.

Is this a sofa or a dragon king?

An existence that seems to be talking in its sleep saying that there has never been a dragon king like this before.

That was Lloyd’s first impression when he saw the Dragon King Berkis.

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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