Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 242

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Chapter 242. Hell Railroad Ticket (2)

“Lloyd. Can I ask you something?”

“uh. ask.”

“Why are you going alone?”

“In Hell?”


Xaviel nodded.

I asked Lloyd, who was riding on Kkomingi’s back.

“I wonder if there is anything I can do by remaining here alone.”

“Of course not. Why not?”

A smile formed on Lloyd’s lips.

“You have to stay here. While I’m on my way to report to the King of Hell. You don’t know the world The same lava giant as last time could come and cause a rampage again. The railroad that was completed at best could be destroyed. is not it?”

“Is it like that too?”

“What is that?”

“I thought Lloyd-sama wanted to leave me here.”

“omg. Are you serious?”

“yes. Lloyd-sama is a person who can do that at any time.”

“How did you see me?”

“It’s the end of Yabby’s chatter.”

“…Now you’re even summarizing it.”

“Because it is comfortable. Anyway-”

The silver-haired knight shrugged.

He drew a smile that was rare for him.

“Then, I will keep the road as I commanded. Please be careful.”

“Oh yes. Just in case, if I abandon you, I will come home on my own.”

“How can you find it on your own….”

“You have that.”

Lloyd grinned and pointed to the sky.

over hell.

The Hell Gate was wide open there.

Lloyd’s words continued.

“Isn’t there anything to close it anyway? A cool breeze coming out of there would be advantageous for the temperature drop in this area. Because the lava will solidify a little faster, and the railway and ground will remain stable that much. So I’m going to keep that open.”

“Then please.”

“Yeah, maybe. why do i leave you If you have to, you just have to cross over to that hell gate. Then you can easily escape from hell, right? Of course, the other side is in the polar region, so it will be a bit cold, but I bet the Grand Master won’t die shivering from the cold, right?”


“So, you can swim from there and come to Frontera territory. Wow applause.”




“Sorry, I was kidding.”

“I felt sincere enough.”

“Did you hear it?”

“You also found out that you were joking when you said you were sorry.”

“Sheesh. A needlessly quick-witted guy.”

“thank you. Then let’s go quickly.”


Lloyd took off Kkomingyi.

After that, it flew without a word for a while.

It was only after I got away from the edge of hell to some extent that I let out the breath I had been holding back.

“Whoa. succeded.”

He left Xaviel behind and succeeded in going to Hell alone.

‘I thought what if I insisted on going together because of the escort.’

Surprisingly, he wasn’t that stubborn.

It was a good thing, if that’s the case.

The reason was simple.

It was because I felt uncomfortable going to Hell with him.

‘Because I have to meet the King of Hell. But the King of Hell keeps calling me Kim Soo-ho openly.’

It was uncomfortable and unsettling.

Xaviel was not a dull-witted guy.

It was obvious that the king of hell would be suspicious of the strange title he repeatedly called him.

‘I want to avoid such a situation as much as possible.’

However, his identity may be exposed.

Then, how will Xaviel react?

How will you treat this one?

I honestly had no idea.

So I became more anxious and reluctant.

‘But anyway, I’m glad I went to see the King of Hell alone without him.’

When I thought about it, I felt a little relieved.

It was then.

Something stirred in his arms.

Soon, a disgruntled grumble came from inside his pocket.

– …Hey, there’s no one around now? Then can’t you just take me out at this time?

The one I’ve been hiding in my inside pocket for a while.

The ghost of the crazy Prontera was grumbling.

Lloyd shook his head.

“Oh no.”

– why!

“Because it bothers me.”

– what?

“If you take it out, you’ll whine and hang on to it again. is not it?”

– Hey that!

“Right. That’s it. won’t take it out It will be noisy and annoying.”

– under. This baby so let me keep me here?

“It’s a bit different to say it’s locked up. Let’s call it protection.”

– That’s it! What a profit!

I felt something moving in my inside pocket.

Before long, the button on the inside pocket snapped open.

Prontera’s ghost pokes its head out of its pocket.

– Whoa! ugh! I almost passed out because I was frustrated, really!


– Staring at the baby with a serious expression. I’m not going out. I guess I’ll just stick my head out like this. can’t this too? ok?


– I want to sigh, man. Think about it. I’ve been stuck in my inner pocket for a month already. It means that I was crushed by those who said it was Podong or something.

“It must have been nice to be warm, fluffy and cozy.”

– Damn good.


– So you’re going to stick your head out and breathe outside air in a month, but won’t you let me do that too? You bastard, are you still a human?

“Oh man You are a specter.”

– ….

“Did you just mean to curse?”

– of course!

“But did you hesitate because you reflexively thought of your parents’ swearing?”

– …oh oh A quick-witted bastard.

“thank you. For making me feel unlucky.”

– ….

The ghost Frontera shut her mouth.

Even Lloyd, who had silenced him, enjoyed a satisfying silence.

How long did you fly without saying a word?

The ghost Prontera broke the silence first.

– Hey fake.


– hey.


– Oh really. Can you answer me?

“I have to call your name to answer.”

– …Hey Lloyd. Are you okay?

“uh. What’s your business?”

– What you said you would help me with.

The ghost Frontera was looking at the outside scenery with both arms hanging over the entrance of the inner pocket.

The guy looked up this way.

He was looking at me with a serious gaze.

The moment he saw it, Lloyd realized.

The guy who’s been quiet for the past month.

The reason why the guy who did that was forced to stick his head out of his pocket.

I thought that was what this story was about.

‘Do you think it’s your turn to help me now that my railroad work is finished? Or are you afraid that I will leave hell like this?’

maybe both

That’s why he had to force himself to find the right time to talk.

Indeed, he asked as if he were suspicious.

– What happened? I was going to find a way

This is an unpleasant question.

No, actually, that’s an embarrassing question.

Lloyd pretended to be unconcerned.

“I haven’t found it yet.”

– what? still?


– Why didn’t you find it?

I could see the specter Frontera’s eyebrows slightly twisted.

Lloyd’s nose furrowed as well.

‘I was embarrassed to talk to this guy because of this.’

The guy who keeps making me feel a sense of debt in a strange way.

That’s why the one who can’t even resist whining.

It was annoying.

It was annoying.

But I’m sorry.

So I don’t know how to deal with it.

Lloyd responded in the most emotionless way possible.

“just. I couldn’t find it. really.”

– You didn’t find it?


– really?


– You didn’t find it?


The ghost Prontera’s question gradually felt like an awl.

The guy’s questioning continued.

– Be honest. You have no idea how to find a way to help me?

“Hey, no matter what you say….”

– It’s true.


– Have you tried that?

“Are you struggling to find me too?”

– lie.


– Did you think I wouldn’t know? Worry about it. you don’t worry No, I spent the whole day worrying about how to build the railroad that the king of hell ordered. is not it?


-Did you think I was just playing around in your inner pocket for a month? I heard it all and thought about it too. Can you honestly say no? Have you ever thought of helping me, bastard?

“…Are you talking too harshly?”

Lloyd clenched his teeth.

“It is not easy for me to help you. To be honest, you don’t even know how. But that’s what I’m looking for. But will you find it quickly and easily in a month? is not it?”

– under. speak well I made excuses and fell asleep.

“what? excuse?”

– okay. excuse.

The specter Frontera laughed.

– Do you think I don’t know your true intentions?

“My true intention.”

– Take care of your urgent work and buy some time. After that, I pretended to be sorry, saying that I couldn’t find a way even after looking for it. throw me away like that it will be


– They stole the body of a person who was living well, their family, and all of them, and now they’re even playing with ghosts. Hasai to eat. Abominable son of a thief.


– why. If you have something to say, do it.

“Let’s not talk like that. What’s the difference with this?”

– It doesn’t change. That’s why.


The specter Frontera’s grin deepened.

– You’re not going to help me anyway. I know everything, you bastard

“…ha really Are you still treating people as sinners?”

– of course. Can you justify not?

“I really didn’t mean to talk about this.”

In the end, Lloyd also spoke out what he had been holding back.

“Even if you weren’t taken by me anyway, you were destined to die in a year and a half. Do you know?”

– what?

“The pub you frequent every day. I was destined to die in that closet, vomiting up a bowl of blood.”

– This bastard…what kind of bullshit is that

“Tell me more?”

– ….

The ghost Prontera’s mouth was shut.

Lloyd’s mouth opened.

I brought out words that I hadn’t even bothered to say.

The downfall of the Baron Prontera family, which he had seen while reading the Iron Blood Knights.

The miserable end of Lloyd Frontera and the baroness Julien.

He told the whole story in a calm manner.

All the while, the specter Frontera remained silent.

I just listened to Lloyd’s story in silence.

And when Lloyd’s story is over.

He let out a bitter laugh.

– under. so. You want me to believe that?


– Yes. So what are you saying, you bastard? Should I bow in gratitude for changing my family’s destiny? Do you want to hear a compliment? ok?

“Praise is bullshit. I don’t even want that.”

– Then what do you want to say?

“It’s just the truth. I hope you know too. Because you are the party.”

Lloyd said as if cutting with a knife.

I think I’m tired of arguing with this guy.

“Yes, maybe you are right. i’m a thief Even if you have a double bath, there is nothing to say. Even now. I honestly have no idea how to help you. vague and vague But is that wrong?”

– ….

“Yes, if that is wrong, then it must be wrong. If I can’t find a way to help you, I’ll be a sinner to you. But what do you do? If I can’t find it, I’ll just eat and live well as a sinner as I can’t find it. So will I just die? That’s not it. There is no other way for me to do it.”

– ….

“I don’t even know anymore. I also tried my best. I’ve done this much since I entered your body. But if you keep blaming me, I don’t know what else to do. Isn’t it?”

– Yes, he was going to die anyway. What do you mean to say thank you for letting my family live instead of taking my body?

“Hey, that’s not what I mean.”

– No, what is it? Sounds the same to me.

“What is that….”

Lloyd tried to object.

But it didn’t.

It was because I saw it the moment I threw my eyes at him to rebut.

The specter Frontera was already crying.

– okay. Because he was going to die anyway. But that’s not it. As you said, if I died after about a year and a half, if I died in an alcove of a tavern while shedding blood, then at least I could go to hell and be judged, right?


– okay. If I had died like you said, I would have been punished in hell instead. After enduring that time, I could have hoped that I would be reincarnated. But what about me now? what? Why is it like this? It does not belong to either this world or the underworld. as a ghost. Why do I have to wander like this forever without being able to reincarnate?


– it’s okay. I’m sorry for being ugly whining. Do your thing and go away.

It was there.

The specter Frontera went into the inner pocket of JuseomJuseom.

I never raised my head again, and I didn’t even bother to get it out.

I tried talking to him, but I didn’t even get an answer.


At a time like this, I don’t know what to say.

Lloyd let out a sigh of relief.

Without saying a word, he stroked Kkomingi’s feathers and tried to focus only on flying with a calm expression.

As such, the end of the uncomfortable flight was soon approaching.

arrived at hell

I passed the familiar driveway and entered the office of the King of Hell.

“Lloyd Frontera meets the worthy ruler of Hell.”

He bowed before the king of hell.

The office still looked the same as before.

A large office chair.

A larger, simpler desk than that.

A pile of paperwork piled on top of it.

And even the gaze of the king of hell staring at us while he was busy working.

“Come. From the business.”

The attitude that is tired of that pile of work is also the same.

Lloyd swallowed a bitter smile and replied.

“Yes, I have completed all the railroad work that you entrusted to me the other day.”

“is it?”

“Yes, Lord of Hell.”

“As far as I know, he even beat a lava giant.”

“Yes that’s right.”

“You must have suffered a lot.”

“yes. Thank you for noticing.”

“her. You don’t even show humility.”

“Because there is no need for that.”

“is it. I knew it well anyway. Thanks to that, I was able to learn a lot of the know-how of railroad construction.”

“You were really watching my construction process?”

“of course.”

The king of hell put down his pen and papers before he knew it.

His eyes flashed through the rimless glasses.

“Have you learned the basic principles? Thanks to that, I think I know the basics of how to maintain the railroad.”

“Is it okay if I don’t inform you?”

“Still, I’d be more grateful if you could tell me in detail. The pay for that will be sufficient.”

“You mean compensation?”

“If there is something to receive, there must also be something to give.”

The king of hell’s natural answer.

Hearing that, Lloyd secretly clenched his fist.

‘As expected, he’s the king of hell.’

I heard that he hates freebies and prefers give and take, but I thought it was true.

The king of hell continued.

“Kim Soo-ho. If you teach me the know-how to manage the railroad, I will give you one-time permission to use the Hell Railroad.”

“A ticket for the Hell Railroad?”


The King of Hell nodded.

“If you use that pass, you will be able to use the Hell Railroad unconditionally once in the future, even if you are sentenced to purgatory for committing many sins.”

“That word….”

“It means that you can take the Hell Railroad and enter the gate of reincarnation at the end of Hell.”


Lloyd involuntarily swallowed his saliva.

It had to be.

A one-time pass for the Hell Railway that the King of Hell will give you.

It was thanks to the realization of the true meaning of this reward.

‘Isn’t this literally the same as a one-time exemption ticket to hell?’

any villain.

That’s why the souls who should be imprisoned in the purgatory of hell and suffer unconditionally.

It meant that you could go to the edge of hell and enter the gate of reincarnation with a ticket for the Hell Railroad.

In other words, it means that you can be reincarnated without punishment once.

‘…How cool?’

Unexpected Hell Exemption.

Is the means to suck honey not only alive but also after death?

When I thought of that, my heart skipped a beat.

The fist was clenched at the reward that exceeded expectations.

I felt really good about coming to hell.

Then, all of a sudden, I stopped.

Something came up.


Lloyd’s attitude changed.

I slithered my clenched fist.

Even the pounding chest calmed down.

It became a face that was still in thought.

It was such a change in attitude that the King of Hell, who was watching, felt puzzled.

“Kim Soo-ho, why are you like that? Is there something wrong with the reward I offer?”

Maybe you don’t like the Hell Railroad pass?

The King of Hell tilted his head.

Lloyd slowly looked up.

He replied with a thoughtful face.

“Ah, that’s not it. I am not dissatisfied with the tickets for the train to hell that are being given to me. But-”


“I have a question for you.”

“What are you curious about?”

“Maybe this.”

Lloyd took a slow breath.

I sorted out my thoughts.

abandoned the lingering

I made up my mind.

and asked

“If you use this railroad ticket that you promised to give to me…Can a ghost wandering without a place to go be reincarnated?”

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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