Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 238

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Chapter 238. Noise Pollution Complaint (1)

– Rolling! sigh!

About 3 kilometers away from the Hell Railway construction site.

There was a vast lava lake there.

Originally, it was just a plain, peaceful (?) sticky lake of hell.

But today was a little different.

For some reason, it was boiling more violently than usual.

It was bubbling wildly like never before.

The reason was simple.

– Roll! Noisy….

The lava giant that had been sleeping at the bottom of the lava lake turned over.

I blocked my ears with a nervous gesture.

It had to be.

I wanted to sleep more.

It’s because I’ve slept for about 20,000 years so far.

I wanted to sleep for at least another 100,000 years.

That seemed to ease the endless languidness a little.

Oh, I felt satisfied that I slept soundly today.

But what about reality?

It was brutal.

cooong! Wow!

That noise and annoying vibration that started to be heard nearby some time ago.

I couldn’t figure out where the noise was coming from.

No, I didn’t want to understand because it was annoying.

It was annoying even to get up and check.

so i just let it go

If you let it go, I’ll say it for a while.

Maybe this is just passing fuss.

So it would be best to ignore it and go back to sleep.

The lava giant thought so.

But see now?

It seemed that I was wrong.

cooong! Whoops!

That giant maddening vibration ran endlessly at every moment, 24 hours a day, 24 hours a day.

He knocked on the lava lake and poked at the eardrum of the lava giant sleeping on the floor.

– Rumble!

The lava giant’s eyelids trembled nervously.

Power went into the two huge palms that covered his ears.

Every time the cooong vibrates.

The brow of the cooing giant twisted.

Every time the cooing noise scratches your nerves.

The expression on the giant’s face became ferocious.

And finally, the lava giant cut down.

I can’t stand it any longer.

– Rumble! Roll!

The moment when the string of patience is cut off.

The lava giant opened its eyes.

slowly got up

A change has occurred in the lava lake.

The lava in the lake that was bubbling and stagnant was absorbed by the giant. It became part of the giant’s body. The size of the originally gigantic giant was further inflated.

And finally.

– Googrrrrrr! Goo Oh!

I got up.

After absorbing all the lava from the lake.

Finally, with a huge body reaching 200 meters.

Standing tall on a plain full of volcanic ash, his eyes glowed with anger.

He glared in the direction of the noise and vibration that had been bothering him.

– Roll!

3 kilometers away.

There are no mountains or hills in between.

The giant’s height was 200 meters.

It was clearly visible without any obstructions.

It was a mound of volcanic ash piled up in a straight line.

Around the mound, thousands of Satans huddled together.

He also seemed to be busy doing something.

That appearance stimulated the lava giant.

– Gureuk!

those are the guys

I don’t know what that long mound is like, but it must have been that the Satanists over there had been making a fuss while building and making that mound.

So what’s the solution?


– Kill them all!

That’s it.

All you have to do is kill all those satans.

Dead Satans won’t make a fuss.

The surroundings will be quiet again, and you will be able to sleep comfortably.

The determined lava giant moved.


The soles of the feet of flame reaching 32 meters shook the ground.

At first, I walked slowly, step by step, because I had been walking for a long time.

But little by little you get used to it and it gradually becomes threatening.

In the end, without hesitation, with blatant anger.

Kwak Kwah Kwah Kwah!




like a typhoon.

Like driving an earthquake.

The distance of 3 km was covered with a tremendous stride.

It hit the railroad construction site with destructive vibrations and roars.

without any hesitation.

without any compromise.

put all your weight on it.

jumped up

They trampled on a railroad track that was under construction.


The carefully crafted rails and sleepers were crushed.

The hard-built roadbed itself was crushed.

Just one leap and trample.

With that blow, a roadbed section of about 80 meters was destroyed without a trace.

It was the same with Satan who worked there.

“What is it!”


“Get down!”

Dozens of Satanists were hit by shrapnel flying in all directions like bullets. He collapsed, bleeding blue. He clutched at the broken and opened wound and screamed.

But they were in better shape.

If you compare it to the 20 or so Satans who were directly trampled and turned to powder by the surprise trampling.

“Yo lava giant evil!”

A Satan who first realized the situation shouted.

Sudden destruction and explosive dust.

The Satans, who had been flustered in it, stopped all at once.

All the satans’ complexions turned pale at the same time.

‘A lava giant?’

I got goosebumps the moment I heard it.

As such, the lava giant was a terrifying presence even in Hell.

The lava centipede they used?

There was no comparison.

No, it was to the point where I could assert that there was no existence that could actually stop the lava giant except for the King of Hell.

‘Why is such a lava giant here?’

According to the old story I heard from my parents when I was young, the lava giant wakes up almost once every hundreds of thousands of years.

He said the last rampage was only 20,000 years ago.

That’s why he still has a lot of time left before he goes on a rampage.

“Who go! Tell the King of Hell about this!”

“Ah! I want to too!”

“me too! But hell! It’s too far!”

“Then hide it! Run away!”

Satans who lost their will to fight threw away their tools.

Each of them found a way to live and hid or ran away.

But they didn’t know.

Two eyes of a lava giant at a height of 200 meters.

The fact that those merciless eyes were looking down on their every move.

Soon after, violence like punishment poured out.


The lava giant stepped on the ground lightly.

The rock crevice where the ten Satans who chose to hide were hiding.

It was crushed in an instant.

The Satanists there were also ground to dust.

Even the Satans who chose to run away were not so safe.

Whoops Kwa Kwah Kwah Kwah-!

The giant’s huge feet moved horizontally this time.

like sweeping a broom.

He swept and rubbed the ground with the soles of his feet.

However, the range of that ordinary movement was several tens of meters.

Dozens of Satans caught up in the chains were annihilated like a swarm of ants.

“please! Big Satan! save!”

Satans ran rampant to live.

They fled in all directions and howled.

However, the lava giant had no mercy.

Because the satans made a fuss and woke up from the noise.

He thought that he would be able to sleep quietly only if he killed all the satans in this place.

The idea was faithfully put into practice.

They trampled on them, hit them with their palms, swept them, and blew thousands of degrees.

Satans lost their lives in piles like swarms of flies hit by insecticide.

A violent roar and an urgent scream.

Destructive roars mixed with plaintive cries.

Unfortunately, the Satanists couldn’t even escape properly.

This was the reason why railway construction sites were designated mainly on open plains from the beginning.

There was nowhere to hide and no way to escape.

– Rumble! Gureuk!

The lava giant’s momentum became more ferocious.

Now, as if enjoying it, he continued his slaughter gesture.

If it had not been for the silver-haired knight who stood in the way just in time, the slaughter of the lava giant would not have stopped until thousands of satanic people were annihilated here.

– Roll?

It was in the middle of enjoying the slaughter.

The lava giant involuntarily stopped the hand he was striking.

A strange creature appeared.

– …gurgling?

An ant-like silhouette suddenly appeared in front of me at some point.

It seemed a little smaller than little Satan.

But the look was amazing.

The skin was not red.

Instead of horns, silver hair was plentiful on the head.

He dared to look up this way with his blue eyes.

So thought the lava giant.

– Roll!

It’s a weird looking satan.

How would you feel if you hit it with your palm and kill it?

The lava giant did not hesitate.


He hit the silver-haired knight Xaviel with his huge palm.

At that moment, Xaviel’s sword flashed.


There were no roars or flashes of light.

There was only a very brief flash of the longsword.

It just stirred the space in a very ordinary way.

But next moment.

The lava giant had to witness the horror of his palm being cut into dozens of pieces.


– …Gureuk!

Dozens of auras bloomed along Xaviel’s sword path.

It sliced through space itself like a shining net.

The lava giant’s palm was cut into dozens of pieces.

Forearms, shoulders, and the entire upper body were no exception.

– Goo gurruk!

Two Per Per Per Perk!

The upper body of the lava giant was cut into hundreds of pieces.

Lava like fresh blood poured out in all directions.

and…got back together

– Rurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


The lava giant’s body, which had been cut into hundreds of pieces, was restored in an instant.

He stood up as if he hadn’t been hit.

He looked down at Xaviel with a calm gaze.

Xaviel’s eyebrows twitched.

His sword moved again.

Too Per Per Puck!

Severed the whole body of a lava giant.

Sliced, cut, and cut.

However, the lava giant continued to cut and reassemble each time.

It roared as if no blow had been taken.

– Gurureurureuk!

Lloyd’s neck, who was watching it from afar, also twitched.

‘Wow. What is that?’

Lloyd’s fist trembled on Kkoming’s back as he flew 300 meters in the air.

Suddenly, an incident from a while ago came to mind.

It was himself and Xaviel who were cleaning up the site a few kilometers away from here.

Today’s work went smoothly.

The orbit space-time system is also working really well.

It was a very pleasant feeling.

But in the middle of that, I heard an ominous roar.

A roar and vibration as if a volcano were about to explode.

Did you want to doubt your eyes the moment you looked back there?

‘That giant was rampaging.’

It was a railway construction site, mostly flat.

Thanks to this, I could clearly see the lava giant rampaging several kilometers away.

It was from the moment I saw it.

Kkoming flew in with the momentum of his tail feathers falling off.

I saw Xaviel leap to the ground first and block the lava giant’s way, and saw the lava giant get swept away by the aura storm.

And I witnessed the giant recover calmly.

‘This seems a bit unanswerable.’

Lloyd bit his lip and looked down.

The lava giant and Xaviel were clashing with each other, splashing lava.

Scar! Snap!

Every time Xaviel’s sword moved, dozens of auras flashed.

Each time the lava giant’s body was cut into hundreds of pieces.

and…was restored in an instant.

‘Just cutting water with a knife.’

No, it wasn’t water, Lloyd thought, that it looked like boiling soup or curry.

It was.

Indeed, the lava giant’s body was like soup or curry.

That’s why no matter how powerful and perfect Xaviel cuts off his body, the blow didn’t go in.

Even if you cut it dozens or hundreds of times, it will quickly stick again.

Like cutting hot soup or curry with a knife.

Because I couldn’t do any damage.

‘It’s not about being strong or weak.’

A wrinkle formed between Lloyd’s eyebrows.

‘Xaviel is strong. Because I became a grand master. Even now, the lava giant is being beaten so thoroughly that Xaviel’s body cannot even be touched. Still, the situation is not good. So this…It’s a matter of compatibility.’

Curry that cannot be cut no matter how much you cut it.

A cleaver wielding hard to cut it.

This fight was like that.

To sum it up, even if the compatibility wasn’t good, it wasn’t too bad.

In the first place, I thought that it was no different from a fight that Xaviel had no way to win.


Lloyd’s shoulders trembled.

With a deep sigh, his head tightened.

analyze the situation.

predict the future.

The best gain was calculated.

‘For now, it can’t be like this. No answer. Xaviel will never win. So do i. It’s blasting, rapid charging, and I can’t see an angle to work with. I don’t know where or how that lava-covered giant appeared, but if it continues to riot like this, the railroad construction and everything else will be gone.’

he conceded.

Don’t overestimate your abilities.

Looking at the situation calmly, a very pessimistic result was expected.

But Lloyd did not give up.

No, I didn’t want to give up.

‘Then what if the railroad construction site is moved? It’s a pity that this place I’ve been making so far…What if I give up and build a new railroad on a different route?’

It seemed that the work could be resumed.

It’s a pity that the scene where I’ve been working hard so far is a waste.

When I think of the time and effort I put into surveying, designing, and construction, I feel like I’m really going to cry.

Still, if I give up here, I wonder if I can start anew.

Even in the midst of darkness, a faint glimmer of hope sprung up.

But that was then.

The lava giant, who had been beaten endlessly by Xaviel, shouted loudly.

– Gurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! kill them all! With the resentment of the sleep I couldn’t achieve because of the noise you guys made! I will kill them all! That grotesque mound! I will chase you to the end of hell and destroy them all!



The moment you hear the giant’s roar.

Lloyd reduced.

‘Did he do that because he was upset by the noise at the construction site? So what? A grotesque mound? You’re going to follow me to the end and destroy them all?’

I felt like my legs were losing strength.

What does that call mean?

Since the construction work on this side made a lot of noise and anger, wouldn’t it mean that he would obstruct and destroy it even if he chased the construction work on this side to the end of hell?

‘under. Life is real.’

Unbeknownst to me, tears suddenly started to flow.

I felt that all the efforts I had put in here for three months had gone in vain.

But I couldn’t figure out how to stop it.

‘There is no real answer.’

No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn’t come up with a way to stop that lava giant.

A union between you and Xaviel?

That didn’t seem to change anything.

It seemed to be the same even with the use of fantasy species.

So, this is a really unanswerable question.

But what about continuing to hold on to unanswered questions?

That’s a no-brainer with no excuse.

So the bottom line is….

‘A quick stop loss is the only way to reduce the damage.’

Huh took a deep breath.

Let’s be cool and admit failure this time.

So Lloyd applied mind control to himself.

And he lowered the Kkomingi.

I shouted at Xaviel.

“hey! men and horses! Let’s bounce!”

I didn’t even wait for his answer.

This project is a clear failure.

Even if you give up this site and try to build a new railroad somewhere else, that lava giant will eventually chase you and make a mess.

This makes it impossible to proceed with the construction itself.

But what if you hold on to it?

It seemed obvious that he would be wasting his time without any income.

So it was.

Deciding to make a quick stop loss, Lloyd raised his left hand.

And I focused my mind.

before going to hell for the first time.

He recalled the magic that the ancient dragon Enticus had engraved on his left hand while explaining safety measures.

‘I thought the hell gate for escape was opened like this, maybe?’

I activated the dark mind method.

I concentrated mana with my left hand.

Then, a tickling response came from the left hand.

Like a transparent tattoo, the magic circle on his left hand shone.

Then, he shot a stem of mana into the air.

Hey hey hey! Quatz Kac!

The stems of mana made a circle in the air.

The crackling circle grew to about 5 meters in diameter.

The Hellgate for escape provided by the ancient dragon Enticus when he first came to Hell.

The only passage that connects this hell with the human world where the continent of Laurasia is located.

It had opened the door.

At the same time, Lloyd thought.

‘At that time, I said that the point where the ancient dragon Hellgate is connected is set randomly, right? Then please, I hope the exit is connected to a place a little closer to the Prontera estate.’

I’m tired now

It was a yard where the construction that had been carried out in hell would return to failure.

Even the contract with the King of Hell will fail.

You won’t even be able to free the old dragon’s soul.

Getting a membership sponsored by the Dragon King would also be a waste.

power went out

I was in vain.

Now I just want to rest.

‘Yeah, what kind of dragon king sponsorship membership do I have two lives for? Let’s just suck on honey while taking good care of our lives.’

I thought I would be satisfied with this.

I decided to stop at this point and get some rest.

So, I had a wish that it would be nice to escape from hell and return to a place close to home.

That way you can go home early and rest earlier.

Because you will be able to enjoy the rest of your life, which is peaceful, safe, and overflowing with honey, even a little earlier.

Like that, Lloyd looked at Hellgate with a small and humble wish.

In the meantime, Hellgate was completed.

Patsk Chic!

I wanted a spark to fly.

The wind from the human world blew from across the completed Hell Gate.

It was while embracing the chill of minus 80 degrees Celsius.



A cold wind that blew so suddenly.

Lloyd was frightened by the chain and tightened his collar.

‘Ugh what?’

Feeling absurd, he cast his eyes across the gates of Hell.

I could see the scenery of the arrival point connected to Hellgate.


saw the sea

But it was no ordinary sea.

Everything was frozen like slush.

There was also a huge iceberg floating between them.

So over there….

‘A polar region?’

The arrival point of Hell Gate, opened only for escape with a feeling of giving up.

The moment Lloyd realizes the identity of the scenery there.

– …That guruk! Etchwi!

The lava giant, who had been rampaging without hesitation, shook his body for the first time and let out a pitiful sneeze.

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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