Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 232

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Chapter 232. Hell Railway 666 (2)

The history of railroads is long.

Surprisingly, it is quite long.

Like a train that goes on and on endlessly.

The history of railroads is much longer than people realize.

‘Really. If you follow the origin of the most primitive railroad, the date goes up to around 600 B.C.’

Around 600 BC, there was a carriage road in the Straits of Corinth, Greece.

However, this wagon road was different from the normal road.

There were two long rows of grooves in the floor along the road.

However, the spacing of these grooves matched the spacing of the wheels of the wagon.

In other words, it had the characteristics of a very early railroad, in which the wheels moved efficiently along the grooves.

‘Is that all? There are more similar cases.’

A similar case existed in the Eastern Roman Empire around AD 400.

Even in ancient China, on the other side of the Eurasian continent, there was a grooved wagon road with a similar principle.

‘It was the Warring States period. In the midst of day-to-day quarrels and wars, the cart road was used to move large quantities of goods. In addition, each country had different specifications for wheel grooves on wagon roads. To prevent an enemy country from using its own wagon road when it occupies its territory.’

Likewise, mankind has realized the principles of primitive railroads since the early days of history.

And when the principle of the railway met the wave of industrialization.

At last, the modern railroad changed people’s lives forever.

‘The vanguard of industrialization. The driving force behind economic development based on large-scale manufacturing. The basis of national total war. All of those concepts have railroads as an essential element.’

It was true.

Mankind’s numerous means of transportation.

car ship airplane etc.

To put it all together, it could be said that there is absolutely no other means of transportation as efficient as the railroad.


The answer comes immediately from downtown Seoul.

when traveling over long distances.

Or when going from one end of Seoul to the other end.

Do you only go by city bus or take the subway? What if you ask?

Most people will choose the train.

Besides, what if you take the KTX from Seoul to Busan just once?

You can feel the convenience of the train with your whole body.

So what about ships?

‘I can carry a large amount of supplies at once. obviously good But it’s limited. Because it can’t float without water.’

Therefore, the share of ships in transportation within the national territory could not be very large.

‘It’s the same with airplanes.’

First off, it’s expensive.

too expensive.

Due to the nature of aircraft, which are sensitive to weight due to takeoff and landing, it is difficult to carry a lot of materials at once.

In addition, it is vulnerable to typhoons and various bad weather.

As such, each mode of transportation had its own strengths and weaknesses.

On the other hand, what about railroads?

‘In terms of efficiency, it’s almost perfect.’

Lloyd thought so.

Like a ship, it can carry a lot of goods at once.

You don’t have to worry about traffic jams like cars.

There is no such thing as an airplane that is not in operation due to bad weather.

Affordable and accurate bulk transportation.

Railroads had such great advantages.

“As long as you can afford the initial cost of building the railroad and the associated infrastructure.”

“The cost of building the railroad you have described so far.”

“That’s right.”

Lloyd nodded.

He smiled confidently.

“But Hell Castle won’t suffer from such a cost.”

“Whatever it is, though.”

The king of hell asked with a slight frown.

“railroad. efficient transportation. I understand everything. How are you going to put it here?”

“Are you concerned about lava flowing everywhere?”


The wrinkles between the king of hell deepened.

“According to what you said, you said that the railroad was to smelt and lay steel. However, if I laid railroad tracks in the hellish land full of lava everywhere, it would melt quickly.”

“Yes, definitely will.”

“So you’re saying there’s an alternative?”

“Of course.”

“Can you tell me?”

“It is a trade secret.”

“Aren’t you hiding it because you’re not confident?”

“If you don’t have the confidence to trust me, don’t entrust me with the work.”


The King of Hell, Helkaros, looked down at Lloyd.

What kind of guys are there?

‘Kim Soo-ho.’

The King of Hell was the one who penetrated the essence of the soul.

That’s why he knew Lloyd’s identity to some extent.

Lloyd, no, Kim Soo-ho is not a person in this world.

For some reason, it was a soul that crossed the dimension and intervened in this world.

So it was laughable, full of spirits, and interesting.

The installation was laughable for the subject of the intervening soul.

The sight of him daring to negotiate boldly in front of him was suffocating.

However, the concept of railroad explained like that was also interesting.

No, it was tempting.

‘If that’s what I’m describing…Hmm, I think I can solve the problem here.’

The King of Hell thought.

The principles of the railroad you just heard about.

Advantages and disadvantages of railway.

Among them, how can the merits solve the problems of hell?

‘It’s possible. According to the author’s words.’

All you have to do is remodel hundreds of carts and line them up.

that will be the train

What power does the train move?

You would just attach a pulley and a lever to the wheel.

All you have to do is burn dozens of Satans and have them alternately push and pull the lever.

Like rowing with a lever.

The train will move with the power of Satan.

‘That way, a much smaller number of Satans would be needed for the soul convoy. About eight thousand? With just that much, 800,000 satans will be able to escort the same amount of souls as now, when they are carrying souls to their respective carts.’

The King of Hell’s calculations tightened.

It escorts many souls with much less manpower.

What about the surplus Satan left behind?

You can put it into the management of the railroad.

No, there will still be quite a bit of surplus Satan left.

‘All I have to do is let them assist me with my work.’

There were many miscellaneous tasks in Hell Castle.

Hell King’s Judgment Assistant.

A record of the achievements and misdeeds of the souls.

The ordering of souls waiting to be judged.

Even the work of sharing souls going to hell, going to heaven, and going to reincarnation after judgment.

‘I’m taking on all those chores. Besides, my work will be less. Thanks to the reliable railroad, you don’t have to go through the trouble of assigning new transport routes to stupid satans every time. If that’s the case….’

You can free yourself from all chores.

You just have to judge the souls.

Only the most basic jobs remain.

That means….

‘leave work.’


The King of Hell’s heart beat with a shy 32-bit Hwimori rhythm.

can go to work

After a whopping 670,000 years.

Get away from the boring overtime.

You can operate the front door lock of the house, which has never been removed even with a protective film.

So open the door and go in.

Finally take off your shoes.

Soak in a warm lava bath.

You will be able to enjoy a fun program all evening with the magical soul orb.

Helltube Helllix Helcha plus the Helliver series.

‘I’ve never lived like that before.’


Just imagining it made my heart flutter.

Just thinking about it was refreshing and dizzying.

On the one hand, I was able to escape from anxiety.

A predecessor who succumbed to depression after 3.8 billion years of abuse.

A deep insecurity about not wanting to be like those predecessors.

However, it is dark that he will not be able to escape that fate in the end.

Until now, he was the king of hell who lived captivated by such emotions.

But now?

It has changed.

He felt the dark cloud-like anxiety and darkness that he had harbored for a long time slowly lift from his chest.

Maybe that was it.

The King of Hell looked down at Lloyd with a different look than before.

He replied with a hearty smile like never before.


“Yes, that means….”

“Kim Soo-ho, I will trust you and entrust you with the railroad construction.”

“thank you!”

Lloyd shook his head.

Customers are always welcome.

So next turn….

“Should I sign a construction order contract?”

“Ouch, if you do, I will be grateful.

Lloyd laughed and rubbed his palms.

He is also the king of hell.

They said it was an icon of fair judgment and transactions.

Even though this side didn’t tell me, I’m going to write a contract first.

‘This kind of customer is the most comfortable.’

Lloyd said with satisfaction.

“Oh, and I have something to ask you.”

“Please? to me?”

“yes. It is absolutely necessary for this project.”

“What is it?”

“It’s simple. All you have to do is spread the word to all hell that Lloyd Frontera is singing at the edge of hell.”

“Hmm, it’s not that difficult. Is that necessary?”

“yes. Cooperation is essential for the smooth progress of construction.”

“Then you should do it. good night. Let’s send an official notice to all of Hell.”

“thank you.”

After that, it was a breeze.

As usual, Lloyd drew up the construction order contract.

This is to lay railroads in the place requested by the King of Hell.

The King of Hell is to release the soul of the old dragon Enticus after the railroad construction is over.

That was the condition stated in the contract.

As the conditions were simple, there was no need for additional coordination.

After confirming the contents, the contract was concluded by signing and sharing the respective contracts.

The King of Hell smiled contentedly.

“Good. It’s fortunate that the contract was successful. I wasted about 20 minutes listening to him explain about the railroad and signing a contract.”

“If you say I wasted 20 minutes….”

“The soul convoy was delayed by that amount of time. To that extent, the proliferation of microorganisms around the world is being delayed.”


“It could be said that the possibility of a mass extinction due to the collapse of the microbial ecosystem has increased by about 1 percent.”


“What are you so surprised about? Now that the contract has been signed, I will send it to the construction site right away.”

“A construction site?”

“okay. If we go directly, that much time will be wasted, so let’s send it right away.”

The King of Hell beckoned.

A red wave followed that hand gesture. It spread. like smearing. It wrapped around this side and Xaviel’s entire body.

“You will arrive at the edge of hell. Can we build a railroad from there and come all the way here? Then we will meet again on the day the railroad is completed.”

It was along with the words of the King of Hell.



The red waves that wrapped around the whole body shone.

It flashed like an explosion.

For an instant, my eyes went dark.

It feels like your whole body is floating in midair.

For a moment, I felt like my stomach was rumbling.

I set my feet on a strange land.



Lloyd blinked his eyes.

After a moment of papat booung, the scenery around me completely changed.


There was no such thing anymore.

The king of hell in front of me also disappeared.

To be precise….

“Looks like this is the end of hell the King of Hell said.”

“I agree.”

Xaviel’s voice came from the side.

Lloyd felt a little relieved.

‘Maybe something like teleportation sent us here. Hell is the territory of the King of Hell.’

He looked ahead.

Not a single blade of grass could be found on the plains full of volcanic ash.

Between them, smoke filled with the smell of sulfur rose.

Sparsely, less solid lava ponds were also seen.

desolate and deserted.

It was a typical hell scene.

The rear, on the other hand, was a little different.

“Looks like this is the end of hell.”

“It seems so.”

Lloyd saw the end of Hell.

The edge of hell was a precipice of unknown depth without railings.

On the other side is the darkness itself that boasts of absolute emptiness.

‘I can’t even imagine what it would be like if I fell in there.’

Let’s never get lost in it.

Lloyd’s shoulders trembled and he thriftly stepped back thirty steps from the cliff at the edge of hell.

But that was then.

Xaviel asked a question.

“Mr Lloyd. I have a question for you.”

“Are you curious?”



“Who is Kim Soo-ho?”

“…Cool! Coke kek!”

“Are you okay?”

“Ah, I suddenly heard a rumor. The air here is really bad.”


Lloyd shuddered.

Xaviel didn’t laugh.

“No matter how you think about it, it’s a little strange. I mean the king of hell. He kept calling Lloyd-sama by the strange title of Kim Soo-ho.”

“Oh that?”


“I know. It’s a bit strange to me. yes?”

“That’s right. Lloyd-sama definitely has the name Lloyd Frontera. So, doesn’t Lloyd-sama also know what the title Kim Soo-ho is?”

“of course. Do you know what that is? It must be one of the titles used in hell, probably.”

“Is that so.”

“uh. yes.”



Lloyd grinned.

So that the corners of your mouth don’t tremble awkwardly.

So that the sound of my thumping heart wouldn’t leak out.

I tried my best to manage my expression and took off pretentiousness.

On the other hand, he did not forget the slander against the King of Hell.

‘Wow. I was cold Isn’t that king of hell really evil? Why do you keep calling people by their real names and making a fuss?’

Next time I meet the King of Hell, I’ll have to take Xaviel apart.

So Lloyd made a promise in his heart.

Fortunately, Xaviel was already talking about other topics.

“By the way. I have one more question.”

“What else?”

“How on earth are you planning to build a railroad here?”

Xaviel’s hand pointed at the vast land of Hell.

A land covered with volcanic ash.

A land filled with lava everywhere.

That’s why the earth is blazing with tremendous temperature.

“I also heard that Lloyd-nim explained to the King of Hell about the railroad. So now I know a little bit. He said that the key is to lay a long track that meets the specifications of the railway train’s wheels.”

“Oh right.”

“But looking at this place, I wonder if the railroad can be intact.”

“Oh, that’s right too. That’s an appropriate question. Go on.”

“yes. If a railroad track made of iron is laid here, I think the railroad will melt because of the heat here. Doesn’t it melt, become limp and deformed, and then the train can’t move properly?”

“Oh right. Besides, the ground on which the railroad is to be laid will be quite unstable. Lava is all over it.”

“Then, how are you planning to carry out the construction?”

“I have thoughts.”

“Are those words really a scam against the King of Hell?”

“Whoa. Scam from the King of Hell?”


“How did you see me as the dead end that made you think that?”

Lloyd whirled around and asked.

Xaviel replied with a serious face.

“He is a savage and despicable person. He is a petty and ignorant human being. Personally, I think that he is a pathetic mobster who only rolls his hair to the point where he sometimes wonders if he is human.”


“Am I wrong?”

“…You would rather have broken a bone.”

“It can’t be. Breaking Lloyd-sama’s bones is a serious act and violence.”

“Is there such a thing as verbal violence in the world?”

“That seems to be an area Lloyd-sama is good at.”

“Uh huh. What kind of nonsense for a pure and fresh soul like me.”

“I don’t know if he’s pure or fresh, but I do know that he’s a woman whose clothes are torn.”

“Women’s clothes burst? I?”


“What is that….”

“Because it all exploded.”


“So you’re saying you’ve thought of a way to build the railroad anyway.”

“…Why don’t you leave people to their heart’s content and turn around?”

“I want to turn.”


“Can’t I turn it around?”

“Okay, let’s turn it. Whoa.”

Lloyd burst out laughing.

This guy is clearly enjoying himself.

There is no doubt that he has reached a level where he has become accustomed to serving this side and enjoys it (?).

‘Oh, but I can’t get rid of this, really.’

Someday, this wound(?) will be returned hundreds of times.

Lloyd made a firm determination in his heart.

And focus on the problem in front of you.

“So you want to know how to build a railroad here?”

“yes. That’s right.”

“What simple.”

Lloyd grinned.

The hell railroad 666 construction project that I drew in my heart.

I said the first way to run it.

“First of all, we just need to gather tens of thousands of unemployed Satanists who will be everywhere in Hell.”

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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