Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 231

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Chapter 231. Hell Railroad 666 (1)

“You don’t want to leave work?”


The moment Lloyd’s words come out.

The pen of the King of Hell, which was moving at the speed of light on thousands of approval documents, cast a full brake and abrupt stop.


The cynical gaze of the King of Hell flew in and stuck here.

If there were eyes forged from ice, it would be something like that.

But Lloyd was not intimidated.

Because I expected such a reaction anyway.

‘of course. You’ve been working overtime for 670,000 years. But what if I get asked if I want to leave work?’

It’s obvious that you’ll come back

“Of course I want to go to work. But why ask such an obvious thing?”

The King of Hell’s voice became harsh.

His expression as if he were making fun of himself.

It was a good response.

At least, it was much better than before, when I was burying my head in the papers without even paying attention to this side. At the very least, it should be said that he has the courage to try and negotiate.

Lloyd replied.

“Because I think I can help with that.”

“Help me? you?”



“If the King of Hell promises to release the soul of the dragon Enticus that is being held, I will tell you how.”

Having said that, Lloyd closed his mouth.

I looked up at the King of Hell with meaningful eyes.

His gaze and that of the King of Hell intertwined in the air.

hold on for a while


A mischievous laugh bloomed on the lips of the King of Hell.

“Are you trying to negotiate with me?”

“Yes that’s right.”

“What dare you think?”

“Because I’ve heard that the King of Hell is a man who pursues extreme efficiency and fair pay in everything.”

“Did you hear that?”


Lloyd nodded.

It was true.

I have indeed heard of the King of Hell.


It was from the novel Iron Blooded Knight.

‘There was a mention that came out there. He said that the King of Hell is a being who punishes the dead by law. However, the work was so busy that he said that he became a person who pursues extreme efficiency. That’s why.’

He also said that he demanded a fair price for everything.

In the dictionary of the King of Hell, nothing is absolutely free.

To ask him for something?

He said he had to pay the price.

‘It’s fine. It’s a style I like. right? Isn’t life originally a give and take?’

no freebies either.

No spread.

In that respect, he was strangely like himself, the king of hell.

So it was.

All the way to meet the King of Hell.

Lloyd put himself in the position of the King of Hell.

If he were the king of hell, how would he react when asked to release the dragon soul?


Substitute your own position.

Thanks, the answer came quickly.

‘If it were me, I would have snorted and scolded you for freeing the dragon soul. Then who is asking? The King of Hell, in exchange for freeing the dragon soul, he becomes the one who clings to it, saying, “What can I do for you?” You can’t do that. It’s like giving up all the initiative right from the start.’

If possible, it is good to start all negotiations by making the other person hang on.

That’s the secret to starting a war called negotiations in your favor.

That’s the fight for dominance.

Lloyd thought so.

It was thanks to that.

You can devise a custom strategy.

The King of Hell, who must have suffered from overwork for a long time.

As soon as the king of hell hears it, it’s the lure of leaving work.

Waving it in front of his eyes, he aroused the interest of the King of Hell.

At that timing, he subtly inserted his own request.

If you free the dragon soul, I’ll tell you the secret to work.

“How is it. I think I can really tell you the secret if you promise me.”


Lloyd chuckled.

A wrinkle formed between the brows of the king of hell.

That Lloyd Frontera, no, a human named Kim Soo-ho.

I felt it for a while while watching the last time he defeated Hell Knight Sir Geolexius, but I thought he was really creepy and cunning.

At the same time, the more I looked at it, the more I coveted it.

‘Are you going to put that guy in my seat?’

At first, I thought I’d just sing a song instead of the hell broadcast speaker.

I had hoped that by using that terrible song, I would be able to punish the dead in Purgatory more effectively.

That’s why I deliberately took the time to materialize into that guy’s dream and let him know.

Looking at it now, my thoughts have changed a bit.

If possible, he wanted to hand over all of his work.

It looked like it would do an amazing job if I just let it sit.

In the meantime, he seemed to be able to rest for a thousand years.

But soon the king of hell shook his head.

that is practically impossible

In order to achieve that dream (?), you must hand over the position of the king of hell to that guy.

Or, you have to give them enough authority to represent themselves.

I didn’t like that very much.

‘Well, a dragon’s soul is only as valuable as an ornamental goldfish.’

So even if you let go, it’s just a little sad.

There would have been no real major damage.

What if I could go to work instead?

What if you could enjoy a life with dinner after work?


The King of Hell involuntarily swallowed dry saliva.

You can get rid of the mountain of paperwork.

You can also take off the cramped tie and throw it away.

You can drink polar acid juice leisurely while soaking in the hot lava hot spring.

After refreshing yourself, you will be able to read and enjoy various novels, myths, and various traditions that have been pushed back and accumulated for 670,000 years while lying on the bed.

Thinking that far, the answer was decided.

That person, Kim Soo-ho.

Although he seems to have dug into the needs of this side very exquisitely.

Although that’s a little bit irritating.

Still, it was a very attractive proposition.

So the king of hell made a decision (?).

“good night. I promise.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. I promise to release the soul of the dragon Anticus. So let’s clarify. The secret to getting home from so much work.”

“You just have to entrust me with a project.”



The wrinkles between the king of hell deepened.

A smile crept across Lloyd’s lips.


He clenched his fists without the knowledge of the king of hell.

As expected, the King of Hell showed a positive response.

‘I knew this would work. It’s a win-win proposal for the king of hell and me anyway.’

The King of Hell can reduce the workload.

You can enjoy a life with dinner after work.


You can rescue the soul of the dragon Anticus from Hell.

Then, with the support of the Dragon King Berkis, you will gain infinite wealth and an extra life.

‘That’s why if one construction is done properly, all of them will come true.’

Lloyd licked his lips.

A jar of honey that was carefully stacked in the Prontera estate.

It is an infinite wealth that will never be broken.

Even with two lives, you will be able to enjoy it more fully.

The dream of the owner of the building, which will be maintained absolutely for the rest of his life, becomes a reality.

He said while holding that wild dream.

“First, I will ask the King of Hell. The judgment work of hell can only be given by the king of hell, right?”

“It is.”

“If so, is the king of hell not able to get off work because he has too many judgments?”

“It is not.”

The King of Hell shook his head.

“I am the king of hell and the judge of the dead. Of course, my ability is to judge the soul, so it doesn’t make sense to be hit by it and not be able to leave work. Even if the number of souls to be judged per day reaches tens, hundreds, or even trillions.”

It was true.

In fact, the number of souls that the King of Hell judged every day was truly far-fetched.

A human soul that dies every day?

that was only a small part of it.

Not only humans, but all animals and small creatures on earth had their own souls.

Among them, the souls of single-celled organisms and bacteria, which were judged by the King of Hell, boasted an astronomical number.

In fact, about 40% of all bacteria in the planet’s oceans are killed by phage viruses every day.

“It’s easy to judge them, though. Because they are so simple souls, they are beings without causal faults. So, unlike complicated human souls, you don’t have to worry about sending them to heaven or selectively locking them up in hell. All you have to do is to lump together all the eons worth of numbers that come in a day and push them into the door of reincarnation at the edge of hell. To do that? One judgment is enough. Just-”

The King of Hell, holding up a pen holder.

his smile turned bitter.

“It is a problem to escort the soul from this hell castle to the end of hell where there is a gate of reincarnation. Did you hear about it all the way here?”

“Yes, to be honest.”

Lloyd nodded.

It was true.

Satan Faganty, who beat and coaxed (?) to find hell.

It was thanks to the information I heard from him.

“The number of souls that need to be escorted is staggering, but they say it’s a problem because the roads aren’t properly paved. I heard that the roads can’t be properly cleaned because of the lava that is seething everywhere.”

“Yes, that is correct. That’s why I’m obsessed with work.”

“You must be busy setting up a convoy route because of the daily changing road conditions.”

“To be more precise, it’s because I’m in charge of that business.”

The King of Hell let out a deep sigh.

A road that melts into lava every day.

The soul convoy route that changes every day in that chain.

It had to be monitored and checked in real time.

Every hour of every day, a new convoy route was assigned, and my back was breaking.

It was the same even if he entrusted the work to Satan under his command.

“Reports are coming up almost every minute from the Satanists pulling the soul carts. that the convoy was blocked. It is said to have melted into lava. The cart can’t pass. to set a new path. if you set that up? A few minutes later, a similar report came up. Then we have to set up a new convoy route again. But do you know how many Satans are moving the soul carts like that? A whopping eight hundred thousand.”


“It’s very troublesome. Eight hundred thousand Satans are clamoring for reports and requests to Me every minute. Besides, I, the king of hell, am the only one who can powerfully control that many Satans in real time. But do you know what happens when the convoy is delayed because of a little delay in handling those things? A catastrophe is sure to happen.”

“You mean catastrophe?”

“If the souls of the bacteria cannot be put into the door of reincarnation at the edge of hell, a situation will arise in which most of the bacteria that support the entire ecosystem of the planet cannot be reincarnated. The cells will stop dividing and die, leaving you unable to fill the empty number. It’s like the microbial food chain is broken from the root. Can you predict the outcome?”

“I think a mass extinction event is about to happen. all over the planet.”

“That’s it. To prevent that, I have been working only for 670,000 years.”

“Hmm, then what was it like before 670,000 years ago?”

“How was it? It was the same as now.”

“Is it the same?”

“My predecessor was doing the same job as me.”

“You mean there was a separate King of Hell?”

“okay. former king of hell. ended up committing suicide I got depressed after not being able to work for almost 3.8 billion years.”


Lloyd was at a loss for words.

The smile of the King of Hell became even more bitter.

“But you promised to solve the problem. yes, what kind of project is it? What kind of construction work is going to solve the damn convoy problem?”

The question of the King of Hell, which seemed bitter and resentful.

In front of that question, Lloyd shrugged his shoulders.

‘Whoa. I heard from Fagenti that Satan, I thought there was a problem with escorting souls, but this is a bit….’

It turned out to be a problem with deeper roots than I thought.

It was a problem related to the courier that carried the fate (?) of the planet’s ecosystem.

Well, it doesn’t matter, he thought.

From the moment I anticipated the problem, I also thought about the solution.

It was because I came up with a solution and refined it while I was on my way to hell.

“If you dare to tell the King of Hell the answer—”

Lloyd looked up.

He said while looking into the eyes of the King of Hell.

“At this point, let’s take a railroad.”



Lloyd nodded.

The King of Hell narrowed his eyes.

“It’s a railroad. It must be something that only exists in Kim Suho’s world.”

“…Ah yes.”

Lloyd shrugged.

When the king of hell kept mentioning the name Kim Soo-ho, Xaviel noticed.

Maybe Xaviel would be suspicious.

I also felt like I was being taken aback.

But now is not the time to care about such things.

He is negotiating with the King of Hell to win the project.

This is the moment when the negotiations have reached a decisive phase.

‘Let’s concentrate.’

Lloyd took a deep breath.

It is important from now on.

What are the advantages of using railroads?

How that advantage can solve the problem of escorting souls to hell.

You must properly and effectively inform the king of hell.

No, you have to be very brainwashed.

‘Whoa, so this is a presentation. Yes. It’s a presentation in front of the professor.’

Every presentation starts with something that draws attention.

From naming a strong and refreshing image to attract attention.

Lloyd, who had reached the winning point (?), raised his head.

With eyes full of confidence.

I faced the king of hell with confidence.

“Then, from now on, I will introduce the ‘Hell Railroad 666’ project.”

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


  1. Shien says:

    Haha thats great idea Lloyd 😂

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