Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 221

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Chapter 221. Hit the head and bounce (3)

“Do you agree!”


One eyebrow of King Alicia twitched.

She doubted her ears.

‘Give yourself all the dragon bones? Besides, 10 years of labor exemption right?’

What kind of people are there?

It was absurd.

But now wasn’t the time to ask about that.

Her gaze quickly scanned the rear.


The bone dragon’s jawbone closed violently from just 3 meters away.

If this continues, it will likely be crushed like a beetle caught on that huge hinge.

No more hesitating time.

There was no room for profit or loss.

‘You take advantage of this situation and want something oversized, Lloyd Frontera. but….’

It would be better to grant me that request than to die here.

The king’s judgment was quick and the decision was instantaneous.

she said bluntly.

“good night. ha ha ha ha.”


“It is true.”

“Are you really saying that you will give me labor exemption for the next 10 years and all the bones of the bone dragon?”

“Of course.”

“It’s good. His Majesty’s assurances are that Xaviel Asrahan, who is here by your side, will be your witness as a third party! Do you agree!”

“I agree!”

“The castle is ruined!”

Kwa Tup!

The bone dragon’s jawbone again closing from a close distance.

“If you come! From now on, please listen carefully to my explanation!”

Lloyd reached out and pointed at the back of the dragon’s body.

“If you look over there! You will notice that the 19th bone of the bone dragon’s tail is very slightly different from the surroundings!”

“The 19th tailbone?”

“It is!”

The eyes of King Alicia and Xaviel were directed to Bondragon’s No. 19 Michu.

However, the two did not find anything unusual about No. 19 Michu.

“Strange. Jim doesn’t see anything wrong with it. The shape and material all look the same.”


Lloyd confirmed.

No, he confessed (?).

“Actually that! It’s not bone, it’s carved out of granite!”

“…what? Granite?”

“It is! Wasn’t it supposed to give me a piece of dragon tailbone in the first place!”

“yes! But didn’t we decide to put the backbone of the emperor whale instead of granite in the place where we took off the tailbone for you? Jim knew that it would be a good substitute because of its strength and quality.”

“Your Highness is right about what you know!”

“But why?”

Could it be that the fake model is made of granite, not the backbone of the emperor whale?

Lloyd’s confession followed.

“The emperor whale backbone is too expensive!”


“So we came up with the idea to change the material to granite and implemented it!”


“After cutting the granite and processing it appropriately, it looked so similar to the original bone dragon’s tailbone that it was indistinguishable with the naked eye! In fact, even when His Highness came just now, she couldn’t tell them apart with her naked eyes! Besides, the material cost was one hundredth cheaper than the backbone of a emperor whale, so I thought it would be a profit!”

“Couldn’t you have embezzled the profits?”


Lloyd quickly shook his head.

The embezzlement really didn’t happen.

It’s just a cost-cutting practice.

“It was a dragon skeleton that the audience would pass by from afar anyway! I thought it would be efficient to use granite if it had no sense of heterogeneity to the naked eye and had enough durability to support the frame! It is because I believed that if the material cost saved like that goes back to the national treasury, it will be used for a much more beneficial purpose in the future!”

It was sincere.

The national treasury was someone else’s money.

Even so, I didn’t like waste during construction.

What if there is a material that is 100% perfect in terms of functionality and safety and is 1/100 cheaper?

Of course, using the cheaper one would have been an economical construction.

So I pushed ahead with using granite.

got to run

“So here it is. Maybe that decision is now! It looks like it will be a clue to hit him!”


The Bone Dragon’s jawbone that closes 2 meters behind.

In the meantime, Kkomingyi also repeated numerous turns, steep descents, and rapid ascents.

Like a fly desperately running away from a giant eagle.

It literally flew until the wings were covered with sweat.

Lloyd’s cry continued.

“I think maybe! That 19th fake tailbone must also be under the influence of the bone dragon’s magical power to maintain its body!”

“I guess so. So it must be moving in conjunction with other joints without a sense of heterogeneity.”

“It is. Of course, its hardness will far exceed that of ordinary granite.”

“It means that it will be relatively weaker than the other bones of the Bone Dragon.”

“That’s where it comes! furthermore-!”

Lloyd shouted with confidence.

“If you destroy that road, the whole tail behind it will be cut off, and that bone dragon will no longer be able to fly like it is now!”

It was natural.

The tail is not an ornament.

No, it is an essential organ.

Even more so for beings that fly like that.

‘Because it plays a role in maintaining balance!’

But what if that tail disappears?

It will look like an aircraft that has lost its tail fins.

You will immediately lose your balance and fall.

will never fly again.

‘Then, the ultra-long-distance manned operation that was intended to borrow the power of the dragon king would be difficult to carry out. Still, for now, this is the best. It’s much better than being caught up by that Bone Dragon right now, having your head crushed and becoming a part of Mother Nature.’

Rather than dying right away, take an effective hit.

The next thing to do is follow up.

Thinking so, Lloyd said quickly.

“So! I will be the bait!”



King Alicia wide-eyed.

Xaviel twitching his eyebrows.

Lloyd looked back at the two and a bitter smile hung on his lips.

“Isn’t there someone here who can fly better than me with Kkomingi?”

That too is a fact and a fact.

“So I will be the bait and get his attention. In the meantime, please break his nineteenth tailbone.”

Lloyd put his hand into his chest.

I took out a baby boy and a bell from my inside pocket.

“These children will come in handy.”



Red sunflower seeds were fed to Podongi and Banglyi, who had wild eyes.

It was thrown straight to the ground.

With a series of popping sounds, the two grown-up guys landed.

“Come on, come down!”


Until then, King Alicia had been staring at Lloyd in silence.

Lloyd smiled with one lip.

“Your Highness, there is no time. Please hurry up.”


“Please don’t worry about me.”

“No, I am not worried. For some reason, it’s a pity that I finally revealed that granite was used instead of the backbone of the emperor whale.”


“If this hadn’t happened, wouldn’t it have been revealed in the end?”


“If you look closely at that, it’s definitely embezzlement….”

“Please be safe!”

In a hurry (?), Lloyd flipped Kkomingy over as if flipping a pajeon.

A sudden maneuver carried out in an instant.

King Alicia and Xaviel’s bodies floated from the saddle.

No, he saddled himself.

Because there was no more time to argue.

‘A 10-year labor exemption right? Did you dare to think that you could easily escape your burden? It’s a simple way to tie you down. All you have to do is to ask whether you will be charged with embezzlement or whether your immunity will be removed.’

But for now, it’s about surviving.

From preventing that terrible disaster that occurred in the capital.

A bitter smile disappeared from Alicia’s lips as she landed on the ground.

He cast a grim eye.

Xaviel, who landed side by side, nodded.

An instant exchange of glances.

That was enough for the two sword masters.


They ran in opposite directions through the bushes.

There was a fantasy species that would be their mate.

“Sir Podong, please take good care of me.”


Xaviel climbed onto Podongi’s plump back.

Podong kicked off the ground and started running.

On the other side of the canal, the king encountered the bell.

“Your name is Bell?”


“Jim’s memory is correct. I look forward to fighting with you.”

“Fuck! Bell!”

The king climbed on Bell’s back.

The bell gulped down the water from the canal.

and vigorously wagging its tail.

Daughter and daughter and daughter!

Guseongjin warned everywhere.

At that moment, a fierce explosion erupted from Ngko under the raised tail.

Fuguereuk! Puggul!

He quickly digested the water he had just drank.

The water boiled and turned into a huge amount of steam, which erupted explosively like a volcano.


Water vapor of enormous pressure was shot out.

The blob ran furiously down the canal like a rocket banana boat.

On its back, the king raised his sword.

‘Lloyd Frontera.’

Her eyes turned to the night sky.

There were Kkomingyi and Lloyd, who were continuing their breathless flight.

He was desperate to run away from the Bone Dragon, who was still chasing after him.

‘Jim doesn’t want to lose you.’

great god

He is a reliable worker.

On the one hand, I am extremely grateful.

I didn’t want to lose that kind of Lloyd Frontera in a place like this.



Power went into the back of King Alicia’s hand holding the sword.

Meanwhile, at the same moment, Xaviel was determined to do the same.

‘Mr. Lloyd.’

He jumped on Podongyi’s back and ran through the garden.

All the while, his eyes were fixed on Lloyd in the sky.

‘I didn’t know Lloyd-sama had that kind of heart.’

Xaviel bit his lower lip.

I misunderstood again.

A person who only wants to run away from a situation like this.

Like a cowardly coward, he said he would live alone.

That’s how he hastily judged the young master he serves.

‘It was the same in Cremo.’

I was disappointed.

I didn’t know you were this kind of person.

I was told that I had to say something harsh.

‘It was like that today too.’

You are stupid.

In fact, Lloyd-sama is a person who is ready to sacrifice himself like that.

‘but…I will protect you from making such sacrifices.’


Xaviel made up his mind.

If it was to protect Lloyd, he would not consider his own safety. Even if the moment comes when I have to risk my life, I will not back down.


You must be safe.

Wishing that, Xaviel encouraged Pudongi to run even more.

Meanwhile, what about Lloyd?

It was very to die for.

‘Whoa! King sister! Xaviel! A little faster!’


The jawbone of the Bone Dragon closing violently from behind.

Goosebumps sprouted up the spine.

What if you stumble even for a moment?

It looked like it would be chewed and crushed.

‘but…Still worth a try!’

The king and Xaviel got off.

That’s how much Kkomingi’s back became lighter.

The movement became slightly lighter than before.

‘good. All I have to do is run away quickly!’

Fortunately(?) the bone dragon was chasing only this side like crazy.

It almost felt obsessive or obsessive.

It was to the point where I wondered if there was any money I could get from this side.

‘Oh! So hurry up!’

How in the world did he end up playing hide and seek with a bone dragon that he didn’t even have to sell?

Lloyd swallowed up the sadness that soared in real time.

Every once in a while, blasts were fired sparingly to the rear.

It dragged the bone dragon’s aggro even more.

Desperately, Kkomingi and I flew as one.

A series of rapid turns.

Disrupted flight following dive.

It ran in reverse along the spine of the bone dragon.

It flew between his ribs.

Enraged, the Bone Dragon’s paw scratched his ribs.

It passed narrowly.

It came out through the waist to the right.

Dive again.

I lowered my altitude even more.

At the same time, he shook Kkomingi’s bag.


Bundles of cobwebs were shot backwards one after another.

It clung to the bone dragon’s face.

distance between them.

flew even lower.

It flew past the tops of the garden trees.

A huge explosion came from behind Quaang.

The Bone Dragon, which accelerated rapidly like a rocket, came rushing in.


whole body.

As if destroying the entire space.

As if completely covering the night sky.


can’t avoid that

Lloyd had a hunch.

He’ll be sure of that too.

So, to put it the other way around.

This is your chance.


Lloyd shouted like a thunderbolt.

At that moment, a volcanic eruption erupted in the forest below.


A tunnel dug by Podongi when he arrived earlier.

The bell that hid itself in it and ambush it.

It was a volcanic explosion that the bell shot out from the tunnel with only its heel raised.

Raging heat and volcanic ash.

The storm’s waves covered the spot Lloyd had just passed.

Like a camouflage smoke screen.

Bone Dragon’s vision was momentarily covered.

– …!

I couldn’t see ahead.

The soul of Targa, the black magician who dwelled inside the bone dragon, was taken aback for a moment.

But such bewilderment is short-lived.

– So little tricks!

He has the power of the Bone Dragon.

You just have to break through this kind of smoke screen with force.


The Bone Dragon’s wings tore through space.

It accelerated even more fiercely and exploded the shockwave.

At that moment, Targa’s eyes and consciousness focused only on Lloyd’s cockroach-like back, faintly visible through the smoke screen. Concentrated. Obsessed.

That’s why I didn’t realize it.

Beyond the smoke screen he passes through without hesitation.

There, the two sword masters’ cool sword points were aimed at their own weaknesses.

Throwing Chemistry-!

Through the smoke of the volcanic eruption, Xaviel fired blasts.

Quatza Sack!

Blasting blasts cut through space like meteors.

It accurately hit the 19th tailbone of the bone dragon that was flying at the speed of sound.


so quickly.

A hole with a diameter of 50 cm was made.

Fatal cracks spread around the hole.

Bone Dragon’s whole body trembled.

– …!

Warlock Targa was frightened.

At that very moment, the second sword master’s successive attacks were carried out.


Podongi showed off his strength.

He threw King Alicia away like a shot put.

The king soared upward through the air.

Her sword was already covered with a huge aura sword.


The aura sword dug into the 19th tailbone exactly.

It was the tailbone that had already been pierced by blasting.

It was also a fake tailbone that had been replaced with granite due to Lloyd’s magic (?) of reducing material costs.

I couldn’t stand it any longer.

It was the same even if it was protected by the Bone Dragon’s body maintenance magic.


The 19th tailbone was shattered like an explosion.

After that, the entire tail fell off the body.

– Whoops!

Warlock Targa let out a panicked cry.

The bone dragon rushed like a wild boar in the Ural Mountains.

The huge body lost its balance in an instant.

I hurriedly took steps in the sky.

It was the beginning of a fall without brakes.

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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