Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 208

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Chapter 208. Secret plan to prevent labor exploitation (3)

First love.

A measles-like feeling that comes to everyone at least once.

Also, a sad memory that most of them clumsily miss.

Lloyd had such a first love.

Back when there was a book rental shop in the old neighborhood.

At the time, seeing my older sister, who was working part-time at a book rental store, made my heart race.

So it was embarrassing.

why do you do that

Why does my face keep turning red?

I was even perplexed because I couldn’t figure out why.

But strangely, I kept going to the book rental store on my own.

Every time I go there, my heart races, my face gets red, and I feel embarrassed and embarrassed, but I go to the rental store almost every day with an attraction that I can’t even understand.

I used to borrow a lot of books that I wouldn’t read often.

The reason I didn’t even know at the time.

I realized that only later.

It was after the older sister quit her part-time job.


I didn’t know his name or contact number.

I’ve never had a proper conversation.

So her 14-year-old first love ended in vain.

Lloyd lifted his head, gently putting aside his memories of the time.

He looked directly at Julien in front of his eyes and said.

“If you act so clumsily, will Miss Serajad miss you?”


Julien’s eyes round like a rabbit.

Lloyd’s words continued.

“No kidding. Do you know why Miss Serazade has come all the way here across the desert?”

“Oh yes. I heard you got something from your brother. I’m going to record a lullaby….”

“But what if I recorded it right away?”


“Then Miss Serazad will return to the Sultanate again?”

“Oh yes…I guess?”

“Then what are you going to do?”


Julien’s eyes wavered.

“Hey bro? Are you really going to do that?”

The look in his eyes as if begging him not to.

Lloyd’s voice softened.

“I don’t know. Actually, that’s not my problem to decide.”


“It’s up to Miss Serazade’s decision.”

Lloyd’s tone became more calm, as if he didn’t know, as if it didn’t matter.

“Actually, I gave Miss Serazad a choice a few days before you came. Instead of getting a lullaby, join the Corps of Engineers for five years and stay here, or just go back.”


“Fortunately, if Miss Serazade accepts my offer, she will be staying here for about five years. If not, what can I do?”

“Uh, that….”

“Don’t you like it?”


Julien nodded wildly.


First of all, I succeeded in encouraging him.

A meaningful smile appeared on Lloyd’s lips.

“that’s right. I hate it and will be sorry. You’ll want to stay together But I don’t know what to do. Right?”

“Oh yes.”

Julien looked up at me with a slightly desperate look.

“Hyung, then what should I do?”



“I thought it might be a good idea to look into Miss Serazade’s heart first.”

“Miss Serazad?”

“uh. It’s not a problem that will end just fine with you.”

It really is.

It’s not just about being good for yourself.

The other person’s feelings are just as important as your feelings.

Therefore, we must be considerate of each other as much as possible and know each other’s hearts.

‘…I heard to whom? and motives.’

In fact, he is also a mother-born soloist.

I’ve never actually experienced a real battle (?).

Although that’s a bit sad.

It doesn’t matter now.

‘It doesn’t matter if I haven’t experienced it. The important thing now is to induce Julien to become aware of his emotional state and take action.’

You just need to blow it in like that.

Then what about the rest?

it will roll on its own

‘Because Miss Serazade is in a similar state to Julien.’

Thinking so, Lloyd patted Julien on the shoulder.

“It is not very difficult. Once you know your own heart, right? Then be honest with your feelings. Why don’t you be nicer to Miss Serazade and take the opportunity to be brave?”



“A confession?”

“of course.”


Julien’s small neck vibrated.

Are you nervous just imagining it?

But at that moment Lloyd saw it.

The faint light of determination that floated in Julien’s eyes.


Lloyd suppressed a hearty laugh.

This is enough.

So what now?

It’s time to go sneak up on Serazade.





The next day was bright.

And Xaviel, a knight of Count Frontera, became very suspicious of the mental state of the young master he served.


Xaviel looked at Lloyd’s chestnut-like back of the head with a pitying eye.

Time for a walk after breakfast.

However, the person walking in front of me had somehow been letting go of a sinister laugh since earlier.

“Heh heh heh.”


In the end, Xaviel couldn’t stand it and asked.

“What are you so good about?”

From his own experience, Lloyd seemed to have a reason for laughing like that.

He must be plotting something sinister.

I asked with half confidence.

Then, as expected, Lloyd stopped walking.

I asked back with a meaningful smile on my lips.

“Does it look like that to you too?”


“Do I look good?”


“Nice to see you. It feels good.”

Lloyd’s words continued.

“I think things are going very well.”

“That’s what I was thinking.”

“It seems that the two men and women, who had different birthplaces, ways of living, and purposes, will finally come together as one.”

“Are you talking about Miss Julien and Miss Serazade?”

“uh? How do you know?”

“I have no choice but to know.”

Xaviel said as if it was natural.

“Recently, the way the two of you look at each other is unusual. It was the look I saw so many times.”

“you? Did you see a lot? eyes like that?”



“Because it was very similar to the look women used to send right before handing me a letter of confession.”


“If I had to count the exact number of times I’d gotten that kind of look….”

“Don’t count.”

“Eight hundred and sixty….”



Feelings of envy springing up every time I see the John Zalers.

A feeling of jealousy toward all the benefits they take for granted.

Lloyd sadly swallowed the burgeoning emotions of the sound dimension.

“Tsk. Anyway you did a good job I think those two will confirm their feelings for each other sooner or later.”

“How do you mean?”

“How what? Because I instigated it.”

“You mean Lloyd?”


Lloyd nodded.

And he remembered what he had done last night.

“I went to see Julien. Just in case, I stabbed it. As expected, Julien didn’t know what kind of emotional state he was in?”

“Is that why you told me?”

“uh. He did the same for Miss Serazade.”

It was true.

After encouraging Julien.

I went straight to Serazade.

At first, it was Serazade who was wary of talking with this side.

It was like that too.

She had already been tossed around by this side countless times since the Sultanate.

Even after coming all the way across the desert, she was forced into an employment contract she hadn’t thought of.

“They never believed me no matter what I said.”

“But how….”

“Did you instigate that girl?”


Lloyd said with a grin.

“Nothing wrong. I told you that sooner or later Julien will leave for the royal capital.”

It was true.

It’s not very difficult.

It is enough to give the party a chance to feel nervous.

If the basis for planting the opportunity is a clear fact, the power will be further doubled.

The trick he used on Miss Serazade was exactly like that.

“I told you the truth. Julien said he was a second-place graduate from the academy and would soon receive a government post from the Magentano royal family. Right now, I’m just coming down to my hometown to wait for the appointment.”

It was all true.

In fact, Julien will return to the royal capital soon.

As a vassal of the royal family, he became a resident of the metropolitan area.

Absolutely no reason to stay here.

Then what about Serazade?

will fall off naturally.

“That’s how Miss Serazade planted an opportunity to look back at Julien. a person yes I used to be there without thinking, but when the time attack hits, I get nervous and feel obsessed.”

It really is.

Something I didn’t know was very valuable before.

The story changes when a time-limited Time Attack takes place.

For example, daily limited sale items.

Originally, it’s a bundle of ramen that you don’t even need.

What if you see it on sale for half price for one day only?

First, I unconsciously put it in the shopping cart and look at it.

Even though it’s something I didn’t intend to buy in the first place.

If you don’t buy it today, you’ll think ‘it’s a waste’ before you know it.

I don’t need it right now, but I’ll eat it eventually.

So, buying it in advance is beneficial in the long run.

convince yourself

‘So is the car. Especially foreign cars sometimes do that. At the end of the year, they start stocking up and spreading rumors through dealers that this model will be discontinued next year. Then, I want to build the car, but the people who have been holding back rush in. I don’t want to miss it before it’s discontinued. But what about next year? The single species is a horn. They kept selling it just fine.’

It was a way to stimulate the so-called ‘now or not’ psychology.

The tactic Lloyd used against Serazade was in a similar vein.

“I put a time limit on Julien leaving here sooner or later. You’ll think you don’t want to miss it. Then he will look back on why he thinks that way.”

“Does this mean that you will come to realize your own heart in the process?”

“uh. It’s good that you understand quickly.”

“I hate Lloyd-sama like that.”

Xaviel said with a hard face.

“I want to ask. Why do you want to connect the two? Of course, it’s not pure goodwill, right?”

“Oh, of course.”

A smile formed on Lloyd’s lips.

Of course, it wasn’t a pure smile.

“I want to live without being swayed by the king. That’s why you do it.”


Xaviel’s head tilted.

what the hell do you mean by that

What does the relationship between Julien and Serazade have to do with the king?

The silver-haired knight felt a mystery deeper than the abyss.

Lloyd’s smile broke into a bitter smile.

“Because if the two of them get married, the king won’t be able to roll me carelessly. No, at least the foundation for creating such an atmosphere will be laid.”

“May I ask why that is?”

“Until it doesn’t. To put it simply, Julien’s marriage to Miss Serazade will allow our family to build a bridge between the Magentanos and the Sultanate.”

“Isn’t that treason?”

“at all. Julien is not the eldest son.”

Lloyd’s words continued.

“Julian is second. don’t keep the family crest So there is little problem marrying the princess of the sultanate. No, at this point, it is rather welcome.”

“Why is that?”

“Because right after the Magentano royal family and the Sultanate signed a peaceful agreement.”

Lloyd said confidently.

“The Sultanate acknowledged all responsibility for the monster domino phenomenon, which was unusual. Not only did he pay a huge amount of compensation, but he even signed an agreement to prevent a recurrence. In other words, it means that the two royal families, who have been enemies for generations, have entered a long-awaited peace mood.”

“However, in the midst of such a peaceful atmosphere, if the second son of Count Frontera, who was damaged by the monster domino and became the center of reconstruction, and the princess of the Sultanate who acknowledged the responsibility for the damage were married….”

“It will become a marriage that promises and symbolizes peace for all. All over the world, to both royal families.”

In other words, this marriage becomes an icon of peace.

Furthermore, the Frontera family becomes a symbol of peace and reconstruction.

Receiving blessings and welcomes, not suspicion of treason, you will naturally be able to cross one leg into the Sultanate.

‘Besides, I have useful compliments.’

Lloyd recalled the first admiration he had ever received.

The one who carries Magentano.

The option of praise was ‘to never be suspected of treason’ during King Alicia’s reign.

That is to say, unless you do something outright crazy, you will not be bound to treason.

“So, although the Magentano royal family may feel sad inside this marriage, they will not express their dissatisfaction on the outside. Or rather, fearing that we might get closer to the Sultanate, they would guarantee more benefits.”

“…Is that why His Highness the King won’t be able to treat Lloyd-sama carelessly?”

“huh. If you mess with it, the sultan will go and treat you like you’re going to get caught.”


“Then the Sultan will welcome you with open arms. Actually, what the Sultan wanted as his son-in-law was me, not Julien.”


“That’s how our family takes the initiative between the two royal families. Neither side will be able to treat us carelessly. Of course, my comfortable old age will be guaranteed, right?”

“Whoa. Lloyd-sama, you really are.”


“It’s nasty. Messy. I have never seen a swindler as naive as Lloyd.”

“Yes, thank you for the compliment.”

Lloyd, who revealed his true feelings, grinned.

That was the reality of the big picture he drew.

Marriage of Julien and Serazade.

Through that, both Magentano and the Sultanate are trying to please this side.

Circumstances can only be created that way.

Then, you will be able to drink honey comfortably without worrying about being called to the king from time to time without regretting anyone.

‘Of course, it would take a lot of effort to maintain that leadership.’

Ultimately, to obtain autonomy from King Alicia that guarantees exclusion from labor.

That was Lloyd’s ultimate goal.

‘you can do it.’

As he checked his plan, Lloyd looked up at the mansion.

The window of Julien’s room was tightly closed.

The window of Serajade’s dorm with even the curtains drawn.

He looked back and forth between the two windows and smiled slightly.

‘Yes, think about it. Be afflicted. And respond to the arrow of enlightenment shot by this body.’

The arrow has already left the protest.

Hit both targets accurately.

Lloyd was sure.

That Julien and Serazade would react the way he wanted.

Indeed, his expectations were not wrong.

late that night.

Something really(?) happened.

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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