Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 206

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Chapter 206. A secret plan to prevent labor exploitation (1)


Julien was startled.

Somehow I can’t sleep.

The house I returned to after a long time is somehow unfamiliar.

On the other hand, I keep thinking about things I’m worried about.

So I just sat quietly on the bench in the hallway.

I like the summer night air flowing from the window opposite the bench.

The sound of grass bugs coming from somewhere tickled my ears.

It’s just that the feeling is moist and I like it again.

I was just sitting there with my eyes closed.

Then I heard it by accident.

The door creaks open very little.

Stepping carefully and softly.

Should I wake someone up?

Or should I get caught by someone?

Serazade, who came out into the dark hallway and looked around, made eye contact with me.

So Julien’s rabbit-like eyes widened.

“What are you doing?”

I asked coldly.

Julien thought that even after asking, he seemed to have asked a stupid question.

It was because of Serazade’s expressionless face as he turned around.


She made no reply.

He just looked at me with an emotionless gaze and expression.

Are you mad at yourself for your stupid question?

Julien shook his neck slightly and added quickly.

“Oh, I’m sorry about that.”



“What are you sorry about?”


Serazade still asked with a straight face.

It’s good that her silence has broken.

Questions like that were a little more difficult.

Are you really angry?

why are you angry

And what am I sorry about?

Julien sweated hard to find the answer.

However, that clever mind, which had shown outstanding achievements in learning, somehow did not work smoothly at this moment.

It creaks like an oiled wheel.

Julien, who had been struggling to roll his head, swallowed and raised his head.

“It’s just that.”


“I’m sitting here for no reason, so I think I just surprised you.”


“I apologize if I was really surprised. sorry.”


Serazade was troubled.

It’s true that I’m surprised, but I’m not angry.

I have nothing to be sorry about this.

If it comes out like that, what the hell am I supposed to answer?

On the one hand, I also felt awkward.

‘I didn’t expect to run into this person here.’

I really didn’t know.

It’s because I was so engrossed a little while ago.

Because the emotional consumption was so great that I was exhausted.

Despite having Sword Master Syndrome, his attention was slightly scattered.

So I didn’t know.

“Ummm, actually, I can’t sleep well. So I was just getting some fresh air at night here. I didn’t expect Miss Serazade to come out into the hallway like this…I didn’t expect to surprise you…Umm, if I had known it would be like this, I would have made a little noise.”

“I knew. I am not surprised.”



Why did you lie over and over again?

But it’s a very strange and strange thing.

This rabbit-like man in front of me somehow keeps making this side lie.

“By the way, that bag you’re carrying…?”

“Lunch box.”

After I said it, it was belatedly angry.

Serazade’s face turned red.

It’s just an answer that I brought out insincerely because I was just looking around.

After I said it, I thought it was a very strange answer.

‘…Did I come to look like a woman who couldn’t sleep in the middle of the night, packed a lunchbox and went out?’

I hoped not.

However, this man like a rabbit in front of me.

I just believe in such ridiculous words.

“Oh, you did.”


“You must have been very hungry.”


“Actually, I was a bit hungry too, hehe.”

…won’t give No, I don’t believe in that.

Julien laughs so innocently without any countermeasures.

Seeing that, Serazade was serious.

“I’m good enough if there’s nothing else to do.”

I quickly passed in front of Julien.

I was going to.

But I couldn’t.

“It’s not like there’s nothing to see there….”


The unexpected words made me stop.

Unknowingly, I looked back at Julien.

A rabbit-like man turned towards me.

“If you are thinking of taking a walk, then would you like to take a walk together?”

“Of course I refuse….”

“I won’t touch your lunch box.”


“Actually, I just wanted to walk. But since I only read books, my night vision is a bit dark. So when I walk alone at night, my feet often get caught on rocks.”


“Then I’ll follow you closely.”


let’s just run away

Serazade thought so.

Without saying a word, I turned around and walked down the hallway.

I heard Julien follow me from behind.

Didn’t care.

I passed the main room first, opened the door, and came out into the garden.

I could feel Julien’s footsteps following behind me, speeding up a bit.

I didn’t care though.

I strode across the garden. away from the annex. stood in front of the wall

“Wait a minute….”


Ignoring Julien’s voice, I kicked the ground.

He quickly jumped over the fence.


I can’t follow you anymore

Feeling relieved and empty, Serazade took a step back.

But that was then.



Julien tumbled clumsily down the wall he had just climbed over.

“Ugh, let’s go together.”


“I will die of pain.”


“You don’t want to ask if you’re not hurt?”

“…at all.”

let’s ignore

I tried to turn around like that.

However, an unexpected question stabbed me in the chest.

“still…It hurts a lot?”


Serazade hesitated.

The one who just tumbled over the wall clumsily was over there.

But why is the other side asking the wrong question, asking if she is still sick?

And why are you looking at me with such worried eyes?

“It’s been like that since before.”

Julien’s words were soft.

followed carefully.

“It was while eating. with my family.”


“From then on, it was a very painful expression.”


“The truth is, so…Take this here.”

Julien, who limped and got up.

I pulled something out of the inside pocket of my vest over my pajamas.

pushed towards this side.

It was a small vial.

“It’s a digestive aid. It seems that there was too much greasy food at the meal earlier…So it looks like you’re uncomfortable…. The sound effect is pretty good. It tastes very sour and bitter, but uhm, so I prepared this too.”

I rummaged in my vest pocket again.

This time, two red candies wrapped in oil paper.

“Drink the digestive medicine and quickly roll it in your mouth. Then it will be fine.”


Serazade stared blankly.

Julien held out his palm, which was neither digestive nor candy.

‘I’m bleeding.’

it was a little scratched

He seemed injured when he fell off the wall a moment ago.

It must be quite bitter.

But there was no sign of that on his face.

He was still looking up at me with an apologetic and worried look.

“Are you the type who doesn’t like strawberry flavored candy?”


“Umm, otherwise, I’m sorry. Because I lied Actually, it’s true that I can’t sleep, so it’s true that I was hanging around, but uhm, actually, more than that, I’m a bit worried about Miss Serazade….”


“So while I was pacing around, I was in the annex hallway just in case. If I hear signs of being awake in the room, I wanted to tell you this. uhm and again….”

“Did you tell another lie?”

“…Ah yes.”

The rabbit’s eyes startled.

Julien said with more rounded eyes.

“The things I said about wanting to walk, the things I said about my poor eyesight at night….”

“Was it a lie?”


“Are you going to give this to me?”

“Mmm yes.”

“Are you very good at making excuses?”


“are you okay. Because I lied.”


I startled round again.

Seeing those eyes looking up this way, Serazade unknowingly smiled for the first time this evening.

“I don’t have a packed lunch.”


“This bag is not a lunchbox, it’s just a travel bag.”

“no way? Are you leaving?”



“Aren’t you asking why?”

“I won’t ask.”

At this question, Julien nodded.

I looked up at him with deepened eyes.

“If you ask me for nothing, I thought Miss Serazade would have to explain the reason. In order to do that, you will have to reveal the reason for Miss Serajade’s suffering in your heart.”


“I don’t like that. Now, take this.”


A vial of digestive medicine.

Oiled paper with candy.

I was handed over on ice.

Then, a thought came to me.

“…wait for a sec.”

Unwrapped the oil paper.

I put a candy into my mouth.

The other was put into Julien’s mouth.

Then he grabbed the remaining oil paper. united

I handed over the goods and held Julien’s hand as he returned.

I pressed the palm of my hand with the clumped oil paper.


“Be patient.”

“It stings.”

“Thumb? I didn’t even know you were hurt.”

“It’s true that I didn’t know, but it really stings when I press it like that.”

“Stay still.”

I can’t be bothered to leave like this.

At least I need to stop the blood from this man’s palms.

Because that would make me a little more comfortable.

Because that way, there will be less regret.

Serazade pressed Julien’s hand with oil paper even harder.

A troubled expression appeared on Julien’s face.

“Umm, Miss Serazade over there?”


“What if I eat the candy right now?”


“That digestive medicine is really sour and bitter.”


Is this man worried about that even in this situation?

Maybe it was because of that thought.

Serazade blurted out a question that was impulsive without even realizing it.

“Why are you so worried about me?”


“Why are you worrying so much about me?”

I was curious.

I was puzzled.

I really wanted to ask.

Even if I left here, it seemed like it would make sense to know that.

That’s because Julien’s attitude was so unusual.

Like a baby bird worrying about its mother bird.

It’s because I’m worried about following this side all the time.

I thought there must be some special reason.

I was determined to hear it.

So it was.

When I heard Julien’s answer.

Serazade involuntarily stopped breathing for a moment.



“I’m just really just worried.”


“So I was just worried, so I hung around a bit, I just brought digestive medicine and this, and I just…Now that you’re leaving, a little….”

“Are you sorry?”



“That’s just it.”



really just

I just cry without knowing why.

Serazade bit his lip and threw it away.

Until now, I have been working hard and living hard.

I only get worry from time to time that definitely has a reason.

I just don’t understand why you’re worried.

I wondered for a moment that such a thing existed.

What does that unfamiliar word mean?

Why are you unfamiliar with such words?

As the reason is finally understood.

The sadness he had been suppressing collapsed and the mask melted.

Really just without a trace.

“Here I….”

Perhaps it was from then.

Said Serazade as if possessed.

He just told the story of how he grew up.

As if telling someone else’s story, he pushed it out calmly.

Still pressing firmly on the wound on Julien’s palm.

just plain dumb

dry all the time.

I just listed the facts and laid them out.

In the meantime, only the unnoticed eyes kept getting wet.

Still, Julien occasionally nodded silently.

He didn’t even show that he was having a hard time because of that.

Just looking into these eyes

standing quietly face to face

I was just listening to this side of the story.

The whole night passed like that.

And when the morning finally dawned.

By the time he realized that he had been holding on to Julien all night.

The thought of leaving this place disappeared from Serajade’s mind.

There was no particular reason.

I just wanted to be by Julien’s side.

‘Ha, look at those. It’s a good time.’

It’s warm, so it’s already a hot summer morning.

No, it’s not hot enough, this harsh season as if salting the innocent breasts of a solo artist in his later years.

Lloyd grumbled, resting his chin on the wooden fence of the mansion.

And he cast his gaze far away.

Tree-lined avenue under the hill of the mansion.

I saw a man and a woman walking side by side.

It was Julien and Serazade.


Lloyd frowned.

I remembered the events of the past few days.

So, it was about five days ago.

On the evening Julien returned to the manor, during the family dinner, Serazade’s expression was very dark.

It almost seemed like he was going to leave this place right away.

But what about the next day?

Totally different.

‘It was like a different person. Besides, I often started to hang out with Julien.’

what the hell happened that night?

What kind of incident happened and why did those two get into such a heartwarming atmosphere?

But Lloyd wasn’t curious.

‘Because that’s not what’s important.’

Although it’s a bit sad that only you are still single.

Anyway, that fact doesn’t matter.

Now there is something far more serious.

‘It’s my old age plan.’

It wasn’t like a vague old age plan.

It was a way to cope with the so-called clearly expected crisis of old age.

‘of course. If I leave my hands alone like this, I will never be able to suck honey for the rest of my life. The king’s sister wouldn’t let me do that. Are you sure.’

I could honestly say for sure.

Looking back, it was.

So far, I’ve been doing a lot of work.

In order to overcome the financial crisis facing the manor.

After that, we had to overcome the physical crisis, the administrative crisis, and even the bacterial pathological crisis.

Each time, he showed an activity that exceeded the expectations of the people around him.

So it was.

The king’s trust was excessively received.

Thinking that far, Lloyd bit his lip.

‘It can’t be like this. I don’t see the angle to be able to drink honey comfortably here for the rest of my life. If I leave my hands unattended like this, I will end up like Hwang-hee and Jeong-seung, who have been subjected to labor exploitation by King Sejong for the rest of my life, and then closed my eyes unfairly.’

I hated that.

In any case, I wanted to avoid such a situation.

It was enough just to live too hard until now.

I wanted to rest now.

I wanted to be guaranteed a comfortable old age.

I wanted to live like that, drinking only honey for the rest of my life.

‘To do that, I have to come up with a countermeasure.’

Not too long ago, I felt the need to prepare countermeasures.

However, there was no opportunity to come up with a countermeasure.

The picture was not drawn well.

I was worried.

But what about now?

Hahahoho Lululala Seeing Julien and Serazade riding on their thumbs, he suddenly thought of an exquisite picture that would guarantee his beautiful old age.

‘Is it possible. What if it’s just what I think? you can do it. I’ll be able to come up with a sketch that will prevent the King’s sister from using me as she pleases.’

Suddenly, a sinister laugh came out.

“Heh heh. I mean.”

Lloyd smiled smirking and looked at the pretty boy at the bottom of the hill.

And I checked the big picture that I just came up with.

“This hyung will properly play the role of Cupid this time. Thank you, Julien.”

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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