Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 205

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Chapter 205. Unexpected Encounter (2)

“Are you okay over there?”

A worried voice.

Hearing that voice, Serazade turned his head.

He looked into Julien’s eyes, which were about a hand below his eye level.

“Back off.”

A weak guy who rolls a pen holder in front of his desk.

A fuss-free kid.

That was Serazade’s impression of Julien.

It was like that when we first talked.

‘Even though I openly moved in the bush, I didn’t notice it, so I was surprised later.’

It was a pitiful look.

What if this side had a bad heart?

He would have been killed without being able to defend himself.

The appearance of Julien after that was the same.

‘I just dragged myself along as I said.’

Surprised, I turned to this side and asked who it was.

So, I answered without fuss.

My name is Serazade.

A guest from the Sultanate.

He’s staying at the Prontera family’s mansion.

I was walking all the way here to take a walk, and I happened to see it.

Unintentionally, I heard a conversation with the attendant next to me.

So I thought I’d help.

Julien didn’t even have time to answer, and he spoke quickly, accurately, and clearly.

Then he looked straight down into Julien’s eyes and asked.

where is the rock

I promise to clean it up.

‘Then the reaction was more spectacle. He pointed the way to the rock with a fierce face.’

Even that appearance was full of gaps.

Whether or not the attendant hurriedly guarded this side.

Like a surprised rabbit, the round eyes pointed out the road blocked by the rocks.

‘Is Lloyd Frontera a brother to that unlucky clever man? It’s almost suspicious.’

Serazade’s shoulders trembled.

Lloyd Frontera.

He was an annoying human being.

So in my heart, I expected that my younger brother would be as good as Lloyd.

When I met him like this, the younger brother was unexpectedly stupid and stupid.

‘It’s just that he’s good at studying.’

Thinking so, she looked straight at Julien.

He spat out in a low voice.


“Ah yes.”

Julien hurriedly took a few more steps back.

The men lined up around him sent their eyes full of wariness towards him.

Men who got muddy from clearing rocks.

They were attendants who had accompanied Julien from the royal capital.

They were also outstanding knights of the Intermediate level of Sword Expert.


But I’m not interested.

whether they limit it or not.

This is where you can help by removing rocks.

That would make it easier to get the lullaby from Lloyd.

Thinking so, Serazade turned and faced the rock.


The oval-shaped rock was large.

Even the diameter of the short side alone seemed to exceed 2 meters.

The long side reached 4 meters.

Thanks to this, the carriageway was completely blocked.

This was because the road itself was made narrow along the side of a steep slope.

In other words, the rock had rolled down from the left slope up the slope and was stuck in the middle of the narrow road.


Facing the rock, Serazade took a deep breath.

Her hand was gripping the handle of the scimitar.

more loosely.

at the same time more precise.

raised the senses.

It glared at the rock, probing its weakness and baring its fangs.


The scimitar emitted an eerie light.

One side of the large rock was sliced intact.


The corner of the edge of the rock was cut off as much as a fist.


The eyes of Julien and his attendants widened.

But this was just the beginning.

Ska caca cac!

Numerous melodies were engraved in the air.

Serazade’s figure was engulfed in dozens of blades of sword light and faded.

At the same time, the rocks blocking the road gradually got smaller from the tip.

No, to be precise, it was ‘cut off’ piece by piece.

Cutter jaw! Kwa-seok! Quassuk!

As if making a piece of stitch by stitch.

Or like chopping vegetables to make fried rice.

“That must be…It’s like peeling potatoes….”

One of the trainees muttered blankly.

Everyone shook their heads at those words.

peel potatoes.

When I saw that colossal sight, it came to my mind automatically.

Serazade’s swordsmanship and power came as a shock to everyone.

‘Is that possible?’

Everyone had serious doubts.

Cutting a rock with a sword.

If it is a high-level inspection, it is possible.

For example, among the advanced sword experts, this is the case with the highest rank.

However, even a swordsman with the highest level of expertise could not split a rock multiple times.

It was because of the limitations of the durability of the sword itself.

‘of course. After all, a sword is nothing more than a sharpened iron rod.’

What if you hit a rock with something like that?

Of course, the blade is greatly damaged.

Even if you cut the rock.

A blade is something that can be damaged even if you cut a piece of leather or meat.

It would be too greedy to expect that the blade of the sword would be intact even after striking a large rock.

That is why ‘Aura’, which has the power to cut through all objects without damaging the blade, is said to be the sword master’s strongest skill.

But what about that woman?

‘I’m not wearing an aura. not a sword master But how…Is the sword still intact after cutting through the rocks dozens of times?’

Everyone looked at Serazade’s back in amazement and doubt.

Of course they didn’t know.

That Serazade was already straddling the boundary between a high-ranking sword expert and a sword master.


The more he wielded the scimitar, the calmer Serazade’s eyes became.

At the same time, the sword path became more sophisticated.

The sword was more concentrated.

She didn’t waste a single sword.

While swinging the sword, only the minimum amount of mana was mobilized to maintain the sword.

And finally, the moment when the blade of the scimitar touches the rock.

Only in that short moment, he concentrated his mana.

Raised the sword’s cutting power to the limit.

Dozens of stormy sword strikes, and every moment of a gap, accurately carried out such a task.

A dehumanized concentration that was previously impossible.

It was the result of hell training with Xaviel.

Of course, she was not fully aware of such a rise in her level.

I only focus on the purpose of getting rid of the rock in front of my eyes.



A rock that has been cut (?) over two hundred times.

Finally, the last knife was applied to the rock, which had shrunk to about 50 cm.


The remaining rock was neatly cut in two.

And Serazade took the scimitar.

Afterwards, he blew the blade, which had been heated by countless frictions.

As if nothing had happened, he put the scimitar into the scabbard.

turned to everyone.

“Is this enough?”

behind her pointing.

where there was a large rock.

There was a heap of fist-sized, square boulder debris made from infinite dicing.

None of Julien and the attendants could answer easily.

A smile appeared on Serazade’s lips.

“Take it away.”

Serazade left those words and turned around without regret.

Only then did the knights come to their senses and began to clear away the debris.

It was a deep evening similar to usual.

But on this day, Serazade’s dinner was a little different from usual.

An action that helped Julien during the day.

It was because of that help that he was invited to dinner by Count Frontera’s family.

“If it wasn’t for Miss Serazade today, our second would have been in a lot of trouble. Thank you very much.”

“It was nothing.”

A very modest table for a count’s family.

Tables full of simple but neat dishes.

A thank you from Count Frontera who came over the food.

Serazade shook his head and spoke again.

“I just happened to see you in trouble while taking a walk.”

“If that coincidence had gone to someone else, things might have happened. Isn’t it purely because of Miss Serazade’s kind heart and kindness that connected coincidences with good deeds?”


Such praise is burdensome.

Serazade thought quietly while holding the fork.

He was just trying to easily get a lullaby from Lloyd.

That’s why I only helped Julien’s party.

Why is everyone doing this?


Actually, I’m not used to compliments.

Although she had heard of compliments from people below her, she had rarely received pure praise and thanks from people of a higher or equal position.

So it was.

This dining room was uncomfortable.

It felt like I was forced to wear clothes that didn’t fit me.

In addition, the atmosphere in this family was too unsuitable.

It was because it was so kind and warm than I thought.

“So, wasn’t the road difficult?”

“Not at all. The attendants did a great job.”

“so? They are truly grateful.”

“Your mother. Besides, as I said earlier, Serazade-sama was a great help.”

“I see. Thank you Miss Serazad. Today, our family owes a great deal of grace to Miss Serazade.”

“…Ah yes.”

I nodded awkwardly again at the greeting of the Countess, who smiled happily in this direction.

Serazade dipped the salad and listened to the conversation of the count’s family.


“Your father.”

“Has it been difficult studying alone in a foreign country?”

“Oh dear. I’ve lived without lacking anything. Thanks to my father, mother and older brother.”

“I say so, but this father knows everything. How can you not know? The sadness of living alone in a place where no one knows…Big.”

Could it be because of emotions?

Count Frontera drank three glasses of champagne in quick succession.

asked Julien anxiously.

“father? Are you okay?”

“haha. this avi is fine I feel so good. Because it is a very happy day. How can you not be happy?”

“Ahaha, that’s right.”

“So it is.”

Earl Prontera got drunk in an instant and his face turned red.

He looked back and forth at his two sons, Lloyd and Julien, with moist eyes.

“This father is happy. Because your father.”


“To be honest, I don’t know how to express my feelings. Proud of you. I am the most proud of you in this world. did you succeed Because the first one made a big name and the second one graduated from the academy? No.”

The Count’s words continued tearfully.

“This Abby is. I am not happy that you are successful. I am so grateful that you guys just grew up to be healthy and kind like this. No, I am infinitely grateful that this ugly father could be your father. I want to express my gratitude to fate for sending you as sons.”

“Ummm, father seems to be very drunk….”

“No Julien. And it’s Lloyd. This father can give you everything right now. What if the harsh fate in the sky says you have to roll for the rest of your life to protect you? This father will be willing to do a thousand rounds, 10,000 rounds, 100 million rounds, for the rest of his life. If that’s how you can be happy, I’m willing. Got it?”


Julien’s limbs shriveled.

The duodenal villi of Lloyd, who was sitting next to him, was fully rolled up.

The countess sitting across from him covered her blushing face with both hands. It was as if a nobleman, who was weak in alcohol, had guests come today….’ He seemed terribly ashamed.

So Serazade was shocked inside.

drunk all of a sudden

Because emotions rise

Because the vision exploded.

Because of the Count’s unstoppable expression of affection with shriveled hands and feet?

It wasn’t.

Rather, it was the opposite.

She was overcome with shock mixed with envy.

‘Originally, family is…Is it like this?’

I thought a family like this only existed in nice, innocent stories.

I really didn’t expect to see something like this in real life.

‘with me…It’s too different.’

Serazade secretly clenched his fist under the table.

Suddenly, Sultan came to mind.

own father.

No, rather than a father, a heartless man of power.

How did he have to live to be recognized by such a sultan?

How tenaciously he had to grow up pushing himself to stand out in order to receive even a little trust and recognition among dozens of princes and princesses.

He never let go of his sword for a single day.

Even if the blisters on my hands burst and burst again.

Even if your father doesn’t even glance at you like that.

If one day you become a master,

If you ever become a sword master.

When that day comes, he will finally acknowledge his father.

That she would treat herself as a proud daughter and child.

He was the one who believed in and lived his life.

It was the same even now.

Trying to get Lloyd a lullaby.

Everyone struggled to become a sword master.

It was because he wanted to be acknowledged by his father as soon as possible.


But there’s something unfair about this.

Even if you don’t have to try so hard.

Even if you don’t wet your pillow with tears every night.

Even if you don’t have to comfort yourself like that.

Even if you don’t.

‘Was there no need for recognition in the first place?’

It was unnecessary.

that was normal

It was a normal family.

I just feel good and happy because you are my daughter and son.

It was family, parents and children.

However, he did not grow up in such a family.

No, I realized and realized that fact only now.

That fact was so unfair and futile.

the life you’ve lived

The time of hard work.

I wondered what it was all about.


what am i

A clenched fist under the table.

So, my two trembling hands.

I suddenly felt so small.

The drooping shoulders and the bowing head.

It all felt worthless.

It was after that.

Serazade finished the meal in a daze, unaware of what he was eating or what he was talking about with Count Frontera’s family.

I couldn’t even think of the original plan to try to renegotiate Lloyd.

After returning to the VIP quarters, I sat on the bed in a daze for a while.

the night gets darker

The unnoticed moon and stars rise.

By the time the white moonlight tickles the window.

Serazade stood up as if possessed.

I started packing my things.

‘Let’s go back.’

I myself couldn’t figure out why.

It was just silly.

Even your own efforts so far.

The approval of his father, which he longed for so much.

The level of sword master that I so longed for.

Everything felt fleeting and futile.

I just didn’t want to think about it anymore.

I just wanted to rest a bit.

‘let’s go.’


left the room

A dark hallway unfolded before my eyes.

In front of that desolate sight, an unknown sigh came out.


Why does this sigh come out?

I just feel so frustrated.

Something I can’t stand

walked away

one step two steps.

walking down the aisle helplessly

A drop or two of tears.

Run along the cheeks to the tip of the chin.

The moment I tried to steal it from my eyes with the back of my hand like an idiot.

“…Sir Serazad?”

Suddenly, Julien’s voice carefully grabbed the sleeve.

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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