Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 198

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Chapter 198. How To Survive (1)

“How come you haven’t become Jim’s son-in-law yet?”


The Sultan’s question resounded beneath the throne like a blazing fire.

Surprised by those words, Lloyd almost raised his head without realizing it.

I almost dared to look up at the Sultan’s face.

He swallowed dry saliva.


that uncle

Are you older than you think?

I immediately felt that way.

It was natural.

It is said that the qanat has been completed safely.

Thanks to this, the drought in Kandahar will be resolved.

It was a panguk who came to make a happy report.

But that’s what the sultan I met said right away as soon as he saw me.

‘What should I answer?’

It was embarrassing.

How should I answer Sultan’s straight-forward question?

What kind of reaction should I do to achieve exquisite relief from this difficult situation?

It was around the time that Lloyd plunged into deep trouble.

“What are you so surprised about?”

The sultan’s choking laughter was heard.

“Lloyd Frontera, son of Arcos Frontera. When he sees a talented person like you, when he finds out that a talented person like you is single, where in the world is there a ruler who would not covet your talent?”

“Oh that….”

“I was just briefly revealing Jim’s wish honestly. Yeah, I guess my daughter didn’t like it very much.”

“Did you know that the small person noticed?”

“I heard a small story from that child.”


Lloyd kept his mouth shut.

Perhaps Serazad has already met the Sultan.

As soon as he returned to Ahinsha, he would have reported all of this to the Sultan.

‘I bet he didn’t tell me strangely.’

Lloyd remained silent, slightly nervous.

The Sultan’s words continued.

“No matter how much Jim wants it to be between a man and a woman, it can’t be helped if the thoughts of the parties differ. I said it out of regret, so don’t take it too seriously.”

“Your last name is ruined.”

“Look for your surname from your lord.”


I feel like something is wrong with this.

Fortunately (?) Sultan did not drag the topic for long.

“If so, shall we listen to a more important story now? Qanat is completed?”

“Yes, great and mighty Sultan.”

It was Lloyd who desperately needed a change of topic.

He answered the Sultan’s question quickly.

“After a total of four months of construction, we were able to bring water from the foot of the mountain range. This was thanks to the efforts of the small man to keep the contract with the great and almighty Sultan. Also, thanks to this, we have been able to successfully supply water to most villages in Kandahar Province, including Kandara City. This, too, was thanks to the efforts of the small man to keep the contract with the great and almighty Sultan.”

“…Is it because of your hard work?”

“It was merely an effort to keep the pact with the great and almighty Sultan.”

“It sounds like you’re asking Jim to keep his pact.”

“How dare a small man spit out such absurd remarks.”

“Looks like he’s spitting.”

“Never. Since the great and omnipotent Sultan is a great and omnipotent person, I have no doubts that he will lightly keep the pact with an insignificant man. But why is it necessary for a small person to spit such an absurd remark?”

“…Are you telling Jim to sit down at the negotiating table with Magentano?”

“Your last name is ruined.”


Sultan Samarkan clicked his tongue.

He is truly capable and shameless.

But that’s why you can’t hate him.

No, on the contrary, I was even more covetous.

‘It would be really nice if you could be my son-in-law.’

What if I just want you to be my son-in-law?

I thought he would gladly make me his right-hand man.

He said he wanted to bring out all the talent of the author without wasting a drop.

That’s how I thought I wanted to change the future of this sultanate.

‘Alicia Termina Magentano. Why doesn’t that stupid woman use talent like that more actively?’

If that’s the case, I’d rather give it to you.

I couldn’t help thinking like that.

It was so sad, and that’s why I was coveted.

This was also the case in solving the drought in Kandahar.

He had already heard detailed reports from his daughter, Serazade, and the entourage who had worked with Lloyd.

‘I got the cooperation of the rebels. Besides, after successfully completing the task, he even sent the rebels out of my reach.’

I almost clapped my hands while listening.

It was such a perfect job.

Lloyd Frontera and the rebels who cooperated with him, as well as the residents of Kandahar, who escaped the drought, and the ruler himself.

It was a way of handling work that allowed everyone involved to get the maximum benefit.

Sultan liked that of Lloyd.

‘It’s not just good work. It’s not just the hair that’s good. I’m different from those who learned the world by sitting in front of a desk all day.’

This is a method that Saennim, who has only studied, cannot achieve.

This is the behavior of a person who has suffered harshly in the storms of the world.

A deep longing appeared in Sultan’s eyes as he looked at Lloyd.

But that’s for a while.

The Sultan regained his solemn expression.

He said, revealing the appearance of a ruler of the desert.

“I see. What you and Jim have made is an obvious pact and contract. Since you kept the contract first, now it must be Jim’s turn. I profess at this point that Jim will meet Magentano’s special envoy at the negotiating table during the day.”

“Your last name is ruined.”

“Don’t look for that castle here.”

Sultan smiled and bit Lloyd.

After Lloyd left.

The Sultan’s eyes turned to the empty seat where Lloyd had been.


It’s a pity.

It’s too precious to miss it so innocently.

So one more time.

‘Shall we try it?’

Sultan nodded slowly.

A light of determination flashed in the eyes of the desert ruler.

The next day.

The Sultan’s promise was fulfilled.

The negotiating table was indeed open.

The special envoy, Count Ventura, entered the palace with a nervous expression.

On this day, the Sultan’s palace was unusually quiet and calm.

It was originally a solemn place, but the atmosphere of the day was different from usual.

Everyone waited with bated breath for the outcome of the negotiations.

Sultan and envoy.

A negotiating room where only two people entered.

I was keenly aware of the results that would be revealed when the door was opened.

The envoys’ entourage, too.

Even the officials of the Sultanate.

Citizens of the capital, Ahinsha.

Everyone felt the same way.

No, there was only one exception.

“Does Lloyd-sama really not care?”


It seems so natural.

Lloyd nodded.

Then he sucked hard on the straw in his mouth.


The juice of a special palm tree that only grows near Ahinsha came coolly into your mouth through a pure silver straw.

It was sweet and sour.

It was salty but bland.

It was cool and exciting.


This taste that makes you exclaim.

As expected, it is a specialty palm that costs one gold ring per barrel.

It is the flavor of the best luxury fruit in the region that noble empresses eat sparingly.

‘If I had to compare it, I’d say it tastes similar to the coke I just opened.’

I never thought I would see a taste similar to Coke in this world.

Lloyd looked at the special palm fruit with emotion.

And he licked his lips with regret.

“Why do I care about that negotiation? Rather than that, I should drink this to my heart’s content until I go home. is not it?”


Xaviel frowned as if he was pathetic.

“It is a negotiation in which the country’s major issues will be decided. Failure to negotiate could lead to war. Of course, wouldn’t it be right to care?”

“What are you caring about?”


“It’s a negotiation I can’t get into anyway. Besides, the outcome has already been decided.”

“Are the results fixed?”

Xaviel tilted her head.

Lloyd grinned.

“Negotiations will go well. It has no choice but to be.”

“How sure are you of that?”

“Because the Sultan has no reason to wage war.”

It’s true.

In the first place, the drought was progressing mainly in the Kandahar province.

It was the sultan who was worried about the large-scale public sentiment Ivan.

So, he was the ruler of the desert who was choosing an intentional conflict with the Magentano royal family in order to temporarily turn public opinion in the country.

But now?

everything has changed

“I solved the drought. Of course, even after that, it’s not that there isn’t a side to being a sultan, but the need to worry about the immediate large-scale public sentiment is almost gone. From the standpoint of the sultan, there is no reason to go ahead with the irrationalities of diplomatic conflict and war.”


“Perhaps he will accept responsibility for the monster domino debacle.”

said Lloyd.

Xaviel raised one eyebrow.

“Then may I ask you one more question?”

“huh. What.”

“If such a clear conclusion had already been decided, there would be no reason for the negotiations to be prolonged. Why is the negotiation going on for over half a day like this?”

“That is simple too.”

Lloyd’s smile deepened.

“It must be coordinating. If you admit responsibility, how far will you go? How much compensation will you pay, etc. Besides, it will look better this way than ending the negotiations too early.”

“How does it look?”

“The shape of the sultan. If you end the negotiations too soon, the sultan will be completely pushed out of this issue and GG…No, it gives the impression that he declared surrender early. So inside the negotiating room, you must be sipping a cup of tea with both sides already tuned in. Even so, the longer the negotiations appear to the outside world, the more face the Sultan saves.”

“Is that so?”

“uh. So, we should drink hard.”

Lloyd heard of the specialty coconut.

“This is very expensive. The great and all-powerful Sultan shoots them all. Besides, if I go back to the Prontera estate, I won’t be able to eat it even if I want to. No matter how much you ship and import, the taste you eat here won’t be there even if you die, right?”


“What are you doing? hurry? Shall we eat more?”


Lloyd’s specialty palm.

Accepting it, Xaviel involuntarily let out a deep sigh.

Seeing Lloyd inhaling palm tree juice like a possessed person made his sigh grow even deeper.

The young boy he serves.

Smart is right.

Sometimes, to be honest, when I do this, I feel ashamed because I feel like a snob.

Xaviel asked in disapproval.

“Can’t we just have a normal meal?”


“Isn’t it mealtime?”

“Is that why you did this?”


“I can’t eat today. I canceled all of them and told them to bring this whole thing.”

“Why did you do that?”

“I told you. I can only eat this here. Is it very expensive?”

“…Whoa really.”

I really can’t stop breathing.

In the end, Xaviel spoke with a feeling of desperation.

“Then I will only eat one. Because you can’t skip meals.”

because i’m hungry

Because it is also meal time.

I don’t really like it, but I feel like I want to fill my water stomach at least.

Out of courtesy, with the mindset of only seeing the taste.

I picked up the palm fruit.

I brought my mouth to the straw.

sucked up


two sips.

three sips.

Suck and suck and suck again and again.

After frantically sucking, the palm fruit was empty.

“Did you have a one-shot?”


The figure of Lloyd giggling at this side.

It was only when he saw that face that Xaviel felt sorry for him.

But it was already too late.

“Can I get you another one?”


“no? Then say….”

“Give me.”


Xaviel Asrahan, the true hero and peerless hero who made the novel Iron-Blooded Knight shine.

He was a young man in his 20s who couldn’t help but feel in front of the cola-flavored palm tree liquid he was tasting for the first time in his life.

Negotiations between the sultan and the emissary ended around evening.

“All right. I finally did it.”

The special envoy, Count Ventura, entered the guesthouse with a flushed face.

All of the envoys who had been waiting jumped to their feet.

“How was it?”

“You can’t be laughing like that….”

“That’s right.”

Count Ventura, the special envoy, looked back at everyone with a wide smile.

“The Sultan accepted our request. All of that, too.”

“All of them?”

“Is that true?”

“Hahaha, did these people live only by being deceived? It’s my word. All of them were successful. The Sultan has fully admitted responsibility for the Monster Domino Crisis. Besides, the reparation has accepted all the conditions we asked for. Besides, he cooperated with us even on terms we didn’t expect.”

“A condition we didn’t even want?”

The entire delegation pricked their ears.

The same was true of Lloyd, who was pounding on a stomach full of palm sap from one side of the guesthouse.

‘Additional conditions? The sultan?’

It’s a strange thing.

It will be over if you admit responsibility for the incident and pay compensation.

But to say that this side went ahead and spread something that they didn’t even ask for.


I was curious.

Lloyd’s ears perked up even more.

The special envoy Count Ventura’s words of joy followed.

“Heh heh heh. From now on, don’t doubt your ears. The sultan even signed an agreement promising that monster dominoes like the one before would never happen again. Do you know what this means? That sultan expressed his sincere apologies to us even while personally undermining his authority in the international diplomatic arena.”

“Oh oh!”

“Is that true!”

The triumphant announcement of the special envoy, Count Ventura.

The special envoys were thrilled with the tremendous achievements that exceeded their expectations.

Perhaps that was the case.

Lloyd, who was watching the situation from one side, suddenly felt that the special palm tree juice he ate well made him sick.

‘An agreement to prevent relapse? The sultan? You spread that? wait for a sec. Wow. Can this be?’

Suddenly, I have a strong premonition.

Came up the spinal cord.

That moment.

Lloyd jumped up from his seat.

I ran to the dorm without anyone stopping me.

At the speed of light, I started packing my things for a night getaway.

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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