Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 190

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Chapter 190. Good deeds of a greedy person (3)

‘Wouldn’t that be how you get a lot of points?’

The smile I made as I looked back.

It looked evil and happy.

It looked nasty and rewarding.

So I thought.

‘This person is sincere.’

Lloyd Frontera.

The young boy he serves.

The extremely nasty truth that was a fool in the past.

How does that person come up with such thoughts?

How the hell do you do something like that without hesitation?

Xaviel was genuinely curious.

On the other hand, I felt a sense of mystery about the existence of a human being and raised my head.

And I looked at the people gathered in the midnight square.

They were citizens of Kandara.

“Ego! line up line up! Don’t forget the bucket or the gourd!”

A long line of citizens.

In front of them, Lloyd exclaimed proudly.

They lined up the people who were not yet awake and were dazed. He gently led those who yawned. He quickly guided those who looked around in wonder.

And water was distributed in turn.

“Hey, hamangah?”


“know? Are you just spitting out little by little?”


A huge water balloon with a diameter of 70 meters, or a hamangi, answered with a wild scab.

And he faithfully followed Lloyd’s request.

“Let’s go get a bucket!”



Hamang spit out water through the pipe in his mouth.

A lofty mountain range tens of kilometers away.

It was melted water from the ice caps that had accumulated on the top.

The pure, first-class clean water filled the bucket in an instant.

White teeth shone shamelessly through Lloyd’s smile.

“Now, how about doing your best today?”

“Ah yes….”

A citizen with a bewildered expression whimpered and carried away a full bucket.

Even so, he looked back to see if he could not erase the absurdity.

I looked at Lloyd with a calm smile once.

I looked up at the gigantic hamang-i like a mountain.

He looked at the clear water in the bucket he was holding.

What kind of luck is this?

So I tilted my head again.

With plenty of water to last through the day.

so went home

Most citizens were like that.

In the meantime, a rewarding smile bloomed on Lloyd’s lips.

‘good. Really good. Good deeds do this too. With a lot of tea!’


You have to make a lot of tea.

Otherwise, it gets rather difficult.

‘Good deeds in secret? Then people really don’t know.’

This is just doing a lot of service.

It takes effort, but no one knows.

Then, nothing will be rewarded and rewarded.

It was never what he wanted.

‘Because I’m not such a great person.’

There are many great people in this world to be admired.

This is especially true of those who do good deeds in secret without revealing themselves in hiding.

These are people who don’t want anything in return.

They are the ones who take on their own difficulties and hardships.

Even so, there are people who don’t even want others to know.

Just for someone to be happy as a result of one’s good deeds and service.

There were many such great people in this world who practice true generosity while looking only at that one thing.

On the other hand, what about you?

‘I’m not that kind of person. No, I can’t.’

he is different

not so great

I dare not even wish for such a thing.

Besides, unlike those great people, he was hoping for an obvious price to return as a result of his good deeds.

In other words, it does not mean spreading unrewarded generosity.

‘You’re doing it hoping you’ll get it. For example, people’s cooperation.’

Lloyd looked at the residents collecting water.

They were in amazement and bewilderment.

But even in the midst of that, the eyes looking at this side were still cold.

The vigilance of why that person wants to do that.

I wonder if there is something I’m aiming for.

I could feel that cold emotion in his eyes.

So it was.

‘I need to change that gaze. We need to loosen the guards of the people here and earn their favor. That will be the core of this construction.’


A facility that he boasted he would build for the Sultan.

But the process of making it was never easy.

‘The distance is too far.’

It reminded me of the mountain range I had been to earlier in the day.

The straight-line distance obtained as a result of the survey reached a whopping 36 kilometers.

How about Korea?

The distance from Seoul Station to Munsan-eup, Paju-si is just that much.

It means that you can directly reach from the center of Seoul to the vicinity of the DMZ in one queue.

What if you change the range to East-West?

The straight line distance from the end of Gangdong-gu in the east to the end of Gangseo-gu across from Gimpo International Airport in the west is exactly 36 kilometers.

You can even go south from Seoul Station to Suwon.

It was literally a huge distance.

‘That’s it. But what if you just do the work? It will take well over a year to complete the qanat.’

The high-performance excavation machine (?) Bulgi and Xaviel’s blasting should be mobilized to shorten the construction period to that extent.

That was never what Lloyd wanted.

‘No way that’s it. don’t be Do you think I’m crazy and rot in a place like this for a year? Nonsense.’

It’s not even his own territory.

Good luck in other people’s neighborhoods.

I’ll try to negotiate with the Sultan.

He did not want to rot in this place, dedicating a year of his precious life.

So it was.

‘They said there are oysters all over the place underground in this province.’

It reminded me of something from the novel Iron Blooded Knight.

It was said that there were intricately tangled tunnels underground in the Kandahar region.

It was not a natural den.

Was it almost a thousand years ago?

At the time, it was said that the cave was dug by monks who hid in the region to escape religious oppression.

It is said that they dug and dug tunnels for over a hundred years.

It is said that he lived in seclusion for three generations.

‘Most of the caves dug at that time are still intact. Thanks to that, the rebels who rebelled against the Sultan were able to use the cave as their hideout.’

Lloyd intended to use the burrow.

from the mountains to here.

Rather than digging a new burrow in the bare ground.

It would be much easier to connect existing oysters.

‘It can’t be connected in a straight line. Still, you just have to find the best route. A path that connects dozens of independently dispersed oysters in the shortest distance. A route where the excavation distance can be minimized. And a path through which the water that will flow through the underground will not leak elsewhere.’

You just have to find it.

You can set it up by surveying and design.

In addition, there was another advantage to using the existing tunnels in addition to shortening the construction period and effort.

‘Because it’s an underground oyster, it’s waterproof. In other words, it means that the existing underground water is thoroughly prepared so that it does not seep or leak into the tunnel.’

The key to Qanat construction is to prevent the existing groundwater from seeping into the canal.

This will prevent contamination of water from the mountains.

But what if you use a tunnel that has already been waterproofed?

You can alleviate that worry.

This can further reduce the effort and time required for construction.

‘That’s it. While surveying earlier, I kept looking into the ground. but….’

Couldn’t find the tunnel.

It was the same even when I turned the underground scanning option so that my eyes were bloodshot.

The meaning of the results was clear.

‘It means that the monks’ tunnels are deeper than 5 meters underground.’

You can only see up to 5 meters from the ground.

That was the limit of his underground scanning options.

I couldn’t see any deeper than that.

‘That’s why I can’t dig the ground one by one and find them.’

that’s too inefficient

No matter how many tunnels there are, yes.

What if you get lucky and find a tunnel?

The task remains to find dozens of independently scattered tunnels.

‘In order to do that, it would be quicker to spend a year or so digging through the bare ground.’

Efficiency is too low

It was also never what he wanted.

‘That’s why this method remains.’

Lloyd promised.

People’s vigilance needs to be relaxed.

You have to buy favor and earn trust.

Because they are the natives of this place.

Some may already be collaborating with the rebels.

If you can buy their faith, you will be able to ask the location of dozens of scattered tunnels.

With that kind of determination, Lloyd spurred on more and more good deeds (?).

After distributing water to residents.

I mobilized the podongi.

“Now, from here to here. They keep selling.”



Dig the ground squarely.

The flat stones, like tiles, were meticulously laid.

I poured all the remaining water into it.

“Hey? know?”

“Hmmm! Ohh-”

Hamang vomited out all the remaining water.

The pit that Little Boy had just dug and that Lloyd had dug was filled with water.

It was like making a temporary pool or a reservoir.

“Now, put an awning around it like this so that the water doesn’t evaporate during the day.”

Pillars were erected around the reservoir.

A large cloth was put on the pole and covered.

A temporary awning was also installed to block the scorching sun.


After all the work was done, the morning was coming.

But Lloyd didn’t stop there.

“What is that?”

“A sign.”

Lloyd grinned at Xaviel’s question.

And as if showing off, he put a sign in front of the reservoir.

The sign had these words written on it.

[This is a temporary reservoir created by Lloyd Frontera for the people of Kandara City. Basically, water usage is free and available to anyone. Water will be drawn up every night and stored here.]


Xaviel’s eyes continued to move while examining the sign.

I read the additional text that was written further down.

[In order to supply such clear water, Lloyd Frontera skips sleep every night and travels the road of hardship and adversity to the distant mountains. Only for the people of Kandara City! Let your feet swell! While enduring the hardships of oneself! Even if your body aches and the fever boils! Even if you collapse from overwork! But without expecting anything in return! Only for your happiness and well-being! Lloyd Frontera has been diligently bringing water today with an angelic pure heart.]


A pure heart like an angel?

Tolerating the hardships of oneself?

Xaviel stared blankly at Lloyd.

Lloyd snorted.

“what. why. what.”


“Why are you staring at people like that again?”

“Because you seem so careless.”

“Conscience? I?”



“To be honest with you, Lloyd-sama, didn’t you get the water you almost didn’t lift a finger?”

“What does that mean?”

“Isn’t that true? That water, Sir Hamang, drank hard and rolled over.”


“Besides, Lloyd-sama just sat comfortably on Sir Koming’s back and flew around.”

“…hmm! Big! That’s an advertisement.”


“yes. That’s it.”

Lloyd smiled refreshingly, like an unscrupulous business owner of this era.

“It’s like an advertisement for beautiful results. It’s kind of like wrapping paper. Do you think people here care about the truth? never will It’s just that the clean water they get is important. How many people do you think care about how I got this water and what process it went through?”

“So you’re saying that you won’t hesitate to exaggerate and lie to get the results you want in the end.”

“Well, you don’t commit corruption in the distribution process, do you?”

It’s true.

This is really clear water.

I just exaggerated the process of bringing it in a little (?) and mixed it with Shinpa.

The water itself was first-class pure water that melted the ice caps.

For those suffering from drought, it was truly precious water that could become the water of life.

“You know that. There are so many unscrupulous businessmen in the world playing around with food and drink. Compared to that, how good am I? Don’t lie about the country of origin. I do not mix anything with the ingredients. Would you like to get paid for that? Big. There is no other person as beautiful as this. is not it?”


Xaviel kept his mouth shut.

As far as facts are concerned, it’s all right.

I couldn’t be so mean when Lloyd said those words.

Like that, Lloyd put up a sign in front of the storage tank filled with exaggerated and false MSG seasoning.

However, his bets on good deeds did not stop there.

“Let’s go.”


“Tilting your head. I have to go publicize it.”


promotion? what?

Xaviel followed Lloyd in a bewildered mood.

The sunny morning streets welcomed us here.

It was from then.

Xaviel was able to appreciate Lloyd’s new true face to his heart’s content.

“oh my! Nice to meet you, old man. hello?”

“uh? yes?”

“Don’t you remember me?”

Lloyd asked with a wide smile.

While walking down the street in the morning, the old man who suddenly grabbed Lloyd’s hand responded in bewilderment.

“That’s it, of course….”

“This is Lloyd Frontera. do you remember me Did you see me last morning?”

“Uh, that….”

“Yes yes. I remember, of course. It’s because he’s the 23rd person to get water from me. Let’s see, I remember right. Whether you see it at night or in the morning, maybe it’s because the god is so eloquent. How was the water you brought last night? Did it suit your taste?”

“Ummm, of course….”

“Oh, that was good. Fortunately, the! thank you!”

“Here I….”

“Wasn’t the water too cold or too hot?”

“of course….”

“Fortunately, the temperature seems to have been right. Oh, that went really well. Thank you!”

Shake hands with both hands and pat your back.

Like a greased, slicked-down hinge.

Or like a fast-moving folder phone.

Lloyd’s back bent at a 90 degree angle.

Like that, I greeted and greeted the ordinary old man whose name I did not know.

At the same time, he mentioned and emphasized his good deeds and achievements last night until his mouth was dry.

“Then take a look, old man!”

“uh…That’s right.”

The old man, in bewilderment and bewilderment, hurried on his steps.

But Lloyd still had an iron plate on his face.

‘The more I do this, the more shameless I have to be.’

If you act vaguely, you won’t get porridge or rice.

You must make it clear that you are on the side of the people here.

Just like that, Lloyd was mentally armed with the friendliness of a politician facing the full-fledged election season.

Of course, the practice of good deeds did not stop.

Water was brought from the mountains every night.

The temporary reservoir was filled with chalrang chalrang.

During the day, he went around greeting people and actively promoting his good deeds.

I wish you to work hard like that.

At last the first signs of a change in people’s attitudes toward him came.

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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