Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 182

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Chapter 182. Father’s Waiting (2)


Correspondence unfolded.

Stupid eyes wandered over the unfolded paper.


Wrinkles formed between the eyebrows of King Alicia Terrmina Magentano.

“It’s Hell Nite.”

she remembered.

I’ve seen it mentioned in old texts.

Did you say that he was a knight who led the army of hell?

Of course, Hell Knights had never descended to the ground except in the primeval age.

What if that being descends?

Did the ancient texts warn that all creatures on earth would come to an end on that day?

‘If it’s fortunate, is it fortunate? That such an existence was summoned in an incomplete form.’

The kingdom could become a mess.

But that didn’t happen.

Thanks to the brave knights and citizens of Namaran.

That they thwarted the warlocks’ plans.

He said he managed to subdue the descending Hell Knight.

Count Namaran’s report was telling me.

‘But is this report really true?’

A faint smile appeared in King Alicia’s eyes as she read the report under the flickering candle light.

I’m not sure.

‘I can believe that the knights of Namaran killed and captured a group of warlocks, but well, hell knights? Even though he descended in an imperfect form, did he subdue that knight of hell?’

I couldn’t believe it.

‘Besides, the report added later is even more suspicious.’

The king’s gaze was directed downwards to the report.

There was a little more detailed report on the situation in which the Hell Knight was subdued.

‘Lloyd Frontera, the eldest son of the Frontera family, who was staying in Namaran City, sang a strange song, and the Hell Knights were thrown into great confusion because of that song. you. Hmm. What kind of song should I sing to shake the knights of hell?’

I had no imagination.

However, King Alicia could vaguely feel it through the report.

‘Count Namaran intentionally shortened the report of the eldest son of the Frontera family.’

It smelled like that.

Of course, I did not directly witness the incident.

However, looking at various circumstances through the report, such a guess was possible.

‘In the first place, no matter how hard the Knights of Namaran fought, they probably wouldn’t have been opponents they could stand against, Hell Knights. By the way, Lord Asrahan and the knights cooperate? no. In reality, Lloyd Frontera and Xaviel Asrahan must have subdued the Hell Knights.’

She suddenly remembered the past.

The night an assassination attempt was made on oneself.

I looked back at the abilities Lloyd and Xaviel had shown that day.

Xaviel who subdued the sword master Sir Cerny.

Although not a sword master, Lloyd showed amazing talent.

If it was the cooperation of the two, they would have been able to compete with the imperfect Hell Knight.

‘But why did Count Namaran understate the merits of these two men? Hmm, are you trying to protect the peaceful life of the eldest son of the Prontera family?’

The moment your thoughts reach there.

King Alicia smiled with one lip.

She was well aware of Lloyd’s low-key nature.

Also, I don’t have much ambition.

The fact that I just want to live a normal life.

I received reports through various channels and was grasping in great detail.

‘That’s probably why you asked Count Namaran. When you report to me, ask me to reduce your merit. But what should I do? Lloyd Frontera, your exploits will all be revealed through the confession of that warlock, Cannavaro, who was brought in yesterday. Besides, Jim intends to make you useful for the time being.’

Those who have the ability should write.

Ruining ability is a waste.

no it’s a sin

As the able ones grow tired, the kingdom will prosper and the people will be at ease.

This is especially true at critical times like now when we are experiencing diplomatic conflicts with neighboring powers.

“That’s why Lloyd Frontera joined the special envoy. Isn’t it?”

“You are right, Your Highness.”

Her question echoed quietly in the study.

The Foreign Minister, who was standing respectfully on one side of the study, replied.

A bitter smile hung on King Alicia’s lips.

“A reasonable word. Wasn’t it you who tilted your head at Jim’s conspiracy until the special envoys departed? Have you changed your mind in the meantime?”

“No, Your Highness.”

“You mean that?”

“Sosin can only express questions and offer opinions until the matter is decided.”

“So you mean you won’t make your own judgment on the matters Jim has decided on?”

“It is, Your Highness. but….”



“Let me tell you. I will not reproach you for your thoughts.”

“The castle is ruined. However, to clarify my thoughts, I am just wondering what would be the benefit of having Lloyd Frontera join the special envoy.”

The foreign minister spoke cautiously.

King Alicia’s bitter smile deepened.

“Hmm, I see what you mean. It must mean that the eldest son of the Frontera family, who is not even a professional diplomat, goes to the Sultanate with a special delegation and wonders what kind of help he will be?”

“It is, Your Highness.”

“Actually, I don’t expect too much from Jim either.”


The foreign minister raised his head.

He opened his eyes wide as if he was puzzled.

King Alicia laughed softly.

“Lloyd Frontera is just going to be the signboard of the Special Envoy anyway. It’s like a symbolic role representing the victims of the many territories that were swept away by the monster domino crisis.”

“Is that all there is to it?”

“To be honest, it is. It’s not that I don’t have much to look forward to in my heart.”

“That word…?”

“I’ve never seen a petty human like him.”


The Foreign Minister tilted his head.

Alicia snorted.

“From the moment I was born, I grew up in the political arena of the royal palace. He overcame countless competitions and strife to succeed the throne. I’ve seen all kinds of people like that. The sly, the ferocious, the foolish, the despicable, and the clever. But Lloyd Frontera was different.”

“Do you mean you saw a different side of him?”

“It is. I’ve never seen a human being as thorough as he is, dirty behind his back, and blatantly diligent and slovenly like a pup.”


“So it must be. What Jim expects. Maybe he will bring unexpected results.”


A calm voice resounded in the study, like King Alicia’s monologue.

Maybe it was because of the atmosphere.

The Foreign Minister did not dare to answer and only lowered his head.

Then, without the knowledge of the king, he thought quietly.

‘Is that a curse word or a compliment….’

I was just confused.

However, the foreign minister only wished in his heart.

A special envoy dispatched to the Sultanate this time.

May they have successful negotiations.

May there be no war with the Sultanate.

“Yes? Hey, so you’re saying I have to join the envoy to prevent a war with the Sultanate?”

“You wouldn’t know either, would you? These are not my words, but Your Highness’s edict.”

Left and right!

The scroll of the edict was rolled up.

The King’s special envoy, Count Ventura, who had just finished reading the edict, said.

“Lloyd Frontera, the eldest son of the Frontera family, you should be familiar with it. Let me tell you that His Majesty’s edicts must be obeyed no matter what.”

“Ah yes, I know, but….”

“The departure is tomorrow morning. Have it ready by then.”


The special envoy, Count Ventura, turned around.

The cold wind of early winter blew through the empty seat.

The wind beat Lloyd’s chest hard.


A sigh comes out of nowhere.

How the hell did this happen?

I was happy until last night.

The refugee problem was also solved by building apartments and a great sewer.

I also made a lot of money in Namaran.

Thankfully, I had no worries for a while.

I didn’t even seem to have the guts to go through the storm.

So I thought I would live on only drinking honey.

‘The king’s sister, why are you doing this to me?’

I resent the king in the distant kingdom.

At the same time, he remembered what had happened this morning.

Was it right after an early breakfast?

I felt a little less sleep than usual.

So I tried to sleep again.

I happily threw myself on the bed.

But around that time, the first floor of the mansion was buzzing.

He heard the sounds of servants and maids busily moving.

I went out into the hallway to see what was going on.

and witnessed

The appearance of Count Frontera and his wife as they hurried down the stairs on the first floor.

At that time, the count turned around and said,

A special envoy from His Highness the King has arrived.

Come on, get dressed and come down.

I wondered what was going on.

I also felt a tingling sensation.

As the Count said, I changed my clothes and came down. got down on one knee He listened closely to the king’s edict read by the special envoy.

The king’s decree was simple and destructive.

Somebody wants to join the special envoy.

I go to the Sultanate hand in hand with the special envoy Oh Sun Do-soon.

So, help the special envoy in diplomatic negotiations with the Sultan.

‘I? a special envoy? help? how?’

I had no idea what this was.

No, there was a role to lighten up.

‘Is it a face madam?’

Lloyd’s head spun.

Is the King sending an envoy to the Sultan of the East at this time?

The reason would be obvious without looking.

‘Monster domino.’

It would be to take responsibility for the situation.

They must be trying to get diplomatic compensation and make an agreement to prevent a recurrence.

That’s why he joins the special envoy.

Frontera estate.

Because this place was also damaged by the monster domino phenomenon.

No, because he was the only one who survived among the damaged territories.

Because it has become a center of reconstruction.

‘They gave me the role of representing the victims. That’s right. That’s it. To testify and appeal to how this region has been damaged.’

It’s really just that.

that’s why you send me

‘ha. Did I whine too much last time?’

It reminded me of the last time I received a subsidy from the king.

At the time, he was the one who openly whined and scolded the king through letters.

Apparently, the king’s sister had a very strong (?) impression from this side at that time.

‘So you’re sending me. Just whining in front of the sultan like back then. So, spice up the envoy’s diplomatic negotiations. Ha, this is true.’

Lloyd licked his bitter taste.

An edict has already been issued.

You can’t deny it or disobey it.

In other words, he has to join the special envoy tomorrow without hesitation. I have to go to the sultanate.

‘Looks like I’ve done all the Sultanate tours like this.’

But it is not a comfortable tour.

What if the envoy’s negotiations fail?

What if the Sultan does not shamelessly admit responsibility until the end?

The chasm of diplomatic conflict between this kingdom and the sultanate will deepen.

A war might break out.

Then, the Frontera Territory is literally in big trouble.

‘Because I’ll be swept away in the gap of the war between the two forces.’

What if this side invades the Sultanate?

The Frontera Territory will become a bridgehead for invasion.

Conversely, what if you are invaded by the Sultanate?

It will suddenly become the front line to prevent invasion.

In other words, this becomes a battlefield.

Either way, it was a development that I absolutely wanted to decline.

“Are you okay?”

“Ah yes.”

Count Prontera, who pointed to his shoulder at some point.

I looked back at the Count and grinned.

To be honest, I didn’t like the situation of suddenly having to leave the estate again.

It’s even more so in a situation where you’re trying to enjoy sweet days.

But if it’s black, it’s black.

You should get rid of it immediately and come back.

Thinking so, Lloyd prepared to depart.

In fact, there was not much to prepare, even if it was preparation.

‘It’s going to be buried by the special envoys anyway.’

Food, accommodation, and everything will be provided by the special envoy.

All chores, such as lighting a bonfire or setting up a tent, will be taken care of by the envoys’ attendants.

In other words, I just had to bring clothes to wear.

And all I had to do was find a way to reduce boredom during the journey.

“Is that the way I am?”

“uh. of course.”

“Am I, Lloyd-sama, like a pastime?”

“huh. of course.”

Lloyd nodded at Xaviel’s question.

He responded with a calm expression.

“Then, did you not intend to go with me to this situation where I was taken to the distant Sultanate?”


“omg. Look at him answering without worrying for even a second.”

“Because I’m just a person who obeys the lord’s orders.”

“By the way, didn’t the Count give you a separate order to escort me?”

“That’s right.”

“Tsk. I guess you forgot.”

“Did you forget?”

“It’s so natural that you follow me around. You didn’t even give it a separate name. is not it?”

“I don’t think so.”

“That is your wish. Anyway, it should be like this. I’ll go and tell you. Please let me take you.”


“Oh thank you. Ah, the country of tears. yes? lets think. What if you don’t follow me? How will you sleep?”

“Something like sleep….”

“Not precious. How does a good night’s sleep affect a person’s body and mind? But are you going to give up on that for a while?”

“Because it seems much better than suffering Lloyd-sama.”

“And what if I go wrong in the Sultanate? Are you still okay?”

“Yes, of course.”


“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“I am determined to take you with me. Now it really makes me feel bad that I have to go alone.”


“Then wait a minute. I will ask the Count to take you and come and sing you a lullaby.”

Lloyd left Xaviel’s quarters.

I headed for the count’s study with light steps.

The study of Count Frontera was well lit.

However, there was a faint shade somewhere in the count’s expression as he greeted Lloyd.

Sending your son away again after returning from suffering in Namaran? Worried that your son will suffer again?

All right.

But there was a bigger reason.

“Fortunately, you weren’t sleeping. Actually, I had something I wanted to ask you.”

Lloyd Frontera, his son, enters the study with a grin.

When was the last time he called himself father?

It’s been so long I can’t remember.

“…So, what kind of request was it?”

Let’s not rush though.

Give him time to open up.

With that promise, Earl Prontera smiled heartily.

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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