Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 177

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Chapter 177. Skeleton to repay the favor (1)

[The Mana Heart skill option ‘④ Undead Control’ has been promoted from a sub-skill option to an independent skill.]


Lloyd widened his eyes.

It was right after using fast charging.

It was a rapid charge that was undertaken to eliminate the danger of a single shot in order to completely end the hell knights who used the infinite power of resurrection.

Mo or do.

At the end of that attempt, when he first opened his eyes, Lloyd thought.

‘I’m alive.’

A message appeared before my eyes.

It was nice to see the message first rather than the content.

It would mean that at least he wasn’t dead.

‘What about Hell Knight?’

I quickly rolled my eyes.

Like when I skipped meat from the pot of seaweed soup on the gas stove without my mother’s knowledge, I looked around.

‘does not exist.’

He couldn’t feel the Hell Knight’s mana.

That violent and evil aura has completely disappeared.

The meaning was clear.

Hell Knight has disappeared.

His attempt was successful.

Only then did Lloyd’s eyes, relieved, turn to the message in front of him.

passed the crisis

So now is the time for a bountiful harvest (?).

Just like that, Lloyd’s gaze read the message like a fisherman’s pleased gaze at a swollen net.

[Undead control skill has bloomed.]

[Undead control skill has been strengthened.]

[Various restrictions and conditions for using undead control skill have been significantly eased and deleted.]


A good start.

Signs are fine too.

The anticipation is soaring.

The pupils also degurgle faster.

[Your Mana Heart has absorbed the Hell Knight’s Mana. But since you are a living human being, you couldn’t make all that mana your own. Instead, part of the mana heart can resonate with the mana of the undead.]

[This attribute has promoted your mana heart skill option Dominate the Undead as an independent skill.] [

Skill name: Dominate the Undead]

[Level: Beginner Lv . 1]

[Can control a certain amount of low-class undead soldiers. Undead soldiers who have accepted your rule will provide loyalty beyond death and uncompromising sincerity.]

[Type of undead soldiers that can be controlled: Zombie Skeleton]

[Number of undead soldiers that can be controlled: 200]

[Undead currently under control Number of soldiers: 0]


Lloyd, who finished reading the skill, opened his mouth without realizing it.

This was no joke.

Just because you can control undead soldiers?

‘No, it’s because I can hire a free worker!’

his eyes shone brightly.

It was possible to secure 200 highly efficient workers.

no pay.

infinite labor.

ruthless no welfare.

Skeletons would silently continue to shovel even in such an environment of no 3.

Besides, it doesn’t even cost money.

You don’t even need to take care of it.


All you have to do is place 200 coffins of the right size.

If you do that, you will take care of yourself when you are resting (?) You will cover the coffin lid and rest quietly.

It is literally equivalent to creating 200 working robots without paying for food and without paying a daily wage.

‘good. It wasn’t a joke to handle the labor costs that were constantly going out.’

Thinking about it, the corner of my mouth caught in my ear.

It was Lloyd who had done a lot of construction work so far.

At the same time, it was Lloyd who had never taken away from labor costs.

no matter how trivial the project.

Or even if you make a huge construction.

Even if your wallet is empty.

He was the one who faithfully took care of the labor costs of the workers without fail.

He couldn’t help but think of the many sorrows he had experienced in Korea.

‘Because I didn’t want to become the same garbage.’

non-payment of wages.

Just thinking about it made me bitter.

Working hard but not getting paid.

But if you look at that, the ridicule and ignorance that came back.

why is this like this

Do you work for a day or two?

Everyone has their own circumstances, so let’s have a good time.

How nasty were the employers who shamelessly said that it was difficult for them too.

So it was.

Lloyd, who had the memory of the time like a dagger stuck in his heart, did not want to do the same thing as them. I didn’t even want to be like him.

So, he always faithfully took care of the wages of the workers as much as he could. No, sometimes even if it was too much, I took care of it unconditionally.

It was the same this time too.

The purpose of coming to Namaran in the first place was to cover the bonus settlement amount to be paid to the workers.

‘Of course, there was also a purpose to prevent the Namaran barrier crisis.’

Construction of an apartment complex that has been carried out in the meantime.

sewerage construction.

He faced a situation where he had to pay a huge wage at the end of the year while carrying out a series of major construction projects covering the entire territory.

money was needed

So he came to Namaran and won the four-sided stable space-time.

But what if you get paid properly this time?

The next time, it seemed that there would be fewer things to be entangled in the same worries as before.

‘A lot of construction work is done with undead soldiers. You can put the existing corps of engineers in there together. That’s enough to save a lot of labor costs.’

The Corps of Engineers command the scene and hold the center.

Undead soldiers take on the role of chores.

Such a blueprint was drawn in Lloyd’s head.

However, the rewards of defeating Hell Knight did not end there.

Another message popped up.

Ding dong.

[You participated in a heroic battle to eliminate the Hell Knight, the commander of the hell that descended to the ground.] [

In the process, you severely damaged the hearing of the Hell Knight, thereby leading a hopeless battle to your advantage. I built it.]

[Some citizens of Namaran City have witnessed and heard all of your wit and courage beyond imagination.] [

Therefore, unique praise for you spread widely among the citizens of Namaran City. It will be.]

[A new tribute has been created for you.]

[A new tribute < Unable to play treble > has been created.]

[Unable to play treble]

[Praise rating: Local heroic tales Hell ghost stories]

Soaring Namaran ‘s barrier.

People are crying and falling down.

The moment everyone hopes for salvation.

The silver-haired knight has risen.

I fought against the knights of hell.

But it was heavy duty.

The power of hell that rises even if you defeat it.

In front of that unknown power, the silver-haired knight yearned.

Let someone fight shoulder to shoulder with you.

A person who will stand up for everyone.

It would be nice if there was even one.

Then someone answered.

Peace like a river to me.

Maha Vanya Suri Suri Savaha.

Grabbing like a leech on the leg of a hell knight.

He sang with all his might, and the knight of hell swayed.

Please stop.

please don’t sing

Please refrain from making loud noises.

Only that cry became the will of the Hell Knight.

[Praise effect: You have become a celebrity among all beings, including the undead. On Earth and in Hell, you have gained widespread notoriety as ‘the possessor of a demonic tone’. Because of this, all beings on earth and in hell will fear or sometimes respect your song.]

[Praise area: Namaran county hell]

[Praise duration: 80 years (Namaran county) / 30,000 years (hell) )]

[The effect of praise is applied 24 hours within the region and period of praise. In addition, depending on your actions in the future, the area and period of praise may be expanded, extended, reduced, or shortened.] [

CP provided by tribute every month: 4]

[Currently held CP: 254]


Has it become nationally tone-deaf?

No, in this case, it included Hell, so it should be said that he became famous as a global dimensional level tone deaf.

‘It was sad that I broke up with a girl at a karaoke room because I was tone-deaf. Isn’t that right, Eunhyang?’

I lonely repeat the name of an old woman who passed by after a long time.

Of course, no answer comes back.

Instead, only the gestures of Xaviel, who doesn’t even know what’s on our side, fluttered in front of my eyes.

“…did you?”


A hand gesture intervened between the eyes and the message window.

At that gesture, Lloyd was taken out of his thoughts.

Xaviel waved his hand in front of my eyes.

“Are you okay?”

Eyes looking carefully at this side.

Those eyes look more cautious than usual.

About half a step.

“Are you worried about me?”

A smile came out of nowhere.

However, the boy nodded his head obediently for some reason.

“yes. I am concerned.”

“omg. it’s crazy?”

Are you saying that it’s right to worry about you?

Lloyd asked in an angry mood.

“Who are you.”


“No matter how you look at it, Xaviel isn’t this kind of guy. Be honest. Where did you hide our Harviel? did you kidnap? did you lock it up? tied up? Are you alive?”

“…I was neither kidnapped nor imprisoned.”

“then? What kind of wind is blowing that you are saying that you worry about me? Do you have any debts to collect from me?”

“Of course not. Just-”

Xaviel said with a serious look.

“Listening to Lloyd-sama’s song a little while ago, I started to worry.”

“While listening to my song?”


“How was the song?”

“It was a timbre and pitch that could not exist on earth. It was painful just to listen. I almost threw a blast at Mr. Lloyd, not the Skeleton Knight. I was furious without even realizing it.”


“That’s why I’m worried and asking. Have you ever had a mental disorder? I wonder if he was brainwashed badly by the black magician without even realizing it.”

“Hey I….”

“Are you really okay?”


The eyes of a very serious guy.

As I watched it, a sense of sadness surged up on my own.

Lloyd replied, biting his lower lip.

“Am I completely fine?”

“Are you sure?”


“Then what about that bizarre song….”

“I did my best to call.”

“Then Lloyd-sama….”

“Don’t talk.”

“Tone deaf….”

“Don’t talk.”


Xaviel’s eyes, which were worried about this side, completely disappeared.

Instead, the boy’s eyes were loaded with pity.


I wondered why he was so obediently worried about me.

Lloyd replied, putting the cold feeling in his heart to one side.

“Tsk. This is not the time. let’s get moving People are also recovering. Anyway, are you okay?”

“yes. it’s okay.”

“Then let’s go.”


The joy of victory is short-lived.

A sound from outside the messy public hall brought the two of them back to reality.

It was the sound of suffering from those who had lost a large amount of mana.

The moment they realized the identity of the sound, the two caught their breath.

He slowly awakened his dark heart.

No one said anything first, and I turned my steps outside the public hall.

Because the situation is not over yet.

Numerous citizens suffering from sudden mana depletion.

You’ll need first aid for them.

“As expected, a vague mental method would be useful for this kind of thing.”

“uh. Can I absorb mana from the air and put it in?”

“Looks like it’s going to be a long, busy day.”

“I agree.”

with a faint bitter smile.

The two left the public hall.

The situation was resolved safely.

Fortunately, none of the citizens of Namaran died.

The barrier of Namaran that ravenously absorbed the citizens’ mana.

It was thanks to the early incapacity of the barrier.

Most of the citizens were not deprived of mana until they died.

However, there were quite a few who were greatly damaged.

Such people received first aid from Lloyd and Xaviel.

An astral simbeom specialized in mana absorption and discharge.

Its characteristics have undoubtedly demonstrated its true value.

He saved a man who was in critical condition due to mana depletion.

He raised a person who was down.

It returned vitality to those who had endured.

In addition, the black magician Cannavaro was sent to the royal capital.

Completely incapacitated, it was moved like a piece of luggage.

‘Perhaps he will receive an ardent interrogation in the royal capital. All of the kingdom’s highest level court wizards will be put into brainwashing and confession work. King Alicia is a real no-nonsense person for that kind of thing. Because that sister is openly a sweet pumpkin.’

The evening after completing first aid for citizens for two days.

Lloyd, who was exhausted, laid down various thoughts and scattered around the inn.

But it was a strange thing.

Is it because I’m too tired?

Even though I threw myself on the bed, I couldn’t sleep.

Her body was stretched out like wet laundry, but her head continued to think of various miscellaneous thoughts.

‘I’d rather envy you at times like this.’

Lloyd looked at Xaviel, who was sleeping soundly on the bed next to him.

The guy fell asleep in a room with a lullaby (?).

I was envious.

I want to sleep because I am tired.

For some reason, I couldn’t sleep.

Instead, all sorts of thoughts and worries kept popping into my mind.

‘Fortunately, the Namaran incident was prevented. Count Namaran’s stamina is damaged enough to require recuperation, but his life is not affected. Are the worries gone now? No, I don’t think so.’

After going through a tremendous process, he prevented the catastrophe of Namaran.

Even so, the wrinkles between Lloyd’s eyebrows did not seem to be smoothed out.

The reason was simple.

‘It’s good that the situation was prevented, but there is a big setback in the construction.’

It really was.

All the citizens were deprived of mana.

Thanks to that, my spirits were greatly damaged.

At least, everyone said they could move, but it seemed like it would take a while to do something that required a lot of energy.

‘For example, something like construction.’

Field work is hard.

You have to move heavy materials.

You have to shovel, pickaxe, and hammer all day in a hot and cold place.

However, the workers who need to do the work are also the people of this city.

In other words, my spirit was hurt because of this incident.

For the time being, it has become difficult to put them into the field.

‘At least everyone should rest for 15 days. In order to build up the spirits. Ah, I really hate lengthy construction schedules.’

Slope stability construction obtained here.

Most of the design was finished.

It was the perfect timing to complete the manpower composition and start the foundation construction.

However, I was annoyed when there was a disruption in the supply and demand of manpower out of the blue.

‘I want to finish the project quickly. I want to go home with a full load of construction money. I want to spend my days sucking honey in the Prontera estate without worrying about money any more.’

It would be better if undead soldiers were formed around this time. Then, with the newly acquired undead mastery skill, I wish I could use the on-site manpower right away.

‘That’s why I can’t dig up graves that are fine.’

It can’t be.

So frustrating.

Undead control skill.

Everything was good, but it was a bit disappointing that the way to save the undead soldiers was vague.

‘Should I learn black magic? I don’t like it because it’s annoying again. I can’t even think of it. Oh, let’s go to sleep.’

Lloyd tossed and turned in bed.

Thoughts and worries end here.

I’m tired so let’s go to sleep

I made a promise and closed my eyes.

Slowly, my whole body started to get tired.

My mind wandered and sleepiness approached.


just right

Just like this.

Only like this.

Well everyone is fine….

It was then.

smart smart

Someone knocked on the door of the inn.


A wrinkle formed again between Lloyd’s brows.


I was just about to fall asleep.

‘Let’s ignore it.’

He lay on his stomach, covering his head with a pillow.

However, the uninvited guest outside the door did not seem to have any intention of leaving quietly.

smart smart smart!


go back.

I wanted to shout like that.

But Lloyd was already getting up.

‘Let’s send it away quickly.’

Who is it?

Who is it that is so extreme?

Could it be someone from the count family?

What else has happened?

Lloyd let out a deep sigh.

‘driving me crazy.’

In my experience, it is better to solve the problem quickly in this case.

That way, the other side will be turned off quickly and you will be able to sleep peacefully again.

“No, what kind of business are you knocking on the door of someone who is going to sleep at night like this?”

Eventually, he grumbled and opened the door to the dorm.

Then, without realizing it, I stopped.

The sight of the visitors made them harden.


Headless skeletons were in front of the door.

The number seemed to be around 200.


A visit from headless skeletons in the middle of the night.

But, as usual, it was the moment when Lloyd was trying to find the missing fool.

The headless skeletons knelt on one knee in unison.

He bowed his upper body politely.

With the sound of bones creaking.

The skeleton in the front suddenly held out a piece of paper the size of a sketchbook.

He began to slowly flip through the papers one by one.

Sararak, each time, the words written on the paper in advance were revealed one after another.

Its content is….

– You didn’t just throw away our skulls.

– You are our benefactor.

– I want to repay our favor.

– We’ll do anything.

– Can you take us with us who have nowhere to go?


A group of swallows or skeletons came to repay the favor in the middle of the night.

Sleep ran away from Lloyd’s eyes when he heard their sudden confession (?).

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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