Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 169

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Chapter 169. The truth of a philanthropist (2)

“Is it wrong?”

body looking back.

But there is no head above it.

Trembling at the cut and rotting scruff of the neck.

He spreads his flaccid arms toward this side.

Zombies kicked the ground.



It was a speed beyond common sense.

The moment you open your eyes.

Contrary to the sluggish movements, the zombies were already rushing towards them.

Black nails flew to scratch his face.

However, the target attacked by the zombies was Xaviel.

In other words, the opponent was too bad.


Just before the zombie’s claws scratch his face.

Xaviel’s legs moved first.

A forward kick shot like a beam of light hit the zombie’s stomach.

“…That’s it!”

The zombie flew away, making a grotesque sound with only traces of its throat.

No, the spine was shattered in one blow, and it bounced about 5 meters away.

I hit the wall on the other side.

Locked up.

The sound of breaking bones resounded loudly.

At the same time, the closed doors along both sides of the hallway on the second basement floor opened simultaneously.



Headless zombies poured out of the open door.

That number is about 60.

A bitter smile bloomed on Xaviel’s lips.

“…If this goes back to the manor, it will be unavoidable to be ridiculed for a while.”

Suddenly, he remembered the bet he had made with Lloyd.

There’s something about Mr. Cannavaro.

I think his back looks like it’s been burned.

It was Lloyd who kept insisting.

But his thoughts were the opposite.

I thought Lloyd was raising unnecessary suspicions.

Mr. Cannavaro thought only that he was not one to be suspected of having given himself an unjust order.

So I bet.

‘Whoa. To think I had to wear this outfit when I returned to the territory.’

Lady Ella.

An angel wearing a plain apron.

Or the goddess of the morning star at the distribution center.

Wear that outfit on the day you return to the Prontera estate.

That was the penalty he had to do if he lost the bet.


Let’s stop thinking.

It’s creepy.

Xaviel brushed his shoulders off.

I raised my eyes to a sight far less gruesome than the many praises that would be sung toward Lady Ella in the Prontera Estate in the future.


About 60 headless zombies rushing towards us.

The sound of boiling phlegm was loud.

Life was more blatant.

‘It’s a reinforced zombie.’

It was too fast for a zombie.

That meant that his strength would also surpass that of a normal zombie.

But it didn’t matter.

To him, a sword master, zombies and enhanced zombies are just walking corpses.

Even if he had a piece of wood instead of a sword in his hand.


Reached out.

I broke the table leg.

A great club was thus prepared.

Because you need a weapon?

It wasn’t.

It was embarrassing to hit a zombie with my bare hands.

Crackle! Wrong! Couduk!

His legs took simple basic steps.

It hit, cut off, and turned around with the steps.

I poked, lifted, hit, stamped, shook, and brushed it off.

Kwa Dang Tang! Tookwagak!

As he advanced along the hallway, three or four zombies piled up against the walls.

All 60 reinforced zombies were neutralized.

And Xaviel kicked the door at the end of the hallway.


The whole door was ripped open and blown into the room.

It attacked the man who was drawing a weapon inside.


It was a heavy iron gate that weighed 20 kilograms.

There was no weapon as it flew with speed.

The man who was knocked over by the door suddenly fainted.

But Xaviel had no mercy.


He hit the fallen man’s legs with his club. broke up At the same time, he kicked him in the back with his right foot.


“Keep it!”

The lower jaw of the man who was about to pounce on him from behind snapped. I collapsed at once and passed out.

And Xaviel stretched out his club.

I aimed at the third man’s forehead.

His frost-like eyes flashed.

“What were you doing here? what were you up to? Please tell us all about your relationship with Cannavaro.”

“…hee hee hee.”

The third man trembled and shrugged his shoulders.

I was so shocked that my pants quickly became damp.

‘What kind of monster is this?’

The man couldn’t believe this situation.

A silver-haired intruder entered the second basement floor.

At first, I thought that Mr. Cannavaro had returned.

But it wasn’t.

I realized that the moment the first zombie slammed into the wall.

Immediately unleashed all the remaining zombies.

I looked into the hallway through the window in the door.

I had hoped for it until now.

It was a whopping 60 reinforced zombies.

That they would tear the intruder limb from limb.

It’s been a long time since I’ve heard the screams of a living human being.

I watched the fight in the hallway with a thrilling feeling.

Thanks to that, I witnessed it.

The unbelievable sight of 60 reinforced zombies all slammed into the walls in just a few seconds. The silver-haired intruder who committed that nonsense came running in an instant.

Maybe that was it.

The man desperately shook his head.

And he could barely remember the name of the intruder who was aiming a club at him.

“Ela! Ms. Ella?”


“Why is this? do you know me I work at the distribution center in the morning….”

“If you say that name one more time, you will be speechless forever.”


Eyes bleaker than the ice field.

The man, intimidated by Xaviel’s gaze, hurriedly shut his mouth.

And I realized

Miss Ella and what.

That no tricks would work now.

It was also that no compromise would work for the silver-haired man in front of him.

“Whoa what do you want?”



“I should have asked you earlier. what were you doing here what are you up to? What is your relationship with Cannavaro? Say everything.”


The man rolled his eyes.

I saw the pitiful appearance of the two comrades who had fallen earlier.

But that was a mistake.



A stick flew in and hit one knee.

“Keep it off!”

He fell, grabbing his leg.

However, Xaviel’s eyes looking down at him did not show the slightest bit of sympathy.

“That headless zombie. It must have been made by you. But why is there no head? where did you write it I think I know somehow.”

flashed into my mind.

Was it a few nights ago?

I remembered the story I heard from Lloyd.

They found a ton of skulls buried in the ground.

It was said that it contained a jewel in which mana was condensed.


A gem containing mana.

Headless zombie.

Is this how it feels to reveal the outline of a puzzle that you hope is not in front of your eyes?

“say. Every time you hesitate to answer or tell a nonsense lie that doesn’t relate to the question, I’ll break it down one by one.”

A faint contempt and anger permeated Xaviel’s eyes as he looked down at the man.

Even the kneeling man felt it clearly.

that word is real

It’s never a bluff threat.

“I am…!”

A moment of visceral fear.

The man’s mouth opened hurriedly.

“I am the undertaker. Me and all my friends are like that.”


“Yes yes!”

“Is my common sense wrong? An undertaker is a person who buries people, not a person who makes zombies.”

“That’s what I learned from Mr. Cannavaro!”

“To Cannavaro?”


“More details.”

Xaviel’s eyes shone bleakly.

The man’s answer was quicker.

“As I said, we were originally morticians. But it must have been the end of last year. Mr. Cannavaro asked me indirectly. There’s something to be said for a lot of money. I hope you can help me with that. I will pay more than you can imagine….”

“So you learned how to make zombies?”

“How talented are we to be able to learn such black magic? We, we, were simply trimming the corpses Mr. Cannavaro provided.”

“Then what is the magic that makes zombies?”

“With Mr. Cannavaro…other people….”


“There were Mr. Gordo and Mr. Michelan, and most of them were at the trading post. So, with Mr. Cannavaro, managing the trading post and writing the ledger….”

“The trading post workers are warlocks?”

“Yes yes yes! I couldn’t believe it either….”

“But why don’t zombies have heads?”

Sharpened at Xaviel’s voice.

The neck of the in-house mortician shook greatly.




The sound of gripping a stick.

The undertaker’s hesitation disappeared in an instant.

“The hair was treated separately.”

“Tell me in detail.”

“That’s that…When that corpse came, the head was removed and groomed. So the skull has something to use separately. All the contents of the skull were removed, leaving only the bones….”


“I was soaked in various solutions. Example Solution provided by Mr. Cannavaro. I don’t know the details either. It’s just a precious magic reagent…I heard that. There were about 15 of them.”


“yes. About two days in one solution. So it took almost a month just to treat one skull with the medicine. Of course, there was a lot of solution and I kept dipping new skulls every two days….”

“After that?”

“Mr. Cannavaro and the people at the trading post put various spells on the skull. Still, I didn’t notice any major changes. Even so, everyone took the skull with a very satisfied face. This is all I know about skulls. Really.”

“No, there must be more.”

Xaviel’s expression became determined.

“I know how that skull was made. How do headless zombies come about? But there seems to be one thing that I haven’t fully explained yet. Skull Zombie Where did you get the corpse that made it?”



“Sorry. I’m really sorry. I have committed a mortal sin.”

The undertaker burst into tears.

However, Xaviel’s eyes did not waver.

He still looked down at the undertaker with cold eyes.

startled by that gaze.

The undertaker shook his shoulders and hurriedly wiped away tears.

and confessed

“…They are refugees.”


“These are the refugees Mr. Cannavaro was taking care of. They were originally sick people. If you are sick or seriously injured….”

“Is that why you killed him?”


“You know that saying that they were originally sick people is no excuse.”

“That is….”

“So you lied to the remaining refugees?”

A feeling of cooling down.

In that mood, Xaviel recalled the memories of the past few days.

There was a story that refugees often shared at the distribution center.

This time, someone said that someone was moved to a shelter. The shelter is much warmer and more comfortable than here, so it will be of great help in recovering from illness. However, they said they couldn’t take all of us at once because the capacity was limited…was a kind of story.

‘Most of the refugees were hoping to get there. It is hoped that those who went there first will recover and find a seat. Everyone was eagerly waiting.’

that was right here

It was a space of death.

There was no such thing as a comfortable shelter from the beginning.

Xaviel asked, feeling the bridge of his nose twist involuntarily.

“I heard it was close to 200.”


“jewel. The number of skulls that contained them.”


“I hadn’t heard of as many as 200 refugees who were in critical condition to the point where their lives were at risk.”

“That is….”

“I bet they didn’t even kill people who weren’t seriously ill.”



“That’s it!”

the undertaker urgently exclaimed.

“that! It’s called comfort medicine! I really thought so! so so!”

“I ate. to refugees. That’s how you killed him.”

“I really didn’t know!”


“Yes yes!”



“Does anyone entrust patients to funeral directors? A comforting drug? If you feel comfortable eating it, will the undertaker take care of you? Isn’t it funny even thinking about it?”


“Stop making false excuses.”

“…save…Help me!”

The undertaker fell flat on his stomach.

He shook his back and burst into tears.

“I didn’t know it was really like this! I just did what I was told to do. So, just have mercy on me once…!”

“Do not kill.”


“I will not kill you.”

“That word…go…thank you! thank you!”

The undertaker banged his head on the floor and shouted.

However, Xaviel’s expression grew colder.

“I don’t kill. But you probably remember what I said earlier.”

“yes? what….”

“I promise to break you in one place for every lie you lie.”

“Here I am…!”


A stick split the air.

He slapped the undertaker’s shoulder.

The mortician’s expression collapsed with the sound of bones breaking.


The undertaker grabs his shoulder and collapses.

There was no mercy in Xaviel’s eyes looking down at him.

“Comfortable medicine. I didn’t expect this to happen. I just did what I was told…. It’s too crude and low-key for an excuse. Did you just want to be a good person to the end? I don’t think the large amount of money I received from Cannavaro is too suitable for such a mindset.”

“That’s right! buy it….”

“said. I won’t kill you.”


Xaviel raised her club.

Soon, three or four dull sounds rang out in succession.

After a while.

Xaviel came out of the cellar.

In the meantime, his attire had changed.

The wavy wigs and plain aprons are gone.

Instead, he wore the black hood the black magicians had hung on the wall.

His expression, revealed under the hood, was perfectly rigid.

‘Now is not the time to procrastinate.’

The truth from the basement.

The situation that I realized while condemning the funeral directors.

‘It’s much more serious than I thought. Cannavaro and the black magicians of the trading post. they’re up to something I can’t just let it go.’

I thought about notifying Lloyd and Count Namaran.

As a rule, that would have been the right response.

But not now, Xaviel judged.

‘Because Cannavaro and the warlocks might notice our response.’

Maybe so.

When the templars and troops move for the arrest.

If you make a fuss to search Cannavaro’s mansion.

You will miss your chance to capture those warlocks.

I’ll hide and run away before that.


‘I’m sorry, Mr. Lloyd. Before that, I’ll have to deal with them first.’

Report after suppression.

Having decided on that policy, the sword master headed for the trading post.

He was holding a cool sword on his chest covered by a hood and cape.

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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