Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 168

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Chapter 168. The Philanthropist’s Truth (1)

“Most of the Noctaniums have disappeared in the past two days.”

This is the basement of Cannavaro’s mansion.

A cellar beneath a cellar protected by numerous magical security devices.

There, Cannavaro and 30 warlocks were gathered.

A precarious candle was the only light placed on top of a long table with a total of 31 people seated around it.

In the dark and gloomy landscape, Cannavaro raised his eyes.

His two hands on the table.

I saw a fruit fly flying over it.


This is a space where no intruders are allowed, so how did that fruit fly get in?

Or, perhaps, fruit flies are beings that appear randomly in empty space.

It was a question that could not be solved even with his own abundant magical knowledge.

But Cannavaro quickly gave up on that idea.

Drosophila is not important now.

Noctanium is gone.

He continued talking to the warlocks.

“As everyone knows, it was a position that took all factors into account. The place where the eyes and footsteps of those who come and go in Namaran do not reach the most. Even so, it is a place where the resonance of mana to build a barrier can occur most powerfully. But all of the noctaniums that were buried like that are gone.”

“Did Count Namaran notice?”

Warlocks who pressed their hoods deeply.

One of them pursed his lips and asked.

Cannavaro shook his head.

“No. He hasn’t made any moves yet.”

“But are you saying that all the buried skulls and noctanium were dug up in just a day or two?”

“You may not believe it, but it is.”


Everyone’s heavy silence.

Between them, Cannavaro’s voice flowed.

“I still don’t know who did it. However, it is clear that an organization or person with abilities beyond our expectations intervened in this matter.”

“I guess so. Because the skull has many anti-theft spells, including one that negates detection.”

It was true.

So it was safe.

that no one will ever find it.

Even if he found it, he wouldn’t be able to dispel the magic on his skull.

He was confident and trusted.

But the reality was different, like a lie.

‘To think the skull’s magic was dissolving. Noctanium disappeared altogether.’

It was absurd.

I was in vain.

Is this how a farmer feels when his entire year’s worth of crops are robbed overnight?

Cannavaro and the 30 warlocks clenched their fists in indignation as they recalled the blood, sweat and tears they had poured out to create and bury Noctanium.

But now is not the time to be angry.

Cannavaro looked back at everyone, controlling his emotions.

“Let’s think calmly. What has already disappeared is gone. There is no need to dwell on what has left our hands.”

“If you do, what are you planning to do from now on?”

“I can’t get caught up in such a trivial adversity and hinder the cause.”

“What do you mean?”

“The giant will carry out as scheduled.”

“But is there a way?”

A black magician asked.

The other warlocks also nodded at the question.

It was a Noctanium that had been installed with a lot of time and effort.

So now I’ve been waiting for the date of the gig that is approaching.

I was making final preparations.

“Without Noctanium, you won’t be able to hold a gig. I’m sure you know that better than we do….”

“Of course you know.”


“Instead of placing skulls, we can go ahead and activate barriers ourselves. Then you will be able to complete the work without passing the gigantic day.”


The mouths of the warlocks revealed under the hood twisted with embarrassment.

However, the objection did not unfold.

It was because Cannavaro opened his mouth first and hit the ball.

“In the first place, the skull is just a medium that acts as a proxy so that we do not have to move and erect barriers.”

“That’s right. Isn’t that because our identities will not be exposed even if we hold the ceremony?”

“But consider what is important.”


“Is it important that our identities are not exposed? Or is it important to perform the ancestral rites on time and accomplish a great cause?”


“There is no one here who would say that our personal safety is more important. Isn’t it?”


“Isn’t it?”


An instant of madness flashed in Cannavaro’s eyes.

The mouths of the black magicians were all shut.

“Originally, it was a method I would not have chosen, but now I have no choice. The ceremony must be held as scheduled. Everyone knows. I mean, it’s not just us. It’s a cog that turns in mesh in a bigger plan. In other words, if we procrastinate, it means that we will hold the whole cause at our feet. You can’t procrastinate. can’t postpone We have to do it ourselves. Instead, there is no need to blindly take risks.”

“Do you have any other ideas in mind?”

“How about activating the barrier at the safest moment?”

“A safe moment?”

“I mean, let’s aim for the moment when all the knights of Namaran stay in the castle.”


The mouths of the black magicians fell open in amazement.


The Noctanium barrier they will build.

It was a large-scale and powerful curse that absorbed the life force of all creatures inside the barrier and concentrated it into one place.

Of course, once the barrier is erected, no one can cross it.

from the inside out too.

from outside to inside.

If you don’t exert more power than a sword master, you will never be able to pass.

So, what if the Namaran knights and troops all choose the time to stay inside the city walls and build a wall?

Any articles inside.

A strong army too.

You won’t be able to get out of the barrier.

The life force will be absorbed intact.

That alone would make the enemies that would threaten them disappear.

“How about accompanying each reinforced zombie as an escort?”

“Good idea.”

“But I am still worried. If we are exposed in a situation where we do not know who was responsible for dismantling Noctanium….”

“Don’t worry too much about that.”

“Do you have any countermeasures?”

“I will protect you.”

“Are you sure you want to be an escort yourself?”

“Of course. You guys deserve that much protection.”

“Oh oh….”

A sense of relief that finally penetrated the mouths of the black magicians.

If Cannavaro protects them, they can trust them.

That’s why he’s a powerful black magician.

“Besides, if you activate the barrier, its own defense magic will additionally protect you. If you are not a sword master, you will not be able to injure even a single hair. If my escort was added to that, what would you be afraid of?”

“You are right. I feel a little relieved now.”

The black magicians laughed.

Looking at them, Cannavaro also smiled in satisfaction.


I promise to protect you myself.

Of course it was a lie.

They are nothing more than consumables.

Although the ability is a bit wasteful.

They don’t care if they die as long as they activate the barrier anyway.

The curse of the barrier, once activated, will never cease unless the barrier itself is destroyed.

“Now then, let’s work out a detailed plan.”

While hiding his true heart like a poisonous snake.

Cannavaro smiled even more happily.

Several days have passed.

‘Let’s check the plan once again.’

Xaviel thought quietly.

And he looked at his apron.

A jug of water that had just been spilled on purpose.

Thanks to that, the apron was soaked.

Not only the apron, but also the skirt and shoes worn underneath.

“Egg money, what are you talking about?”

A woman stamping her feet.

He seemed to know that it was because of him that the water jug was spilled.

Indeed, it must be so.

Because we bumped into each other unnoticed.

Because at that moment, I pretended to miss the water jug.

It was thanks to that.

“Oh my gosh. What should I do if you don’t look ahead, ma’am?”

“It was almost a big deal. Miss Ella? Are you not hurt?”

The people who were carrying food ingredients together at the distribution center bruised the woman.

The woman, knowing that this had happened because of her, felt apologetic over and over again.

Xaviel laughed softly.

“I’m fine.”

“It’s okay. Skirt, shoes, all messed up. Ugh. He almost hurt his beautiful feet because of me. Do you have clothes and shoes to change into?”


“Can’t you see?”


The woman’s face grew more apologetic.

Xaviel also felt sorry for his conscience pricked.

But it didn’t tease.

just bowing my head

He moved both of his hands.

The effect (?) was sufficient with that alone.

“Then, if it’s okay with me, would you like to change? You know the side room next to the entrance to the food warehouse? I put it there.”


“The size may not fit, but it’s better than working in a wet skirt, so hurry up and change. huh? I’m doing this because I’m sorry.”

“thank you.”

“What is gratitude? I’m sorry.”


I’m so sorry ma’am.

Xaviel sincerely bowed his head.

He often escaped from the distribution center.

However, it did not go to the food warehouse.

Instead, his steps headed towards Cannavaro’s mansion.

‘Every day at this time he goes down the cellar.’

It was a fact that I learned from my observations over the past few days.

It was also a fact that I would never have been able to find out if I hadn’t worked at a food distribution center while dressing as a woman like this, and hadn’t gone down to the basement as an excuse to run errands.

So it was.

Today he intended to dig into the second basement of the Cannavaro mansion.

Just now, I poured a water jug to make an excuse to get out of the distribution center for a while.


Suddenly he was moving like the wind.

A wet apron and clothes were no problem.

Most of the dripping water disappeared just by squeezing it with a phenomenal grip.

So he arrived at Cannavaro’s mansion in an instant.

Between blind spots and blind spots of people’s vision.

I used that exquisite gap to cross the garden.

Enter through the back door of the garden.

Fortunately, I didn’t run into anyone on the first floor of the mansion.

It penetrated like a shadow and descended the stairs leading to the basement.

The basement door blocked the way.

It was a door locked with a magic lock.

I raised my hand.


Rotated one mana circle.

He recalled the array of mana he had seen a few days ago.

The butler of the mansion who went in and out of this magical door.

It was an array of mana contained in the magic key he was using.


A shape of mana was drawn along Xaviel’s fingertips.

Following the elaborate and precise arrangement of mana.

Infiltrated with a lock.

flashed the lock


The lock is open.


A strange light appeared in Xaviel’s eyes.

Of course, with his power and ability, he could break or dismantle any number of magic locks.

But it didn’t.

Because it leaves traces.

Because it will arouse the opponent’s vigilance.

It was the moment when the effort she had put in for several days to get into the basement without leaving a trace shone through.

That’s how Xaviel entered the basement.


I traversed the dark, deserted cellar.

Eventually, I found the stairs leading to the second basement floor.

But he didn’t go any further.

I stopped walking in a corner.

Breathing also stopped.

The pounding heart and blood flow were also stabilized.

It assimilated the nature of all the rhythms and energies of the body with the surroundings.

In other words, it erased all types of presence.

And waited.

ten to thirty minutes.

It was about an hour after he had waited that a stranger came down to the basement.

jerk jerk….

Someone approached with cautious steps.

With each step he took, he looked around.

Is there anyone who is hiding?

Are there any follow-ups?

It seemed that he was wary of his surroundings to the extent that he wanted to pass by.


Xaviel’s pupils slightly constricted.

Cannavaro, with a serious look on his face, was down in the basement.

Then, while Xaviel was watching, she stood in front of the door on the second basement floor.

I took something out of my chest.

It was a key containing mana.


The mana in the key went into the lock.

Resonated the magic circle inside the lock.

The magic circle rotated.

The lock is open.

iron spatula.

Cannavaro looked around once more and went down to the second basement level.

The door was closed and the magic padlock was locked.

Until then, Xaviel had been quietly in a dark corner.

It didn’t move after that.

thirty minutes later.

It was the same even when Cannavaro opened the door and passed in front of him, even when he left the first basement floor and went upstairs.

He assimilated with his surroundings and kept his place like a stone statue.

And it was only when Cannavaro’s presence on the first floor completely disappeared that he moved.


Before I knew it, Xaviel was standing in front of the door on the second basement floor.

He reached for the lock.

And I remembered the memories of earlier.

The magic key that Cannavaro took out.

The flow and pattern of mana that the key emitted.

The array of mana that he thoroughly felt and memorized through the dark mind was reproduced in the same way. replicated And it worked.


The magic lock opened.


Xaviel caught his breath.

What is on the second basement floor?

Is what I am doing right now?

This kind of dishonorable behavior of oneself prying out someone else’s back.


If Mr. Cannavaro’s second basement floor is an uncommon place.

If it’s just a place where a common rich family’s secret safe is placed.

I’ll go back like this and grab Lloyd-sama by the collar. And I will declare that I will accept the outcome of the bet.

Thinking so, Xaviel grabbed the doorknob. Turned. Opened.


Beyond the door that opens with a cacophony.

The sight of the second basement floor was revealed.

No, the truth has been revealed.


The zombie, who had been wandering around without a head, opened its arms toward him.

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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