Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 160

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Chapter 160. Flower Wind Bombardment (3)

Ding Dong.

[A new tribute < Red tissue paper or blue tissue paper > has been created.] A

welcome message appeared before my eyes.

Again, that was what was expected.

‘Because the first section of the sewage system was completed and the sludge treatment was completed for the first time.’

Until now, it has often been like this.

Even when the Marez clearing was reclaimed.

Even when terraced farmland was created using retaining walls.

Compensation such as achievements or accolades were not given just because a new construction was completed.

It was only when something was produced using the structure that the reward could be obtained.

‘What is this praise?’

What sweet options do you have?

Lloyd’s eyes moved with anticipation.

[Red tissue paper or blue tissue paper]

[Praise level: Kingdom history]

Once upon a time, long ago.

In some territory in the eastern corner.

There lived a young boy with a small personality.

How messed up this boy is.

I even interfered with people going to the toilet every now and then.

So people asked.

Bocchan, Bocchan, our Bocchan.

Why do we have to collect all the grit and throw it away only here?

Then the young master waved his hands and said quickly.

It smells so don’t procrastinate and throw it away quickly.

People tilted their heads.

But after a few years, I realized.

In their own village, on the estate.

The fact that the plague has disappeared.

It’s been since I heard the news.

People all over the kingdom.

Most of the residents of the manor.

It’s just that we don’t throw garbage anywhere.

[Praise effect: For a certain period of time, the rate of infection in the territory will be reduced to 0%. In addition, infectious diseases from outside territories will also be blocked and ended with a 100% chance.]

[Praise area: Frontera county]

[Praise maintenance period: 50 years]

[Praise effect lasts for 24 hours within the area and period of praise. Applies. In addition, depending on your actions in the future, the area and period of praise may be expanded, extended, reduced, or shortened.]

[CP provided by tribute every month: 6]

[Current CP: 218]


Lloyd, who had finished reading the praise, shut his mouth involuntarily.

‘oh my god.’

I was hoping for a good option.

This was a reward that far exceeded expectations.

Zero chance of outbreak of infectious disease.

In other words, it was said that the cholera outbreak of next spring, which was seen as an ending spoiler, would be completely prevented.

‘No, even if it wasn’t cholera, it means that everyone would stop it regardless.’

Seriously, it was great.

In fact, while building the great sewer, he wasn’t completely at ease.

Anxiety still lingered in one corner of his chest.

The epidemic of next spring seen through ending spoilers.

It was because there was no 100% guarantee that it was cholera.

‘I’m no public health expert. I just made a guess based on various circumstances and named the one that seemed most likely to be cholera.’

So it’s really one of a kind.

It could have been an infectious disease other than cholera.

So, in fact, he was the one who tried to use the ending spoiler once more after completing the sewer to some extent.

It was for confirmation.

‘of course. It’s a matter of life and death.’

Just because it was made entirely of sewage, it was impossible to live safely as a tangja tangja.

It’s like crossing a stone bridge by knocking on it.

It’s like checking the seasoning of the boiled North Korean soup in advance.

It was necessary to check whether he had prevented next spring’s plague through the great sewer.

But now?

It is no longer necessary.

‘The probability of an epidemic outbreak is zero. 100% chance of blocking incoming infectious diseases. Besides, the period is a whopping 50 years.’

It is perfect.

Now there is no need to die from an infectious disease next spring.

The need to check it out with an ending spoiler is gone.

‘As a bonus, I also saved CP.’

I liked that too.

In fact, I really wanted to save CP if possible.

It was because of the way CP was gathered and the huge CP consumption of the ending spoiler.

‘Unlike RP, CP is difficult to collect. If RP is in the form of a daily wage that is paid immediately whenever you increase your affinity or achieve an achievement, CP is like a salary that comes only once a month.’

CP was in a situation where the daughter and 36 gathered once a month.

However, what about the CP consumption of the ending spoiler?

‘It already costs 80 CP to use it once. next time? 160 with exactly double the popping. After that, it doubled again to a whopping 320.’

What if I wrote a lot about not much consumption right now?

You’ll need a few hundred CP to see the ending spoiler later. For that one time, you have to collect CP for several months or more than a year.

‘That’s troublesome.’

You can’t get a glimpse of the ending when you’re desperate and need it.

So I wanted to avoid such a situation as much as possible.

Thanks to the new Praise option, it is possible to avoid the immediate CP waste and the increased CP requirement of the ending spoiler.

Kill two birds with one stone.

A happy feeling came out of nowhere.

He grinned at Solitas, who returned to his human form after firing his breath.

“thank you. Thanks to you, it saved me an hour.”

“What to be thankful for.”

“no. You have been very helpful.”

“is it.”


Solitas licked his sore mouth.

He was busy learning handicraft skills these days.

It was yesterday that he was praised for the first time by his teacher, Cogidus, saying that he could barely cut wood.

It was a day that felt quite rewarding.

So when Lloyd called himself earlier.

Even when he flirts around with an outsourced work contract.

Even when we come to the sludge treatment plant here according to the promise in the contract.

It was just a red dragon that didn’t think much of it.

just doing what i have to do

It’s like paying for a meal learning craftsmanship.

Thinking so, he manifested himself as the main body and let out a breath.

Tons of human excrement were reduced to ashes.

After that, I lost my appetite.

A sense of shame as deep as espresso hit the dragon heart.

I was born as a proud dragon of this land, and I am in a position to burn lumps of human dung.

From what I’ve heard, there’s going to be more poop in the future.

Even orc and elf shit will be added.

I heard that elf dung, whose staple food is meat, smells really bad.

‘What is a dragon?’

Inevitably, the roots of the soul became complex.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt like a mere piece of trifle with no value in this vast universe.

No, if we look at the current point in time, there is only one value.

Ultra-high-performance, state-of-the-art feces burner.


Love, marriage, whatever.

Should I just hit them all?

Should I go back to rare like this?

So let’s get away from all the agony and regrets of the dragon life and live a pure night life as a single dragon with a healthy, beautiful and harmonious mind and body.

As such, Solitas felt a strong attraction to the wise realization that came suddenly and powerfully.

But that was then.

“Anyway, on a day like this, I want to go to the Cordona region to play.”

Lloyd’s voice suddenly interjected into his thoughts dotted with remorse (?).

The red dragon, freed from its thoughts, frowned.

“Cordona. Where is that?”

“uh? Don’t you know?”

“of course….”

“It’s a honeymoon destination that’s really hot these days.”



Solitas flinched at those words.

A dream of love and marriage that he never realized.

The hopes and regrets that still remain, even faintly, poking at the dragon heart.

That little spark opened my eyes slightly at the word honeymoon.

Lloyd’s words continued.

“I heard that it is famous for its mild four seasons and beautiful scenery. In particular, they said that a place called ‘Hot Spring Beach’ is sensationally popular among newlyweds.”

“Hot springs? Beach?”

“yes. It is a unique sandy beach. Hot spring water gushing out.”

“The hot spring water comes out of the sandy beach?”

“yes. I heard that. They say it doesn’t matter where the sand on the beach is. All you have to do is dig up the sand with a shovel and make it into a bathtub, and the sulfur hot spring water will spring up from the bottom. Then, you and your lover will plunge into a private sandy beach hot spring bath.”


Just imagine, my neck is shaking.

Lloyd’s honey-like explanation continued.

“Is that all? Particularly in this season, the Cordonian region is affected by monsoon winds and heavy rain falls for just one hour every midnight.”

“heavy rain? Isn’t that a bad thing then?”

“no. That would be great.”


“Think about it. Soaking your body in the hot spring water on the sandy beach with your lover and watching the stars in the night sky, heavy rain pours down. The body soaked in the hot spring is warm. The exposed shoulders and face become cool in the heavy rain. In my ears, I hear the sweet sound of waves without rest.”

“Ah ah….”

“Can you imagine?”


Solitas was clenching his fists before he knew it.

The remorse and bitter taste that had hit his dragon heart a moment ago were no longer to be found.

Instead, he became more motivated than before.

‘I’m also going to get married and take a hot spring bath in the rain on that sandy beach!’

I have a more detailed dream that I want to achieve.

About a lump of human shit for that dream.

Like orc and elf shit.

I will burn it as much as I can, he made up his mind.

Even Lloyd’s eyes, looking at the red dragon, had a hearty smile.

“ha. I would like to visit some places like that too. Isn’t it?”

“…I agree.”

This is a timely oiling success.

Like that, Lloyd calmed down the shaking Red Dragon’s mentality.

And with a light step, I returned to the mansion.

‘I wonder if I can rest for a while.’

By now, summer was coming to an end.

It was still hot, but I could feel the sun getting shorter than before.

In a few months, Yeongji will be colored with autumn leaves and the first snow will fall.

‘I have plenty of time.’

The construction of the large sewer expansion section was proceeding smoothly.

Bee apartment complexes are also growing without hesitation.

Both projects seemed to be able to be completed safely before winter arrives.

There was no big concern now that the planned epidemic was also prevented.

‘I just need to make a little extra money. It’s like having an annuity insurance policy. I’m a little anxious to rely only on water tax and royal support. If I solve that, I can live while drinking honey.’

I thought you had a lot of trouble lately.

Especially today I was really tired.

Is it because I checked the achievements and results that caught my eye? So maybe it’s because I’m relieved and relaxed.

I felt the fatigue that had accumulated over the past few months as I had driven myself to work as if whipping myself up all at once.

‘Today, when you go in, eat well, wash up, and sleep well. If possible, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.’

Why don’t you make up your mind for a few days and just roll around?

When I was living in a gosiwon in Korea, it was like a dream.

At this point, I wanted to enjoy it to the fullest.

However, it was right after arriving at the mansion.

Lloyd encountered an unexpected sight in the main room on the first floor of the mansion.


A woman he had never seen before was chatting with Count Frontera.

Are you in your early 20’s?

Judging by the clothes and accessories she wore, she was by no means a maid or a commoner.

In addition, there was a person who appeared to be an escort knight next to the woman.


Luxurious attire and escort knights.

nobility for sure

‘But why is a woman from a noble family here?’

It was around the time Lloyd thought so.

The woman’s gaze came to this direction.

I wondered if a polite smile had formed.

“Is that Lloyd Frontera?”

came to say hello

Lloyd shook his head.

“Ah yes. But what about that person?”

“Nice to meet you like this. My name is Carlota Cordona of the Countess of Cordona.”

What about it?

What are you doing here?

Lloyd felt something foreboding.

That premonition became a reality in the words of Count Frontera that followed.

“Oh, don’t be surprised, listen. Do you remember receiving a marriage proposal not too long ago? At that time, Count Cordona, who received my reply, sent the lady here.”

“yes? Why?”

Unknowingly, a half door came out.

Lady Cordona answered.

“It seems that my father has some regrets about this marriage proposal. So you pushed my back.”


oh so

This side refused, but did you send your daughter away saying that we should have another marriage talk?

‘Is this also a way to appeal? that’s true He’s quite a blitzer.’

A cold sweat broke out suddenly.

I didn’t know that there would be someone who would send their daughter here just because her marriage proposal was rejected.

Lloyd looked back at Count Prontera, managing his embarrassment.

“Didn’t you definitely send a letter of rejection over there?”

“Umm, I sure did.”


“I am also a little surprised. Heh heh heh.”

Count Prontera smiled troubledly.

In fact, he was really in trouble.

It was because he did not know that this would happen.

‘Did I write the meaning of rejection too roundly? I obviously refused. Or did you feel the lingering lingering feelings? Maybe that’s why.’

One side of the chest was stung and stabbed.

Should I tell my son the truth?

It seems that this situation happened because he wrote the rejection letter vaguely.

Should it be so clear?

It was then.

While the Count was in trouble, Lady Cordonia smiled lightly and stepped out.

“I don’t want you to be in too much trouble.”


Lloyd tilted his head.

“What do you mean by “don’t get in trouble”?

“To be honest, I have no intention of an arranged marriage either. As I said earlier, I came here reluctantly because my father pushed my back.”


“So I’m telling you, don’t worry. I will be beholden to this mansion for a few days, which my father will fully understand. Until then, I will just stay quiet and return, so please take good care of me.”

“Are you serious about what you said?”


The young lady nodded her head straight.

Seeing that, Lloyd clenched his fists in cheers inwardly.

‘I bought and lived.’

I wondered if I was going to suffer from a marriage problem that I didn’t even have in my heart like this. I wanted to meet an unexpected wind wave.

However, seeing the unexpected coolness displayed by the young lady, it seemed that such worries could be alleviated.

“All right. Then treat yourself to my home for a few days and enjoy yourself.”

“thank you.”

I exchanged business greetings with the young lady.

I returned to my bedroom and stretched out my legs with a relaxed mind.

‘Young-aego and what? Not interested. I’m going to rest. I’m going to roll around sucking honey.’

So let’s get some sleep now.

Let’s sleep in tomorrow too.

Lloyd fell asleep peacefully in relief.

And the next day, four daughters from four other families arrived one after another at the peaceful mansion of Count Frontera.

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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