Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 16

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Chapter 15. The Four Weapons of Madness (2)


“Puk ugh!”

A far-off shock hitting the face.

The world in Sir Neumann’s field of vision spun.


My mind went blank for a moment.

But that time was not long.

Sir Neumann hurriedly came to his senses.

He quickly grasped the situation he was in.

‘My attack was blocked. Even got hit back? I?’

in slow vision.

I saw drops of blood slowly flying through the air.

It was blood gushing out of his mouth.

Then I saw that the inside of my mouth was tingling.

The shock felt like the inside of his cheek had burst.

‘Because of that kid? I?’


Sir Neumann gnashed his teeth involuntarily.

I moved my leg quickly.

I spread my legs wide and stepped on the ground.

I lowered my back and narrowly escaped falling.


As soon as I regained my balance, I let out a spirited breath.

I gathered Mana Heart’s mana. turned to the whole body. With the restored vitality, he drew his sword. It slanted upwards from the bottom.

It was a counterattack of repentance.

However, the offensive was quickly blocked.


“Oh, but you fight back right away? The other day, Sir Ulrich lost his senses as soon as he was hit in the first place.”

“…That’s right!”

The wide shovel head was blocking the long sword.

However, Lord Neumann’s offensive did not end there.

As soon as he realized that the counterattack was blocked, he changed the movement of his sword.

I took a step and turned my sword.


The sword and shovel intertwined, making a scraping sound.

‘I’ll blow the shovel like this!’

After entangling both weapons twice, remove them.

Then the opponent will most likely miss the weapon.

After leaving Lloyd empty-handed, trip him over the bridge.

That was Sir Neumann’s momentary battle plan.

But he didn’t know yet.

The sad truth that everyone has a beautiful plan until they’re beaten.

“Tsk. disarm yourself The intentions are good.”


With Lloyd’s meaningful words, the intertwined movement of the sword and shovel came to a halt.

No, to be precise, Lloyd stopped the shovel.

Then the sword stopped accordingly.

At the same time, power began to drain from Sir Neumann’s mana heart like the ebb tide.

With two arms from Manahat.

With a sword in both arms.

from the sword…with a shovel.

Just like a drink being sucked through a straw.

Or like spilled water being sucked up with a tissue.

His own mana was being sucked into Lloyd’s shovel!


Terrified, Sir Neumann hurriedly tried to withdraw his sword.

But that didn’t work either.

For some reason, his movements were slower than usual.

To be more precise, mana could not be used.

I felt like I had become a normal person in an instant.

On the other hand, what about Lloyd?

It was rushing at a speed that would have been shown by a knight of the lower rank of a sword expert!

“I’m really glad.”



so lightly

Simple indeed.

Lloyd jumped into the gap on this side.


Sir Neumann hurriedly tried to swing his sword.

But Lloyd’s next reaction was much quicker.



Before I knew it, the handle of the shovel was rushing in.

And without a chance to dodge, it hit the bridge of the nose.



Is the nose bone crushed?

It was difficult to open my eyes due to the heavy yet sharp pain.

Unknowingly, I staggered back three steps.

Lloyd has been advancing more tenaciously.

“Actually, I was a little worried. I’ve never checked if the mana emitted by a lower level sword expert can be digested with a single circle.”


Sir Neumann, who had withdrawn, hated it.

With an urgent gesture, he lowered his sword.

At least, it was a counterattack that contained a little bit of mana recovered in an instant.

However, even that counterattack turned into despair the moment the sword was blocked by the shovel.

The mana carried by the sword was absorbed by the shovel again!

‘This is crazy!’


A shovel loaded with mana flew in.

I was slapped by the flat shovel head.

His head turned and his vision blurred.

This was the first time.

I had never even imagined it.

‘That boy is taking my mana…It’s absorbing.’

Now I could understand the situation, albeit vaguely.

So I couldn’t understand more.

Absorbing someone else’s mana?

To use the mana he absorbed like that as if it were his own.


It felt like a scam.

It was unfair.

But Sir Neumann did not give up.

I tried not to fall.

The counterattack continued without success.

Of course, the more he did, the more Lloyd pushed him.

‘Can’t you come to your senses? I don’t even understand what’s going on here? So you’re going to hit me You’ve just spent the last month convinced that you’re going to win, but I wasn’t!’

The opponent was thoroughly analyzed.

Predicted every situation in a duel.

All kinds of preparations were mobilized to win.

The result was now.

Kakang Tuong!

He shrewdly moved the shovel he had put forward.

The range is never excessive.

Do not deviate from the center line of the body.

With the most concise action possible.

He removed the sword from Sir Neumann, who was counterattacking.

As soon as he removed it, he stepped forward with his left foot and extended the shovel head.

At the end, he gave a snap and slapped Sir Neumann with a flat shovel head.

Lloyd’s heart was beating like never before.

It was thanks to the mana circle created around the heart.


The first weapon Lloyd equipped for today’s showdown.

It was a circle of mana created by the dark mind method.

Powered by the mana absorbed from Sir Neumann, it rotated intensely.

Resonating with that rotation, my heart raced wildly.

Fresh blood was sent to the whole body with explosive momentum.

It was blood filled with mana released from the mana circle.

‘This is the power of a single circle.’

I was really surprised.

I didn’t expect this level of power.

I just expected it to absorb Lord Neumann’s mana and make the opponent slightly weaker.

The power emitted through his body was completely beyond expectations.

In other words, he was able to use Sir Neumann’s power as it was!

‘Sword expert is amazing.’

I felt like a superhuman.

Once again, I realized how strong knights like Sir Neumann were.

So the second weapon he prepared was a full-length steel shovel.

Caang! Kaggak!

The steel shovel in Lloyd’s hand flashed and moved.

Whenever that happened, he thoroughly blocked the sword that Sir Neumann wielded.

It looked like a shield attached to the end of a long pole.

‘Everyone ignores it, but when you get to know it, a shovel is a great tool.’

Those who have done some shoveling in the military know.

The shovel was not something to be dismissed as a mere work tool.

What if troublesome kudzu roots or small tree roots come out while digging?

You just have to sharpen the blade and shoot it.

Quite a few small plant stems are cut with one swing.

The role of the ax itself was possible.

‘That’s not all.’

Lloyd knew that shovels had been used as weapons many times throughout history.

Even on the Western Front in World War I, where terrible trench warfare unfolded.

Even in the devastating siege of Stalingrad in World War II.

In hand-to-hand combat, the shovel shone as a weapon.

The shovel, which was deliberately struck, often split the opponent’s helmet and split the skull.

Besides that, the shovel could indeed perform a variety of roles.

‘You can use the wide shovel head like a shield. The lower part of the shovel head can be used to hook and pull the opponent’s weapon. It stabs the opponent like a spear with a pointed tip.’

What if you even put the shovel upside down and step on the shovel blade?

‘I can ride Sky Kong Kong too!’

It’s literally like a MacGyver knife in the weapon world.

Lloyd had handled such a shovel countless times.

Even when I became a subpoena (?) of the Haengbogwan in the army of the Republic of Korea.

Even when I was going to and from the construction site to pay for my tuition.

The shovel has always been his reliable companion.

It was also the most familiar tool.

In addition, he even invested the RP he had recently collected to bloom a new talent skill.

That’s the third weapon he prepared.

It was the ‘Extended Mastery Skill: (Shovel)’ that I invested a whopping 40 RP.

Ding dong!

[Extended mastery skill: (shovel) is active.]

[Tools and I are one mind! Decided to shovel today!]

[Skill Level: 1]

[During shovel use, stamina consumption is reduced by 10%.]

[Shovel moves 5% faster.]

[Shovel’s power is increased by 5%. ]

[The chance of missing the shovel is reduced by 20%.]

The most familiar tool, the shovel.

A skill that makes shoveling efficient.

This was the third weapon that was perfect for him.

‘And the fourth and final weapon is this.’

Chuck! Caang!

Lloyd’s shovel moved again.

He completely blocked Sir Neumann’s sword from stabbing him.

The movement of the shovel never left Lloyd’s center line.

A simple but concise and moderate movement.

So, the most efficient and practical attitude.

A skill that even has excellent compatibility (?) to the extent that a shovel can be used as a weapon.

It was a bayonet technique that any Korean male soldier would have learned at least once.

Whirik Kaaang! Pooh Kwajak!

I got out of the way and stabbed it to the right.

Sir Neumann dodged and swung his sword horizontally.

Blocked the bottom left. hit

I caught up with Sir Neumann, who withdrew, with simple steps.

I turned left and put up a shovel to block it.

At the same time, he cut Sir Neumann’s groin with a front kick and kicked it.

In a moment of panic, Sir Neumann hit his temple with the handle of the shovel he had laid down.



Sir Neumann staggers back.

A smile crept across Lloyd’s lips.

‘As expected, the bayonet technique works.’

In fact, the bayonet was never weak.

It is considered easy to learn by any Korean military writer, so surprisingly, its roots lie in the small sword technique developed in Europe in the 18th century.

The steps of boxing were combined there. Ultimately, the technology was thoroughly accumulated and refined through various combat cases such as World War I, World War II, and the Korean War.

Knowing it, it was an extremely practical fighting technique.

‘Besides, this bayonet technique has great synergy with the shovel!’

There must have been a lot of people who played a prank in the middle of the work and used bayonets with shovels.

So did Lloyd.

In addition, he added the basic skills of swordsmanship he had learned from Xaviel.

The effect was astonishing.

The mana circle of the dark mind.

A steel shovel, a weapon with excellent utility.

An extension mastery skill that makes shoveling more hands-on.

In addition, practical bayonet skills based on Xaviel’s teachings.

The four weapons prepared for today’s duel created a strong synergy.

He was literally crushing Sir Neumann, who was complacently engaged in a duel, not even one-sidedly.



Sir Neumann, hit in the temple by the handle of the shovel, stumbled.

However, he was not given a chance (?) to fall down.

Lloyd’s shovel, which caught up with him before he knew it, came flying again.


He pounded his side with a flat shovel head.

He even stabbed the top of his foot with the tip of a sharp shovel!



Sir Neumann was in a frenzy.

Every time you tried to counterattack, mana was absorbed.

The shovel with its strange shape unleashed an unpredictable attack.

Like that, Lloyd’s movements with the shovel were not that familiar.

Moreover, all of Lloyd’s movements were extremely tight and concise.

‘I can’t do this!’

I was upset.

got into character

It was in front of most of Young Jimin.

But to be beaten by a boy who is nothing more than a fledgling kid.

It’s not a proper weapon, but it’s a shovel, and it’s a joke.

‘kill. Kill them!’

Sir Neumann’s pupils showed a shady life.

Now, I didn’t know what a duel was.

A kid who humiliated himself in front of everyone.

I wanted to end this bastard somehow.

‘Because accidents that happen during duels are fairly common!’

That is, a wrongly stabbed sword pierces the opponent’s heart.

Or that his throat was cut by the blade of a sword he swung carelessly.

Such a thing was not uncommon.

Besides, what if that happens now?

He had the confidence to take care of the back.

‘Anyway, this estate will be ruined sooner or later. That’s why I wake up a little earlier than planned! I’m going to live with the new owner! An accident in the meantime? I can’t help it. Since it happened during a duel, they can’t be punished, right?’

So after the duel is over, you can go to sleep.

All you have to do is leave this territory earlier than planned and find a new owner.

Having made up his own plan, Lord Neumann’s grip tightly gripped the handle of the sword.

I grabbed the sheath with my other hand.



The longsword, which had been wrapped in a scabbard until now, revealed its cool fangs.

Without a moment to hesitate, it stretched in a straight line towards Lloyd.

At the end of the path was Lloyd’s heart.


Unlike before, it was a life-threatening blow.

The young people who were watching screamed involuntarily.

Baron Frontera, who was sitting on the podium, jumped up in surprise.

But it wasn’t Lloyd.

‘what. So what.’

I felt alive.

But even so, it was a slow blow.

He had already been beaten so many times that his strength was drained.

Even though it was a real sword, Lloyd was not going to be fooled by such a flimsy counterattack.

It was because I expected that there would be a counterattack like this once.

‘And I’ve been waiting for this.’


The steel shovel blocked the longsword as if it had been waiting for it.

Just like Sir Neumann had tried earlier, he entangled his longsword.


entangled and twisted pulled and pulled away. shook off



The longsword escaped from Sir Neumann’s hand and flew into the sky.

It was pinned to the ground ten steps away.


Silence hung around the gymnasium.

The hundreds of pairs of eyes of the onlookers were locked in astonishment.

Sir Neumann lost his sword.

Lloyd is aiming a shovel at Sir Neumann’s face.

It was a perfect victory like an unbelievable picture.

However, Lloyd’s business was not over.

“If you get bruised, does the duel end? ok?”



In everyone’s silence, Lloyd’s steel shovel flew.

He hit the empty-handed Lord Neumann’s face even more resolutely.

For venting?

It wasn’t.

‘Now is the start. From now on.’

I’m saying it again, but today I plan to properly pull out the rotten shoots that have taken root in this territory.

‘First of all, the traitor’s confession.’

Lloyd’s eyes, directed at Sir Neumann, flashed coldly than ever before.

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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not work with dark mode