Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 159

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Chapter 159. Flower Wind Bombardment (2)

“Report of the 7th East Subjugation Operation.”

This is the royal castle of the Magentano royal family.

A conference room set up in a luxurious yet most private place.

The strong gaze of Lord El Camo, the Minister of Armed Forces, read the report.

“First of all, through the subjugation operation over the past 6 rounds, the main forces of the monsters that caused damage to the eastern area were defeated, and this 7th operation focused on the clearing operation for the area where the destruction was completed.”


“We have wiped out the remnants of monsters remaining in the Sortino and Adrano territories. In the process, we found 3 colonies of monsters located on the border with the nearby Vasto Territory.”

“Was there an accidental engagement?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“What about the damage of allies?”

“There were 77 dead and 182 wounded in the 20th Infantry Regiment, the main force, and 16 wounded in the Ranger Special Forces, a support unit.”

“It’s quite a lot.”

“I apologize.”

The Minister of Military Affairs lowered his head.

King Alicia Terrmina Magentano, from the head of the conference hall, shook her hand.

“It’s not your fault, so don’t worry too much. The police should make every effort to evacuate the wounded and send supplements, manage and transport support materials so that there is no disruption to the overall operation.”

“I will honor your order.”

The Minister of Military Affairs sat down.

In the meantime, King Alicia let out a small sigh.

‘Because they look like fucking monsters.’

A monster domino that swept the entire eastern region.

In fact, the devastating disaster was still going on.

Of course, there were no more monsters coming.

The domino phenomenon itself is over.

However, the damage was still accumulating.

It was because there was no way that the group of monsters who had crossed the Eastern Mountains would calmly retreat, saying, ‘Now that we’ve destroyed the human territory, let’s go back to our hometown!’

In other words, the monsters that caused the domino phenomenon took their place in the ruined province.

‘It can’t be left unattended.’

That’s how the long, large-scale subjugation operation has continued to the 7th.

However, it seems that it is still far from being completely finished.

King Alicia wrinkled her brow and cast her eyes at the Minister of the Interior.


“Yes, Your Highness.”

The Minister of Home Affairs rose from his seat.

Damage recovery situation in the eastern provinces.

Material support situation for the Earldom of Frontera.

Reports on other issues followed.

Subsequently, the foreign minister took over the baton.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs mentioned the shameless response of the Eastern Sultanate in a slightly exasperated voice.

The main content of the report was that they still did not acknowledge the facts about the occurrence of the monster domino phenomenon and dismissed the incident as the result of a simple accident.

While listening to the report, King Alicia’s forehead also wrinkled.

‘sultan…Like that shameless person.’

Should I rather exercise my skills?

No, why don’t we give you one last chance before that?

King Alicia thought that sooner or later, a special envoy should be dispatched to the Sultanate to properly investigate the matter and obtain a diplomatic reward.

Then, suddenly, a person came to mind.

‘Lloyd Frontera.’

How about having that bold person join the special envoy?

I had a feeling it wouldn’t be too bad.

I also thought that the unique cunning tongue-in-cheek would be of great help.

Besides, sending Lloyd with the special envoy seemed to fit the cause and reason to some extent.

Count Frontera was also a direct victim of the Monster Domino Incident.

‘I think it’ll be fine. I’ll have to consider it positively.’

While thinking and thinking like that.

The status reports of ministers from each department have been completed.

After that, she continued to lead regular meetings for half a day.

Then, I suddenly came up with another trivial question and put it in my heart.

I just keep putting it in.

Immediately after the meeting, the Minister of Home Affairs, who had withdrawn from the meeting, was called up.

“I have something I want to ask you for a moment.”

“Say goodbye, Your Highness.”

The Minister of Home Affairs politely waited for questions.

the king asked.

“Isn’t the House of Nobility a subordinate agency of the Ministry of Home Affairs?”

“It is, Your Highness.”

“I heard from Jim that a number of marriage proposals have recently flown in to Count Frontera through the House of Nobility. Do you know the outcome?”

“Yes, Your Highness. Just yesterday, Count Prontera’s reply arrived at the Noble House, and the Noble House delivered the reply to each family.”


A reply to the marriage proposal.

‘Lloyd Frontera. What kind of family will that cunning man choose as his mate?’

It would be nice if it was a family that would help rebuild the territory.

That way, the foundation will be more solid.

He would be reborn as his strong eastern shield.

As such, King Alicia felt a slight anticipation and excitement at the news of the marriage proposal from the East.

Another few days have passed.

In the meantime, the final construction of the sludge treatment plant was accelerated.

The overall appearance of the treatment plant resembled a giant bucket buried in the ground.

A solid concrete foundation.

A granite frame elaborately dug was put on top of it.

An extra-large bucket made by digging out a huge block of granite with a diameter of up to 50 meters. Thanks to this, Xaviel created a masterpiece over four days, filled with anger over unfair labor, with a sword filled with aura.

It was the main body (?) of the gravity-type thickening tank.

It was Bibeongi’s job to carry such an enrichment tank to the treatment plant.

“Beep! Scrub!”

Receiving everyone’s support, Bibeongi’s 3,000-ton buttocks twitched.

Of course, it wasn’t always easy for Bibeong.

Even if the inside was dug out, it was a 50-meter block of stone, half the body length of the bibeongi.

In other words, it was a situation similar to carrying a large mortar for pounding rice cakes alone on a holiday and moving it for hundreds of meters while grunting.


Sweat was dripping from the soles of Bibyeong’s feet.

But the bitch didn’t give up.

He didn’t even make a hard tee.

The reason was simple.

It was because the drops were watching him.


All true men do not show weakness in front of their first love.

Even if it feels like my back is about to break.

Even if your breath is up to your chin.

Even if your legs tremble.

The more you do that, the more you want to show a better side of yourself.

That was the sincerity of Bibeongi, a real man who fell in love for the first time.

“Beaver beep!”

I clenched my front teeth tightly.

The enrichment tank moved to the gut was placed in the prepared underground foundation.


With an earth-shattering sound, the thickening tank entered the foundation like a matching puzzle piece and meshed together.

It was the moment when the sludge treatment plant was completed.

But that didn’t mean the sewerage project was over.

‘Because sludge treatment requires a lot of water.’

It was the same reason as a flush toilet.

Water must always flow in the sewer.

In this way, the dry matter (?) flows smoothly to the sludge treatment plant.


All the filth will dry up in the sewers.

Then the sewage pipe becomes clogged, the filth builds up, and finally….

‘…Let’s not even imagine that.’

Lloyd hurriedly put an end to the imaginary spectacle that brought on his loss of appetite.

Anyway, it was from that day.

Over the course of five days, water pipes from the Prona River to the sewer were constructed. Some of the river water entered the sewer well in the village center of the territory through a pipe and made it flow into the large sewer.

It was the moment when the first section of the Daesewage was completed.

That day, Lloyd summoned the residents of the village at the center of the estate.

“Now, everyone knows why we gathered today, right?”

A midsummer afternoon’s sunlight.

About 300 residents gathered under it.

Each of them was holding a heavy bucket in their hand.

In that bucket….

“Did everyone do as I asked beforehand?”


The residents all nodded their heads instead of answering.

All of them, without exception, were covering their noses and mouths with towels or pieces of cloth like masks.

The reason was simple.

It was because the bucket was full of the filth that had not been thrown away in the past few days.

Lloyd hurriedly grabbed his nose.

“…yeah good job Judging from the smell, it seems like everyone worked hard, so I’m really happy. All you have to do is successfully conduct the experiment today. Then you won’t have to work so hard to collect them tomorrow. As soon as there is filth, we can put it in a bucket and dump it here in the sewer. got it?”

Everyone nodded!

Everyone nodded slightly more urgently than before.

Even so, it was a hot summer day.

The filth collected for several days was already ripe (?) as it should be.

It was already freely emitting a stench that was no different from an advanced biological and chemical strategic weapon.

Everyone prayed in unison.

Please save Lloyd. Please don’t start your speech.

And Lloyd was happy to respond to everyone’s sincere aspirations.

“Ooh. my nose will fall Surely no one wants to hear the speech, right? Everyone line up. Let’s pour the brought ones into the sewer in turn. instead of being in a hurry. don’t splash around. All right, right?”

Shasha shak!

Again, there was no answer from everyone.

If he hesitated further, he would enjoy the destruction of his olfactory cells.

Instead of answering, everyone responded with an orderly action.

The sewage collected by 300 residents over the course of several days poured into the sewage well.

And Lloyd also went down through the manhole into the sewer.

It was with Xaviel.

“…Do you have any reason to come down like this?”

“of course.”

Lloyd shrugged.

“You have to see with your own eyes how well the sewage goes down the sewer and how it flows. Otherwise, there will be an uproar.”

It was true.

It was not something to be relieved to have just completed the sewerage.

It was a channel through which contaminants flowed.

It was essential to make sure that it was made properly and that there were no actual blockages.

“It’s about the sewage line, even if somewhere is clogged, it won’t show right away. After a few days, there will be problems such as a musty smell coming up or sewage flowing backwards. By then? It’s already too late. You will have to go through the blockages while suffering dozens of times more than during construction.”

So I came down directly.

A large amount of filth that 300 residents just poured into the sewer.

I was thinking of checking with my own eyes if it flows well to the sludge treatment plant.

But likewise, despite Lloyd’s kind explanation, Xaviel’s hard expression did not ease.

“Then, is there a reason why I came down here with Lloyd-sama?”


“What is it?”

“It would be unfair if I came down alone.”


“Cover your mouth and nose with this. before turning inside out. Oh, of course it doesn’t matter if you vomit. Will it flow down the sewer?”

Lloyd smiled mischievously and held out a handkerchief.

Lloyd had already covered his mouth and nose with two layers of towels.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to breathe.

No, even though I did that, it was painful to breathe.

‘This is really no joke.’

deep underground space.

A sewer that extends towards the Great Sewer.

It was cramped. Only one person could barely walk to the side of the sewer. A large amount of rotten filth mixed with the flowing water was floating along the side of such a passage.

It felt like it was already turning my stomach.

There was no ventilation, so the stench was added.

Besides, he had risen to the level of Intermediate Sword Expert.

It also bothered him immensely.

This is because the senses are more sensitive than before.

‘It’s going crazy. I’d like to have my nose removed if I could. No, I just want to reset my Mana Heart skill. I just want to cancel everything and get rid of it.’

Covering it with a towel didn’t help much.

It was painful.

As for how painful it was, it was as painful as the experience of entering the gas-filled chemical and biological room at the military range, taking off the gas mask, and jumping to complete the 4th verse of the national anthem.

So Lloyd made a promise.

‘Fortunately, I must never go up to the advanced level of Sword Expert later.’

In fact, even if it wasn’t such an experience, I was trying to do it as much as possible.

It was because of Sword Master Syndrome.

‘Before, Xaviel suffered from insomnia because of that.’

All senses are so sensitive that they go up to the limit of human beings.

You can’t even control your sensitive senses like that.

You have to live 24 hours a day listening to every single sound of a needle dropping. In addition, they suffer from various smells and touches that they are too sensitive to. The same goes for the visual part.

‘They’re too eagle-eyed and can see through the pores of the person in front of them.’

Then, could it be that Xaviel had seen himself that way until now?

Suddenly, goose bumps popped up.

He shook his head deliberately and looked back at Xaviel.

“Aren’t you taking this?”

Indeed, Xaviel still hadn’t received the towel she was offering.

However, his expression was so calm and calm.


The moment he was about to feel curious, Xaviel opened his mouth.

“I am fine.”

“are you okay? really?”


The guy nodded.

He wore a weary smile.

“Since I came here with Lloyd-sama, I blocked all of my senses of smell.”

“…blocked? sense of smell? Could it be on purpose?”


“Is that possible?”

“yes. Because it’s a sword master….”

“So you mean you can’t feel any of this stench right now?”



“In fact, if you set your mind to it, you can adjust your senses so that the smell of the air you breathe smells like flowers.”

“It would be great.”

“thank you.”


Suddenly, out of resentment, I wanted to hit the ground.

Like that, Lloyd moved on, feeling the happiness index collapsing into the negative dimension.

along the cholera canal sewer.

Through the vast and long Great Sewerage.

Side by side with 300 servings of filth flowing east and east.

They walked to the sludge treatment plant and observed and checked the actual flow inside the grand sewer.

The result was satisfactory.

‘good. It goes down like a toilet that was just punctured with a plunger.’

It was from that day.

Lloyd commissioned Lord Bavaria to work on the remaining extension of the sewer.

in each of the remaining villages in the estate.

Even in the bee apartment complex.

Even in the Countess’s mansion.

He ordered the construction of a sewage well.

‘That’s how the sewage is collected from each sewer, and from there it flows through the cholera canal sewer into the grand sewer and is washed away to the sludge treatment plant.’

That was the heart of the great sewer system he devised.

As time went by, the construction of expansion sections began one by one.

A day, two days, ten days and a half….

In the meantime, the residents of the central village, who enjoyed the first benefit of the great sewer, worked hard to produce (?) sewage and dumped it into the village sewer.

As the days passed, dirt accumulated in the sludge treatment plant. It was separated from the water and concentrated.

And finally, after a month has passed.


Beyond the northern border of the territory, the breath of the red dragon Solitas spewed fire.

After opening the lid (?) on top of the sludge treatment plant.

Through the open lid magically floats a mass of sludge.

He vomited hellish breath into the air where the sludge floated.


A mass of products produced by 300 residents of the central village of the Frontera county working hard for a month.

The result was engulfed in flames of tens of thousands of degrees.

There was no room for a stench.

It flared up.

It became ashes in an instant.

At that moment, a welcome message appeared before Lloyd’s eyes.

Ding dong!

[You have succeeded in implementing the first collective sewage treatment system in the history of the Laurasia continent with the help of the strongest race on earth, with mystical foresight and sophisticated engineering knowledge.]

The concept of ‘public health’ is beginning to be established for the first time.]

[Your impressive achievements will be passed on to future generations.] [

To contain the resentment of civil engineers and public health students toward you. A new tribute has been created.]

[A new tribute < Red tissue paper or blue tissue paper > has been created.]

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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