Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 155

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Chapter 155. Person in charge (1)


A cry echoed from the sky.

At the same time, something white flew by.

In an instant, it wrapped around the body and clung to it.

like a net.

Zuririk Chow Chow!


sudden seizure.

Lloyd flinched.

Unknowingly, I looked at the pure white net that wrapped around my body.

‘Spider web?’

White. Sticky. stuck all over the body.

It wasn’t just him.

Even Podongi, who was burning himself.

The 5 baby mastodon siblings who were holding Podongi’s tail.

Everyone was wrapped in a cobweb like a package wrapped in bubble wrap.

And it was pulled in an instant.



The cobwebs that wrapped around her body were pulled.

It was pushed as hard as it could without any time to react.

It was the same with Podongi and his five baby siblings.




The situation that was originally running with full power.

There is a spider web that pulls the whole body forward.

The two powers interlocked and released explosive acceleration.

Sprint speed doubled.

Thanks to this, I was able to narrowly escape the range of the huge boulder that was falling from above in an instant.


A rock that makes a roar as if the heavens and the earth are about to break apart just by falling.

If it had landed there, what would it be like by now?

‘How is it! It must have been a rat-poo ending in one queue.’

Lloyd gasped and glanced behind him.

I got goosebumps.

However, there was no time to leisurely goosebumps or enjoy (?).

It was because someone’s cry came from above.

“I will pull more. Hold tight.”


At the same time, a familiar silhouette peeped out in the sky over the canyon.


The appearance of a large catfish gliding with coolly spread wings.

I saw a silver-haired knight riding on it.

It was Kkomingi and Xaviel.

“ha ha ha! Nice to meet you, Harvey…Wow!”


Once again, the web of spider webs tugged wildly all over her body.

This time it wasn’t forward, but upward.

Thanks to this, Pudongi’s feet rose from the ground.

The same was true of the five baby mastodon siblings.

In other words, Podongi and his 5 baby siblings suddenly experienced the Seoul sightseeing game with their whole body, in which they grabbed their cheeks with both hands and lifted their whole body.



I was flustered and flustered.

The more this happened, the busier the flapping of Kkomingi’s wings.

step by step, but surely.

Everyone rose higher and higher from the canyon floor.

Tens of thousands of tons of soil and rocks poured down the cliff from both sides.

It narrowly brushed through the cracks of that devastating collapse. passed has risen Soared. higher. flutter To the safety of the cliff at last.

Around that time, Xaviel’s voice came from above Kkomingi’s back.

“Sir Podong? I will break the cobweb. Get ready.”


Podongyi replied bravely.

At that moment, Xaviel’s sword flashed from above.


The spider’s web, which had been holding on tightly, was cut by the aura.

Little Boy and five baby mastodons landed on top of a cliff.

But Lloyd was an exception.

The web that bound him was unbreakable.

Lloyd tilted his head.

“uh? I am?”

“Lloyd-sama, come up.”

Is it the illusion that Xaviel’s voice sounds one tone colder than usual?

Lloyd frowned and grabbed the spider web that was connected upward.

I pushed myself up as if pulling a rope.

Finally, I got on Kkomingi’s back.


I almost died today.

A belated sigh of relief flowed out.

But Lloyd couldn’t just sigh leisurely.

I didn’t even feel the time to tear off the sticky webs clinging to my body.

“Are you hurt anywhere?”


On Kkomingi’s back.

Xaviel in the front saddle.

The voice of the guy who asked this way was extremely cold.

Lloyd stopped his hand from trying to remove the spider’s web from his body.

I quietly took a seat behind him.

“What if there are any injuries? Do you want to blow at least a breath?”

“I want to cut it out so it doesn’t rot.”


Somehow, if Xaviel’s attitude was to be expressed in terms of the weather today, heavy snow and severe cold would be appropriate. That’s why the temperature of the answer coming back from him was unusual.

Lloyd replied, glancing down at the gorge being buried by the landslide.

“How did you know anyway?”

“I heard.”

“Are you listening?”

“The sound of an explosion.”

“Could it be that the body exploded on the spot in the first place?”

“Maybe that was it.”

Xaviel nodded.

Suddenly, I remembered what happened earlier.

He was working at the construction site of an apartment complex.

I was working on cutting the steel bars emitted by the bell to fit the standard.

But that was at one point.

Explosions were heard far to the north.

The feeling was unusual.

It was the kind of explosion where ominous, sinister mana could be faintly felt from afar.

He immediately rushed out of the scene.

The first thing I found was Kkoming.

If, as he felt, an accident had occurred in the north, if the accident had occurred at the site where Lloyd was.

‘It’ll be too late to run.’

No matter how fast he is, he is not as good as Kkomingi’s flight.

I hurriedly found Kkomingi and explained the situation.

He told me to grow in size and burn himself.

Fortunately, Kkomingi had one red sunflower seed. It was a seed that Lloyd had entrusted to the fantasy species one by one just in case.

I rode the transformed Kkomingi and flew.

On the way north, they encountered workers who were evacuating.

I was able to briefly hear the full story of the incident from Lord Bavaria, who was evacuating the workers.

I heard what Lloyd did.

So it was.

I was angry.

a lot.

“Whoa. That’s what it was. thank you. If you hadn’t come at the moment, what would it be like by now? It’s terrifying to think about.”


Lloyd sat in the back seat and took a deep breath.

I’m alive thanks

He said the timing was really good.

Rarely is Lloyd saying thank you towards this side.

The young boy’s appearance seemed particularly nasty today.

Maybe that was it.

The fact that he unwittingly gave Lloyd a stinging tip.

“Is that good?”


“I like it. Thanks to me, you are safe.”

“Ugh. That’s what you’re doing?”

“Nothing happened.”

“Then why are you so mean today?”

“You’re being mean. You are welcome.”

“It’s not. It’s rude. It is also aggressive.”


“Are you mad at me for something?”


“I don’t even hide it.”

“I’m trying to be patient, but it doesn’t work out.”


“Are you asking because you don’t know?”

“Is it because of the White Lancers who were sacrificed earlier?”

“Not at all.”

Xaviel firmly shook his head.

The boy sitting behind him.

He really doesn’t seem to know what he did wrong.

“The six White Lancers who were sacrificed have only done their duty. As the sword and shield of His Highness the King, he fought to protect the people and died an honorable death. That is their duty and duty. So their sacrifice is something to respect and mourn, but it’s not something to be sorry for. The problem lies elsewhere.”

“Any other place?”

“The problem is that Lloyd-sama forgot his duty and took the same actions as them.”


I don’t know either.

This young master has no awareness of how important he has become in this territory.

Xaviel’s cold words continued.

“Lloyd-sama, have you never thought about what this estate will be like after you disappear?”

“Um, but there is.”

“Then you know what I mean.”

“know. If I disappear, there will be no one to finish what I have done and no one to take care of it. So Yeongji will be completely ruined. Are you going to say that now?”

“You are correct.”

Xaviel let out a deep sigh.

“It wasn’t like this before. Just the eldest son and successor of the precious blood of the master…I thought that was it. So, in the worst case, when I had to choose between my master and Mr. Lloyd, I thought of course I would have to protect my master. But now….”

“Did I become important?”

“That’s right.”

Xaviel added firmly.

“It’s not that I’m attached to Lloyd-sama. It’s because you’re carrying the future of this territory much more than before.”

“You don’t have to put so much effort into it.”


“Anyway, is that why you were so angry and sulky?”

“I’ve never been pissed off.”

“Right. I was completely pissed off. Even from the back here, you can see all the protruding lips.”

“Lloyd-sama, do you think I’m joking when I say this….”

“I don’t take it that lightly.”


Lloyd’s voice softened.

Looking at the group of undead mastodons below that were completely buried by the landslide, he looked back at the urgent moment earlier and said.

“I fully understand what you mean. I know what that means. So now, even if something dangerous happens, don’t step out like before and run away safely. Right?”


“But you didn’t even know what that meant, and you took a risk and ended up in this kind of situation, so you’re angry. Is that right?”

“you’re right.”

“But what do you do? I think it will be a bit difficult to save yourself in the future.”


“These are the people who believed in me and worked for me.”


What do you want to refute?

But I can’t think of anything to refute.

So the only option is silence.

As such, Lloyd’s words continued in the silence Xaviel had chosen.

“Of course, I hate being dangerous. scary I hate dying more. By the way. People have a responsibility.”

It was an honest feeling.

Of course, I didn’t want to die or get hurt.

However, I thought that it would be the same for other people who were mobilized for work because of me.

“If it wasn’t for me, there wouldn’t be a need to come to the northern wasteland and sell the land like this. Today’s workers. it is not so? It’s a construction board I made. I’m the one in charge of the scene.”


“I think that is what responsibility is. No matter how much I eat bad lies. Even if you repeatedly eat the backs of nasty guys and feed them. At least not to my people who believe in me and follow me.”

Suddenly, things in Korea came to mind.

The field has always been a dangerous place.

A little bit of carelessness would cause all sorts of accidents.

Although he was lucky to have never had an accident, accidents were always unending in the news.

A fire breaks out at the welding site.

An old tower crane collapses.

In addition, various safety accidents have occurred.

Each time, it was the workers who ran in the field who were sacrificed.

But what about responsibility?

There was no one who lost properly.

Even if he did, would the field manager be punished by cutting his tail?

The construction company used to express condolences only for cotton.

There was even a case where they tried to reduce even the small amount of compensation.

After that?

Similar things were repeated whenever they could be forgotten.

No one tried to eliminate the cause of the accident.

Because it costs a lot.

Because it’s hard work.

You just have to roll it the way you have been doing it so far.

The amount of consolation paid to accident victims is cheaper than the cost of preparing safety measures.

They just postponed responsibility under the pretext of economic logic and excuses.

I hated seeing it like that.

“That’s it. I don’t want to turn away from the responsibility that falls on my shoulders even in the field where I am responsible.”

He said it with sincerity and sincerity.

that it will be like this in the future

He doesn’t want to let go of responsibility for his people.

Even though it’s scary, annoying, and annoying, I want to do that.

Said so.

and added

“But, of course, I don’t want to die or get hurt, and I’m scared, so I’ll try to buy myself as much as I can. Even for you.”

“For me.”

Xaviel in the front seat tilted his head.

It’s a response to what kind of nonsense you’re talking about.

A mischievous smile appeared on Lloyd’s lips.

“It’s a lullaby.”


“Will you be honest? Are you doing this because there will be no one to sing you a lullaby if I go wrong? Actually, isn’t that scary?”

“What kind of nonsense….”

“Oh, seeing that you’re hot, you seem to have hit the mark unexpectedly?”

“at all. It is absurd.”




“Of course.”

“But why are your earlobes red?”

“It’s because the wind is cold.”

“Did the tip of your voice tremble just now?”

“It is a big deal. Aren’t your ears wrong?”

“Uh huh. Are you circling around like that?”

“Ten thousand words.”

Xaviel turned his head away in a cold voice.

But at that moment, an unexpected and welcome message appeared before Lloyd’s eyes.

Ding dong.

[I am deeply impressed by the aspirations and sincerity that you revealed to Xaviel Asrahan.] [

I feel a little respect for the new side that Xaviel Asrahan discovered in you today.]

[Xaviel Asrahan’s liking for you has increased significantly.]

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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