Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 151

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Chapter 151. Fleeing person (1)


An ominous sound rang out.

Small and feeble at first.

But gradually enough that everyone could hear it.


The engineering corps soldiers watching the excavation work of Bibeongi tilted their heads.

Even so, hundreds of mastodon carcasses buried neatly in the ground were excavated (?).

It was something I hadn’t even thought of.

It was enough to make nearby field workers feel curious.

White Lancers and refugee workers all gathered around the pit. It was soggy and noisy.

“What do you mean by that?”

“I don’t know either. Could it be that the stench is coming out?”

“A stench?”

“Why are you like that? If you keep a dead cow or pig for a long time, air will fill the belly of the corpse.”

“aha. I’ve seen it too. The belly of the corpse inflated like a balloon and burst open.”

“yes. That’s probably something like that.”

“Have you ever been pressed down in the soil and then it bursts because you remove the soil?”


“under. This is an interesting sight to see.”

Corps of Engineers and White Lancers Refugee Workers.

Everyone’s eyes twinkled.

When a cow or pig carcass explodes, it makes a sound like bread and drums bursting.

How loud it would be if the stomach of that huge mastodon carcass exploded.

The anticipation of being able to see such a rare appearance stimulated the curiosity and interest of everyone gathered at the scene.

Except for one person.

‘Is that a bit strange?’

Lloyd felt a tingling sensation.

Hundreds of mastodon carcasses buried flat in the ground.

It wasn’t just a natural death and burial.

Apparently, someone had artificially buried it.


I couldn’t tell.

However, there was one clear fact that could be seen.

‘Those corpses have a similar level of decay. That means they all died at the same time. That means….’

It means that someone killed it artificially.

Hundreds of Mastodons.

In a short time.

with a clear intention.

‘why? For what?’

Of course, there was no way to know that either.

Instead, at that moment, Lloyd realized that the piercing feeling in his chest was not just a premonition.

It was through the dark mind.


Suddenly, I felt the flow of mana.

An abnormal flow of mana was detected through the dark sim method.

Towards the corpse of a mastodon.

Like a magic circle absorbing mana.

A large amount of mana was being concentrated abnormally.

At the same time, the sound of gas leaking from the corpse grew louder.

that means….

“Everybody back off!”

Lloyd shouted.

The workers look back here with bewildered eyes.

shouted louder at them.

“Get out of the pit! as far as possible! Violators will forfeit the entire bonus!”

Now I understand more reflexive reactions.

That would lead to a faster evacuation.

Lloyd’s thoughts were exactly right.

Bonus forfeiture.

There is no word scarier than this.

At that, all the workers reflexively withdrew from the pit.

It was right after that.

Puchwii Profit Profit!

A single mastodon corpse emitted a flash of light.

exploded violently. spewed out

Gas and flame shockwaves combined.

It swallowed the corpse of the mastodon next to it.

The devoured mastodon carcass also exploded.

The one next to it and the one next to it also emitted flashes in succession.

It was a huge chain explosion.


In an instant, 50 mastodon corpses exploded.

But it was no ordinary explosion.

It wasn’t just the gas that filled the corpse’s abdominal cavity.

It was an explosion of concentrated mana at a terrible level.

It was a magical destructive power that swept everywhere like a nightmare.

And Lloyd was well acquainted with this type of explosion, at least secondhand.

It was thanks to reading the novel Iron Blood Knight.

‘Damn this…It’s corpse explosion magic.’

Suddenly, I remembered what I had read as a novel.

A necromancer processes a corpse according to a certain procedure.

Cast the Corpse Explosion spell.


Corpses explode when certain conditions are met.

Did you say that it was very powerful and devastated the surroundings?

Its power was said to be proportional to the size of the corpse. It was also said that when a human corpse explodes, it rivals the power of an anti-tank mine.

But now?

It was much worse than the exploding of a human corpse.

‘It’s an elephant-sized corpse exploding, so this…Aaah!’

Lloyd swallowed his nausea and ran out of the pit.

He jumped and grabbed the shovel.

I looked back at the bombing site.

Immediately prepared to fire the triple blast.

It was already too late to completely avoid the oncoming explosions and shockwaves.

I’d rather fire a triple blast from this side to counter the explosion and shock wave.

‘It may or may not happen.’

The three-pronged circle rotated with her eyes shining.

But that was the moment.


My eyes widened with a loud cry.

No, Bibeong’s large body blocked the way.

crouched towards this side.

As if to protect it from an explosion.

“Are you squeamish?”


Get down!

At those words, Lloyd reflexively fell on his face.

Immediately after that, an explosion and a shockwave hit.


There was no sound or flash.

The feeling that the sky and the earth are turned upside down.

A feeling of full stomach.

The loud tinnitus in my ears swallowed all the sounds.

Even when I opened my eyes, I couldn’t see anything.

Or is it the sky that is pure white?

Then what about the new black one?

‘…You scoff?’

I saw a bibeongi lying in the dust.

Judging by the belly moving up and down, he was fortunately breathing.

Lloyd staggered to his feet.

I endured my dizziness and looked at Bibeong.

It didn’t look like she was bleeding or suffering any major trauma.

However, in the process of blocking the explosive force with his whole body, he seemed to faint due to the great shock.

‘What about the others?’


A stream of blood runs down his forehead.

I wiped it off with my sleeve and looked around.

Then, little by little, the tinnitus went away.

I could hear the sounds around me.

“Cool! Coke!”

“What is this!”

“Ugh, are you okay?”

I could see the workers who had fallen all over the place getting up.

Fortunately, no one seemed dead or seriously injured.

It seemed that it was thanks to the fact that I heard a cry from this side just before the explosion and quickly retreated from the pit.

‘what…This kind of thing.’

Lloyd hit himself hard on the cheek.

Only then did the dizziness and nausea subside.

But that was then.

“Qua oh ok…Quo-o-ok!”

Inside the pit where the body explosion occurred.

A hoarse roar was heard from there.

It wasn’t one.



Dozens even if you catch less.

maybe even more.

Ominous roars began to sound one after another.

It was slowly approaching in the sinking dust.

Lloyd’s eyebrows furrowed.

‘I can’t believe this.’

Aren’t corpse explosions just the beginning?

…It was the moment when I came up with the idea.


Something big rushed through the dust.


He quickly ducked and retreated.

Immediately afterwards, something long, the size of a log, furiously swept through the space overhead.

‘An elephant nose?’


It’s a Mastodon.

That means only one thing.

The moment I realized that, a huge body rushed through the dust.

“Qua oh oh oh oh!”


It was a mastodon.

But it was not alive.

The blurry eyes like a dead fish and the rotten leather in places were proof of that.

But it has charged more ferociously and ferociously than any living creature. Wielding both ivory and horns at the same time, it rushed to crush this side with a huge body.

It was an undead mastodon.


A monster with a visual that makes you want to fit in a horror movie.

Lloyd was horrified to see such a guy openly attacking him head-on.

‘Undead in the explosion of a corpse.’

now it’s clear

It seems that the level of the Necromancer, the necromancer who did this, is no joke.

Not just one or two, but hundreds of undead mastodons.

So, except for the 50 or so that exploded in the pit, hundreds of undead mastodons were all rushing towards this direction!


Lloyd’s whole body went cold.

I wanted to run away.

Because he’s not the brave protagonist you see in a movie. Because he has no interest in the heroic act of risking even death.

‘But why is this happening to me!’

I was building a sludge treatment facility in peace.

Lloyd lamented the unexpected situation.

Rather, if Xaviel were here, he would have bravely stepped forward instead. It must have wiped out the undead Mastodons in an instant by showing great insolence.

But now, Xaviel was not here.

He is cutting rebar with an auror at the site of an apartment complex.

therefore…Now I have to take responsibility for everything.

Otherwise everyone here will die.

“Everyone run away!”

I shouted with all my might.

Fortunately, the cry worked.

The workers, who had been hardened with surprise and fear, flinched.

Did you understand the situation now?

Everyone looked frightened.


“Run away!”

“Save people!”

Most of them were local residents and refugees. Some mixed sapper soldiers were just normal soldiers with a bit of strength. Such people could not stand up to the undead Mastodon.

Everyone was terrified and threw away their shovels and pickaxes and ran away.

I ran towards the south where the estate was.

Such an appearance provoked a group of undead mastodons.


At the head of the group, one roared ferociously.

He pointed at the fleeing workers with his long, muscular, half-rotting nose.

Soon the whole group rushed behind the workers.


The undead’s unique hatred for living beings flared up.

It seemed to trample on everything with a ferocious force.

It shook the ground and ran.

But there were six men blocking the way.

They were members of the White Lancers.

“we are! It is the sword and shield of His Highness the King!”

“Your Highness’ sword and shield! Protect Your Highness’ people!”

There was no time for Lloyd to stop.

The six White Lancers with their swords drawn shouted and ran. Charged head-on at the oncoming horde of undead mastodon.

Even though he couldn’t ride a horse and wasn’t equipped with armor, he didn’t hesitate.

and trampled

“Quo ow ow!”

They transformed into undead and became much stronger than normal mastodons. They were the ones who couldn’t even get hit by just cutting and stabbing them with a spear knife.


The six White Lancers, who bravely rushed in, were swept away by the crowd in an instant and were trampled and sacrificed.

The moment he saw it, Lloyd gnashed his teeth.

‘What are you doing to run away, really!’

They were the ones who had been sweating and shoveling together until just now.

People like that died right in front of my eyes.

My hands trembled with sadness.

There shouldn’t be any more sacrifices like that.

So, you need to think quickly.

Something has to be done.

Circumstances and terrain here.

power and personnel on this side.

A way for everyone to be safe, too.

All the pieces intertwined.

Finally flashed in my head.

Suddenly, a plausible answer came to mind.


I put my hand in my vest pocket.

I took out the podongi.

“Podo-dong! Boo-dong!”

Was he aware of the situation in his inside pocket?

As soon as it was taken out, it opened its small mouth in this direction.

Lloyd put red sunflower seeds in his mouth.

And threw him away.



I shouted at Podongi, who had changed to a size of 10 meters.

“Delay them first! Most!”


The boy nodded.

started running right away.

It rushed towards the head of the mastodon group.



I was hit with my whole body.

Podongi’s body length is 10 meters.

It was several times heavier than a 4-meter mastodon.

It was a weight difference that even Mastodon, who had become an undead and became ferocious, could not help.


The leading seven undead mastodons rushing toward the workers rolled like bowling pins collapsing.

But after that was the problem.


The rest of the crowd came like a tidal wave.

Even if you roughly count by eye, there are at least 300 of them.

Not even a kid could withstand the pressure of that number.

“Podo-dong! Boo-dong!”

I barely pulled myself out.

In the process, he was stabbed in the butt several times by horns and ivory.

It didn’t bleed, but it hurt terribly.

But Podongi did not give up.

After stepping back a little and opening up some distance, he turned around without fail. Increased speed. He attempted a headbutt to the lead.



Every time that happened, five or six Mastodons were thrown around.

That’s how much their rush was caught.

Meanwhile, Lloyd ran towards the fleeing workers.

To be precise, they rushed to the sappers and white lance cavalry, who were preparing to fight after reorganizing their ranks at the rear of the workers.

“Lord Bavaria! Sir Blanc!”

Lord Bavaria leading the Corps of Engineers.

Sir Blank, commander of the White Lancers.

The two commanders responded to the call.

“Lady Lloyd, get out of your way. We will protect this place.”

“Leave this to the White Lancers. We will prove that our valor is not in vain.”

Two men who show their determination with trustworthy faces.

Looking at them, Lloyd quickly shook his head.

“No, everyone runs away. Both the Sirs and the Engineers and the White Lancers.”


“Here I am saying I will buy you time. So everyone leads the workers and as quickly as possible. retreat. Got it?”

“Mr. Lloyd? what do you mean by that….”

Lord Bavaria’s complexion turned pale.

Sir Blank asked with a serious face.

“What do you mean? Are you telling us to turn our backs on the enemy now?”

“Yes, that is the sound.”

Lloyd answered right away.

“There is no point in fighting here. So protect your workers and retreat as far south as you can. I will buy you time for that.”

“But I can’t listen to such an invitation. Our White Lancers….”

“This is not a recommendation.”

Lloyd’s remark cut off Sir Blank’s rebuttal.

Suddenly, his serious eyes turned to Sir Blank.

To prevent reckless sacrifice.

To save everyone like that.

He spoke in a firm and stern tone.

“It is an order.”

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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