Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 144

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Chapter 144. Serious like a joke (1)


It is literally a place where stones are dug up.

It is a facility that can secure a large amount of high-quality stone materials to be used for various constructions, sculptures, and other purposes.

It was also the facility Lloyd needed the most.

‘of course. A large amount of stone is essential to properly build a great sewer.’

It was a sewer that would cover all of the county of Prontera.

Not only the existing central village, but also the apartment complex north of the Marez clearing and the Eastern Mountains clearing.

Indeed, it was a project that would cover a wide area.

Of course, a lot of stones were needed.

‘Of course you could use rebar and cement. Because there are drops. But in reality? It’s almost impossible.’

Rebar and cement currently made by Bulgi.

Most of them would go into the construction of an apartment complex.

It seemed that the quantity to mobilize even to the great sewer was not enough.

No matter how much he tried to encourage Bell, he would.

‘Because phantom species are not machines.’

it is a pure animal

Of course there are limits.

It cannot be abused beyond that limit.

‘then no. The bell will break all the buttholes and peel them off.’

Even so, it’s a pity to moan the rebar every day.

Cement from volcanic eruption, kukwaang.

It was the butthole of a bell that had no time to rest every day.

Even now, it was a situation where only good soil was selected, fed, and maintained so that the buttock would not break.

‘So the bell is the limit. I can’t make it work any further than now. So it would be better to make the great sewer with stone rather than cement. It would be more advantageous to manage for a long time.’

Cement is a magical ingredient.

However, it is not an all-purpose material.

After a long time, it will crack and crumble.

It should be carefully inspected and repaired from time to time.

Cracks must be filled and broken places must be repaired.

That way, the cement structure will last a long time.

‘Otherwise, unexpectedly, it will quickly become old and fall apart. There are a lot of them in the countryside. Abandoned and unmanaged waste buildings.’

Lloyd didn’t want this sewer to be like that.

It was a great sewer to be built with great effort and time.

So I hoped to keep it strong for as long as possible.

‘That’s why it would be advantageous to use stone for this construction.’

A large sewer would be a difficult structure to manage.

Moisture will accelerate aging.

However, the range was wide, dark, and the stench was so bad that it would have been extremely difficult to inspect and manage.

That’s why.

There should be as few human hands as possible.

Even if the inspection and maintenance are a little sparse, it should hold up well.

‘That’s Stone. It must be granite among them.’


A stone material called ‘mugwort stone’ in Korean.

Such granites are extremely homogeneous in the internal structure of the rock.

To put it simply, there is no grain inside.

Since there is no grain, there is no twisting, splitting, or cracking on either side.

‘In other words, there is no transformation even after a long time. That’s why granite is widely used as a cornerstone for semiconductor equipment and measuring equipment that require ultra-precision. The stone used in curling is also granite.’

It easily withstands heavy loads.

Even water cannot penetrate inside.

It also completely protects against contamination from the outside.

Therefore, it is often used in the construction of lighthouses built in the harsh environment of the seashore.

This is because it does not deform even if it is left standing for a long time.

As such, it is a strong and non-deformable character.

A lifespan that can be confidently said to be permanent.

Lloyd thought that such granite would be the most suitable material for this sewer project.

So it was.

“From here to there. We’re going to build a quarry today. So what do you do? The soil on the slope is to dig up all the soil. Let’s get started. with a mighty chant. practice!”

The border of the southern foothills of the Viscounty of Lacona.

Lloyd’s hand pointed to the area.

The Corps of Engineers and White Lancers orc warriors all grabbed shovels.

Pudongi, who had grown to 10 meters, had bright eyes.

Vibeongi also warmed up by shaking off his spire-sized front paws.

In addition, five baby mastodons raised by Lord Bavaria were also added.


They were 5 siblings of a baby (?) Mastodon who had grown to the size of a bull twice as large as they were about 7 to 8 months old.

The guys eagerly pulled the large plow while receiving the bitter words of Lord Bavaria.

‘good. After all, equipment is essential for large projects.’

As he looked around the work site, Lloyd’s eyes flashed with satisfaction.

It was he who had previously investigated the area with the ‘underground scanning’ option of the surveying skill.

Thanks to this, it was possible to find out that there is a thick granite bedrock from 3 meters below the surface of the slope.

So it was.

From the beginning, this place was taken as a quarry site.

So, with all the plans in place, I visited Viscount Lacona.

The consent of the Viscount was obtained half-coercively.

The plan to build a quarry was pushed forward.

If that’s what you want, quickly and neatly.

Based on that motto, they brought in all the mobilizable manpower and fantasy species.

“Let’s push and remove trees and everything! Until the bedrock is exposed!”






Lloyd also took the lead and grabbed the shovel.

He showed the standard of shoveling by mobilizing even the dark mental method.

The engineering corps members, who were proud of their shoveling and construction work, sent admiration and admiration to him.

The White Lancers, who were confident in their physical strength, burned with a competitive spirit and busied themselves with shovels.

The Orc warriors, who regarded today’s shoveling as an exercise, showed a sense of triumph and tensed their pectoralis major muscles.

The pace of everyone’s work gained more momentum.

Six days passed like that.

The southern foot of the mountain in the Viscounty of Lacona.

Its slope has been completely transformed into a quarry.

The lush trees were nowhere to be found.

All the moist soil was also moved.

In its place, the entire granite bedrock was exposed.

‘Next, it’s the turn to transport the stone to be mined from the quarry.’

Digging stones is not the only skill.

The stones dug out must be brought to the site smoothly.

However, stones are fundamentally large and heavy materials.

So, you have to pave the way to move it.

Lloyd called Lord Bavaria.

“Paved road construction. You know, you’ve done it before, right?”

“Yes, of course.”

“The recipe for making it is the same as before. The width and depth of excavation and the size and sequence of materials to be filled into it. Do you all remember?”

“Yes I remember.”

“But just in case you don’t know, I’ll attach the details to the drawing. Just like when I was under construction at the time, Pudongi will be attached to it every day. Wouldn’t it be enough if we assigned about 150 engineers to the Corps of Engineers?”

“Yes, that is enough.”

“good. The route goes north from the quarry through the Marez Clearing to this point in the manor. All you have to do is follow the instructions in the construction plans and drawings. and another one. All roads should be as straight as possible. You have to keep this in mind.”

“Yes, I will keep that in mind.”

“good. Then I’ll believe you.”

“Yes, please leave it to me.”

Lloyd entrusted the ‘construction of the southern road to the estate’ to Lord Bayern.

A person who has been directing the Corps of Engineers for three years and has been in charge of various construction projects. As blunt as he was, he was a trustworthy man to entrust the work to.

Of course, even so, Lloyd’s work was still a mountain.

‘Okay, next is the construction of the apartment complex.’

The spring season has come.

Now was the time to resume the construction of apartments that had been stopped due to the freeze-thaw phenomenon.

In particular, there was no time to easily pass even a day to finish moving in before next winter.

‘Still, it’s fortunate that there is a talented person to take care of the apartment construction while I focus on the sewer construction.’

He grinned.

Then he looked back at the elf archer next to him.

“Is that so, Miss Muira?”

“I don’t know what it is, but it’s nice to have a job again.”

At Lloyd’s question, Muira, the chief of the elven tribe, smiled faintly.

She looked around at the site of Building 103, Bee Apartment, where foundation work was just under way.

“Actually, I was bored and bored all winter. I wished for spring to return as soon as possible.”

“You wished?”

“I wanted to walk around the high-rise apartment site.”

The eyes of the Elf Muira were directed toward the completed and towering Building 102.

“I still can’t forget last early winter. The time when I ran around the 8th floor of Building 102 like the wind. To be honest, it was the first time I felt that way.”

Her voice became slightly hazy.

I still couldn’t forget it.

The top of a building that is far from the ground.

The feeling of crossing between the spiky iron bars there.

The refreshing feeling of breaking the wind while stepping on the outer wall of the apartment and the fall prevention net.

It was almost a feeling of pleasure.

“Likewise, other elves waited for spring as well. Everyone is burning with enthusiasm, saying that building 103 should be put up quickly.”

That way, you’ll be able to fly on the outer wall of the building as soon as possible.

Besides, what if dozens of such apartments are lined up?

You will be able to jump like a squirrel on high rooftops and rooftops.

Just thinking about it already made me shudder.

“great. Instead, do not rush construction to raise the building quickly. Of course, since you’re as meticulous as me, that won’t happen.”

“You can put your worries aside. I’ve already perfectly memorized all the blueprints you gave me.”

The elves were so meticulous and thorough.

Last winter, he was in charge of the construction of the 8th floor of building 102, and he accumulated his own experience.

For the time being, it is good enough to leave the apartment site.

Elves are literally born steelworkers.

You just have to entrust them with rebar assembly and formwork.

A few experienced and seasoned sappers would suffice.

Then what about himself?

‘All I have to do is look around the site often and supervise it.’

Of course, I had no intention of taking a break.

No, even if I wanted to rest, I couldn’t.

Because there are other things that only you can do.

It was the survey for the construction of the great sewer.

‘Whoa. Is it true that there is no time to rest?’

From the next day, he started wandering around the entire territory.

Constantly using an astounding simbeop.

Replenish enough mana like that.

He used his surveying skills without a break.

Over several days, the terrain and characteristics of the entire territory were scanned without a single needle puncture.

On the other hand, I conceived a model of a large sewer.

‘It’s a much bigger structure than a pipe made of concrete and buried. Not in a coffin, but in the form of an underground passage wide enough for people to come in and out.’

This makes it easier to manage the sewage system.

This is because when the sewer is clogged or a problem arises, a person can go in and solve the problem.

‘So big. It’s like a sewer that often appears in movies set in modern European cities.’

A channel through which waste and sewage flow in the center of the sewer.

A footpath for people to walk on either side of it.

Place them side by side, he thought.

‘In addition, it would be better to make the lower part of the section where the sewage flows into an inverted egg shape. That way, the flow rate of the sewage will increase and less clutter will accumulate on the floor.’

A plan was fully formed in my head.

But Lloyd’s troubles were not over.

No, the more I drew the outline of the sewer, the more I worried.

It was because there was one problem that could not be solved no matter how much surveying and designing.

‘Hmm. As expected, sludge disposal is the biggest problem.’


This material, also called sludge, was the final sediment formed in the sewage treatment process.

Sewage that collects through the sewer.

If you leave it in one place for a long time, the moisture and debris will separate.

Naturally, only the moisture floats to the top, and the heavy residue sinks to the bottom.

The accumulated filth extract is sludge.

Then, the settled sludge must be collected, concentrated, decomposed using microorganisms, and moisture removed from the remaining residue.

‘And landfill, bury it, throw it into the sea, or burn it. That’s how sludge is handled in the modern world.’

I was a little at a loss as to how to implement such a processing method here.

‘I can even collect sludge. It is enough to build a sludge thickening tank at the end of the grand sewer. All you have to do is collect all the sewage there and let the sludge settle. But how do I dispose of the collected sludge?’

Should sappers be sent in?

Should I scoop up the sludge and bury it in the ground?

Lloyd shook his head.

‘No, that’s impossible.’

First of all, the amount of sludge will be enormous.

Besides, aside from the smell, even the poisonous gas wouldn’t be a joke.

Numerous human manure was concentrated, compacted and decomposed into organic matter, and the rotting material was sludge.

Of course, huge amounts of gas, including methane, would be generated in real time, but if people were put in such a place, it was obvious that a disaster would occur in which everyone would suffocate and die.

‘That’s not to mention the Corps of Engineers, orc warriors and elves are no exception.’

However, it was impossible to have the fantasy species do such a thing.

In addition, there were more problems even if the sludge was safely scooped out.

It was that there was no suitable place to bury it.

‘There is no place for that in our manor. But what if you take it far away and throw it away? That will be a problem too. Because it is someone else’s land. No, even if there is an empty land? In the first place, the cost of labor and other costs involved in moving that large amount of sludge there is an error. Write. Then what should I do?’

A deep wrinkle formed between Lloyd’s brows.

‘The best thing is to burn it in one shot with overwhelming heat.’

It’s gas, microorganisms, manure concentration, and whatnot, all in one shot.

How convenient would it be if you could just burn it and turn it into ashes?

It was from then.

Lloyd locked himself in his bedroom.

I spent two days and nights in agony.

and on the third day.

As soon as I came out of the bedroom, I called Xaviel.

and said

“Let’s go on a picnic.”


Xaviel’s eyebrows twitch.

He asked a question full of doubts.

“A picnic out of nowhere, where and for what purpose?”

“Dragon rare. To meet the dragon.”


It’s like saying you’re going to a restaurant to eat.

Or like saying you are going to a cafe to buy coffee.

It was Lloyd’s answer that he brought out calmly, as if it were too obvious.

Therefore, Xaviel regarded those words as nothing more than a joke.

It was definitely so until this moment.

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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