Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 14

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Chapter 14. The Four Weapons of Rogue (1)

Noon on a sunny early spring.

It was time for everyone to finish their morning routine.

Even the farmer who was sweating in the field.

The woodcutter who worked hard at the foot of the mountain.

A shepherd playing a flute in the field.

Even the brewers who brewed sake at the brewery.

Even the woman who fought with the laundry at the laundry.

It was also a time for all the villagers to put their hands down for a while and enjoy lunch and rest.

But today was a little different.

A dance hall attached to the mansion of the lord, Baron Prontera.

It was because a special and rare event was scheduled to be held in that vast vacant lot.

“Hey, how will the duel be today?”

“duel? It’s obvious at first sight.”

“Do you think so too?”

“Isn’t that obvious?”

“Indeed, it is. How can Lord Lloyd defeat Sir Neumann?”

“Thanks to you, we were able to play. If not at a time like this, when would you like to see something like this?”

“Hehe, that’s right. When, if not for a time like this, will I see the young boy rolling on the dirt floor, who was sloppy on the day?”

The farmers gathered at the edge of the gymnasium after a day’s work in the fields whispered.

Beside him, a group of women who had postponed lunch chatted in groups.

“I’m a little worried though.”

“What are you worried about?”

“Lord Lloyd. What if I win against Sir Neumann? Then you’ll be more arrogant.”

“Oh, I’m really worried. What are you worried about?”

“Why? I heard that Sir Ulrich was randomly beaten by Master Lloyd?”

“But this time the opponent is Sir Neumann.”

“Ummm, then Lloyd-sama doesn’t have a chance to win?”

“You should see that. Sir Neumann is the strongest man in our estate. Thanks to you, we are fine. You look so good looking, don’t you?”

…It was like that.

A large number of Young Ji-min gathered at the gymnasium to watch the duel.

Most of them expected Lloyd’s defeat.

I cheered for Sir Neumann’s victory.

The Lloyd they knew was a human far from swordsmanship.

It’s been quieting down lately, but until just a month or two ago, Lloyd Frontera was a human who was addicted to alcohol every day.

And that wasn’t all.

I always took the lead in bad accidents (?).

It was enough to count on one hand Young Ji-min who had never been harmed by the truth and depravity.

‘Please, Lloyd, I want you to watch that human being squeezed and exploded today.’

Then that person will be a little calmer.

No, please.

That was the honest wish of most of the young people gathered here.

However, it wasn’t that there were no Young Ji-mins cheering for Lloyd, at least in part.

“Still, Master Lloyd, it doesn’t seem like he’s been acting like one lately.”

A shepherd boy said cautiously.

The boy’s words were immediately rebutted by the woodcutters around him.

“Hey kid. However, human nature does not change.”

“yes? But it’s true.”

“okay. It’s not true. But what is it? Is that the end of it just because you show a slightly different appearance for a month or two? no You have to keep showing good looks to build trust.”

“Still, they put ondol in our house.”

“Tsk. It’s not even free, is it?”

“Still, it was very warm and nice.”

“Eh Arthur Arthur. Guess who isn’t the shepherd boy?”

“I am not lying. Is it real?”

“done. I also made a sales contract or something, so you’ll know when you put on the ondol. Let’s take a look.”


Of course, among the minority (?) who supported Lloyd in this way, there was a baron and his wife.

Among them, Baron Frontera summoned Sir Neumann, the party to the duel, and gave him a special request.

“Hey Sir Neumann.”

“Tell me, lord.”

“Please take good care of our son today.”

“All right. Don’t worry.”

“Yes thank you. Although my son disrespected you, he is the man you will serve in the future. So please take care not to be too harsh and not to get hurt.”

“I will keep that in mind.”

…It was like that.

In other words, among the people gathered here today at the gymnasium, no one expected Lloyd’s victory. And those people’s expectations changed to confidence the moment Lloyd appeared at the gymnasium.

“Brother Lloyd has arrived!”

cried the servant of the mansion.

At that cry, everyone’s eyes turned to the entrance of the gymnasium.

Before long, Lloyd came into the gymnasium.

holding a shovel in one hand.


Everyone’s eyes widened.

it’s a shovel

This is a gymnasium.

Lloyd-sama is dueling here today.

But why did he bring a shovel and not a sword or ax spear?

“hey? Have you scheduled any construction work here today?”

“What are you talking about?”

“The ondol construction that Lloyd-nim is working on these days.”

“Are you doing that here too? No way.”


“huh. yes.”

The soldiers, who were freed from construction work today, whispered.

It was a situation I couldn’t understand.

Meanwhile, Lloyd stood in the center of the arena with a calm expression.

Under the bright sunlight, the face of the shovel in his hand was finally revealed.

The shovel was made entirely of steel, right down to the handle.

It has only one meaning.

That shovel was meant to be a weapon, not a tool or tool.

As if to give an answer to everyone’s speculation, Lloyd declared to the baron sitting in the high chair.

“I, Lloyd Frontera, the son of Arcos Frontera, is ready to engage in a duel with Lord Neumann.”

It was a clear and lucid declaration of readiness for a duel.

The baron frowned.

“Are you ready for a duel?”

“That’s right.”

“What about weapons? Did you bring it?”

“The one you see here is my weapon.”

Lloyd smiled and held up a steel shovel.


I wondered, but it was the same.

I thought you’d been a bit more conscious lately.

I thought I was going back on the right path.

As expected, his eldest son is not sane.

‘I can’t imagine even a duel with such a lax attitude.’

The baron secretly bit his teeth.

My heart was not alone in my disappointment.

He looked back at Lord Neumann with a firmer gaze than before.

He nodded slightly towards Sir Neumann.

‘You can handle it harshly. Please help me to come to my senses at this time.’

‘All right. I’ll be happy if you command me.’

Neumann, who understood the meaning of the baron, nodded.

It was what I was hoping for.

No, it was what I desperately wanted.

Being arrogant with yourself and giving the thunder-naked boy a rough roll.

Sir Neumann’s wish was sublimated (?) into an even fiercer wish the moment he saw Lloyd’s attitude toward him.

buzz buzz.

Amid the buzz of the young people.

Lloyd was holding a strange posture he had never seen before.

I widened the distance between my two hands and gripped the shovel handle.

In the left hand, the part just below the shovel head.

The upper part of the handle with the right hand.

He held it calmly and naturally bent his arms.

Then, it was as if the shovel was half-embracing and the tip of the shovel was aiming in this direction.

From Sir Neumann’s point of view, that was nothing more than an unheard-of, hesitant attitude!

Unbearable, Sir Neumann twitched his nose.

“Did you forget Lloyd? This is a duel.”

“huh. I know.”

“But what is that posture?”

“huh. You are ready to fight.”

“Are you trying to insult me with childish pranks?”

“huh. It’s not.”

“Then what are you trying to do?”

“Are you asking because you don’t know? With this, you’re poised to beat you up.”

“…I will make you regret that answer.”

“huh. Either way.”



I broke my teeth.

Sir Neumann turned his head, brooding over the rage at the insult.

I said to Baron Prontera.

“I am ready for a duel too.”

A declaration of preparation for a duel recited in a bleak voice.

Youngjimin swallowed their saliva at the coolness of that voice. I unknowingly clenched my fist.

Somehow, the anticipation that today’s duel seems to properly satisfy their wishes (?) bloomed rapidly.

And finally the baron’s proclamation fell.

“I announce the beginning of a duel between the two, Baron Arcos Fronte.”

The start of the duel was officially declared.

At the same time, Sir Neumann revealed his fangs.

As if waiting, he immediately kicked the ground.

‘You cheeky bastard! I’ll show you the real thing!’


Sir Neumann’s feet moved lightly.

pushed the ground

body moved

It was a simple and quick advance that exceeded the level of ordinary people.

Even before the duel started, the distance between Sir Neumann and Lloyd was about 4 meters.

Sir Neumann closed the 4-meter gap with just one cloud of footsteps!


An exclamation escaped from the lips of the young people who were watching.

Before the exclamation was over, Sir Neumann’s sword moved.

without even pulling it out of the scabbard.

The entire scabbard was violently swung.

‘First, I’ll break it in one or two places!’

Traditionally, a club bath is perfect for a crazy dog.

Besides, it’s been a long time since I lost my temper for such a shabby and shabby village estate anyway.

So at this point, I don’t even know the subject, and I’m going to trample on the foolish young master properly. He had a bitter heart.

‘Release the accumulated stress! Even so, the baron wouldn’t even blame me! After that, I will open this manor. Just as promised! Ha ha ha!’

A rosy future was drawn.

He recalled the person he had an affair with.

Others accused him of being a real estate investment scammer.

But it wasn’t what he saw.

‘It’s a reasonable business, that’s it!’

The businessman obtained information about the Prontera estate through him.

Using that information, he took possession of Baron Frontera’s assets.

Thanks to yourself?

I received a fairly large reward from a ‘businessman’.

Besides, that wasn’t the end.

The businessman made a promise to himself.

Abandon this rural estate and come to yourself.

Then I will treat you more preciously according to your ability.

‘It’s a matter of course. I’m not a talented person who will rot in a corner like this!’

The ambition that always wriggled in my heart.

The dream of achieving wealth and fame with a single sword.

Now, that dream was not far away.

Of course, before that, he was determined to step on the cheeky young boy who was acting out in front of his eyes.

‘Exactly like this!’


The longsword, which had not even been sheathed, cut through the air with ferocious force.

from top right to bottom left.

swung with a diagonal line

At the end of the path was Lloyd’s left collarbone.

‘On one side of the collarbone!’

A cruel light flashed in Sir Neumann’s eyes.

At the same time, he was convinced.

A kid like Lloyd would never be able to block this blow. That would be absolutely impossible for a guy holding a shovel handle and holding a sloppy posture like that.

Everyone had the same thought.

Even Baron Frontera with a hard expression.

Even the baroness with her hands clenched.

All other onlookers were so convinced.

Except for one exception, Xaviel.

‘Somehow Lloyd-sama’s posture doesn’t seem like a joke.’

Xaviel was watching Lloyd with narrow eyes.

Lloyd’s posture was awkward, yet strange and eccentric.

However, there was a strange sense of stability.

It looked comfortable.

It was by no means a learned posture.

It wasn’t even the attitude that I caught once or twice.

‘But I’ve never had a posture like that while training with me.’

Could it be that they secretly practiced separately?

Only one fact was clear.

‘It must be. That’s a stance designed exclusively for actual combat.’

When I realized that fact, I suddenly got goosebumps.

I had a hunch that perhaps the outcome of this duel might turn out the opposite of everyone’s expectations.

And in the next moment, Xaviel’s premonition came true.


The steel shovel, which had been silent until now, suddenly moved.

It soared upward, drawing a simple line.

He intercepted the longsword that was falling obliquely.


It’s so simple and superfluous, so it looks really easy.

However, even though his offensive was blocked, Sir Neumann was not worried at all.

‘At least this kind of defense!’

I thought I was lucky and blocked it.

Like a beginner, he thought it was nothing more than a shovel.

On the other hand, what about you?

He had reached the lower level of Sword Expert.

A young man like Lloyd was able to use mana that he did not even dare to dare to use.

‘I’ll break that kind of defense with this power!’


Sir Neumann’s eyes widened.

His longsword glowed faintly.

Mana was injected into the longsword.

A little sword was created.

But next moment.

The faint blackness disappeared in an instant.

No, it was absorbed by the steel shovel that touched the long sword. It was transferred.

Even the mana drained from his body and mana heart!


Sir Neumann’s eyes widened in astonishment.

At the same time, the steel shovel moved.



He pushed his longsword aside.

It was like pushing away an annoying fly.

I wanted to hold out.

But I couldn’t resist.

Oddly enough, I felt as if all my strength had drained from my body.

And the head of the steel shovel suddenly rushed at an odd angle.



An intense shock that hit the face.

With drops of blood gushing out of his mouth.

Sir Neumann’s head jerked violently.

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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