Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 136

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Chapter 136. Premium Random Draw (1)

“…what? Is there a way to specifically affect the probability of randomness?”

“Po Bang Ha!”

The three phantom species nodded their round heads.

He nodded so hard that even his chubby belly swayed.

Lloyd raised his upper body from the desk he was lying on.

He straightened up and asked.

“It affects the probability. Then, do you mean that the probability of getting the kind of phantom species I want increases?”

“Po Bang Ha!”


He is so confident in his answer.

Phantom species are not children who lie.

So that answer is real.

‘Well then, this. It would be of great help.’

Lloyd ran a quick calculation in his head.

He was currently thinking about the material to use for the wire mesh of the gabion retaining wall.

But what if a fantasy species to make the wire mesh came out?

‘Solve your worries in one queue.’

No matter how you look at it, the nuclear gains were clear.

Lloyd asked expectantly.

“Then can you tell me what the method is?”


Podongyi smiled brightly.

“Podo-dong! Podong! Podong-dong!”

“what? Is it okay if I sincerely want it?”



“Ppodong Pododong Pododong!”

“So, it would be nice if a fantasy species with some kind of ability came out…If you earnestly wish for a specific image like that, then that mind will affect the result?”


Pudong nodded again.

And then he punched me in the stomach.

“Podo-dong Podo-dong!”

that you are the evidence

He also added that Belle and Hamang are evidence.

Lloyd, who was dubious about it, finally let go of his doubts a little after hearing that.

‘Mmm. Maybe there’s some truth to that.’

Desperate aspirations and changes in probability.

At first glance, it seemed like an absurd sound.

However, listening to what Podongi said and looking back at the random drawing I’ve been through so far, I had a slightly different idea.

‘Certainly, I’ve been very lucky so far.’

It really was.

Poo-dong too.

Bells and hammangi too.

All of them were summoned with the most appropriate ability at the moment they needed it the most.

‘When comprehensive excavation skills were needed, Pudongi came out. Bell came out when I was constructing the tunnel, and Hamang came out when I was removing the water in the Marez clearing.’

Until now, I’ve only considered myself lucky.

That this is also a random blessing.

They say that lottery luck, which didn’t work in Korea, seems to have been ruined here.

I’ve only thought so.

But now that I see it, it doesn’t seem like it.

‘I wasn’t so lucky. The image I drew unconsciously, earnestly hoping and wishing for these children. Could that have affected the probability of the random drawing?’

Suddenly, a ray of hope caught my eye.

The scent of possibility bloomed gently.

Lloyd made a decision.

“Okay, I made up my mind.”

Looking at the three phantom species, he smiled broadly.

“Let’s do a fourth random draw.”

“Po Bang Ha!”

Thanks to this, Pudongi and Belle Hamangi were excited.

I didn’t even ask, but Podongi took out a welcome sign.

Bell unfolded the banner.

Hamangi prepared to sprinkle confetti.

“…Could it be that you always prepared for it?”

“Po Bang Ha!”

“Are you going to use the day to pick new friends?”

“Po Bang Ha!”

“But I won’t be chosen here. Because this is the bedroom.”

“Po Bang Ha!”

“You want to leave soon? To the gymnasium?”

“Po Bang Ha!”

“Hey, but I think it’s going to be a little difficult right now, right? let us wait Until the night without people.”

“Ppo bang ha?”

“Anyway, since it’s broad daylight, there must be a lot of eyes. Everyone knows that I picked you with my summoning magic, right? That’s why it’s better if the random draw is not seen by people as much as possible.”

Certainly it was.

The count couple, Xaviel, and countless people in the estate were completely unaware of the existence of the RP.

Everyone knows this person as someone who is good at summoning magic.

“So let’s put Javiel to bed later and then go to the gymnasium at midnight. Are you okay?”

“Po Bang Ha!”

“Are you going to keep holding it until then?”

“Po Bang Ha!”

“There’s still more than half a day until midnight?”

“kiss! room! under!”


It must have been a long wait for him to pick up a new friend.

Half a day passed like that.

Bathed in the midnight moonlight, Lloyd went down to the gymnasium.

In my mind, I thought of the ability of the phantom species that I wanted to be selected this time.

‘The guy who will make the wire mesh. Or, it would be nice if someone would come out to produce a replacement for the wire mesh.’

Be as specific as possible.

as eagerly as possible.

I longed for it while drawing the image.

And opened the random drawing menu.

Ding dong.

[Phantom species random drawing]

[You can draw a fantasy species by investing RP.]

[A powerful and unique fantasy species will give absolute loyalty to the owner who summoned it and provide various abilities.] [

Random drawing fee (4th round) = 150 RP]

[Currently owned RP: 4783]

‘Okay. The RP is completely generous.’

In the meantime, I’ve been collecting RP tenaciously like Jaringobi.

I didn’t use it unless it was really urgent and saved it.

Thanks to this, a whopping 5,000 RP was gathered.

[Would you like to run a random drawing?]

[YES / NO]

‘Of course yes. Gaza!’

There was no hesitation.

He chose YES, recalling the ability and image of the fantasy species he longed for.

[The Phantasmal Species Random Draw begins.]


A pale light appeared in the air.

It rotated, encroaching on the darkness under the moonlight.

Seeing that, Lloyd slightly lowered his stance.

I relaxed my shoulders and gazed at the mass of light.

His posture was similar to that of a baseball outfielder waiting for a flying ball.

‘Something will definitely come out.’

That’s what my experience so far has been.

A pale light flashes.

A new fantasy species appears shouting its name.

Because it flew towards me and hugged me.

‘Maybe it’s the same this time too?’

Lloyd watched the mass of light and waited.

He expected a new fantasy species to fly towards him and hug him.


Pats ts ts…Pushushu….

The mass of light stopped spinning.

I thought it would fade soon, but the light disappeared.

Until then, nothing came out of the light.

Instead, this message popped up in front of my eyes.

Ding dong.

[Boom! That’s too bad. Please look forward to the next random draw♥]



A cool night breeze blew.

No one said anything.

long time to do that.

Lloyd laughed awkwardly.

“…Ahahaha. what could be like this Because it’s random. yes?”


Little Boy smiled awkwardly and quietly lowered the welcome sign.

Lloyd held on tightly to his shaking mentality.

‘Yeah right. Because it’s random. It was enough that I could have a blast.’

This is the reality.

I’ve just been very lucky so far.

So let’s not be easily swayed by one failure.

With that promise, Lloyd opened the random drawing menu again.

[Random draw cost (5th round) = 225 RP]

[Currently owned RP: 4633]

[Do you want to run the random draw?]

[YES / NO]

‘Okay. I won’t fail this time!’

Lloyd held on to an even stronger resolve.

more fiercely than before.

much more earnestly than before.

I drew an image in my mind.

And I chose YES.

[The Phantasmal Random Draw begins.]


Pale light flooded the air.

It spun vigorously and illuminated all directions.

Lloyd swallowed dryly.


But that wish is in vain.

The light started to dim.

Finally, another terrible message popped up in front of my eyes.

[2 years! That’s too bad. Please look forward to the next random draw♥]

Hui Yiing.


what is it This feeling of being complicated to the root of the soul.

What is this bizarre feeling of witnessing sweet and sour pork sauce being poured right in front of you without permission?

He stuttered and opened his mouth.



“If you earnestly wish for it, it will come true.”


The bell quietly folded the welcome banner.

Lloyd bit his lip.

‘Yes calm down. composure.’

Let’s not waver.

It’s just a random result.

Just a little bit of bad luck today.

Or, he paid the price of his luck, which he had always been good for, through two bad lucks.

So the third will be fine.


I got my mentality.

I made up my mind to believe in the children of the fantasy species again.

On the other hand, I wondered if it was possible to win three times.

Maybe that was it.

The third random draw that I tried again with determination.

As a result, I was faced with an unbelievable message.

[3 years! I’m really sorry. Please look forward to the next random drawing♥]



Where does life begin and where does it go?

Was reality originally such a hardcore gutter?

But when did tears start to flow from your eyes?

That was the moment.


Hamang-i, who was not aware of it, scattered the confetti powder he was holding.

Pudongi and Belle shrank their necks at the sharpness.

Lloyd, who was wiping his eyes, said.

“Put them all in the head.”

“…kiss! room! under!”

Every single thing!

There were no exceptions for Podongi, Belle, and Hamangi.

Guys the size of fists banged their heads on the floor of the gymnasium.

Seeing those guys, Lloyd wiped his eyes.


I really struggled to collect RP.

I built it while working hard and making achievements.

I saved the thrift while resisting the urge to write.

However, during the 3 consecutive booms, I blew a whopping 713 RP.

Thanks to that, the RP that was approaching 5,000 has now become 4070.

‘Whoa. Is this a true story?’

It was bittersweet.

I was also frustrated.

I wondered if this is what it feels like to be blinded by gambling and lose one’s fortune and disgrace one’s family.

‘Tsk. Should I continue the random drawing?’

I felt skeptical.

It seemed to be a false rumor that if you earnestly wished for it, the outcome of the draw would be affected.

When I thought so, my self-confidence plummeted.

‘It might be wise to stop at this point.’

Even if he did it again, there was no guarantee that the fantasy species would be properly selected.

It seemed that it would be right to give up the expectation that it would be just as lucky as before.

Besides, if you do a random draw now, it will be a 7th attempt.

Thanks to this, the cost of the draw had skyrocketed to 507 RP.

‘If I try again and it crashes….’

The remaining RP becomes 3563.

So what if the mental is broken?

What if it soars?

What if you try again?

But what if it crashes again?

‘Probably the cost of the 8th random draw will be around 760. then? The remaining RP will be 2803.’

RP that only half remains in an instant.

Just imagining it was terrifying.

No, I didn’t even want to imagine it.

So at this point, the answer to the action he had to take was determined.

‘Let’s stop. If I keep trying because I’m swept away by emotion, I think my RP will be lost and my mentality will go out.’

It seems that today is not the day.

So make your judgment soberly.

Behavior is also rational.

Thinking so, Lloyd cast his eyes to the random drawing window.

I tried to close the window like this.

But that was the moment.

Ding dong.

With a clear notification sound.

An unexpected message popped up in front of my eyes.

[Hidden condition achieved: 3 consecutive hits]


what is that again

He read the message that came to his mind.

[You have consumed a certain amount of RP to achieve the hidden condition < Three Random Draws of Phantasmal Species >. As a reward for this, the < Conditional Selective Premium Random Draw > function will be opened.]


Lloyd’s eyes widened.

At the same time, his mind was busy.

The ability and image of the phantasmagoric species that I desire in my heart.

Podongi’s advice that the desire affects the random results.

‘Was that true?’

It is certainly.

It seems so.

“Everybody wake up.”

“kiss! room! under!”

As if the children had been waiting, Boit woke up.

Lloyd looked back at them and asked.



“Is this what you said? Premium random drawing?”


“Then did you know from the beginning?”


“You mean you have to play 3 times to unlock this feature.”


“then…Did you know this was going to happen and deliberately recommended me to draw at random?”


Podongi nodded as if of course.

Have I completely forgotten the fact that I was being punished just now?

Or do you understand all of these mistakes on our side?

He had only a very bright smile on his face.

Maybe that was it.

Lloyd unconsciously bit his lower lip.

‘I don’t even know that.’

I was just venting my anger.

I’m sorry.

If you think about it, they are children who always want only the best for themselves.

These are children who only look at themselves without any selfishness.

I didn’t know that kind of heart, and I was blinded by the loss of the moment, and I was crying.

‘Such a selfish snob.’

I wanted to hit myself on the cheek.

However, Podongi and Belle Hamangi approached softly, as if they were aware of this side’s feelings. He patted his entire body on the back of his hand to encourage this side.

“kiss! room! under!”

“Um, it’s going to work out this time, so why don’t you try a premium random draw?”

“Ppodong! Bell! Haman!”

“…Ok, thanks.”

reflection in the heart.

Now, I decided to trust my children.

Like that, Lloyd opened the random draw menu again.

Looking down, I saw that a new menu had been opened.

[Premium Random Draw]

[Invest a little more RP to greatly increase the chance of drawing a fantasy species with the summoner’s desired ability.] [

Conditional Draw Cost (1st round) = 800 RP]

[Current RP: 4070]

[ Do you want to run conditional random drawing?]

[YES / NO]

‘Okay. It’s a judge’s decision.’

It was the yard that had already come this far.

I wanted to do what I always do properly.

Lloyd clenched his fists and chose YES.

Then a new message popped up.

[Think of the ability of the fantasy species you want.]

I did as I was told.

thought hard.

Wire mesh for constructing gabion retaining walls.

A phantasmagoric species with the ability to create that wire mesh.

‘A wire or rope that is strong and durable and does not deform. I want a fantasy species that can pull out such a thing.’

It was the moment I longed for.

[Your condition has been registered.]


A brilliant light came up with a clear message.

In an instant, the darkness under the moonlight was driven away.

rotated violently.

Finally, the silhouette of a new phantom species began to emerge.


A mighty, wild cry rang out in the light.

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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