Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 118

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Chapter 118. How to flip dominoes (2)



A powerful roar rang out.

An even more fierce blow sounded like thunder.

The results were extremely devastating.

“…How big?”

Megarania’s head jerked.

More than ten teeth broke through the gaping jaws and flew away.

It was natural.

The body length of the bibeongi is 100 meters.

Excluding the tail, it is almost 80 meters.

In addition, the chubby body compared to the length of the body.

Thanks to this, it weighed close to 3,000 tons.

It was a forefoot punch with all that ignorant weight.

And that wasn’t all.

The punch blow from just now carried even his own soul.

It was his sincerity for his first love, Bell, who would be watching his back.

“Byeom! Beep! Scrub!”

Quaang! Tuquaaang! Kwaaang!

left foot right foot left foot.

Three 3,000-ton punches poured into the whimori rhythm.

Each time, Megarania’s body floated up like an ankle sock swept away by a typhoon.

“Ku kuweueek!”

A scream broke out in an instant.

A counterattack could not even be dreamed of.

Megarania’s body length is only (?) 50 meters.

Its weight was only 700 tons, about 1/4 of the weight of the rat.



Bibeongi’s front legs exploded once again.


Five punches thrown so far.

With that alone, Megarania has already fallen into a serious groggy state.

Vibeong’s final blow to Megarania exploded.



It bit Megarania’s back with its big front teeth.

lifted entirely.




Megarania, 50 meters long and 700 tons, rose to a height of several tens of meters. no it flew It crossed the wind about 400 meters.

And it crashed.

Kwaaaang-! Kwakwa kwa!

The giant body of Megarania, which was blown away falsely and falsely, was slammed into the ground, leaving a furrow tens of meters long.

With that, Megarania lost most of its fighting power.


The wrecked Megarania barely got up.

The whole body trembled in a state of being free from death.

There were six other Megaranias around such a Megarania.

They were a group of guys.

But they couldn’t show their fangs carelessly.

It was because Megarania, who had just been pushed to the ground, was the leader of the group.

“Kh Kuweek! Kuwuck!”

The boss Megarania, who had become a wreck, eventually turned around.

Hiding their tails, they struggled to escape eastward.

As the leader ran away, so did the rest of the group.

“Beep! Scrub!”

Bibeong let out a roar of victory.

Then, he glanced westward.

Lloyd’s group was there.

To be precise, there was a bell riding on Lloyd’s shoulder.

‘Bubbeop beopbeobung….’

please take a good look at this

Bibeongyi desperately wished and coughed.

Seeing this, Lloyd smiled bitterly.

‘That guy shows off too much.’

It’s awkward.

So solo.

But that’s how I like it.

Lloyd felt a little sympathy (?) for Bibeong.



“I have a favor, can you shake the bell just once for Vibeongi?”

“A drop of water?”

“I just wanted to boost his morale.”


Bell nodded his round head.

In fact, Bell didn’t hate Bibeong.

Of course, not as a member of the opposite sex, but as a friend of the same fantasy species.

“Bell! Drop!”

Good job new friend.

The bell gently lifted its chubby tail and shook it.

A clear and clear sound rang out.

Of course, a warm pink smile formed on the face of Vibeongi, who was breathing heavily with intense punching.

‘Hmm, it’s just right.’

I gave you a decent reward, so now it’s time to do this side of work.

“Everyone wait here for a while.”

I put everyone in my party on standby.

I walked east alone.

Beyond the slowly sinking dust.

I saw hundreds of Orc warriors standing there humming.

Lloyd raised his voice towards the largest orc warrior among them.

“It’s been a while Chief!”


The biggest warrior, Ironsand Orc Chief Akush, twitched his ears.

In fact, he was quite perplexed.

It was because things happened so suddenly.

‘What kind of situation is this?’

An attack by monsters that have been attacking the village in succession recently.

It was Akush who stood firm in front of him.

It was the same today.

A group of ferocious Megaranians.

He was fighting against as many as six monsters.

The Orc warriors were roaring and throwing javelins at the forefront so as not to lose courage and not back down.

Suddenly, something rushed from behind with tremendous force.

thumped past.

With a single blow, Megarania’s face was turned around.

He even picked it up by biting it, then threw it over the border of the village and chased it away.

‘What the hell is that?’

Beating up the terrifying Megarania and throwing it away was not enough.

But it was a monster of enormous size, resembling a beaver.

Suddenly, my eyes widened.

But then I heard a familiar voice from behind again.

‘This is my tribe’s honorary warrior, but it sounds like a weak human Lloyd’s voice.’

He’s nice but lacking a bit (?).

That was the image of Lloyd in the memories of the chieftain Akush.

He turned his head as he recalled those memories.

Then, I saw Lloyd walking towards me.

“Heh heh Kwiik?”

They are friends.

A smile comes out of nowhere

Chief Akush laughed, exposing his large fangs.

A worm-like tendon bulged out of his large pectoralis major muscle.

“What are you doing here, friend? It’s dangerous here today. It’s especially dangerous for a weak friend, so I think you’d better go home.”

“It is dangerous. Is it because of the monsters?”

“That’s right!”

Akush laughed and raised the axe.

He pointed with an ax at Bibeongi standing to the east.

“These days, countless monsters keep attacking. Today we came to Megarania. But now, even worse ones have appeared. It’s very dangerous.”

“Oh, you mean that guy?”

“That’s right.”

“That’s fine. That’s the guy I’m working for.”

“…What are you doing?”

“It’s true. They say the name is Bibeong.”


To command a monster that blows Megarania in one blow.

What kind of friends do you have?

Chief Akush asked, feeling a bit overwhelmed.

“But what’s going on here? Are you here to fight together?”

“Something similar.”

The joy of a long-awaited reunion later.

First of all, from the business that came to me now.

“I know you’ve been through a lot lately. To Locus Locusts to Mastodons and today to Megarania. Wasn’t it very recent?”

“Pooheung! It was a good day to warm up somehow!”

“Of course I know you will. But do you know what caused this situation?”

“I don’t know!”

“That’s why I came.”

I’m trying to tell you the cause and solution together.

Lloyd grinned.

In fact, from now on, he was thinking of not only preventing the monster domino phenomenon, but also attempting a counterattack against the Sultanate that caused this situation.

The counterattack operation proceeded without hesitation.

The cause of this situation is the Sultanate.

Lloyd first informed Chief Akush of their atrocities in detail.

Naturally, Akush was furious.

No, all the Orc warriors were enraged.

All of them actively participated in the operation.

“The operation is simple. For several days from now, we will attack all monsters in this area ferociously and indiscriminately. Of course, the center of attack will be played by Bibeongi.”

And the Orc warriors took on the role of threatening the monsters that were terrified by the attack of the Vibeongi.

a kind of chaser.

That’s how the monsters were driven to the east.

“There is something to keep in mind here. It’s okay until monsters get hurt. But if you can, try not to kill him and let him live.”

“Why is it?”

“That’s how rumors spread among the surviving monsters. Then-”

“So what?”

“The entire horde of monsters that have been running here from the east will be redirected. Just like when they came this way. towards the east. The direction of the dominoes is reversed.”

“That’s a quik!”

“Did you know what I meant?”

“no. It’s complicated!”

“Well, it means that the Sultanate’s western border will be in trouble anyway.”

“I like that. Let’s do it right now!”

…That’s how the operation started right from that day.

Of course, there was not much remorse.

The direction of the monster domino that will be overturned.

The western border of the sultanate that would be so damaged.

Fortunately (?) it was thanks to the fact that there were no civilian residential areas in the border area.

‘Their western borders are barren. So there is no manor or village. Only troops guarding the border are stationed there.’

So, there will be no poor civilians who will be hurt by this counterattack.

Besides, it’s a fortified border army, so there shouldn’t be many casualties.

‘Instead, they’ll have a lot of fun fighting off the crowds of monsters. Besides, the higher ups of the Sultanate must also feel it.’

If they can cause a monster domino.

The other side can respond in the same way.

So the act of causing the monster domino effect can bring about the same counterattack and retaliation.

Lloyd wanted to instill that perception at the top of the Sultanate.

‘That way, in the future, I won’t even dare to try such a stupid thing.’

It was similar to nuclear weapons.

What if your opponent has nuclear weapons?

This also makes it difficult to recklessly use nuclear weapons.

As such, to carve a sharp lesson that you are not the only one holding that weapon.

That was the true purpose of this operation, which also served as revenge.

“So let’s all start.”

There was no need to hesitate.

started working right away.

Vibeong, the Orc warriors, Xaviel and the White Lancers.

Everyone did a great job.

I searched all the nearby wilderness like a teether.

Even if they only saw monster hair, they ran and made a fuss.

They beat, strangled, broke, threw, roared and threatened.

All the monsters caught on this side freaked out and ran away to the east.

Six days passed like that.

By that time, there were no monsters wandering around.

It was because word of mouth (?) circulated among them, and they flocked to the other side.

That is, the operation was a success.

“Whoa, so that’s it.”

It was after the successful completion of Operation Domino Reversal.

In the meantime, at the center of the orc tribe’s village, which was almost ruined by the monster raids, Lloyd made a proposal to the chief Akush.

“I’m cautious about saying this, but why don’t you move the tribe’s home at this time?”

“A place? Do you want to move?”

“That’s right.”

said Lloyd, tossing brambles into the crackling bonfire.

“Of course, we know very well that the home where our ancestors have lived for generations is precious. But think about it. As this incident may have revealed, this open area is too vulnerable to defense.”

“But we are strong.”

“I know. However, I am telling you this because if you move your base, you will become stronger.”

“what? Are you saying you’re getting stronger?”


“How do you mean?”

“Umm, actually, that’s what I wanted to say before. I even built a stone ice storage facility early on, but first of all, the food situation in the wilderness here is very poor. So very sad. Nutritionally, this is not a very good place to build muscle.”

“…what? Do you have muscles?”

At the word ‘muscle’, Chief Akush opened his eyes.

The same was true of the other Orc warriors who were sitting by the campfire of Doran Doran.

good night.

eats slowly

Lloyd said, holding back a smile that was about to creep up.

“You need to rest well and eat well. It’s just as important to building muscle as it is to exercise. Of course, the chieftain knows, right?”

“Um, yes.”

“So it is. To be honest, I can’t help but feel sad. Because of the tragic reality that the chieftain and the warriors here cannot grow bigger muscles because they are bound by tradition.”

“Are you calling it bigger muscles?”

“That’s right.”

“How do you make it?”

“It’s not as difficult as you might think. Umm, actually, I’m not telling anyone about this, but would you like to listen to it for a bit?”

“Say it quickly!”

“Yes. That will be fine. Look over there.”

Lloyd raised his hand.

He pointed to the eastern mountain range that spread out like a folding screen.

“A deer with shiny fur runs through the grass. A chubby wild boar rolls through the flower fields. Above it, turtledoves and pheasants flutter their wings. Think about it. A lively turtledove breast. The pulsating juices of a pheasant breast.”

“Gulp gulp.”

“Yes, that’s right. Would that be all there is to it? In the stream, all kinds of fish swim in half water and half fish. Many crayfish live in the first-class clean water in the mountains. If you steam and eat a whole crayfish full of protein, where will all the nutrition go?”

“Those muscles!”

“You are also the chieftain. Maybe you know this well.”

“Then are you saying that it would be nice if we moved to the Eastern Mountains?”

“Of course. Besides, if you look closely, doesn’t this go against the tribal tradition?”

“How do you make it?”

At the word tradition, Chief Akush flinched.

Lloyd poked that loophole.

“Think about it. Aren’t the chief’s ancestors also owners of great muscles?”

“Of course it is!”

“So what do you want your descendants to look like?”

“Muscle bursting muscles!”

“Exactly. I also believed in the Chieftain. Aren’t you this wise even if I don’t tell you anything?”

“Then are you saying that our ancestors would also want us to eat more well and have big muscles?”

A hesitation appeared in Akush’s eyes.

Of course, he was well aware of the abundance of game in the eastern mountains.

Even now, he sometimes sent warriors to the mountains to hunt.

However, the efficiency itself would be as different as heaven and earth between sending a few warriors over a distance that took several days and moving the tribe’s home to a dense forest.

“But, the ancestral home…Kkuik….”

“Your ancestors will be happy too.”

“What if we have big muscles?”

“Of course not.”

Lloyd’s soft whisper.

The temptation stimulated Acush’s muscular cochlea.

He pierced the desires of the warriors sitting around together.

And it made me decide.

“good night! From today, the home of our tribe is the Eastern Mountains. Guide us!”

…That’s how the Steelsand Orc Tribe made a sudden move.

It was something Lloyd had never hoped for.

‘Bibeongi, the patron of Lake Capua. The Orc tribe settled in the Eastern Mountains there. With this, two barriers are protecting our territory from the east.’

Besides, what if something happens in the manor?

It became much easier to ask for help from the Orc tribe.

‘So now the heaviest physical threats are over.’

Lloyd was sure.

After the financial crisis, the physical threat that threatened his honey pot, the territory. All those risk factors were finally able to be blocked.

Thanks to that, Lloyd’s steps back to the Baron’s territory after completing all his work were infinitely light.

‘Now there is only one thing left.’

he thought

The task he longed for so much.

Finally, the time has come to pay off all the remaining loans with the construction money received from the capital.

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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