Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 108

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Chapter 108. The savior of the bell (1)


Grasshopper fell.

Body up to 70 cm in length.

Its large size, uncharacteristic of an insect, was burnt like black charcoal.

Naturally, the locust did not show any movement.

He was already dead and could not resist.

It was the same in front of the slow rake of a farmer who moved with a tired yawn.


Perseus Perseus!

Three or four locusts were caught in one raking operation.

All of them were charred and swept to and fro.

Cleaned up and gathered.

piled up like a mountain.

“Whoa, that’s amazing.”

Lord Bavaria, the senior knight of the barony who was encouraging the cleanup, was disgusted. I felt it when the locusts attacked yesterday, but it was a really gross number.

‘Still, it’s fortunate that there were few casualties.’

Lord Bavaria suddenly remembered what happened yesterday morning.

It was just an ordinary morning.

Woke up at the same time as usual.

I washed my face and hurried to my morning training.

It was shortly after he left the house that a terrifying roar came from the eastern sky.

‘It’s the first time I’ve seen such a sight.’

A swarm of locusts covered the eastern mountain range in pitch black.

The sun, the clouds, and the blue sky were completely covered.

Did the son-in-law become dark as if night had come?

Even now, looking back, I get goosebumps.

‘It was like the end of the world.’

It was embarrassing.

No, it was scary.

I just wanted to drop everything and go home.

I just wanted to hide in the deepest part of the warehouse.

But who are you?

He was a senior knight of Baron Prontera.

Although his swordsmanship skills lag far behind that of his junior, Xaviel Asrahan, he was responsible for commanding the sappers and guards of the territory.

Especially in a disaster situation like yesterday, I believed this even more.

So I ran.

Instead of hiding in the house, I ran towards the baron’s mansion.

I went there, assembled the corps of engineers and guards, and attempted a counterattack.

But it wasn’t easy.

‘I couldn’t even run 200 meters and had to be surrounded by locusts.’

Dozens of locusts came running.

He swung his sword recklessly in it.

It was the worst blood fight he had ever experienced.

gradually lost strength.

The sword felt heavy.

The movement of the legs also slowed down.

I wanted it to end just like that.

I wondered if he could die in vain in the gap of insects without being able to protect anyone and fulfill his duties.

But at that time, an unexpected resonant sound knocked on my ear.

‘It was Mr. Lloyd.’

Lord Bavaria raised his head.

I looked up over the bank of the clearing.

There was a man supervising the clearing of the locust carcasses.

It was Lloyd Frontera, the eldest son of the lord he served.

‘If it wasn’t for him, I would have died yesterday.’

It is certainly.

It must have been.

If only it hadn’t resonated just in time.

If Master Lloyd hadn’t made a sound with the lid of the pot.

So if the locusts didn’t run as if they were possessed by the sound.

He must have been eaten alive by locusts.

‘It’s not just me.’

Many people in the territory were like that.

Most of the residents were like that.

Even the clearing farmer collecting locust carcasses over there.

Even the engineering corps members with tired faces from the clean-up work that continued all day.

And all of their respective families too.

If it hadn’t been for Lloyd, he wouldn’t have been able to avoid death.

Lord Bayern could only be certain of that fact.

But that was then.

“I think we should do this for today.”

A voice suddenly came from the side.

The sound startled Lord Bavaria.

I looked around.

“why? Do you want to do more work?”


Lloyd, who had been on the riverbank earlier, was talking to me before I knew it.

Perhaps this one approached me while I was lost in thought.

Lord Bavaria thought so and cleared his voice.

“If Lloyd-sama wants to extend the work, I’m happy.”

“Are you going to do more? Is the sun setting?”

“I just faithfully follow orders.”

“okay? good. Then, shall we work all night until tomorrow morning? The sooner you finish the cleanup, the better it will be.”

“All right.”

He nodded.

He turned his head to call the senior soldiers of the Corps of Engineers.

But he couldn’t call his soldiers.

It was because Lloyd quickly opened his mouth first.

“Whoa whoa. do you really want to do it? All-night work?”

“Yes that’s right.”

“Could I make it?”


“…I don’t do it blindly all night.”

“Then are you canceling the order to enforce the vigil?”

“of course.”

“All right.”


Whoa. It’s sincere, but it’s like an article that’s clogged up front and back.

Lloyd laughed bitterly inwardly.

‘Lord Bayern was such a person.’

In the novel Iron Blooded Knight, the only two knights who did not betray the dying baron.

However, unlike the main character, Xaviel, he was an extra, so he didn’t have a lot of appearances.

‘Sincere and loyal. That’s all there is to describe these two personalities.’

But those two were enough.

Loyalty that does not betray the master baron.

Sincerity in trying to complete the assigned task to the end.

He was entrusted with the command of the Corps of Engineers from the very beginning of the ondol room project to make use of its merits.

And Lord Bayern has faithfully completed all the constructions he has been entrusted with so far.

‘But if there’s only one flaw, it’s too serious.’

It’s a fun thing to tease when you have a moderately rebellious and repulsive side like Xaviel.

Lloyd said, biting his lip at the regret that bloomed like beef bone broth.

“You worked hard today. Anyway, hanging on for a day or two is not going to get sorted out right away. It looks like it’s going to lose soon, so clean up your work and disband.”

“All right.”

Lord Bavaria signaled to his superior soldiers.

The engineering corps soldiers cheered and arranged the work tools.

It must be because everyone is tired of cleaning up and cleaning up locust carcasses all day long.

However, even so, the Corps of Engineers did not immediately disband.

He came this way before hurrying back to the Corps of Engineers barracks.

I thought they were approaching, and they lined up in an orderly manner.

And he shouted loudly in this direction.

“Thank you, Mr. Lloyd!”

“…haha? what are you doing?”

It was a situation where dark men gathered and shouted thank you right away.

It was a bit embarrassing.

However, looking into the eyes of the Corps of Engineers, I could feel their sincerity.

“Do you think I saved you yesterday?”

“Yes that’s right!”

“Wow. done Did I just fight hard for my old age?”


“So if you want to thank me, do it. Instead, if you want to give thanks, don’t shout loudly from now on, but use a pocket full of gold coins. okay guys?”

“Yes, I understand!”

I felt a little embarrassed in front of their sincerity.

So I deliberately chose nasty words and spat them out.

But what about the members of the Corps of Engineers who shouted loudly that they really knew and then dispersed?

‘Did I do something too grand yesterday?’

From the Marez clearing to the baron’s mansion.

I couldn’t stop the bitter laughter that naturally flowed out all the way through the red sunset alone. It’s even more so when you look back at what you did here yesterday.

Suddenly, the urgent moment of yesterday came to mind.

It was the last moment to lure the locust swarm to the eradication zone prepared in advance.

“Jump aside!”

Boots Zuzuz-!

The loud flapping of their wings by a swarm of locusts rushing right behind them.

An eerie sound that makes your hair go numb just by hearing it.

cried aloud in it.

Xaviel immediately responded to this cry.

Booung together while being carried by him.

flew sideways

fell into the gutter.

He immediately stretched out his hand.

I pressed down on the back of Xaviel’s head.

At the same time, the lid of the pot was put on.

Boots Zuzuz-!

The terrifying sound of flapping wings from above.

I can’t count that number. There are so many that the sound is all muffled. Like the sound of a TV channel showing only a crackling gray screen.

However, the volume of the sound was as if 100 large concert speakers were bundled together and turned on at maximum output.

My heart thumped.

My pulse was beating like crazy.

‘Bullet, it’s now!’

I cried inside.

At that moment, the bell’s response came back.



An explosion that covered the heavens and earth.

An explosion that overtakes a swarm of locusts.

Throwing Chemistry!

The Volcanic Explosion skill exploded.

A terrifying shock wave attack.

A heat wave reaching 1,000 degrees erupted.

Magma fragments rushed like a storm at 400 kilometers per hour.

It swept everything within range.

The radiant heat cooked the entire space within tens of meters.

There were only two people who could survive in it.

“Get down more! Lower!”

Lloyd shouted.

I lowered myself into the drainage ditch in the field.

Most of the radiant heat coming from above was blocked by the lid of the pot.

The rest of the heat was absorbed and discharged with the light heart method.

That’s how it survived a volcanic eruption storm.

and got up

“now! Hit it!”


The two got up together.

Lloyd lifted the lid of the pot.

Xaviel raised his sword.

Dee en-!

The sword hit the lid of the pot.

A low, clear resonant sound spread around the scene of destruction.

It spread rapidly through heated air through the ground.

The surprise of the sudden explosion stimulated the hearing of the rest of the locusts who were startled. seduced attracted


The locust swarm, which had been hesitant, swarmed again.

“good! Once more!”


Shake the air once more.

Hundreds of thousands of pairs of wings sway with greed and fly.

At that moment, lower yourself into the depth of the drain.

A volcanic eruption erupts again.



Thousands of thousands of trillions of fine glass fragments, hot air at 400 kilometers per hour.

And terrible radiant heat and fierce shockwaves swept dozens of meters in the launch direction.

More than 10,000 locusts were turned into charcoal in the second explosion.

Bell immediately prepared for the third bombardment.

“Bell! Drop!”

He opened his big mouth wide.

Podongi, who was preparing, dug up the ground furiously.

The soil that was dug out and scooped out into the air went into the bell’s mouth intact.

swallowed Digested.

The loading for the third explosion is over.


Dee en!

ringing resonant sound.

A swarm of locusts gathering ferociously.

Firing signal to shout.



Fire, eat dirt, ring the cauldron, gather, fire again.

It was a cogwheel of a merciless storm for complete eradication.

Hamang also joined in and set a trap.

“Hey, now!”



Hamangi, who was waiting, jumped into the river beyond the river bank.

I inhaled the river water. contained as much as possible.

I raised my head.


sky high.

as wide as possible.

Over 100,000 liters of water poured down like a downpour at once.

Surprised by the successive explosions, the locusts that tried to escape were covered. Wet the wings. The guys crashed.

At that moment, Lloyd stood up.

Xaviel also drew his sword.

A heavy earth rumble also came running from the west.

“here! Don’t forget our spears and knives!”


500 cavalry units equipped with pure white barding and armor appeared.

The White Lancers, the direct troops that the king had promised to support, had finally arrived.

They came running like a tidal wave.

A lance shining in pure white was placed in front.

It swept away swarms of locusts that had fallen to the ground.

Trampling them with their hooves and piercing them with their lances, they penetrated the ranks to the rear of the locusts.

After that, Lloyd and Xaviel’s shovels and swords flashed.


Lloyd’s Triple Blasting.

Xaviel’s sophisticated continuous blasting.

A storm of destructive mana swept away the remaining locusts.

The pheromone of fear spread like a contagious disease through the remaining locust swarm.

They spread their wet wings.

He kicked the ground to escape.

As if to welcome them, once again, the bubble’s volcanic eruption was fired toward the sky like an aimed shot.



The ferocious winds of volcanic debris fired fiercely embroidered the sky above the territory like a mushroom cloud.

‘…It was a spectacular day.’

The moments of yesterday were tense and full of a sense of crisis.

It was an eradication operation that probably would have given a standing ovation while shedding tears of emotion if ×CO staff had seen it.

‘I’m glad I succeeded.’

Even the work he concocted.

Even the reckless attempts to carry out the operation.

Everyone was able to live thanks to how well everything fit together.

Youngji was also rescued from the crisis.

I put my thoughts aside and continued walking.

We arrived at the baron’s mansion just as the sunset disappeared over the western horizon.

The baron’s mansion has been gnawed everywhere by grasshoppers.

They looked like jeans that had been deliberately ripped by a bad-tempered fashion designer.

“I’m just glad it didn’t collapse. If the young master had been a little late yesterday, surely not a single bit of this mansion would have been left.”

I was looking up at the mansion for a while when I heard a voice again and again.

As I looked around, there was a maid waiting for me in front of the front door.

I guess I was about sixteen years old.

A girl with impressive freckles.

A maid who usually serves the baroness….


“Your son. Your wife sent me to take you to the restaurant when the young master arrives.”

“Oh yes.”

What’s so good about that maid?

Maybe I’m happy that this situation is guiding me.

Even while leading the way, he is smiling all the time.

So it was a bit awkward.

‘I’m not used to being treated like this again and again.’

I have never been welcomed anywhere in Korea.

At least it really has been since my parents died.

But here it is different.

Wherever I go, I call you Bitch, Bitch.

Everyone looks at me with respect and gratitude, saying that I was saved thanks to this side and that this side saved Yeongji.

Like that girl who often looks back with a smile while walking in the lead.

“Is he actually a young boy over there?”


“I started embroidering from today.”

“number? what number?”

“Cross demand.”

“Oh yes.”

“I’m thinking of putting some cool content into it.”

“Oh is that so?”

“yes. What a great look. It’s the best thing I’ve ever seen.”

“Hmm, how cool is that?”

“The young boy who took risks for everyone yesterday.”


I almost heard Sarae.

But Emily, the maid who walked ahead, whether or not she knew the situation on this side, only talked about me.

“Actually, I was really scared yesterday.”

“Um, did you?”

“yes. I thought I was going to die. Here at the top of the stairs.”


“yes. was surrounded To a swarm of locusts.”

“I must have wanted to pass out.”

“But then the young master appeared.”

“…oh im hungry let’s hurry.”

I’m going to die of embarrassment

Lloyd quickened his pace.

I tried to walk past Emily to the restaurant first.

But that was then.

“There you go, young master.”

Emily’s voice came from behind as if grabbing a sleeve.

And this side nodded without a chance to reply.

“thank you.”


“You saved me. Thank you. My brother and grandmother were all saved. You are the savior of life, young master.”

“I see.”

“yes. Please enjoy your dinner.”

“Yes. Thank you.”

There is no countermeasure in front of the sincerity that is conveyed honestly like that.

After finishing her words, Emily runs away with a blushing face.

Seeing that, Lloyd smiled bitterly.

That was the moment.

Ding dong.

[You have shown heroic courage and determination in risking the lives of both the Baron of Frontera and the Viscount of Lacona.] [The residents of

both territories are deeply moved by this and pay tribute to you.]

[You A new tribute to has been created.]

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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