Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 107

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Chapter 107. Captain Frontera (3)



Suddenly, the sound of wild wing flapping from the front.

At the sound, Lloyd quickly lowered his head.


A locust leg brushed past me.

It was hot.

Did it get caught in a toenail and tore the skin?

But there was no time to worry about such minor stings.

It was because hundreds and thousands of locusts flying in front came into sight.


I thought I was doing well.

I carefully plotted my escape route to leave most of the locusts behind.

‘The scope is too broad. It’s because they’re spreading all over the Baron’s and Viscount’s.’

As a result, no matter how well the escape route was planned, some locusts were attacking from the front.

However, the problem is that the scale of ‘a little’ ranges from hundreds to thousands.

“Prepare, Lord Lloyd.”

A swarm of locusts covering the sky.

The flapping of their wings close to the roar they vomited.

Through the roar, I heard Xaviel’s low voice.

One corner of Lloyd’s lip went up.

“Mr. Ha. My heart is not ready.”

It’s real.

he is not a hero

It’s not even a brave warrior from an old storybook.

Of course, I don’t like the current situation of running head-on to hundreds of thousands of giant locusts that are rushing like that.

‘No, actually, I’m going crazy!’

I hated bugs.

I didn’t like it at first, but I hated it even more while living in a gosiwon.

It was because I stayed at a cheap, old-fashioned gosiwon that was completely outdated, rather than a sleek gosiwon like the one-room hotels that are popular these days.

Even cockroaches, and sometimes even finger-sized centipedes.

I had to go through a very rough time.

As a result, I got into the habit of getting sick of seeing anything with more than six legs.

But now?

‘Isn’t it crazy to have to charge at hundreds and thousands of locusts the size of Jindo dogs?’

Should I just beat Youngji and everything?

Should I just turn the horse’s head and run away?

Should I run to the king and ask him to do some work for me?

It’s been a while, but I’ve even heard that thought.

But there was no time to think about it any longer.

It was already too late to run away.

Before I knew it, a swarm of locusts was flying close by.

But he was driving his horse towards the locusts!

“Oh damn! I am crazy!”

Be it now.

Covered the front with a lid.

Turtle Tongue! Cock cutter tongue! Cutter totter!

A tremendous impact hit the lid of the pot in succession.

It just wasn’t that shocking.


A shock that was incomparable to the time Xaviel hit the lid of the pot came in dozens of consecutive hits.

It was natural.

This is a situation where you are riding a course horse with a galloping magic.

Even with a rough calculation, 100 km/h was enough for shooting.

However, a locust that could have weighed several kilograms flew at a speed of several tens of kilometers per hour and collided head-on.

‘At this time, find the amount of shock that Cheolsu receives from the lid of the pot…is a horn! help me!’

Cutter totter!

The feeling in the arm gradually disappeared.

It felt like my whole shoulder would be pulled out.

My back was bent and my legs felt like they were going to be crushed.

If I hadn’t endured the triple circle with all my strength, I would have definitely fallen off the horse.

‘What if you fall off the horse’s back like that? I’m going to have to take a thousand bites of those bastards with my entire body, right?’


Even in the midst of hardship, I barely endured it while thinking about it.

Of course, Xaviel was also a great help.

“Head this way! Run alongside me, keeping a gap so I can keep my route without sight! And lift the lid of the pot at an angle! You have to let it go rather than get the shock!”

The sound of flapping wings as if hundreds of fans were turned on.

Even in the midst of this, Xaviel’s cry was clearly heard.

Without thinking, I followed the boy’s words.

I tilted the lid of the pot slightly at an angle and put it in front of me.

Then, the shock applied to the lid of the pot slightly decreased.

Thanks to that, I had time to look around a little bit.

‘What about Xaviel?’

How do they break through without a lid on the pot?

From the sound of his voice, it seems safe.

Thinking so, I turned my gaze in the direction of the boy.

then it appeared

Kiyiing! right! Tuquahak!

Xaviel was riding his course horse side by side.

The whole body of the fellow was enveloped in the brilliance of a brilliant aura.

No, to be precise….

‘How can a human wield a sword like that?’

Snap! right!

A sword blazing with aura dances.

They play by cutting, splitting, and digging through space.

There is no material that cannot be cut before it.

Everything that rushed at is cut away with the wind.

‘It feels like tying about 10 electric fly swatters and swinging them.’

Tongue stuck out.

Literally, Xaviel was breaking through the locusts head-on, swinging his sword like an aura storm at the speed of a human. No, it was cut into pieces with a diced knife.

He even fired blasts at the front of this side whenever he had time to spare.

right! Two to three!

Every time I fired, I bound three or four feet and fired them.

It wasn’t just shooting a lot.

The angle and path of blasting out of bounds.

Their spacing is skillfully adjusted, crossed, and overlapped.

Blasting’s long but narrow striking range.

It would be a way to increase the range and shoot as efficiently as possible.


Even though it’s just blasting, the impact range is similar to the triple blast here.

Rather, it seemed to be much more efficient than triple blasting in terms of the use of force.

‘Can we call it 2+1 blasting? Anyway, he’s like a monster.’

Of course, there were still a lot of locusts attacking from the front.

Lloyd bowed even more.

He encouraged the course that burned him.

“Hold on a little longer! cheer up!”


I was grateful for the words that ran faithfully even though I was out of breath.

If it wasn’t for this guy with the sprinting magic, he wouldn’t have been able to attempt this strategy.

“let’s go!”

They moved as if they were one body with him.


Don’t just run in a straight line.

Sometimes instantaneous deceleration and rotation.

It seemed to turn left, but broke through to the right.

Break through, ostracize, shake off, and leap forward.

Even the wind and the sound that rushes at you.

Read and react to all the flow.

Gradually, a need has arisen.

“like this!”


He swung the lid of the pot vigorously.

He knocked down the locusts that were rushing from above.

The bounced grasshopper collided with another and crashed.

They trampled the fallen ones with their horseshoes.

It completely broke through the group of locusts that rushed in front of it.

Of course, the rest of the locusts were still pursuing.

As a rule of thumb, hundreds of thousands is a number that seems well over.

Even Xaviel’s aura or blasting, or our triple blasting, can’t handle that.

The back of my head felt chilly.

“Keep running! under!”

He ran with his momentum.

Out of the borders of the Lacona Viscounty.

ran towards the north.

I saw familiar roads and terrain.

A land that was once full of marshes and swamps.

However, a land created by everyone working together.

The Marez clearing land spread out in front of me.

“Over the mound to the bank of the drainage pit!”

There is an eradication zone prepared in advance.

You just have to get there and run.

But that was then.



The runner, who had been running well until now, started to slow down.

Surprised, Lloyd quickly checked the condition of the courser.


“Purruleuk! Whoa! Hee hee hee!”

The junma was foaming at the mouth.

Even so, he seemed to be trying harder and harder to not give up.

Lloyd realized.

‘I’m tired.’

No matter how famous a horse, there must be a limit.

Even running magic is not without limitations.

‘but. I ran early in the morning today. I never took a break on the way to the territory.’

Besides, right after arriving in the barony?

I had to run with all my might to lure out the locusts.

I circled along the outskirts of the vast Prontera Barony.

I crossed over to Jajaklyeong.

Even the Viscount Ryeong turned around.

There was not a single moment of flutter in the whole process.

For a human being, it was no different from running a 100-meter sprint over a distance that should have been run in a marathon.

‘Did you overwork it so much that even the sprinting magic couldn’t cover it? What do we do?’

glanced sideways.

Could it be that Xaviel’s words were okay?

But the guy’s words were no different from this one.

As you can see, the running speed slowed down.

The feeling of stretching my legs vigorously has disappeared.

It seemed that if I continued to run like this, I would surely collapse.

‘I’d rather get off before then.’

Now, hundreds of thousands of locusts are chasing after them.

However, if you forcefully drive the horse to run away more comfortably for a while, the horse collapses.

If you do so, you may fall off the horse without even preparing for it, and you may be seriously injured.

‘You’re only seeing a lot of damage. That’s not good.’

Did you realize this thought?

Or did he grasp the condition of the horse he rode?

Xaviel sent a similar look.

Lloyd exchanged glances with Xaviel in an instant.

‘Let’s send the words here.’

‘All right.’


There was no reason to hesitate any longer.

Lloyd held the horse’s saddle with one hand.

He kicked the stirrup with both feet.

I threw my body into the air.

“You run away carefully! Don’t be relieved just because it’s a little safer, just stay away!”



To encourage the courser who had worked hard so far, he gave it a slap on the buttocks.

The guy, who felt a little lighter because he didn’t burn this side, gave a loud scream and rushed forward like a shotgun. gone in an instant By the time this one landed on the floor, it had already run more than twenty meters.


Somehow, it feels like it suddenly comes to life after that horse-headed guy got off.

Lloyd cleared his doubts.

Now is the time to keep running away.

Fortunately, the eradication zone prepared in the Marez Clearing is not far away….

“But what are you doing?”

Lloyd looked around and asked.

Xaviel raised his sword and flashed a grimace in his eyes.

“Lloyd, go first. I will guard the retreat here.”


An aura bloomed with fierce determination.

Xaviel’s sword was wrapped around it.

Brilliant determination that only a sword master who realized the extreme meaning of a sword could produce.

A knight’s sword that shines only to keep the oath of honor with the lord.

Just like that, Xaviel showed a determined back.

I stood proudly in front of hundreds of thousands of beast-like processions flying towards me.

Lloyd’s heart skipped a beat.

He waved his hand like a wildly beating heart.

He slapped Xaviel on the back of the head.

“Are you crazy? Are you going to fight them right here and now?”

“Mr. Lloyd? what now….”

“A bastard guarding the retreat! Leave me to die and run away alone? Get on your back quickly!”

“You mean Lloyd?”

“hurry! No time man!”

Now the remaining distance to the locust swarm is 30 meters.

He shouted and brushed the guy.

I didn’t even listen to the guy’s answer and jumped up on my back.



Xaviel’s face crumpled for a moment.

However, he soon realized the will of the young master he served.

‘It seems that he only made an extremely pragmatic judgment.’


I turned around.

kicked the ground

Carrying Lloyd on his back, he sprinted.

Lloyd, who was lifted up, hit the lid of the pot in one hand with the other fist.

Dee en-!

With a loud echo, the pursuit of the locusts intensified.

Now the remaining distance to the locust swarm is 25 meters.

Xaviel said, maintaining his sprint.

“Did Lloyd-sama put all of this into account and wink at you to get off the horse?”

“A calculation?”

“It means carrying me.”

“of course.”

Lloyd’s voice laughed behind his back.

“I don’t run fast. It’s faster than normal people, but I don’t have the confidence to run away from locusts. but you? Aren’t you fast?”

“But if I run with Lloyd-sama on my back like this, I won’t be able to guarantee that I will run away either. If I had blocked them from behind, you would have been able to escape alone.”

“You’re doing this because you don’t like it?”


“Do you have a heroic fetish? Why do you keep making a fuss because you can’t die so spleenly? It was the same in Cremo.”


“Let’s say you stay behind and die. Let’s say I live thanks to you. But then will my heart be at ease? ok?”

“Lord Lloyd….”

“I hate that. so run more What!”


“…Don’t treat me like a horse.”

“Are you getting revenge?”

“Revenge, what do you mean?”

“In the anthill. after the explosion. when you get out Don’t you remember?”


“Did I come out with you? What were you like then?”

“I don’t remember.”

“aha. Please? But what about I remember everything.”


“Anyway, let’s live together for now. Someone stays and dies, and someone runs away. Isn’t this embarrassing? Petty.”


How much is a joke and where is the truth?

Lloyd Frontera.

He is sometimes, often, difficult to grasp.

But one thing is certain.

Say we want to live together.

“I like that one.”


He kicked the ground more violently.

Now the remaining distance to the locust swarm is 20 meters.

But I didn’t look back.

With that kind of time and energy, I hit the ground even harder.

I concentrated all my mind not to lose my balance so as not to fall.

Caused an endless cycle of manahat.

The amplifying power of the triple circle was loaded into that circulation.


The last strength to your tired legs.

Relentless determination in the quickening breath.

I cut through the wind and crossed the mound.

Now the remaining distance to the locust swarm is 10 meters.

An eerie sound of flapping wings came from behind.

On the other hand, the remaining distance to the eradication zone was 30 meters.

“Five more steps!”

A scream bursting from behind.

The last step of the spur counting to five.

Carrying the sons of five lords on their backs.

I’m trying to keep the word that the four of us live together.

To not give up until the end of the three.

Stay focused until the end.


“Jump aside!”


Responded immediately to calls.

kicked the ground

flung to the side

fell into the gutter.

how is it now

Then Lloyd’s hand reached out.

I grabbed the back of my head.

“Keep down!”

downturned grip.

As if accepting the power, he lowered his body.

Now the remaining distance to the locust swarm is 5 meters.

At that moment, Xaviel saw.


Daughter and daughter and daughter!

The chubby tail of a bell that soars with a loud sound in the grass.

A devastating storm that would soon burst forth.


The largest volcanic eruption skill ever seen swept and swallowed up a swarm of locusts.

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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