Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 102

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Chapter 102. Unexpected spoiler (2)

‘What? Ending spoiler?’

Lloyd’s eyes widened.

It was an unexpected message.

I couldn’t believe it so I read the skill window twice more carefully.

‘It’s real.’

The system doesn’t lie.

It was Lloyd who had already benefited from the goodwill system and RP.

He calmly cleared his mind.

Ending spoiler.

The skill name alone gave me a rough idea of what kind of skill it was.

‘okay. Because I’m in a novel. But because of my actions, the content of the novel has already changed a lot. But does it show the future of the changed story? It’s exactly what I need right now.’

Come to think of it, it really was.

Originally, it was the Baron Prontera family, which should have already been ruined in Iron Blooded Knights.

The baron couple, Lloyd and Julien.

Everyone should have died miserably.

But he didn’t die.

The baronial family did not fall.

He has settled most of his debt and is thriving.

Of course no one died.

‘The same goes for Xaviel.’

Based on the novel, it was Xaviel who was still adventuring without completing the best sword expert and shady simbeop.

But now?

‘I became a sword master. Even the shady simbeop has risen to the level of the triple circle and is using blasting blasts.’

Growth has been accelerated by almost several years.

If he continues like this, how much stronger he will become.

I also thought that maybe it would be stronger than the original work that reached the grand master and hexa circle.

‘Anyway, a lot has changed here in the past year and a half. It’s what I did. It’s a good thing. But that doesn’t mean it’s not completely without flaws.’

Of course, there were serious downsides.

It was becoming increasingly difficult to predict the future.

‘It’s because of me. Because my actions affect this world, and because of that influence, the causal relationships in the novel are changed and twisted. Completely different results from the novel continue to emerge and overlap.’

Thus, a situation that is far from the original history unfolds.

Such a phenomenon will become more and more severe in the future.

‘It was like that just this time.’

The case of the attempted assassination of the king.

Based on the original novel, it was an event that should have happened two and a half years from now.

But it has been pushed forward so much.

But I still don’t know the cause.

Even if you roll your head, there is no place to guess.

That was the problem.

‘Because it means that the relative advantage I had in this world until now is gradually disappearing.’

Monopoly and asymmetry of information.

There is information that only I know that others do not know.

It was possible because I had read the novel Iron Blooded Knight.

In the eyes of the people here, he was able to predict the situation at an almost prescient level.

But what if the situation here is gradually different from the situation in the novel? What if you continue to distance yourself from the original?

‘It’s predictable and something is becoming impossible.’

Gradually, you will lose the advantage of information, your greatest weapon.

When you think about it, it was embarrassing.

‘But just when I was about to regret that, I developed a skill that could foresee the future.’

Lloyd moved his eyes to the skill window once again.

I checked the skill details.

Ding dong.

[Skill name: Ending spoiler]

[Skill rating: ???]

[Required CP: 20 (1st playthrough)]

[You can get a glimpse of some of the ending scenes that will unfold at the end of the current story by consuming a certain amount of CP. It can be a happy ending or a sad ending.]

‘As expected.’

It was as I thought.

‘Then let’s try it out.’

The future ending scene from now on.

The thought of seeing it made my heart race.

‘It would be perfect if I could grow old while sucking honey like a bee.’

life without scarcity.

A well-behaved wife.

one son and one daughter.

Two dogs and one cat.

Thinking about what to eat for dinner tonight.

Figuring out where to go for a summer family vacation.

That’s the biggest worry in life.

Just like that, they grow old slowly and peacefully.

I hope you can see such an ending.

‘It also has the meaning of preparing for an unexpected reef.’

You may see elements that will interfere with the life of bees.

If you see something like that, you should prepare and clean it up quickly.

Like that, Lloyd rolled his eyes in the mood of taking out an insurance policy.

Select ‘Execute’ at the bottom of the skill window.


[Do you want to use the ending spoiler?]

[Consumed CP: 20 (1st play)]

[Current CP: 22]

[YES / NO]

‘Of course yes.’

Ding dong.

[Ending spoiler is activated.]

[20 CP consumed.]

[Current CP: 2]

Messages related to skill activation came to mind.

It was right after that.


Around time stopped.

Even the wind that was blowing.

Even the flying bugs.

Even the fallen leaves of early autumn.

All of them stopped as if they were stuffed into thin air.


the moment you think so.

The space five steps ahead shook.

It shimmered and flashed, then split.

A round, white passageway opened.


It seemed like that.

The inside was stained white and could not be seen.

It was just swaying as if telling me to come in this way.

It was like a pond made from freshly squeezed milk.

‘Is it okay?’

I even had a moment of doubt.

But the system is always right.

I decided to believe.

took a step

He held out his hand.


Her fingertips made concentric circles on the milky surface.

The concentric circles grew. I pulled my fingertips. softly. like leading. between steps. walked in like that

Before long, his eyes were colored with a flash of light.


Did you close your eyes and open them?

Or is it a new sight?

Then, what is the ground full of bloodstains that I am looking at?


Lloyd tried to open his eyes.

But my body couldn’t move on its own.

My mind tried to widen my eyes, but my body twisted them tightly.

In addition, he even spewed words to himself that had nothing to do with his will.

“at that time…You should have come back ASAP.”

ASAP? did you have to come back?

It was a voice full of regret.

What does that mean?

What kind of situation is this?

The mouth moved again.

“If I had, it wouldn’t have happened.”

A voice full of remorse again.

A head slowly lifted.

Finally, the scenery around me came into sight.

It was a sight of a village that was all in ruins. Devoured houses and trees. Bodies strewn everywhere. Crows drool and gather. unfolded It’s like being stabbed in the eye. It is as if even a dream is engraved with a stigma.

‘what. what is this.’

Why do you see this scene in the ending spoiler?

While I was thinking that, I suddenly saw a familiar floor.

The road through the ashes village.

stretched out straight

it was the road

6 meters wide.

The center was convexly higher than the edges.

It was carefully covered with flat stones measuring 70 cm on each side.

A drainage ditch 50 cm wide and 20 cm deep was placed at the edge of the road.

Outside of it, a well-trodden, three-meter-wide sidewalk wrapped around both sides of the road.

I took a closer look.

somehow got used to it


Go to Apia.

Modeled after old Roman roads.

Podongi dug the ground diligently, and the corps of engineers strengthened it.

Even if people doubt and tilt their heads.

Sometimes, even if they cast suspicious glances at you.

I dug hard and built it.

Did everyone finally get recognition?

But why

The people who nodded at the time.

Many who applauded me.

Why are they all over the place?

A tavern owner caught and killed while running away.

A sapper who was eaten while fighting.

People who went to scream countless times.

So here it is….

‘Prontera Territory? here?’

Creepy. I got goosebumps. I couldn’t believe it.

But that was the moment.


A grotesque roar came from the distant sky.

I turned my head. I saw the sky over there.

Dark clouds covered the sky.

It’s coming this way fast.

no it’s not a cloud

Ordinary moisture grains would not have compound eyes and wings.

“Please avoid Lloyd. hurry.”

A voice blocking the way.

Xaviel’s rear view.

Even that appearance was soon stained with darkness.

The sky was obscured by dark cloud-like shapes. the sun covered Darkness encroaching everywhere. Tens of thousands of pairs of compound eyes rapidly approaching from within. The sound of flapping wings like a storm.


What did Xaviel shout at the last moment?

I couldn’t tell.


My eyes were stained with a flash of light.

Unknowingly, I closed my eyes.


Squeak squeak.

Under the night air caressing my skin, I heard the peaceful sound of insects.

I listened to the sound and slowly opened my eyes.

I saw the view of the backyard of the palace quarters.

Neither the ruins nor the strewn bodies were to be seen anymore.

Lloyd unconsciously put his hands on his knees.


Sweat dripping down your forehead.

The forearm was full of chicken meat.

I broke my teeth.

“What did I see?”

It was definitely an ending spoiler.

Assuming that the current scenario proceeds as it is, the moment of ending that this side will meet.

I said I would give you a glimpse of that moment.

Certainly it was.

‘But if I go on like this, that’s what the ending will look like?’

I was able to pay off all the debts on the baron family.

Now it is time to live a peaceful and leisurely life.

All that remains is to return to the barony.

‘To think that the barony would turn into ashes and ruins like that.’

I couldn’t believe it.

Could it be that there is some kind of farm?

It was to the point where I felt that way.

But Lloyd shook his head vigorously.

‘No, it won’t be a lie.’

Thanks to his good impression and RP system, he has been on a winning streak.

But what if you doubt the effectiveness of a skill just because you showed something negative?

What if you don’t prepare for anything like that?

‘If that happens, I might really end up going through what I just saw.’

At least you should be prepared.

Even if it’s a lie.

There is nothing to lose by being prepared.

Now is the time to prevent the shitty ending you just saw.

So the first thing to do is analyze.

‘Let’s review what we just saw.’

First, Lloyd took a deep breath.

He calmed down the thumping chest all over.

His eyes slowly regained composure.

‘Priority place. Baron Prontera was certain. The Appian Way, visible even in the ruins, is the proof.’

If so, when?

‘It was in the near future.’

The ending scene that I briefly glimpsed and experienced.

His voice in the ending scene was no different from now.

It means that the voice has not changed because of old age.

Moreover, the last glimpse of Xaviel was like that.

He was still as young and young as he is now.

‘Even the attire was the same as the travel clothes I wore when I came to the royal road.’

If that’s the case, maybe it’s time to go back to the Baron’s territory?

I thought maybe it might be.

I was almost sure.

‘Then, the reason why I had four months.’

Lloyd recalled the sight he saw at the end of the ending spoiler.

A dark cloud that covered the sky.

Tens of thousands of pairs of compound eyes.

flapping wings like a storm.

I saw it clearly in it.

It was an attack by hundreds of thousands of giant locusts with a body length of up to 70 cm.

‘shit. After a financial crisis, is it a physical crisis?’

He said he worked hard for a year and a half and earned money.

That’s how the barony’s huge debt was finally paid off.

But what a physical crisis you face without even enjoying that kind of peace.

It was unfair.

It felt as if a war broke out in the country right after I managed to overcome the IMF crisis by tightening my belt.

‘I thought I’d lose my jar of honey so easily!’

The Baron’s was a jar of honey that he would have to put a straw through for the rest of his life.

Gold and jade were lifelong insurance, installment savings accounts, and pensions that were cherished.

I couldn’t lose it like this.

What if you lose?

The result is obvious.

The king will express regret and condolences and call himself the royal capital, who has nowhere to go. He would treat himself as a faithful servant or a summons.

That’s how you’ll spend your whole life working.

Just like those days when he became a summons to the governor in the army.

I really hated that.

Lloyd jumped up.

‘Thinking about it, that word from earlier bothered me the most.’

At that time, he remembered his monologue in the ending scene saying, “I should have come back sooner.”

I thought that maybe the ‘then’ that I said could be the ‘now’.

Lloyd’s pace quickened.

It was late at night and midnight, it didn’t matter.

He went straight to the palace.

He was interrogated by the Thornwood Knights, who replaced the Royal Guard, but that didn’t matter.

It was the body that directly saved the king.

It was a free pass just by revealing his identity.

“I have something to tell you urgently, Your Highness the King.”

Could it be because of this tense tone of voice?

I was able to be guided to the king’s office in an instant.

“Come in.”

The king’s answer came back as soon as he revealed the business from this side.

The door is open.

The king was sitting at a desk full of papers.

He was probably looking at the results of the investigation into the King’s assassination.

She threw a weary expression and gaze in this direction.

“Lloyd Frontera. But what are you going to do with Jim this late at night?”

Did you get any information related to the murder case?

It was a look that seemed to ask.

Lloyd quickly erased his bitter smile.

Instead, he made a more serious and serious expression.

Now is the moment to quickly return to the territory.

However, it is also a perfect moment to see only disappointment if you go back quickly but blindly and without preparation.

‘So I need support. The highest level of support I could get under the current circumstances.’

In order to get the support you need from a high-ranking person, you need a good amount of fishing.

Thinking so, Lloyd said in a nervous voice.

“Your Highness, Lloyd Frontera dares to tell you that sooner or later, it seems that a cataclysm will occur in which the region of Cremona and the eastern border, including Baron Frontera, will be mercilessly swept away in a pit of fire.”


The king’s head tilted.

Eyebrows twitching.

Once the bait has been successfully cast.

Confirming that, Lloyd opened his mouth.

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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