Novel Doctor Player [Dr. Player] Chapter 98

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Doctor Player Chapter 98

As he was about to frown, Oden said.

Is it an illusion? It was a voice that might have been misunderstood as containing warmth by a stranger who was less chilly than usual.

“It’s not wrong, but refrain from reckless courage. It’s not courage, it’s bravery.”

It disappeared in a flash again.

The remaining Raymond made a bewildered face.


I tilted my head.

‘You just said that. You’re not worried, are you?’

no way.

Absolutely not.

* * *

After that, the strange climb continued.

Oden led the way, and Raymond silently followed.

When a monster threatens me, Oden’s aura blade flies.

After repeating that several times, Raymond made a strange face.

‘It’s like… …It seems to be protected.’

No, it just wasn’t a feeling.

In fact, Oden was protecting Raymond, who pretended not to be.

Raymond laughed.

‘what. Protect him.’

Actually, it wasn’t anything too strange.

It was natural for the knight to protect the healer while exploring the danger zone with a party.

However, since the opponent was Oden, Raymond couldn’t help but feel a strange feeling.

It is natural for a son to be protected by his father.

However, he has never been protected by Oden in his entire life.

However, having a similar experience in a place like this gave me a strange feeling.

Of course, it wasn’t a good feeling.

The pain of being neglected reminded me of it, and I felt even more dirty.

If Oden had protected him in the past.

If only I could take care of a single word.

He shouldn’t have suffered so much.

But Auden didn’t. I just completely abandoned it.

for the king’s duty.


I bit my lip and went upstairs, where Oden was waiting for me at the halfway point where I could see a clear view.

“I caught a saber tiger.”

The size of a house, long front teeth like blades. The saber tiger was lying dead!

Also Sword Master. It was easy to catch the saber tiger, which was said to be equivalent to an A-class monster.

“I congratulate you for successfully completing the victory ceremony. Let’s go down now.”

Raymond turned his back.

I wanted to end this unpleasant companionship as soon as possible even for a second.

Then Auden caught him.

“for a moment. come close I have something to tell you.”


what to say

As he approached with a puzzled face, Oden asked an unexpected question.

“Can you see down there?”


It was quite high, so I could see the vast lands of Houston.

“I can see the land of Houston.”

“Yes, it is a place I have devoted my whole life to protecting and cultivating.”

‘Why are you suddenly telling me such a story?’

The sudden retrospective made Raymond think that it was absurd.

Oden continued to speak incomprehensibly.

“I have dedicated my life to making Houston prosperous. How are you?”


“What are you aiming for?”

Raymond gave a puzzled look.

‘Why are you asking?’

It was a very sudden question.

Auden and he aren’t supposed to be having this conversation?

However, Oden was looking at him with serious eyes. waiting for an answer

‘My goal is the highest level of wealth and fame?’

It was a bit like that to answer.

One thought came to mind then.

[Show me the truth!]

Come to think of it, I received a quest to show the truth, but it seems I didn’t show much.

Raymond just came up with a good idea and smiled inwardly.

I’ll give you a shot at this opportunity.

“Before I answer, let me ask you one thing. Is that a question from Your Highness the King or a private one?”

It means asking a personal question as a father.


Oden’s face hardened slightly, and after a moment of hesitation, he opened his mouth.

“As the king, I am asking my subjects publicly.”


Raymond nodded.

If so.

‘I’ll answer publicly.’

Is it the so-called reply mode to the boss? The sincerity is all deceiving and only saying plausible things.

‘Because you’re not close enough to be honest with me, just like you’re not my father.’

“I am similar to Your Highness. It is my lifelong goal to revitalize the Houston kingdom.”

Of course it’s a lie.

I am not interested in any of that.

However, as always, Raymond’s facial expression and emotional delivery are top-notch.

It contained sincere sincerity.

To the point where everyone is fooled.

“As the founding king emphasized, to serve the country and the people. That is my goal.”

“Why do you have such a heart?”

Raymond looked at Auden.

“Because I am a humble illegitimate child.”


“Thanks to being born as a humble illegitimate child, I was able to get along with many people under me. I looked at them and thought. I want to help them.”

Raymond looked down at the mountains.

“Fortunately, Heaven has given me the ability to heal the people. Through that ability, I want to do my best for the patients and the people. also.”

Raymond brought up a story he really wanted to tell.

“I want to prove to people that even a dirty bastard like me and everyone’s contempt can do well.”


at las.

A crack went through Auden’s expression.

Raymond felt unbearable delight in Oden’s expression.

‘Do you think there is such a thing as guilt?’


It is unknown.

But just seeing Oden’s expression made Raymond feel great pride.

Raymond had the last word.

“I will prove it through this war. We will do our best for our patients and make the best contribution. So I, a humble illegitimate child, will proudly prove that I can serve the kingdom of Houston just as well as my noble bloodlines.”

It was a story with some sincerity.

Now that he has participated in the war, Raymond intends to make the most of his contribution as a healer.

That’s why, of course, I plan to gain great fame by receiving the Yolk Manor.

To such an extent that no one would ever again dismiss him as an illegitimate child. big.

Look only at ‘Raymond de Penin’, not ‘The King’s Bastard’ Raymond.


Oden was silent, and Raymond turned his back, not wanting to talk further.

“Then let’s go down now, Your Highness. It seems that Earl Dowton is worried.”

Oden pursed his lips as if he had something to say, but in the end no words came out.

So the victory ceremony was over.

* * *

“How was your Highness?”

Marquis Aris asked.

He knew that, for whatever reason, he had accompanied Raymond alone.

This companionship was a ‘test’.

A test that will decide what to do with Raymond in the future.


Auden couldn’t answer.

Only the words Raymond had left kept floating around in my head.

‘Because I’m a humble illegitimate child.’

‘Even a dirty bastard like me. I want to prove to people that even the most scorned person can do well.’

‘Is that what you were thinking?’

Of course I knew.

How Raymond suffered in the past.

I would be lying if I said I didn’t know.

But even knowing it, he turned away.

Because that was right as a king.

But was it really the right thing to do?

Auden sighed.

‘Now what to do with Raymond. I have to decide.’

The son he had left behind grew up to be a good man himself.

More than anyone.


That was the problem.

Raymond was too good. more than any prince.

‘I watched it from the side as a test, but it was perfect.’

The reason why I went with such an unreasonable companion today was to directly observe Raymond from the side.

As a result of watching it, it was perfect in every way.

Raymond was not just a therapist who only cared about his patients.

Strong fighting spirit and will. It was spotless.

Unfortunately, it was something I couldn’t be genuinely happy about.

A brilliant illegitimate child is a seed of discord.

An ordinary family is also a royal family. It could have been a fire that would shake the entire Houston kingdom.

Considering the chaos that would happen later, it might have been prudent to nip the buds in advance.


‘How could he make such a decision after hearing such a story?’

Raymond is.

The child who was abandoned by his father and despised by everyone.

He grew up so wonderfully.

He says he will grow up to be great and work hard for the kingdom of Houston.

‘Thanks to being born as a humble illegitimate child, I was able to get along with many people under me. I looked at them and thought. He said he wanted to help them.’

No matter how heartless a father he is, even if he doesn’t deserve to be called a father.

I couldn’t help but hear a story like that.

Even as a king, he thought so. How did you get rid of such a wonderful person?

‘I can’t help it.’

Auden closed his eyes.

He finally made up his mind.

“I will watch.”


“For the time being, I will not intervene and watch. What Baron Pennin looks like.”

The Marquis of Aris rolled her eyes in amazement.

It was an odd decision.

‘I don’t know what the outcome of my decision will be in the future.’

Auden made a bitter face.

You may regret it.

It may be that he is leaving the seeds of great discord in the kingdom.


I thought that Raymond’s appearance today might produce a different result from my worries.

Oden remembered Raymond’s words.

‘I will prove it through this war. I, a humble illegitimate child, will proudly prove that I can serve the kingdom of Houston just as well as my noble bloodlines.’

‘Yes, you can understand it by watching this war. Will Raymond’s existence be a blessing or a detriment to the kingdom of Houston?’

Auden decided to see what Raymond would look like during this war.

* * *

Afterwards, the first expeditionary force with the Duke of Leif as its commander-in-chief was dispatched.

King Auden did not participate in the first expeditionary force. After looking at the war situation, I decided to decide on my parent’s family.

The size of the troops was 70,000 in total, with 25,000 reinforcements from the allied countries of the Houston Kingdom Army and 45,000 crusades.

Raymond also went out with the healers from the Penin Center.

To establish the Fennin Healing Center on the battlefield.

recorded later in history.

It was the beginning of the ‘Healing Penin Treatment Center’ that stood tall on the battlefield.

Later historians said:

It is said that this war started with the Penin Treatment Center and ended with the Penin Treatment Center.

It was the beginning of a legend.

* * *

The continent of Ley Pentaina is divided between the ‘Cross Alliance Empire’ in the west and the ‘Iron Empire’ in the east.

In the middle of the two empires, the ‘Free City Association’ was located, and at the northernmost part of the continent there was a ‘Seongguk’ that protected the World Tree.

Crusader Federation Empire, Iron Empire, Free Cities Alliance.

These four places were the ‘continental sapae’, the hegemony that dominated the continent.

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Doctor Player

Doctor Player

Dr. Player
Score 7.4
Status: Completed Type: Artist: Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
Raymond, a lowly illegitimate son. He was born as the son of a noble, but he was nothing but a filthy man in the eyes of many. Even his qualities as a natural healer are the worst of the worse: Grade F. It was an irredeemable talent that was worse than the lowest class, indeed. But one day, a miracle happened to him. [You awakened as a player!] [Occupation: Surgeon] It was the beginning of a great legend.


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