Novel Doctor Player [Dr. Player] Chapter 70

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Doctor Player Chapter 70 After

all, money!

‘Give me the money!’

I wanted to say, but I held back.

‘This is not the time to ask for money. I have to get something bigger.’

bigger one.

To get it, Raymond put on a pensive face.

“Ex-therapist. Just being able to treat patients is a pleasure and enough. But these days… …no.”

“A therapist?”

“No, I think I brought up a useless story. It’s not something I’m going to tell the baron. Never mind.”

Raymond said, ‘It’s important! Take care!”

Fortunately, Baron Smidden was not blind.

“Is there a problem? Please let me know if I may be able to help.”


Raymond hesitated and handed a piece of paper to Baron Smidden.

It was an official letter from the Tower of Healing!


Seeing the contents of the official letter, Baron Smidden’s face turned red.

“The men of the Healing Tower, who only know money, thoughtlessly sent an official document like this….”

Baron Smidden is wise.

I immediately realized the intention of the official statement.

Even what kind of pressure Raymond is under from behind.

“Good. Although I am not a great aristocrat, I think I can lend my strength to the therapist in this matter.”

Baron Smidden.

Although he lacks wealth or power, he has power that others do not have.

People’s respect.

Although he was from a fallen aristocracy, he devoted himself endlessly to learning and was recognized for his deep learning and was respected by many and served as a professor at the Royal Academy.

‘How dare you touch such a wonderful person. The guys from the Tower of Healing who only know money.’

Baron Smidden immediately took out his pen.

And I started writing for Raymond.

* * *

A few days later, a paper on a previously unseen subject was published in the Journal of the Royal Academy.

< medicine. About its mystery and excellence. >

“Medicine? what?”

People who saw the journal tilted their heads.

The Journal of the Royal Academy was the most prestigious paper in the Houston Kingdom.

An out-of-the-box topic was mentioned in such a great journal.

“Isn’t that the treatment that Baron Pennin uses?”

“Oh, you cured Princess Sophia? But wasn’t that a pseudo-chapter? Did your healer friend say that?”

“I thought so too, but the recent growth has been amazing.”

People looked at the contents of the thesis with interest.

I don’t know if it was written by someone else, but the author was ‘Professor Smidden’.

‘There’s no way that my respected Professor Smidden would have written something strange in his thesis. Let’s see what it’s about.’

The thesis began with this content.

[Is medicine really a pseudo-traffic? No, maybe it’s a new blessing to replace heel.]

It was a provocative phrase.

Stimulate the Tower of Healing head-on!

Afterwards, the contents of the thesis were filled with cases of patients treated with medicine.

[This author thought. Maybe the sky gave the author this ordeal to experience medicine.

It was such a series of surprises.

Medicine may be a new blessing from heaven. A blessing for patients who cannot be treated with Heal.]

Thus, the contents of the thesis came to an end, causing a huge stir.

“What nonsense!”

Upon reading the thesis, the Tower of Healing officials were enraged.

However, I couldn’t take any action other than trembling because of the other person’s status.

On what basis would you persecute an academy professor for preaching his argument in an academic journal?

“Immediately issue a statement against it!”

The Tower of Healing also immediately published a thesis on the opposite thesis, but what kind of writing would healers who used to write only heal so well?

Moreover, it was an established theory in the academic world that the higher the healer, the more lazy they are in studying and the less academic ability they have.

In terms of logic, it was incomparable to Baron Smidden’s thesis.

“It’s a lie! Heels are heaven’s only blessing! Medicine is nothing more than unproven pseudo-trafficking!”

The conflict between these two claims drew the attention of many people.

Thanks to this, even nobles who had not paid much attention to medicine showed some interest.

‘It seems that medicine is not really groundless. Seeing stubborn Professor Smidden say that.’

Moreover, Baron Smidden did not stop at presenting his thesis.

He jumped on his feet and preached directly to many people.

“After experiencing this incident, I was able to see that medicine is a very reasonable treatment.”

“Is that true, Professor?”

“Yes, it is being disparaged because it is unfamiliar, but it seems to have a better side than Hill.”

“Oh oh.”

If someone else had told it, it would have been dismissed as nonsense, but it had a different weight when it was said by a professor at the Royal Academy himself.

“Originally, the unfamiliar is the law to be rejected. But later, when time passes, those unfamiliar things often become revolutions that change the world. I think medicine is one of those things.”

“Oh oh! okay! I will keep that in mind!”

People nodded, and even among the nobles, one by one, there were people who thought differently about medicine.

‘Because Baron Smidden is a scholar worthy of recognition in his own way. There’s no need to think badly of medicine.’

Of course, there were also many who shook their heads.

It’s because the goal of perception that has been built up until now is deep enough to change at once.

‘Still, wouldn’t healing be better than medicine?’

There were many such thoughts, but the fact that there was a positive change in perception among stubborn nobles was of great significance.

* * *


‘i love it.’

Raymond drool as he watched the clinic crowded with patients.

it was so good!

I felt full just by looking at it.

‘This week’s settlement is finally in the black!’

Of course, the surplus was small.

About 200 pennies at most?

This is because as the number of patients increases, the cost of treating poor people increases.

After paying the salaries to his apprentice therapists, there would be little left for him, but Raymond’s lips never stopped smiling.

‘Still, it’s a turnaround! Let’s hold out a little longer! It won’t be long before I can sit on the money cushion!’

There was a reason he was so confident.

These days, it is said that there are often stories about medicine in aristocratic society.

No nobles have come to receive treatment other than Baron Smidden yet, but they are showing interest little by little.

If you can rip off the hukou from the nobles, you will become rich in no time.

‘I have to endure until then.’

Raymond made a determined face.

There were many opponents who threatened him.

The most terrifying opponent is the demon Ron.

I am anxious about when the foreclosure ticket will fly.

‘But, fortunately, it doesn’t show any signs of moving yet.’

The second opponent was the Tower of Healing.

‘The last official threat was passed on thanks to Baron Smidden, but I won’t stay still like this. I’m going to do something else. Ugh.’

When I thought I had to fight the Tower of Healing, my timid instinct jumped out and I was afraid.

But Raymond looked at the healer.

his everything. All the wealth he has accumulated!

Seeing the magnificent mansion that was more precious than the soul, a fighting spirit rose.

‘I have to protect my property.’

[A ‘heart of steel’ appears in the mind of the healer!]

At that moment, Hanson Linden ran in with an urgent face!

“Master is in big trouble! An official notice has arrived from the Healing Tower! They say inspections are coming!”


Raymond’s face hardened.

The Tower of Healing had started another trick.

‘I won’t give up on any ploy!’

The current Raymond is not the timid one he used to be.

He was a ‘fighter’ who tried to protect his possessions more precious than his soul.

Its fighting spirit could be said to be like that of a beast trying to protect its cubs.


“Don’t worry, Hanson Lyndon.”

Raymond said with a firm face.

“Whether the inspector comes or whoever comes. It doesn’t matter.”

It was an expression of determination never to back down no matter who came, but Hanson Linden heard it differently.

“You mean we are therapists, so we only have to take care of the patient.”

“that’s right! Master too! I respect you!”


Raymond cleared his throat.

‘I didn’t mean it like that.’

Rather, it was a thought to care a hundredfold.

‘I’ll show you the best. Don’t let me pick up any faults.’

“Let’s go anyway.”


That’s how Raymond moved his steps like a warrior going to the battlefield.

* * *

Meanwhile then Earl Garinson and Seytil.

“How is this, Uncle? Isn’t the story different?”

Seytil said angrily.

“What are you going to do now?”

“Do not worry. Even if it wasn’t, we implemented the countermeasures.”

Earl Garinson said with a hard face.

“I sent an inspection.”


“Because the Tower of Healing has the authority to supervise the healers. I will find out what he has done wrong and punish him.”

Earl Garinson said confidently.

As the old saying goes, there is no one who does not come out of dust.

I was sure I’d soon find an excuse to punish him.

* * *

However, contrary to Count Garinson’s expectations, there was a guy who didn’t come out with dust.

It was Raymond.

“I really am. I tried to brush it all over, but I couldn’t find any scratches.”

The therapist dispatched as an inspector said in a panic.

“Does that make sense?!”

“I thought so too, and opened my eyes to look for it, but…there wasn’t rather.”

The therapist looked up and said.

“I was giving it to patients at a loss, rather than gaining an unfair advantage, and it was admirable. I’m embarrassed to say this, but… …He was a respectable therapist.”

There was a reason the therapist who went to the inspection said this.

Surprisingly, it really touched Raymond!

When the inspection came, Raymond showed his patients wholeheartedly several times more than usual.

At first, the supervising therapist, who watched the scene with pain, at some point looked back on his past.

‘I was also trying to be for the patient at first. Now they only want money.’

Raymond’s way of treating patients was so touching that I thought so!

Of course, that didn’t mean he forgot his duty as an inspector.

He was in a position where he had to find fault with Raymond.

I tried to find the fault somehow.

But no.

Typically ledger.

Much more was spent on patients!

There was nothing to fault.

If I had to force myself to fault it, would the treatment cost be too cheap?

And how about too many beef purchases?

‘Why so much beef?’

‘According to ancient knowledge, beef boosts immunity, or the ability to fight disease. If you are a therapist, I think you should eat a lot of beef for your patients.’

It was surprising that beef had such an effect.

Baron Pennin, who watched from the sidelines, was a man who gave his all for the patient.

‘I can’t do anything more to slander Baroness Pennin. no one can do that He deserves to be called a true healer of this age.’

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Doctor Player

Doctor Player

Dr. Player
Score 7.4
Status: Completed Type: Artist: Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
Raymond, a lowly illegitimate son. He was born as the son of a noble, but he was nothing but a filthy man in the eyes of many. Even his qualities as a natural healer are the worst of the worse: Grade F. It was an irredeemable talent that was worse than the lowest class, indeed. But one day, a miracle happened to him. [You awakened as a player!] [Occupation: Surgeon] It was the beginning of a great legend.


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