Novel Doctor Player [Dr. Player] Chapter 7

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Doctor Player Chapter 7

The sound of conversation came from inside the hospital room.

“…therapist. Thank you very much. Thanks to the therapist, I was able to save my life.”

“no. We won’t be safe for the time being, so please be careful.”

“Huh. How can you be so kind? Heaven must have blessed me so that I could meet a therapist.”

At that time, he was a patient brought in with hematemesis!

His complexion was still pale, but his eyes were open and he was saying thanks.

‘what…? How did this happen?’

Lens denied the reality in front of him.

“Did Dr. Bugs treat you?”

“Chief therapist?”

“There is no way that a senior treated such a bad patient?! Who treated this patient?”

Raymond rolled his eyes.

‘That’s what I did.’

Lance was huffing and puffing as if he were angry.

“I…I cured him.”

“Don’t lie nonsense! With the healing power of seniors, what… ….”

“It was not treated with a heel.”

“I beg your pardon?”

Raymond drew in a breath.

It was a barrier that had to be crossed at some point.

“We treated this patient with medicine, an ancient method of treatment.”

“of…I beg your pardon?”

Rance’s eyes were stained with absurdity.

medicine? I’ve never heard of such a thing until now.

But Raymond was unmoved and shamelessly pushed forward with his point.

He kept an eye on Lens and laid out the scenarios he had prepared.

“The other day, while running errands in the northern provinces, I accidentally tripped and fell off a cliff. Then, by chance, I entered an ancient ruin and was able to learn ancient healing techniques.”

The so-called cliff chance scenario!

Since it is a repertoire often used in various novels, it was not an absurd story at all.

“what! Tell me to believe such a ridiculous lie… …!”

It was then.

The patient, who had been silently listening to their conversation, opened his mouth.

“Oh, how noisy. Ibosho therapist man.”


“I swear on my name, it’s no lie that that handsome therapist saved me. I distinctly remember that therapist stomping his feet to save me.”

Patient Bent vaguely remembered what had happened during the operation.

Although they used herbs with hallucinogenic effects, they were not perfect anesthetics, so they were conscious in the middle.

“This is the proof that that therapist treated me. See you.”

Bent lifted his clothes and showed his belly.

Clear incision marks were evident.


When Lens couldn’t say anything, Bent sneered.

“Come to think of it, I remember your face too. Unlike that therapist, he had such an ugly face that I remembered it clearly even though I was in a hazy state.”

ugly face.

It was the complex of Lance, who looked ugly like a rat.

The reason why Lens bothered Raymond was that he had a complex about his appearance.

Although he is an illegitimate child, is it because he has such a noble lineage? It was because Raymond was a handsome man who stood out from anyone’s eyes.

“What nonsense now….”

Lens tried to get angry at the patient, but he had no choice but to keep his mouth shut.

“You saw me and told me to just let you die.”


“If it weren’t for that handsome therapist, I would have died. it’s because of you ok?”

Bent pointed.

“If you feel ashamed, get out of here! Because this therapist is a million times better than a crappy bastard like you!”

“Patient Hwa, you can’t say that.”

Raymond made a somewhat troubled face.

“Oh did I say something wrong? Healer, please be still.”

Bent picked up something lying next to the bed and threw fire on it.

It was a must.


A thunderbolt of urine flew at Lence.

“Ouch! What is this!”

Lance’s urine-drenched arms trembled with anger.

But he couldn’t say anything more, because this time Bent had taken the urine pot.

“If you don’t want to be covered in shit, get out of here!”


Lens ran away as if the soles of his feet were on fire.

Only Bent and Raymond were left in the hospital room, and the two had an amazing conversation.

“I did what the therapist told me to do. Did I do well?”

Raymond gave a thumbs up.

“Yes, great.”

It was a conversation that would have grabbed the back of the head and collapsed if Lance had heard it.

What Bent had just done was actually an affair with Raymond!

Even peeing on it!

Raymond whispered.

“A bad guy like that isn’t even a therapist. Next time you come again, really pour shit.”

“haha! All right! Next time, I will definitely pour shit on you.”

Raymond grinned.

Seeing Langs drenched in urine made me feel relieved.

* * *

After that, Raymond’s daily life did not change much.

I treated the critically ill, but no one acknowledged it.

“Ancient mysticism? What is medicine? What nonsense is that?”

“Look how luckily the bleeding stopped.”

The evidence was right in front of my eyes, but I didn’t even try to look at it properly. no i just ignored it

To them, Raymond was filthy filth, pathetic trash.

only one.

Only Hanson, who witnessed the miracle right in front of his eyes, looked at Raymond with different eyes than before.




Hanson looked very confused.

Several times I tried to ask something, but kept my mouth shut.

“…I will do the cleaning in the future.”

“huh? but.”

“no. This is what I, the youngest, should do.”

In the meantime, Hanson snatched the mop from Raymond’s hand and threw it away.

And there was one more person looking at Raymond with different eyes than before.

It was Lance.

Previously, if you looked at me with ridicule and contempt….

‘Now they’re glaring at me like they’re going to kill me.’

Raymond scratched his head, the back of his head sore.

Still, I wasn’t as intimidated as before.

‘If I had been looked at like that in the past, I would have been at a loss.’

Raymond was amazed at his transformation.

‘After treating hematemesis patients, I gained confidence. That’s why I’m not intimidated like before.’

He was no longer a pathetic underqualified therapist.

He was a therapist with the potential to become an outstanding therapist. Even though no one has acknowledged it yet.

‘Let’s see. If I become the best healer one day, I’ll do all kinds of hard work for Belund Treatment Center.’

It was when Raymond was unfolding his dreams and hopes (?) in his head.

Lens brought up a story like thunder from the blue sky.

“I have something to tell you, sir.”

“What is?”

Lance’s eyes grew cold.

‘What are you trying to do?’

Raymond felt uneasy for a moment.

It didn’t feel right.

‘no. It will be fine. Now I have the ability of a player.’

But the moment he heard Lens’ next words, Raymond couldn’t keep his composure.

“Please dispatch me as a healer for the upcoming royal palace birthday celebration.”


Raymond’s eyes widened.

“now…what did you say?”

“He asked me to leave during the royal palace festival. why? Isn’t it a great honor?”

birthday party.

It was a large-scale royal palace festival where all the nobility of the capital gathered as a banquet to commemorate the birth of the founding king.

Because it is a festival where so many people gather, the palace healers are not enough, so each treatment center dispatches a healer.

As Langs said, being dispatched during a palace festival was a great honor as a healer. It’s because your skills have been recognized.

“Even more so when I attend as an apprentice. You don’t get this opportunity unless you’re a really promising apprentice.”


“If you are a senior who has treated hematemesis patients, I think you are fully qualified to attend.”

Raymond bit his lip hard.

Anger welled up.

‘This damn son of a bitch.’

Naturally, Lens wasn’t trying to give Raymond a good chance.

rather the opposite.

It was to drive Raymond into the worst predicament.

Because the royal palace was a place like hell to Raymond.

The nightmares of the past passed by like hallucinations in my ears.

‘Dirty bastard.’

‘Why was a dirty guy like you born!’

‘I’d rather die. uh? Won’t you die like this?’


Raymond lived a truly hellish life in the royal palace.

The life at Belund Treatment Center was also painful, but the reason I was able to endure it was because of the hellish life before that.

Compared to the past spent in the royal palace, the life here at Belund Healing Center was nothing short of heaven.

It was a really painful and cruel time.

There was only one reason Raymond had to suffer so much.

‘Because of you, Obama’s dignity is damaged.’

Because he was the king’s illegitimate son.

Shadow prince.

It was Raymond’s past nickname.

* * *

There was a reason why Raymond was living with such poor treatment even though he was the son of a king.

First, it was because of the tradition of the Houston Kingdom.

Most countries are harsh on illegitimate children, but Houston Kingdom was very harsh.

In accordance with the spirit of the founding king, Houston Kingdom revere chivalry. According to that chivalry, an illegitimate child would never be tolerated.

Therefore, Houston Kingdom does not acknowledge the existence of illegitimate children at all.

It was not simply the absence of inheritance rights, but the existence itself was denied.

Precisely, they persecuted and harassed them as unclean beings that should not have existed. Like persecuting a dirty monster.

In particular, Raymond had to suffer even more because he was the illegitimate son of the noblest king.

A hideous filth that polluted the king’s dignity.

That was Raymond.

Of course, if the king had protected him, things might have been a little different. However, the king who gave birth to him did not do him any favors.

In fact, even when he first came to the treatment center, the people at the treatment center treated Raymond with difficulty.

However, as time passed, Raymond continued to look ugly and the royal family did not really care about him, so he gradually began to treat him carelessly.

– The king’s filthy illegitimate son.

-The only stain on a great king who would rather die.

That was the thought of the people looking at Raymond.

‘By the way, you want me to be dispatched to the royal festival?’

his heart sank.

Raymond always cringes at his superiors, but is it because his emotions are so fluctuating? It didn’t work that way this time.

“Are you sure you have to let me go?”

“why? Don’t you like it?”

Lance smiled brightly.

It was like asking what would you do if you hated it.

“As you may know, the completion of your apprenticeship is in my hands as the head therapist. If you want to stay as an apprentice for a thousand years, do as you wish.”


It was a determined fight.

Raymond clenched his fists tightly.

I wanted to blow my fist like this and turn that vile face into a bowl of jelly.

‘Is it really so?’

It was such a worrying moment.

[An unexpected quest is given!]

[Guardian of the Banquet]

(Medicine Quest)

Grade: Half Scalpel

Difficulty: Good

Quest Description: A large number of people gather at a banquet. Please finish

Clear condition: End of the banquet without fatalities

Reward: Bonus level up x3 Skill points 30

Bonuses: Someone(?)’s favor A little fame

Raymond blinked.

‘Why is the reward so generous?’

30 skill points for a whopping 3 level up!

Compared to the previous quest, ‘Treat the first patient’, the reward was three times greater.

‘Could there be a serious patient at the banquet?’

I do not know.

However, it bothered Raymond that the difficulty level of the quest was ‘high’.

Isn’t it possible that the difficulty level of a calm banquet where no patients occur is ‘high’?

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Doctor Player

Doctor Player

Dr. Player
Score 7.4
Status: Completed Type: Artist: Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
Raymond, a lowly illegitimate son. He was born as the son of a noble, but he was nothing but a filthy man in the eyes of many. Even his qualities as a natural healer are the worst of the worse: Grade F. It was an irredeemable talent that was worse than the lowest class, indeed. But one day, a miracle happened to him. [You awakened as a player!] [Occupation: Surgeon] It was the beginning of a great legend.


  1. The king who has a son out of wedlock, and the son who is treated like dirt? HE ASKED TO BE BORN??? FOR THE KING OR ANY TRASH THAT IS HIS FATHER TO HAVE AN AFFAIR WITH HIS MOTHER??? (I got irritated)

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