Novel Doctor Player [Dr. Player] Chapter 58

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Doctor Player Chapter 58

In fact, among high-ranking nobles, it wasn’t that no one had the ability to heal. Because it’s an ability that appears randomly to everyone.

But few actually acted as therapists. It was because it was considered unbecoming of a high-ranking aristocrat. Especially treating commoners.

The only way for a nobleman to become a healer without harming his honor was to become a healer dedicated to the same nobles.


Christine let out a weary sigh. My head always pounded like this when I met my family.

When I was stressed, it seemed like the ‘chronic illness’ that I was suffering from was about to come up.

“I know. My brother and you will be in trouble because I acted inconsiderately. I will apologize.”

“I’m glad you know. So even from now on… ….”

“Yes, from now on, I will put spaghetti noodles in my head like you do, laugh without thinking, drink at banquet halls, and meet men. Spend a lot of money too. Can we do that?”

The younger siblings put on a blank expression for a moment.

“Oh sister!”

“Or should I go for a luxury specialty? If I set my mind to it, I can spend a year of living expenses on entertainment expenses just like you. Or should we indulge in gambling like our older brother? How much did you lose at the casino in Soln last week?”


cried my brother Alfred.

“ha. really.”


Christine let out a low sigh and tossed the tight glove to the ground.

Then he coldly glared at his older brother and younger siblings.

“I will tell you one thing.”

Surprised by her spirit, they held their breath.

It was Christine who grew up seeing all kinds of patients among greedy therapists.

The charisma that radiated from his brothers and sisters was different from that of his brothers and sisters, who were carnivores who always spent money on family property.

“It’s okay to laugh at me. But don’t disparage treating patients. It’s a million times nobler than your giggling in the banquet hall.”

Then she turned her back.

“Where are you going? Father will be coming soon. Are you going to the Maple Center again?”

When Alfred shouted in bewilderment, he answered briefly.



Christine didn’t explain further and let her hair loose like a flower.

And tied it in a tight ponytail for ease of action.

The place she was going to was the Pennin Treatment Center.

‘I’ll check with my own eyes what kind of treatment medicine is. So I’m going to check whether it’s harmful to patients or not.’

Christine’s eyes hardened with determination.

She still doesn’t know what kind of treatment medicine is. I was only hearing about it.

So I will check it out for myself.

So, if the medicine really is a fraudulent treatment that will harm the patient, then I will stop the medicine at all costs.

* * *

At that time, Raymond was smiling broadly.

‘It’s money! money! money!’

Finally, patients who pay more than the original cost are starting to come!

‘Kheuk. Tears come to my eyes when I think of all the hardships I have endured. From now on, only money is left.’

Raymond cherished the fifteen penas in his pocket.

This is the money the patient just paid.

After deducting the cost of the herbs, there was still five pennies left.

‘Hehe! I feel like today Eating out! I should also call Lao and buy some beef.’

Excited, I looked out the window.

The sky was really clear.

It was a moment where I was enjoying the good feeling to the fullest.

[True power detected!]

[Opponent’s true power detected as ‘medium’!]


Raymond looked out the window nervously and widened his eyes in amazement.

In the distance, a woman was walking towards the treatment center.

‘Hey, it’s pretty.’

She was such a beautiful woman that I thought about it at once.

It was quite a distance, but it was beautiful enough to catch the eye at once. Beauty seemed to radiate from all over her body.

‘Is that woman the truth?’

Raymond swallowed.

It seemed like that.

From the hardened expression, I felt the truth that I couldn’t easily deal with for some reason.

And as the distance got closer, Raymond’s eyes widened.

I found out her identity!

‘Are you Princess Christine? Why is he in my treatment center?’

Princess Christine!

He was a celebrity in the world of therapy.

There will be no one who doesn’t know her among the people living in the kingdom’s capital.

‘No matter how I look at it, it looks like they’re coming to quarrel?’

Raymond made a puzzled expression.

In my experience, there were many people who came to quarrel or quarrel with those who had ‘intermediate’ or higher truthfulness.

‘Did I come here to get into trouble with medicine?’

Raymond guessed Christine’s business.

At first glance, I had heard from Rao that she was negative about medicine.

Knock. Knock.

Arriving at the treatment center, she knocked with a calm hand motion.

[The truth has arrived at the treatment center!]

[The truth is revealed!]

‘Let’s send it back.’

Raymond thought of a way to cope.

‘Princess Christine is a therapist who only cares about real patients, unlike me, who is a money snob. There’s a high possibility that we won’t be able to communicate.’

People with convictions often have trouble communicating.

Then there is only one answer.

Let’s get tired of it and send it back.

Even in the art of war, the best strategy is to win without fighting.

Moreover, she is the fiancée of the second prince Cairn. It hasn’t been announced yet, but everyone seems to think so.

I didn’t want to deal with it.

“A senior guest has arrived.”

“Tell me to wait.”

“Yes, but?”

Raymond put on a solemn expression.

“Hanson, I’m treating a patient right now. Any guest is less important than treating a patient.”

“As expected, senior.”

“Please excuse me.”

Hanson made a moved face.

“Did you hear Linden? We should have that mindset too. okay?”

“Yes, senior Hanson! Above all, a heart for patients! I will keep that in mind!”

The two rushed out.

There was something cute about the two of them, like two puppies hanging out together.

‘Anyway, I’ll have to bring in one more disciple.’

Raymond activated ‘Disciple Raising Mode’.

[Disciple training mode]

The current job grade is ‘senior resident’.

You can give ‘something lacking teaching’!

Currently, 2/3 of the students

become senior residents, and the number of students that can be accepted has increased to 3.

Linden came in, but one was empty.

‘It is beneficial to have a disciple because you can share experience. Another problem is money.’

The market price for therapists is so high that even if you hire them as disciples, you have to pay a lot of money.

‘Let’s get the truth out of the way first and think about it further.’


says Christine.

‘If I wait, I’ll get tired and go back on my own.’

That’s how Raymond was engrossed in patient care.

The patient was uninterrupted.

Meanwhile, Christine.


He waited silently for Raymond, frowning.

“sorry. When Master sees a patient, he only focuses on the patient.”

“master? Are you a disciple of Baron Pennin?”

“Yes, I am ashamed, but I am.”

“…Are you ashamed?”

Hanson replied with a glum face.

“Compared to the master’s greatness, he is an extremely embarrassing disciple. I am just an ugly disciple trying not to be someone to him.”

Christine kept her mouth shut.

‘Are you serious?’

It seemed like that.

I couldn’t feel the slightest lightness in those hard eyes.

Another disciple, Linden, had a similar reaction.

“Meet Princess Christine!”

“Are you also a pupil of Baron Penin?”

“yes! Together with Hanson-senpai, I am working hard not to become a shameful disciple of the Master!”

‘…What are both?’

Christine made a puzzled face.

“You seem to have great respect for Baron Pennin. Who is Baron Pennin?”

Is it an illusion? Hanson’s brown eyes flashed momentarily.



“I don’t know what else to say about him. only the best… …Can I express it in words?”


“Anyway, he is such a great person that it is difficult to describe in words. Truly my goal in life. I don’t think I’ll have any wish if I can resemble even one-tenth of him by working hard all my life. Of course, no matter how hard I try, it will be difficult for me to do that.”

Hanson glanced at Linden next to him.

The freckled boy, who had been absent-mindedly, nodded at Hanson’s eyes.

“Yes, I think the same! Master is the greatest!”

Christine was silent.

Both boys looked fine, but something was wrong.

It’s as if you’ve been seduced by magic.

It’s not just the two disciples that are strange. The patients were also strange.

“Aigoo, Prince. As always, thank you so much.”

“I will live thanks to the therapist.”

“The prince is a benefactor to all of us. How should I repay this favor… ….”

Everyone was overly grateful to Baron Pennin.

Christine had never seen patients love their therapist so much.

‘It’s not like using black magic to seduce people.’

Rapport (the relationship between Rapport patient and therapist) seemed good enough to make me feel so absurd.

‘…Of course, he seems a little friendly.’

Seeing how Raymond treats patients, Christine thought with a sullen face.

let’s admit it

It wasn’t a little friendly.

The word ‘warm’ was suitable for kindness.

“Master always thinks of patients.”

Hanson explained.

“He is someone who wants to heal the patient’s heart beyond the disease. Seeing the master treating patients makes my heart warm too.”


Christine bit her lip.

‘That’s not important. No matter how warm-hearted you are, if you cause harm to a patient with the wrong treatment, that’s a sin.’

The thought of building a dialogue was stronger.

Christine opened the book.

It is an indication that he will never give up.

Meanwhile, Raymond frowned at her appearance.

‘shit. I can’t help it.’

Apparently, the operation seemed like a failure.

‘What should I do?’

Then this message came to mind.

[Quest has occurred!]

[Give true teachings!]

(Medicine Quest)

Rank: One Half Mess

Difficulty: Har

Quest Description: There is someone who slanders medicine only with groundless prejudice! Give me true teaching!

Clear conditions: Opponent’s sincere submission

Reward: 20 bonus level-up skill points

Bonus: Opponent’s submission (The degree of opponent’s submission depends on how you clear the quest!)

‘… …succumb? what?’

Raymond made a puzzled expression.

what is surrender It was enough if it just didn’t bother me more.

‘Anyway, I’m not here to attack power as a princess. If you come as a healer versus a healer, I won’t be inferior to you!’

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Doctor Player

Doctor Player

Dr. Player
Score 7.4
Status: Completed Type: Artist: Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
Raymond, a lowly illegitimate son. He was born as the son of a noble, but he was nothing but a filthy man in the eyes of many. Even his qualities as a natural healer are the worst of the worse: Grade F. It was an irredeemable talent that was worse than the lowest class, indeed. But one day, a miracle happened to him. [You awakened as a player!] [Occupation: Surgeon] It was the beginning of a great legend.


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