Novel Doctor Player [Dr. Player] Chapter 417

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Doctor Player Chapter 417

DNA fingerprint analysis is divided into two steps.

A PCR (Polymerase chain reaction) process that amplifies the number of immediately extracted DNA.

Then, the amplified DNA is cut with enzyme scissors and compared with the fingerprint.

Currently, with Raymond’s alchemy, the PCR process was possible, but it was impossible to cut DNA by implementing enzyme scissors.

‘I’ll be able to embody only the best experts in alchemy.’

Raymond was silent.

There was only one way to get help from the best expert in alchemy.

It is to request the magic tower.

‘…I don’t like the mage tower.’

Raymond broke a sweat.

I didn’t want to contact the magic tower as much as possible because he kept talking nonsense about the hope of the magic tower, but in this case, it seemed like there was no choice.

First, I met and talked with Rina.

“Ah, amazing. As expected, Your Highness is running non-stop for the Empire and its people. It can be so alluring.”

“…It’s not like that, but anyway, can you meet someone who can do alchemy at the level I was talking about?”

Rina’s eyes lit up.

“The idea is that we need to implement alchemical scissors that can consistently cut DNA strands. How on earth do you get this knowledge? Are you also a born mage?”

“…It is the knowledge of medicine.”

Raina seemed to be very interested in DNA knowledge.

It was natural.

In fact, the existence of DNA was vaguely known even in Leifentina.

Because there was a formula called biological magic in magic science.

Biomagicists investigated the human body through optical magic that allows them to magnify objects and discovered that the human body is made up of microscopic units called cells.

Not only that, but we also know that there is a nucleus inside a cell and that there is an unknown strand inside it.

The biomagicists called the unknown strand the ‘mysterious string’.

However, what role this mysterious string actually plays in the human body has not been revealed at all, and Raymond has just told us what role the mysterious string plays!

It was an immense amount of knowledge that left the magic tower toppling over.

“Please postpone announcing this knowledge to the Mage Tower until later. I have other urgent matters now.”

“It’s about finding out the real culprit, isn’t it?”

“Will the alchemy of your magic tower be able to do what I have said?”

However, Raina was skeptical of Raymond’s request.

“A strand of DNA…So, alchemy scissors to cut the mysterious string. I don’t think it will be easy even in the Mage Tower to find an alchemist who can do the kind of work Your Highness said.”

“…is that so.”

Raymond hardened his expression.

‘It’s not easy.’

There are repeated parts of human DNA without special genetic information. The length of the repeated part is different for each person.

So, it is to distinguish each person by cutting the repeated part with enzyme scissors and comparing the cut length.

Therefore, it is necessary to realize scissors that recognize and cut the repeated parts of the DNA through alchemy, but of course it was a difficult task.

However, Rina suddenly frowned.

“Ah, there is someone who could possibly do it.”

“Who is it?”

“Sir Murian. In fact, he is the master of alchemy. He might be able to do what Your Highness said.”

“Then please guide me right now.”

Raymond got up from his seat.

However, Rina told an unexpected story.

“that is…It’s troublesome.”


“Sir Murian is a royal faction in the Mage Tower.”


Raymond made a puzzled face.

What does that mean?

Ryan sighed deeply.

“They’re from the Alpencer Kingdom in the Mage Tower.”

“What’s wrong with that?”

Originally, the Mage Tower had the greatest influence from the Alpenser Kingdom.

It was only natural that the Alpenser Kingdom itself was a magical kingdom dominated by wizards.

So, it’s no wonder that there’s a group of people from the Alpenser Kingdom in the Mage Tower, isn’t it?

“The Royalists are among them the forces that collude with the politicians of the Alpenser Kingdom to eat away at the Mage Tower. More trouble.”

Raina spoke like a thunderbolt from the sky.

“It’s a team with the Kingdom of Gears.”

* * *

Raina explained the situation inside the Mage Tower.

The Royalist faction, led by people from Alpenser Kingdom!

They were trying to own the Mage Tower as their own by joining hands with the influential politicians of the Alpenser Kingdom.

“By the way, aren’t these kinds of conflicts always happening in places like the Association?”

asked Raymond, puzzled.

Wherever humans gather, there will always be problems like this.

In that sense, it was only natural that the Mage Tower’s tendencies flowed towards the pro-Alpencer Kingdom.

In the first place, the Mage Tower itself started in the Alpenser Kingdom, and even now, wizards from the Alpenser Kingdom form the main axis of the Mage Tower.

‘Is that a problem?’

However, Raina said firmly.

“Of course it is a problem. As a continental institution, it is absurd that the Association of Wizards, which should claim to be neutral, is owned by someone.”


“And now, those who form the main axis of that trend are all doing this because of their own greed. At this rate, it’s only a matter of time before the Magic Tower becomes like the Tower of Healing.”

Raymond understood Rina’s words.

‘Even if it’s not like that, the Mage Tower still reveals money badly, but that’s going to get worse in the future.’

And wise wizards, including Raina, seemed to be trying to resist this movement.

‘Well, anyway, the internal circumstances of the Mage Tower have nothing to do with me.’

Yes, some people, including Raina, seem to be expecting Raymond, a born mage, to help break down the rotten side of the Mage Tower, but damn.

1 was not interested.

‘Anyway, isn’t there a way to ask the alchemist named Sir Murian for DNA analysis alone?’

But it didn’t seem easy.

Listening to Raina’s explanation, they said that the royalists are also closely allied with the Kingdom of Gears.

There was no possibility of trying to help Emperor Catherine, the enemy of the Kingdom of Gears.

Still, I asked just in case.

“Is there any way to convince that Murian? Giving big money through the back hole.”

It was said that there were many greedy people in the royal party, so the bribe might work.

However, Raina gave another unexpected answer.

“It will be useless. Originally, he was a famous scholar who had no interest in wealth.”

“Then why the royalists?”

Lina let out a sigh.

“I don’t know. Previously, he was a person who was only interested in alchemy without any interest in politics within the Mage Tower, but suddenly turned to the monarchist. Rumor has it that it seems like a weakness has been caught.”

At that, Raymond shut his mouth.

‘What should I do?’

Without the help of an alchemist named Murian, it would be difficult to implement DNA fingerprint analysis.

Even if Raymond alone manages to do it somehow, it is difficult to do it within the sentencing deadline.

‘But I can’t give up on saving Emperor Catherine’s sister.’

Upon coming to the ecliptic, the power of the Kingdom of Gears was truly no joke.

Even now, his breath is so strong, but if the saint of brilliance became emperor, it would be virtually impossible to make money in the imperial capital.

‘If I want to make money in the imperial capital, I have to protect Emperor Catherine’s sister and make her my back.’

With that promise, Raymond said.

“First, I will meet him in person. Could you arrange a seat for me?”

* * *

Fortunately, seats were easily arranged.

Fortunately, Murian had come to the ecliptic.

Secretly, Raina contacted Murian and met in Raina’s ‘secret place’ to avoid the eyes of the Kingdom of Gears.

“By the way, Lady Rina, is this place?”

Raymond looked around the secret area with a bewildered face.

It was a building on a busy street in the imperial city, but when I entered, a room was luxuriously decorated in red tones.

“Ho-ho, this is my most cherished sweet home.”


By the way, this is the place Rina uses to spend a passionate tryst with someone she likes after a banquet.

At first glance, it was such a love-love (?) room, but the naive (?) Raymond, who had never been to a similar place before, couldn’t guess what it was.

‘It must be where Raina-nim rests.’

Anyway, Raina was thrilled to have invited Raymond to her sweet home.

“Ah, the day comes when I come here with Her Highness. How glorious. It would have been nice if it was for a more private reason rather than this purpose.”


Is it because a place is a place?

Raina gave a more sticky and obsessive (?) look than usual, and Raymond felt a sense of crisis (?) for some reason and broke out in a cold sweat with an awkward face.

Fortunately, someone appeared to rescue Raymond from trouble.

Today’s appointment was Sir Murian!

He appeared wearing a robe to avoid being followed, but he frowned when he saw the scene in the room.

“Why are you in a place like this….”

“Because there is no better place to avoid the eyes of others. Anyway, thank you for coming, Sir Murian.”

“I did not come because of you. It was just what the Holy Son of Poverty requested.”

As Laina said, Lord Murian was a typical scholarly middle-aged man.

There was only one characteristic, but it was that one eye was covered with an eyepatch.

“nice to see you. It is called Murian. Meet the famous saint of poverty.”

At that respectful greeting, Raymond made a puzzled face.

‘You don’t seem like a particularly bad person, do you?’

There was no hostility in Raymond’s gaze.

On the contrary, there was a subtle liking.


Raymond made a surprised face.

I thought I saw it wrong, but I didn’t.

I knew exactly because I had seen countless Hogu.

‘Are those the eyes of the hukou who are deceived by my reputation?’

Then Murian said.

“You said you wanted to see me? May I ask what your business is?”

“Yes, sir, I asked to see you for help with your alchemy.”

“What is it?”

Raymond first explained the concept of DNA fingerprinting.

However, he did not say that this was to prove Catherine’s innocence.

It was because Murian was a person from the Kingdom of Gears, so he was concerned that information would leak out.

Murian made a face of great admiration at the explanation of DNA.

“I thought that was the identity of the mysterious string! What mystical knowledge?! Are you really a born mage?”

“…No, it’s the power of medicine. Anyway, do you think what I said can be implemented with alchemy?”

“Ugh. It seems possible.”

“Is that true?”

“Yes, but I will ask you one thing. Is this for the sake of the people, as Your Highness always did?”

Raymond made a puzzled face.

‘Why am I asking this?’

Anyway, he nodded.

‘Actually, I’m doing it for my own greed.’

Well, I didn’t feel the need to tell the truth.

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Doctor Player

Doctor Player

Dr. Player
Score 7.4
Status: Completed Type: Artist: Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
Raymond, a lowly illegitimate son. He was born as the son of a noble, but he was nothing but a filthy man in the eyes of many. Even his qualities as a natural healer are the worst of the worse: Grade F. It was an irredeemable talent that was worse than the lowest class, indeed. But one day, a miracle happened to him. [You awakened as a player!] [Occupation: Surgeon] It was the beginning of a great legend.


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