Novel Doctor Player [Dr. Player] Chapter 415

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Doctor Player Chapter 415

‘I will give my all to help the empire shine his light.’

Catherine was so determined.

* * *

So the great banquet ended.

There was someone who heard the news at the banquet and frowned.

It was Ludwig, Chancellor Ludwig, the supreme power of the Gears Kingdom.

Ludwig sighed deeply after seeing and hearing the contents.

“Biond came out in the middle of the banquet? Are you insane?”

At Ludwig’s words, Suha swallowed his saliva.


it was low

‘You’re feeling extremely uncomfortable.’

Of course, it was possible for Ludwig to treat the saint of brilliance considering the genealogy of the royal family.

Ludwig is the King’s younger brother.

On the other hand, Biond, the saint of brilliance, was the king’s nephew. Therefore, in the genealogy of the royal family, the saint of brilliance was also a nephew to Ludwig.

So, it was possible only if he did it, but until now, Ludwig had always treated Biond with respect, and today he did it.

It was because I was uncomfortable.

“Not only did you leave your seat, but you also enjoyed that terrible game?”

“…Your Excellency.”

“Are you sane? Right now, the election of the emperor is just around the corner. I hope I can’t dry it. Help me with that madness?!”

When Ludwig shouted, the subordinates became turtlenecks.

The subordinates looked at each other.

‘Why are you like that today?’

‘It doesn’t matter much whether or not the saint of brilliance engages in eccentricities, doesn’t it?’

The election of the emperor is already an over game.

That was everyone’s idea.

Of course, Ludwig thought the same.

But I just felt anxious.

It was because of Raymond.

‘Why don’t you feel so good? I don’t think we should leave him alone, Raymond.’

It was not an unfounded anxiety.

Ludwig was the final blackout of everything Raymond had been through so far.

After all, the Maestro, the follower of destruction, and the Lord all just followed instructions from the palm of Ludwig’s hand.

In other words, it meant that everything Ludwig had plotted was shattered at Raymond’s hands.

‘Couldn’t that Raymond cause another miracle?’

Ludwig felt ominous.

Of course, I know that this anxiety is excessive anxiety.

It is after the selection of the elector who will select the emperor has already been completed. Absolutely in favor of the Gears kingdom.

But what kind of miracle is that?

If he wanted to create a miracle, he should have done it before the electoral selection was over.

But even so, the anxiety did not go away.


Because it’s light Raymond.

It seemed that his light would cause another miracle.

‘Damn it, it’s impossible to appease. If you’re a guy who can speak the language, I’d be able to give you a million dollars.’

If money could buy Raymond, Ludwig would have been willing to give even 100 million pence, but that was unfeasible given the bastard’s clogged nobility.

While he was gritting his teeth, his subordinate made an additional report.

“dismissal. I have one good news.”


“It is said that Emperor Catherine and the saint of poverty met the other day.”

At those words, Ludwig made an unexpected face.

“It looks like Catherine has asked the saint of poverty for help.”

“It seems so. Because the saint of poverty has always helped those who have covered up unfair mistakes.”

“It will be a futile effort.”

Ludwig chuckled.

As people guessed, Catherine’s crime was covered by the Kingdom of Gears.

However, despite everyone’s guess, Catherine was in danger of being dethroned because this false accusation was perfect.

Even Raymond would not be able to reveal the truth.

‘You never know. I don’t know if he has the psychometric ability in the story.’


It was the ability in the novel to read the memories of objects.

‘…No, he might really have this ability.’

Ludwig was taken aback.

It occurred to me that a guy who had done all sorts of miracles so far could even have psychometric abilities.

However, he soon shook his head in relief.

‘It’s not even possible with psychometry. That can’t be proof.’

In order to prove Catherine’s innocence, she had to not only be able to read the memories of objects, but also prove those memories in front of others.

that was impossible.

‘Rather, I’ll be able to turn him against the wind with this.’

Ludwig narrowed his eyes.

Due to the nature of the saint of poverty, he will definitely run around and work hard for Catherine.

Because he can never turn away from the unfortunate.

So, when Catherine was dethroned, they were tied together in one box.

‘Good. I won’t even go to the final contest and I’ll eliminate him with this incident.’

Ludwig thought.

‘If he’s ruined, there’s nothing to be offended about. I will make the throne ours to the Kingdom of Gears.’

And the Empire of the Crusades will belong to the Kingdom of Gears.

No, to be exact, it would belong to Ludwig, the true owner of the Kingdom of Gears.

All preparations for that were in full swing.

* * *

The next day Raymond met with Catherine.

“…Is it possible?”


After hearing the detailed explanation of the situation, Raymond was troubled.

‘It’s not a difficult case. It’s rather simple.’

Raymond made a troubled face.

‘But that’s why it’s more difficult.’

It is difficult because it is a simple case.

Paradoxical, but there was a reason.

‘There’s not enough content to use as a clue.’

The whole story was like this.

One day, Catherine was accused of embezzlement on a grand scale.

There was something that Catherine directly donated from the imperial budget, but the budget did not fit. Embezzlement was suspected.

But up until this point, no one took it very seriously.

It was because everyone knew very well that Catherine was not a great embezzler.

Although Catherine is not an emperor who has left particularly great achievements, she has been coordinating the Crusader Alliance Empire without caring for her own self-interest.

But suddenly embezzlement?

It was strange to anyone.

Moreover, Catherine was not in need of money.

She was not only the royal family of the royal family of Saint Rosette, but also the blood of one of the greatest nobles of the Alpenser Kingdom on her mother’s side.

In other words, it was not a person who was sorry for a few pennies.

Everyone thought this to themselves.

‘It must be a conspiracy of the Kingdom of Gears.’

‘I concocted a plot without much fuss.’

So far, the Kingdom of Gears has carried out several political maneuvers to frame Catherine, a native of the Kingdom of Saint Rosette.

I thought it was the same this time, and everyone thought it would pass without any problems, but the situation was reversed.

The treasurer of the palace, who had executed the budget according to Catherine’s order, was murdered.

right into Catherine’s hands.

“…Not me.”

Catherine bit her lip.

“Of course there was an argument that day. Because he was holding hands with the Kingdom of Gears and putting pressure on me.”

“What kind of pressure was it?”

“The treasurer claimed that I ordered the embezzlement.”

The treasurer misappropriated the money and claimed it was Catherine’s order.

“The treasurer was murdered and the story became true.”

“Yes, because I killed the treasurer to silence him.”

Catherine sighed.

“That day, after a big argument with the treasurer alone, I left the room first. however…After that, the treasurer was dead. That, too, gets hit in the head by the cross-staff I left behind.”

cross staff.

It refers to a staff with the crest of the Crusader Alliance Empire engraved on it.

According to the etiquette, the emperor would carry several symbols, and the staff was one of them.

“Why did you leave your staff behind?”

“I don’t know. I was so emotional at the time. In fact, I didn’t even know I had left it at the time.”

“Are there any witnesses who were with you at the time?”

“Yes, that day, the treasurer asked for a private meeting just the two of us. I knew that the former treasurer was trying to confess his wrongdoing, so I allowed the private meeting.

After hearing the explanation, Raymond frowned.

‘It smells like conspiracy.’

The smell of ‘conspiracy’ came from the unreasonable monopoly.

Raymond guessed that the events of the day were well scripted.

‘The problem is that there is no way to prove it.’

Raymond tapped the chair with his fingers.

“first…The real culprit is most likely the one who first saw the body.”

“Yes, I think so too. Of course he’s not.”

“Who is it?”

“I am a knight of the Imperial Guard.”

prowess knight.

For reference, imperial knights are divided into two categories.

A royal knight who is loyal only to the emperor.

They are from the guardian families of the ecliptic.

The other class was the Royal Guard Knights.

Guard knights are dispatched in a certain number from the 3 rivers.

“That knight must be from the Kingdom of Gears, of course.”

“No, I am from the kingdom of Saint Rosette.”

Raymond nodded.

‘Because there’s no reason not to betray just because you’re from Saint Rosette Kingdom.’

Rather, if it was a knight from the Kingdom of Gears, it would have been more difficult to corner Catherine.

“Have you interrogated the knight of the royal guard? If not, it would have been of no use.”

“As you guessed.”

Catherine nodded heavily.

“Imperial Guard Knight Commanders and Imperial Guard Chiefs of the Imperial Guard are all from the Kingdom of Gears, so we didn’t even properly interrogate them. Everyone is pushing me to be the culprit.”

In short, after covering the charges, he confirmed the crime with the power of the Kingdom of Gears.

‘Mmm. What should I do?’

Raymond was troubled.

If Catherine is to prove her innocence, she must eventually uncover the truth behind the murder.

‘But I don’t think I can turn this situation upside down with my abilities?’

Until now, he had uncovered several murder cases with his medical knowledge, but this time it didn’t seem easy.

‘I don’t have anything to take as a clue. Even if I do an autopsy, nothing will come out.’

The treasurer’s cause of death was blunt force contusion.

He was hit in the head by a staff and died of a brain hemorrhage.

An autopsy was unlikely to yield any helpful clues.

‘If the case had been complicated, there would have been more to use as clues.’

It was so simple that I couldn’t help but take it as a clue.

How are you going to prove that it wasn’t Catherine who wielded the staff?

‘Fingerprint? It won’t remain over time.’

Raymond made a troubled face.

No matter how hard I tried, there seemed to be no clear way.

‘Should I just let go?’

Raymond secretly had such a sleazy thought.

I couldn’t help it.

As much as possible, he wanted to help Catherine to get soybean paste, but there seemed to be no way to help.

Pretending not to know would be the way to live, even if only one person was going to be disadvantaged by being tied up with wholesale money for helping her.

‘It can’t be helped. There’s no way the staff can tell you who the culprit is.’

That was the moment I thought about it.

An idea flashed into Raymond’s mind.

‘for a moment. Do the staff tell you a story?’

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Doctor Player

Doctor Player

Dr. Player
Score 7.4
Status: Completed Type: Artist: Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
Raymond, a lowly illegitimate son. He was born as the son of a noble, but he was nothing but a filthy man in the eyes of many. Even his qualities as a natural healer are the worst of the worse: Grade F. It was an irredeemable talent that was worse than the lowest class, indeed. But one day, a miracle happened to him. [You awakened as a player!] [Occupation: Surgeon] It was the beginning of a great legend.


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