Novel Doctor Player [Dr. Player] Chapter 414

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Doctor Player Chapter 414

‘As rumored, he looks kind.’

Catherine the Great is the one who rose to the throne with a reputation for good deeds.

When a major natural disaster hit the three rivers in the past, he jumped on his feet as a royal family to help the people, and thanks to that fame, he ascended the throne.

In the end, he committed a wrong crime and was about to be discharged in disgrace, but his impression was as good as rumors.

Raymond bowed his head to show his respect.

“Meet His Majesty, the great representative of the Ten Kingdoms.”

“Keep your head up. You are not in a position to be dishonored and honored.”

Catherine smiled weakly.

“Anyway, nice to meet you. I wanted to see you from the very beginning after hearing the rumors about the saint of poverty, but now my wish has finally come true.”

“I’m sorry.”

The short answer made Raymond nervous.

‘Why did you call me?’

Although he had been called, he was actually in a situation where he had nothing good to do with Catherine.

Because she was facing a dishonorable resignation.

If you gossip for no reason, it will hinder your business in the ecliptic.

‘Just listen to the story and break up as soon as possible. Let’s not be shaken no matter what we hear. do not forget. Raymond, the only thing that matters to you is money.’

Thinking so firmly, Raymond asked.

“Excuse me, but for what reason did you call me? If you have something to say, I will listen.”

Catherine was silent for a moment.

Seeing him not being able to speak up easily made Raymond even more ominous.

It was certain that it was something troubling!

“If it’s something you don’t feel comfortable talking about, you don’t have to say it.”

I said that because I didn’t want to hear it, but Catherine didn’t go over.

“Hehe, it’s my business anyway, so you’re guessing, so are you considerate of my miserable heart? It is just as I have heard.”

‘No, not at all?’

I couldn’t understand why his words were interpreted that way.

Catherine said as if she had made up her mind.

“Perhaps you can guess my business. I asked to see you to ask for help to relieve my injustice.”


“Please help clear the wrongful name that was written against me.”

Hearing those words, Raymond broke into a cold sweat.

‘Damn it too. It’s just as I was worried.’

Raymond assumed that Catherine had called him on this business.

I had no reason to see him unless I was asking for help.

‘I have to refuse.’

Raymond immediately thought of it before he even heard Catherine’s detailed circumstances.

‘It’s highly likely that it’s a false accusation due to the conspiracy of the Kingdom of Gears, but it’s not good for me to be involved.’

This may sound harsh, but Raymond is a man with a clear balance sheet


In his judgment, there was nothing to gain from being involved with Catherine in the current situation.

On the contrary, if he made a mistake, he could have ruined all business in the imperial capital.

‘It’s unfortunate, of course, but I can’t take such a huge loss.’

Thinking so, Raymond looked at Catherine.

Catherine was biting her lip, but she was looking at Raymond with desperate eyes.

Seeing those earnest eyes, I tried to weaken my heart, but I managed to pull myself together.

‘no! There is nothing to gain from helping… …Isn’t it?’

For a moment, Raymond narrowed his eyes.

A brilliant idea came to mind.

‘…Come to think of it, there is nothing to gain. If I help Emperor Catherine, I can benefit immensely!’

Raymond swallowed.

Let’s think about it from scratch.

Why did Raymond come to the ecliptic? No, why did you become a candidate for the throne?

The first was for money, and the second was to abandon the troublesome throne.

And these troublesome thrones were roughly resolved.

Rashid became the crown prince instead of Raymond, and Houston’s throne was confirmed to not inherit.

…Of course, there was a risk that people would try to put him on the throne again if he was eliminated from the election later… …I don’t know.

will absolutely refuse

So now all that’s left is to make money.

‘Isn’t it much more beneficial to me if Emperor Catherine remains on the throne?’

What if the saint of brilliance ascends the throne?

There was a high possibility that he would try to sabotage Raymond out of bad feelings.

Then, Raymond will have to deal with the saint of brilliance while doing business in the ecliptic.

A saint of brilliance who became the emperor and a horse.

On the other hand, what if you help Catherine?

‘Emperor Catherine will not be dethroned and I will be able to sweep the money with the full support of Emperor Catherine!’

It was a perfect happy ending!

Just then, the quest came to mind.

[Resolve the former emperor’s regret!]

(Ninjutsu Quest)

Priority: Medium

Difficulty: Good

Quest Description: The former emperor is about to retire in disgrace! Let go of the former emperor’s resentment and find the last honor!

Clear conditions: Remedy for clearing false names

Reward: Bonus level up x 3 Skill points 300 Bonuses

: Former

emperor of the ecliptic conquest.

last honor.

These were words with strange nuances.

However, blinded by greed (?), Raymond made the mistake of not thinking deeply about the meaning between the lines.

‘Good. I will carry Emperor Catherine on my back and conquer the ecliptic and become super rich!’

Having concluded that, Raymond made a determined face.

“As a member of the Ten Kingdoms, if something unfair happens to His Majesty, it would be right to take the lead. Just tell me what’s going on.”

It was a shameless remark that didn’t even spit on a subject that he tried to pretend he didn’t know earlier, but it didn’t matter to Raymond.

On the other hand, Catherine, who does not know Raymond’s true intentions, reacted in disbelief.

“really…Are you willing to help me?”

“Yes, it is.”

Raymond pondered for a while.

‘That’s why I talk too secretly in the first meeting.’

“Because I think it’s natural to help someone in need.”

As expected, it was a blatant lie that didn’t even spit on her mouth, but Catherine tightly closed her eyes, probably admiring the words.

Raymond smiled inwardly, noticing that Catherine had half-fallen over him.

‘Of course, I can’t just say good things and move on.’

Any transaction must be certain.

Raymond first brought up the story of ‘compensation’.

“Instead, if I help you, your majesty, please help me with what I want to accomplish.”

what you want to achieve.

Of course it’s about making money.

With the emperor’s full support, he would be able to literally wipe out the money.

But why?

Catherine’s eyes brightened strongly.

“What we want to achieve…all right. I will definitely give everything I have left to help.”

It was an overly resolute voice, and Raymond was momentarily puzzled.

But when Catherine said this, she couldn’t ask more.

“For now, please leave today. There are many eyes of the Kingdom of Gears all over the imperial palace, so if you leave the banquet for a long time, you’ll think it’s strange. I’ll arrange a place for you tomorrow.”

“All right.”

Raymond bowed his head.

With Raymond gone, Catherine was left alone and deep in thought.

‘As expected. The rumor that it is really light is not false. Helping me is sure to have a negative impact on the election of the emperor, but he’s willing to step out like that.’

Catherine recalled the rumors she had heard about Raymond.

An angel who came down from heaven for the people.

A holy fool that only others know.

sublime light.

There were many, many rumors about Raymond.

These were too grandiose rumors to be believed lightly, but Catherine realized it after just one meeting.

That Raymond’s rumors were the truth without a single lie.

‘Even if I step down, I’ll be relieved if he’s there.’

It was a curious thought.

Catherine thought that even if her resentment was resolved, she would not stay on the throne!

In fact, Catherine thought so.

‘In the future, a weak person like me is not suitable for the throne. The emperor needed by the Crusader Alliance is like that saint of poverty.’

Catherine, of course, was not incompetent.

It was because he was famous for his many contributions to the people before he ascended the throne.

But that’s about it.

Catherine knew her vessel well.

In peaceful times, the medium is a bowl to do.

That alone could be said to be great, but in the future, the Crusader Alliance Empire will be in great confusion from the demonic beasts of the Kingdom of Gears.

To overcome the chaos and prosper the Crusader Alliance Empire, a better person was needed.

Just like Raymond.

‘Above all, the saint of poverty is not just a good person.’

Catherine remembered the look in Raymond’s eyes just now.

‘Your Majesty, please lend your strength to the work I want to accomplish.’

Saying that, Raymond’s eyes were burning with strong will.

‘I can’t believe I can burn so much with my will for the people.’

Catherine sighed in admiration.

‘If my resentment is resolved, I will do my best so that he can inherit the throne. As the former emperor, he has that much authority.’

It was an unexpected story.

It meant that Catherine would lend an arm so that he could inherit the throne.

This was possible according to the rules for electing the emperor.

The election of the emperor of the Crusader Alliance Empire is extremely complicated.

A person of high reputation is selected as a candidate, and among those candidates, an electorate is selected to select the one who will become the emperor.

In particular, the election of the electors is also very complicated, and the votes that can be exercised for each electorate are different.

The electorate who had a strong influence on the Crusader Alliance Empire could cast a larger vote, and among all the electors, those who could cast the largest vote were, of course, the kings of the Ten Kingdoms.

‘…And there are beings who can exercise a vote that surpasses the kings of those ten kingdoms.’

Catherine’s eyes lit up.

‘He’s the former emperor.’


If the former emperor resigns himself and nominates a successor emperor, the candidate becomes the legitimate successor of the previous emperor, the ‘crown prince’, and receives an enormous additional score.

‘Originally, I couldn’t exercise this authority because I was scheduled to resign in disgrace, but the story will change if the saint of poverty relieves me of my injustice.’

Catherine had an idea.

‘I’m declaring the saint of poverty as my legitimate successor, the ‘crown prince’. Of course, it would be impossible for this person to ascend the throne with just this.’

Becoming the crown prince doesn’t mean you can ascend to the throne.

But it will be a stepping stone to enough miracles.

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Doctor Player

Doctor Player

Dr. Player
Score 7.4
Status: Completed Type: Artist: Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
Raymond, a lowly illegitimate son. He was born as the son of a noble, but he was nothing but a filthy man in the eyes of many. Even his qualities as a natural healer are the worst of the worse: Grade F. It was an irredeemable talent that was worse than the lowest class, indeed. But one day, a miracle happened to him. [You awakened as a player!] [Occupation: Surgeon] It was the beginning of a great legend.


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