Novel Doctor Player [Dr. Player] Chapter 388

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Doctor Player Chapter 388

It seemed that he wanted to drag Raymond into the Mage Tower somehow.

Of course, Raymond had no interest in the Mage Tower.

‘To me, the magic tower is nothing more than a means to make money. Anything more than that is absolutely forbidden.’

Yes, he didn’t care what misunderstandings and hopes Laina and the other wizards had for him.

and the Tower of Healing.

…They just went back to their ugly faces.

When the black dragon sprayed the poison for the first time, he couldn’t stand it and inhaled the poison, so he just suffered and went back.

…When he left, he looked at Raymond with the eyes of a nemesis of fate, but he was not interested.

‘Yes, the important thing now is not the magic tower or the healing tower.’

Raymond only let out a sigh.

‘What are you going to do? The throne of the Peninsula Kingdom. Aww.’

scratched his head again.

I didn’t see an answer.

‘no. You can’t give up. He said there is hope in any despair.’

It was when Raymond was desperately contemplating giving up the throne somehow.

An unexpected person came.

“The lord’s guest has arrived.”


Raymond looked at Elmude, who had delivered the news, with dissatisfied eyes.

As always, Elmud and Mien were of no help to Raymond at the ruins this time.

‘I follow him as an escort and there’s no time to help. And I usually eat the most beef.’

It was Raymond who had long forgotten that Elmude played a role in the drug case the other day.


“This is Princess Pione.”

Raymond tilted his head at those words.

‘Didn’t he go back yet?’

Most of those who came from the Crusader Empire, such as Duke Leif and Jude, had already returned.

‘What’s Princess Pione’s business?’

It was annoying to meet, but he was not someone to refuse.

“Ask them to come in.”

“Your lord.”

Soon a cute girl came in.

“Meet Prince Raymond.”

“Your princess. Please come in.”

Raymond also took an example.

After that, after sharing some ceremonial stories, I asked.

“What are you doing?”


Although young, her opponent is the princess of a great country.

I’m not here to just have a chat.

Princess Fione was silent for a moment.

You notice that you can’t easily talk about something important.

‘…what. What is it?’

The atmosphere of such an opponent made Raymond feel like fighting for a moment.

I had an ominous feeling that I shouldn’t hear it.

“…If it’s difficult, you don’t have to.”

However, Princess Fione shook her head as if she had made up her mind.

Then he opened his mouth.

“…Wouldn’t His Highness want to become emperor by any chance?”


The story came out like lightning.

* * *

Raymond didn’t understand the words for a moment.

No, I heard it, but I didn’t understand it.

“…what did you say?”

“…I asked if you had no intention of becoming emperor.”


Raymond narrowed his eyes.


He still couldn’t understand Princess Pione’s words.

Because it was such an enormous story, recognition rejected it.

But Phione’s eyes were serious, and eventually Raymond opened his eyes wide.


Princess Pione nodded firmly.

“Yes, he is the emperor representing our crusader empire.”

“Why did you do that to me?”

Raymond was so absurd that he couldn’t resist asking, ‘Why are you talking nonsense like that all of a sudden?’

“This is a very sudden story. I am the emperor.”

Fione nodded as if she understood.

“I understand your surprise. But it’s not a strange story. Because the prince is fully qualified to become the emperor of the Crusader Empire.”

“…Are you qualified?”

“Yes, do you know how our Crusader Empire selects its emperor?”

yeah of course i know

It’s a story that has nothing to do with you.

“Select the most prestigious among the royal families of the ten kingdoms….”

Raymond, who had been talking that far, kept his mouth shut.

‘for a moment?’

most prestigious.

Recalling that condition, Raymond broke into a cold sweat.

‘…What is my reputation now?’

Come to think of it, he was already a sufficiently prestigious royal family.

Enough to be mentioned as a candidate for emperor!

‘Wait a minute. what is this? Isn’t it dangerous?’

Raymond broke into a cold sweat and remembered the election of the emperor.

I hadn’t thought about it at all until now, but thinking about the method of election was incredibly dangerous.

The emperor is an ‘elected’ position.

It is not that the person himself sets out to do it, but the one who receives the most recommendation among the royal family of the ten kingdoms ascends to the throne.

The point here is that selection is based on ‘recommendation’.

This rule was created because of the symbolism of the emperor as the representative of the ten kingdoms, and it was a tradition that had been handed down since the founding of the Crusader Empire.

…In other words, regardless of your will, if you do something wrong, your nose can be pierced!

‘Wait a minute. Why are you bringing me up about the emperor? Are you sure you’re going to make me do that?’

Raymond felt a tremendous sense of danger.

The Peninsula throne is also terrible, but the emperor!

Raymond was terrified at the mere mention of it.

He shook his head hastily to defend the impregnable wall.

“I never thought about ascending the throne. And above all, I am lacking.”

“Not enough?”

Princess Fione tilted her head.

“I don’t think there are a few members of the royal family who have a reputation comparable to that of the prince, even in the Crusader Empire.”


“Especially by conquering the legendary ruins this time, the prince’s reputation has become difficult for anyone to follow.”

Raymond felt at a loss for words to answer.

‘Damn it. Why did I uselessly conquer the ruins?’

Raymond realized the seriousness of the crisis he was facing.

Originally, his reputation was high.

However, there was a feeling that there was something lacking in becoming an emperor candidate because of the reputation gained from a place away from the ecliptic, the center of the Crusader Alliance Empire.

Now he was truly a glorious hero with the highest reputation. There is no shortage of being mentioned as a candidate for the throne.

“Oh no, as I said, I have never thought of the imperial throne. The throne should be taken over by someone greater than me… ….”

“Are you better than the prince?”

Fione said in a heartfelt voice with her eyes shining innocently.

“You don’t think there is such a person in the world?”


“I came to know about the appearance of the prince at the ruins this time. That the prince is a great person who will not exist again in the world.”

Phione was suspicious of Raymond at first.

But now, all those doubts were dismissed.

When he saw Raymond’s noble figure at the ruins, he could no longer doubt it.

actually…For some reason, the appearance of refusing the throne is not humility… …It looks like she really doesn’t want to assume the throne, but it must be her misunderstanding.

‘There’s no way he would hate it. He cares so much for the people.’

Meanwhile, Raymond was constantly breaking out in a cold sweat.

that girl princess It felt like something didn’t make sense.

“Aren’t I from the royal family of the 3 rivers?”

“There is no criterion that you have to be one of the top three royals to be elected to the throne.”

“That’s true, but realistically, there’s never been a person who wasn’t from the royal family of the three powers ascended the throne, right?”

Princess Fione shook her head.

“Don’t worry about that. Our castle, Rosette Kingdom, will fully support the prince.”


Raymond’s complexion turned pale.

I realized that the other person was really sincere.

‘No, why the hell are you doing this? Because I was deceived and influenced by my image-making?’

But that doesn’t even make sense.

Electing the most prestigious royal family as emperor was, in fact, a nominal criterion.

In practice, the political interests of each country are reflected most.

In the Crusader Empire, the royal family of the place with the greatest influence was elected as the emperor.

‘Wait a minute?’

Thinking that far, Raymond suddenly came up with a possibility.

“Is it because of the Kingdom of Gears that you are telling me this?”

Princess Pione was taken aback.

“…yes that’s right. Our castle, Rosette Kingdom, is making this proposal to the prince in order to prevent the ‘Saint of Radiance’ from the Gears Kingdom from ascending to the throne.”

Raymond made a surprised face.

Gears Kingdom!

In name and reality, it was the strongest country in the Crusader Alliance Empire.

Even though it is classified into 3 strong countries, it is the strongest country with national power that can simultaneously deal with the remaining 2 strong countries, Alpenser Kingdom and Saint Rosette Kingdom.

Moreover, in the Kingdom of Gears, there was a saint of brilliance.

‘The greatest saint of the Crusader Empire. The most influential person as the next emperor.’

Princess Fione bowed her head.

“please. At this rate, the throne will pass to the Kingdom of Gears. However, Norgian, the ruler of the Kingdom of Gears, is a king with tremendous ambition. If the throne passes to them, the Crusader Empire will be shaken to its roots.”


“To stop the ambitions of the Kingdom of Gears, I need your help.”

It was a desperate voice.

But Raymond had a shaky face.

‘…Nope. Why should I do such a thing?’

It is famous on the continent that the current ruler of the Kingdom of Gears, Norgian, has enormous ambitions, but in fact, from Raymond’s point of view, it was a faraway country like the Byeonggyeong across the river.

‘I have to refuse.’

The moment you decide to open your mouth.

Raymond suddenly had an idea.

‘for a moment. This is the election of the emperor… …If I think carefully, I might be able to use it to my advantage.’

It was an unexpected story.

You want to use the election of the emperor?

Raymond had the opposite idea.

‘Being a candidate for emperor would be an excuse to refuse the throne of the Peninsula Kingdom!’

The kingship and the throne could not be concurrently held.

It was for this reason that Norgian, the ruler of the Kingdom of Gears, did not become the king himself, but instead presented a saint of brilliance as his proxy.

In other words, what if he becomes a candidate for the throne?

You can proudly kick off the throne of the Peninsula Kingdom!

‘That’s not all. You can even kick off the throne of Houston Kingdom. The problem that has been bothering me so far can be solved at once.’

Raymond wanted to shout Eureka for his genius.

What if he was elected as the real emperor?

‘It can’t be like that.’

Raymond shook his head.

Until now, there had never been a single person who was not a member of the royal family of the three powers ascended the throne.

And above all, the most powerful country in the Crusader Alliance at this point was the Kingdom of Gears.

Sorry to say this… …Because Saint Rosette Kingdom was already a very energetic month.

Even if Saint Rosette Kingdom fully supported him, he would not be able to go against the trend.

Of course, the saint of brilliance will ascend to the throne.

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Doctor Player

Doctor Player

Dr. Player
Score 7.4
Status: Completed Type: Artist: Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
Raymond, a lowly illegitimate son. He was born as the son of a noble, but he was nothing but a filthy man in the eyes of many. Even his qualities as a natural healer are the worst of the worse: Grade F. It was an irredeemable talent that was worse than the lowest class, indeed. But one day, a miracle happened to him. [You awakened as a player!] [Occupation: Surgeon] It was the beginning of a great legend.


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