Novel Doctor Player [Dr. Player] Chapter 339

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Doctor Player Chapter 339

Anyway, that’s how time passed.

Mana for the spirits to stay in the human world was supplied by airborne magic stones.

The wind spirits did what Raymond expected.

‘Rather better than the ventilators of the modern Earth. Shall we call it a respirator with artificial intelligence?’

The ventilator assists breathing by setting the settings according to the patient’s condition.

Afterwards, it was necessary to monitor the patient’s condition and continuously adjust the setting value, but the spirits themselves played a role.

[Exhalation is stuffy!]

[This person’s exhalation power is weak!]

Appropriate pressure and oxygen were administered according to the patient’s condition.

Thanks to this, the patients were able to buy time like gold, and soon the antibiotics that Raymond administered had an effect.

One by one, they are starting to show improvement!

The first patient to show improvement was Christine.

“…Ma master.”

“Are you okay?”

Christine, who barely came to her senses, stammered with a face that was very hot.

“yes…It’s getting easier to breathe a little now. yet…Although it is difficult.”

“Get well soon.”

Raymond held Christine’s hand.

It was not an action of any particular significance.


He always holds the patient’s hand like this.

But Christine’s earlobes turned slightly red without anyone noticing.

“You should get well soon and tell me what you were trying to say.”


Christine’s face turned red.

Come to think of it, when I was wandering between death and death, I thought I was going to die, so I said that.

‘Open letter. Did you get it back?’

Christine sighed.

Why are you writing such a letter?

I’m glad I got it back.

‘If I had opened it, I would have died of embarrassment.’

Raymond said with a relieved face.

“Anyway, when you’re all healed, tell me what you were trying to say.”


Christine pondered and shook her head.

“I forgot.”


“It hurt so much that I forgot.”

Raymond tilted his head.

But I didn’t ask more if he was considerate of her.

“all right. Anyway, please get well soon.”

Left alone, Christine let out a deep breath.

Raymond’s eyes came to mind, knowing nothing.

‘…Because I’m still satisfied.’

Yes, just being by his side and helping him was satisfying and happy enough.

Christine hid her regret.

* * *

Since then, Lyson has also gradually recovered.

However, Jorus, the deputy tower, did not recover.

In the end, he could not withstand the deterioration of his breathing and died.

‘Because not all patients can be treated.’

It’s unfortunate, but it was unavoidable.

Doctors only give the best treatment.

The outcome depended on the sky.

Perhaps Jorth was being punished for his misdeeds. It was because he had committed many evil acts as the sub-top owner of the Tower of Light.

“Thank you, Your Highness.”

Raison bowed his head with a flushed face.

He became the lord of the Tower of Light and received Raymond’s treatment, so he had nothing to say.

“There is nothing to be thankful for. It is natural for a healer to treat patients.”

“Is that so? As expected of a saint… …You are sublime.”

Ryson said with an awkward face.

His life was saved, but he was in a position where he could not be truly grateful.

This is because the excellence of medicine has been revealed a hundredfold.

But I couldn’t underestimate what Raymond had done.

He solved the black death curse fog with minimal damage.

How can you disparage such a miracle?

‘…Will the age of medicine come?’

Ryson thought with a heavy face.

In fact, in the Iron Empire and the Free Cities Alliance, healing techniques that did not depend on healing were already sprouting.

The absolute stronghold of the Tower of Healing was maintained only in the Crusader Alliance Empire.

However, since such a great healing technique has appeared, the Stronghold of the Tower of Healing will be greatly damaged in the future.

Ryson said weakly.

“…I was able to live thanks to Your Highness. I don’t know how to repay this favor.”

It was a declaration of surrender.

* * *

“There is something I want from the tower owner.”

“What is?”

“Please formally acknowledge the medical school.”


Raison made a puzzled face.

The medical school was already a formal school.

But Raymond shook his head and spoke bluntly.

“I’m asking you to think of it as a partner for patients, not just ostracizing it like now.”


“The Tower of Light is for the patients in its own way. I will serve patients through medicine. I want them to become good-intentioned competitors, not hostile to each other.”

It was a request not to interfere with the activities of the Medical School in the future.

Topju Lyson could only nod his head.

There was no justification for interfering with the activities of the Medical School, and now that it was witchcraft, medicine could not be disparaged.

That’s how Raymond completely suppressed the bridge of the tower of light.

It clearly proved the excellence of medicine throughout the Peninsula Kingdom.

Blesser Mars could not overcome the disgrace and left for the ecliptic.

‘I will definitely defeat Your Highness.’

He gnashed his teeth and left, but it was out of Raymond’s interest.

His interests were elsewhere.

‘Hahaha, now that I’ve broken the Tower of Light, all I have to do is make a lot of money!’

In the future, no one will ever question medicine.

Noble patients will come in, so the only future left is to sweep the money.

And the good news was not limited to noble patients.

[You have reached level 350!]

[You have broken through the ‘third threshold’!]

[Congratulations on completing the arduous fellowship course!]

It was a promotion!

[We evaluate your achievements in the fellowship process!]

Raymond’s heart was pounding.

Depending on what kind of evaluation you get here, the professor’s grade will be different.

In the worst case, it could be delayed.

But fortunately.

[Your achievement evaluation is the highest ‘S grade’!]

[Additional points will be given for laying the groundwork for medicine to spread in this world!]

[Congratulations! You performed the fellowship process better than anyone else!]

Highest point! Raymond let out a sigh of relief.

Perhaps it was the fact that he suppressed the bridge of the Tower of Light and made his medicine recognized among the people earned him extra points.

[Passing the third standard, the level of the class rises!]

[Your class has become ‘Professor’!]


Description: The leader of the Tower of Medicine. This is a grade that focuses on the development of medicine in earnest through medical research education and patient care! Do your best to improve your medical skills!

Raymond felt a new face.

It started with the rank of resident and finally rose to the rank of ‘professor’.

‘I’m still an assistant professor. Over time, he will grow into an associate professor and a senior professor.’

It didn’t end there.

[Special benefits are given to you who successfully complete the fellowship course!]

[You have been appointed as a professor at the ‘4th Hospital’!]

‘The 4th Hospital?’

Raymond tilted his head and then said ah.

Not all professors are the same.

Some professors were only professors at small hole-in-the-wall hospitals, while professors varied greatly depending on the level of hospitals, such as small and medium-sized hospitals and large university hospitals.

‘Of course, it’s difficult to conclude that professors at large hospitals are unconditionally better than professors at small hospitals.’

In any case, the professor at a large hospital has greater honor and authority as a doctor.

Among them, the ‘fourth hospital’ is a university hospital among university hospitals.

It refers to the top hospital in each country that requests treatment from a university hospital, a high-level medical institution.

It seemed that he had completed the fellowship process and became a professor at such a large hospital.

‘There must be a benefit?’

Raymond salivated, and indeed this message came to mind.

[The 4th hospital professor’s privileges are given!]

[The skill ‘Doctor’s Charisma’ evolves into ‘Professor’s Charisma’!]

[Professor’s Charisma]

Classification: Attribute Skill

Rating: Legendary

Proficiency: B

-Even more as a professor You will have intense warm majesty!

-Patients will firmly trust you!

And that wasn’t all.

[The skill ‘First Instructor’ evolves into ‘First Class Professor’!]

[First Class Professor]

Category: Disciple Raising

Rating: Legendary

Proficiency: C

– Your students will make desperate efforts with great respect for you!

– The growth speed of disciples belonging to the medical school is increased by 40%!

Raymond was startled.

It was a tremendous effect.

With this skill, the speed of the disciple training plan will be much faster.

There were other benefits.

[Acquire the skill ‘Cooperative Consultation Request’!]

[Cooperative Consultation Request]

Classification: Academic Skill

Rating: Legendary

Proficiency: C

-You can request collaboration with another medical department once a week!

Raymond was surprised again.

Originally, university hospitals had a ‘collaborative consultation’ system.

Even an expert in one field cannot cover all medical fields, so patients with various problems are referred to specialized professors in each field.

‘Because I’m also in the infancy of minor medicine or psychiatry.’

It wasn’t really a cooperative effort, but it was that he could temporarily compensate for his lack of skills through this skill.

Several additional messages came to mind.

[‘Intellect’ stat increases by 10!]

[‘Mana’ stat increases by 10!]

[Study skill ‘Surgery’ proficiency rises to S grade!]

[Academic skill ‘Internal Medicine’ proficiency increases to AA grade It rises!]




Excellent academic skills have risen, and a sense of satisfaction has risen.

‘Good. I’m making a lot of money with this knowledge.’

Raymond clenched his fists.

Now that it has been further upgraded, all the continent’s money was his.

I will train my disciples diligently and sweep the continent’s money.

A nice gift just arrived.

Hair loss cure!


“Meet the prince. I finally developed a hair loss treatment!”

Rune has been immersed in drug development using hair loss gora.

Finally, the achievement came out and came to me on the Doctor Shuttle.

“Here, this is a hair loss treatment.”

Rune carefully held out the box.

Raymond’s eyes twinkled.

It was a valuable item that would make him super rich!

When I opened the box, I saw finely crushed magic crystal powder.

“I made it by researching the contaminated magic crystal used by the black darkness.”

It was not intended for eating.

If you have it in your body, it affects the sex hormone system and promotes hair growth.

‘this…A product that will overturn the continent!’

Raymond rolled his eyes with emotion.

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Doctor Player

Doctor Player

Dr. Player
Score 7.4
Status: Completed Type: Artist: Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
Raymond, a lowly illegitimate son. He was born as the son of a noble, but he was nothing but a filthy man in the eyes of many. Even his qualities as a natural healer are the worst of the worse: Grade F. It was an irredeemable talent that was worse than the lowest class, indeed. But one day, a miracle happened to him. [You awakened as a player!] [Occupation: Surgeon] It was the beginning of a great legend.


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