Novel Doctor Player [Dr. Player] Chapter 338

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Doctor Player Chapter 338

The Black Death is spread through fleas. However, it can also spread from person to person through the air.

Raymond’s guess seized everyone with fear.

“You mean that cursed fog?”

“Right now, that seems most likely.”


Everyone was greatly agitated.

Originally, the Tower of Healing recommended leaving the sick and fleeing to a safe place in the event of an epidemic of smallpox and black death, which had a high fatality rate.

This is because it is not a disease that can be cured with the power of healers.

Then Mars bit his lip and asked.

“Are you sure it’s really a cursed fog?”

Cursed Fog. It was a Leifentaina expression of the Black Death.

At Marth’s question, Raymond nodded.

“It’s almost certain when you see lymph node swelling and dark spots along with pneumonia. In fact, didn’t you all guess to some extent?”

The hall became quiet.

Yes, it is true that I had a mind of doubt after seeing the symptoms that appeared on the bodies of Lyson and Jorth.

It’s just that it’s so terrible that I just hoped it wouldn’t happen.

The hall was terrified.

Normally, he would have fled without looking back, but the patients were the tower owner and sub-top owner of the tower of light.

I couldn’t leave it, and if I stayed like this, we were all going to die together.

However, Raymond told an unexpected story.

“I am rather fortunate.”

“…I beg your pardon? Relief?”

The top healers of Gwangmyeong opened their eyes.


silently nodded.

“If it is your plague, it can be cured. With the power of medicine.”


Everyone opened their eyes.

But Raymond wasn’t talking empty words.

‘It’s sufficiently treatable.’

The reason why the Black Death took a terrifying sacrifice on Earth was because there was no cure at the time.

However, after the development of medicine, even if the Black Death occurred, it did not cause a great sacrifice and quickly disappeared.

Because it can be treated with antibiotics.

‘I’ll have to check the exact type of antibiotics with a hair loss gora.’

Also hopeful is the route of infection.

It is highly likely that the Black Death was transmitted through this academic event.

In particular, it was most likely that the source of infection was the goblin that died while being treated by Lyson Tower.

Therefore, if the venue is closed now, in the early stages, and those who have been in contact with the alleged goblin are closely quarantined and monitored, a large-scale epidemic can be prevented.

Meanwhile, the top healers of Gwangmyeong hesitated in disbelief.

“That…To be able to cure the cursed mist… ….”

“Impossible… ….”

Raymond cut it off to prevent needless interruptions.

“I’m speaking on my own, and it’s possible.”

The complexion of the top healers of the light turned dark.

What if Raymond’s words were really true?

It’s not something to like.

It will be a huge upheaval that cannot be compared to anything before.

It really puts medicine on the heels.

But I couldn’t let go of it.

Because the lives of the top lord and the sub-top lord were at stake.

no, no offense.

“If you don’t want to get infected too, wear the protective clothing I give you.”

Linden rushed over with a hazmat suit.

The top healers of Gwangmyeong glanced at each other with worried eyes.

‘Is that the ancient armor? Will it protect you from contagious diseases?’

‘If I wore that, I’d be safe from the Black Death.’

But if they accept and wear it, what will they lose their face for ignoring Raymond?

In effect, the Tower of Light has the same meaning as bowing its head to Raymond.

I couldn’t do this or that, but I finally closed my eyes tightly.

Because honor as a healer is not more important than life.

The top healers of Gwangmyeong put on the protective suits that Raymond gave them.

* * *

‘Everyone needs to be completely cured.’

This may have been a huge opportunity.

Peninsula Kingdom. No, it was an opportunity to completely conquer the Crusader Empire with medicine.

If the Black Death, which even countless Saints could not cure, is cured with medicine, no one will be able to dispute the excellence of medicine.

No, apart from that, Christine was infected.

I had to treat everyone completely, even for her sake.

The first step is to find the most effective antibiotics against the bubonic plague.

‘I have to use the antibiotic that is most suitable for the yersinia bacteria.’

Yersinia bacteria.

It is a fungus that causes the Black Death.

I used a hair loss gora to find the right antibiotic.

[Ah! I got a terrible disease from hair loss gora!]

As soon as the epidemic broke out, Raymond ordered to bring a hair loss gora, and the hair loss gora has just arrived.

Raymond first infected Gora with the plague.

It was possible to check the drug reaction in various conditions called baldness gore, and it was possible to make it sick.

In that state, several antibiotics were fed and the reaction was checked.

[Ah! Don’t feed anything strange! I feel like I’m going to throw up because of my hair loss!]

[Ah! Give me a better medicine, you quack!]

[I’d rather have beef!]

Fortunately, I was able to find the right antibiotic after such repetition.

Immediately thereafter, the drug was administered to the patients.

Indeed, some patients are starting to see results.

These were patients in the early stages of the disease.

“Can I really cure the cursed mist?”

The unbelievable transfer made the top healers of light agitated.

The new healers who newly joined the medical school were amazed with their eyes wide open.

‘Our choice was right.’

‘Now is the age of medicine!’

But things didn’t go so smoothly.

Linden shouted in an urgent voice.

“Master Princess’s oxygen saturation is getting lower!”


It wasn’t just Christine.

Only some patients in the early stages showed improvement.

Still, the majority of patients were still in severe respiratory failure. Some even made it worse.

‘It’s not that the medicine doesn’t work. But the damage to the lungs is already severe.’

It usually takes 48 hours for antibiotics to take effect in earnest after administration.

After that, you have to take enough medicine to expect the proper effect.

The key was time.

The inflammation in the lungs was so severe that it was a question of whether the patients would be able to endure until then.

‘I need respiratory support treatment.’

It means treatment to support a broken lung.

High-concentration oxygen was already being given through wind-attribute magic.

However, there was a limit to simply administering oxygen.

A higher level of support was needed.

‘I need a ventilator.’


It was a widely used breathing aid on the modern Earth.

Instead of simply supplying oxygen, it replaces breathing by pushing pressure from the outside.

‘The problem is that the principle is too complicated.’

Ventilators were no less complex than hemodialysis machines.

‘The key to a ventilator is pressure. I have to let the oxygen flow out with pressure, not just flow it out.’

It is thanks to negative pressure through the diaphragm that a person can inhale air from the outside into the inside.

A ventilator, on the other hand, puts in positive pressure from the outside and pushes the breath in.

‘The problem is, don’t put too much pressure on it. We have to put in the right amount of air for each patient.’

This delicate control was difficult, so I couldn’t dare to implement it as a magic tool.

‘Ask Princess Sylvene?’

Fortunately, it seemed that her ability could be implemented similarly.

But there was a problem.

It was production time.

It is said that it is possible to make a tool with a similar principle through the ability of blood, but it takes a lot of time.

I needed it right now.

‘Is there any skill that can help?’

Raymond opened the Charleuk Market.

wind attribute magic. There was enchantment magic, etc., but it didn’t seem right.

But one skill caught his eye.

[Spiritual magic.]


It was a skill that had not been seen before.

As the class grade went up, it seemed that he could learn it.

[If you purchase the skill, you will be able to minister to the spirits!]

Raymond made a surprised face.

‘Aren’t spirit spirits extremely rare? But will I be able to command spirits?’

It was a huge thing.

He is learning genius swordsmanship and magic medicine, but there’s also spiritism.

The world will turn upside down again.

But Raymond shook his head indifferently.

‘I don’t have to draw that attention anymore. Because I’m already famous enough.’

Above all, what would he do if he learned spiritism now? It doesn’t help at all in the treatment of patients… ….

‘for a moment. No.’

An idea flashed through Raymond’s head.

‘It might help!’

Raymond immediately bought the skill.

[Purchase the skill ‘Wind Spirit’!]

[Skill points are consumed 300 points!]

[Wind Spirit]

Classification: Auxiliary Skill (Spirit)

Proficiency: D

-You can command a low-level wind spirit!

– When your skill level rises, you will be able to command higher-level spirits!

Raymond immediately summoned the spirit.

[Curry! human! Human!]

[Nice to meet you! I’m a sylph!]

Little fairies the size of fingers circled around Raymond.

They were cute enough to make my heart thump, but Raymond didn’t show much reaction.

Originally, he was not particularly inspired by anything other than money and beef.

“Can you guys make the wind happen as I ask?”

[Yeah, anything! Shall I cool you off?]

[Is there someone to scold you for? Should I play with you?]

The wind spirits innocently asked.

‘hmm. That’s not what I’m asking you to do.’

Raymond broke out in a cold sweat.

He wondered if these mischievous spirits would do as he wished.

‘I heard he’s moody, likes to play, and doesn’t like working.’

So I laid the base rice.

“No, what I want from you is not that simple.”


“I want to ask you for something very, very great.”

[A great job~?]

[I want to do it! I want to do it! What’s going on?]

The fairies got excited and made a fuss.

‘As expected, I’m weak against childish comments like this.’

Raymond looked serious.

“Yeah, it’s something you can do to save the world.”

‘It’s not a complete lie. If the Black Death is not resolved, a great disaster will come upon the world.’

The spirits became more excited and flew around Raymond.

[Let me! let me do it! I’ll do anything!]

Raymond smiled meaningfully at the spirits’ reaction.

It was a spirit slave acquisition.

“Help the patients breathe here.”

[…] …Breathing?]

“Yeah, you guys breathe in as you breathe in and out.”

The role of the ventilator was assigned to the spirit!

If the spirit attaches to the patients and injects air according to their breathing, they can inject just the right amount of breath.

[But I don’t think this will be fun?]

“It’s a great thing to save the world.”

[Uh uh! Okay, I’ll work hard!]

“And if you work hard, I’ll give you a prize?”

[Which one?]

The spirit’s eyes twinkled.

“The smell of beef!”

[Smell of beef?]

“I’ll let you smell the smell of grilled beef!”

Spirits cannot eat food.

Instead, I heard that the wind spirit likes sweet scents, so I made this suggestion.

Surprisingly, the spirit liked the smell of beef.

[I like the smell of beef!]

[Me too! Sweet and savory!]

[Let’s work hard!]

Linden, who was next to him, put on a dazed expression at the spirits’ reaction.

‘…Nonsense. The wind spirit likes beef. That’s a scam.’

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Doctor Player

Doctor Player

Dr. Player
Score 7.4
Status: Completed Type: Artist: Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
Raymond, a lowly illegitimate son. He was born as the son of a noble, but he was nothing but a filthy man in the eyes of many. Even his qualities as a natural healer are the worst of the worse: Grade F. It was an irredeemable talent that was worse than the lowest class, indeed. But one day, a miracle happened to him. [You awakened as a player!] [Occupation: Surgeon] It was the beginning of a great legend.


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