Novel Doctor Player [Dr. Player] Chapter 325

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Doctor Player Chapter 325

‘How sophisticated magic technology is needed to implement catapult. Is it possible?’

Raymond felt dark.

On Earth, dialysis is a treatment that began to be used only in the 1950s. Before that, all patients with end-stage renal failure had died.

Then Linden shouted.

“master! One patient has a cardiac arrest! Ventricular arrhythmia!”

Raymond gritted his teeth.

The function of the kidney is broken, and the potassium level rises, and the cardiac arrest has come.

“Inject calcium and electric shock!”


CPR was performed urgently, but to no avail.

It could not be saved unless the cause of kidney failure was addressed.


Raymond felt helpless.

This was not a situation that could be resolved simply with a will to care for the patient.

It was impossible with his current ability.

‘Damn it.’

The patient’s family was watching him with desperate eyes.

At this rate, all patients suffering from uremia will die.

‘I have to come up with a way somehow. But how the hell?’

But that was the moment.

An unexpected voice was heard.

“Fortunately, I seem to have arrived on time.”

It was a middle-aged man with a hard look.

Despite his normal appearance, Raymond immediately recognized the opponent’s true identity.

‘Saint Birn!’

it was famous

‘The owner of the special heel ‘Protection of True Life’.’

Jeongmyeong’s protection.

It was a special heal that detoxifies toxins in the body.

Although the exact mechanism is unknown, it seems to have the effect of maximizing the function of the kidneys or liver.

‘It has a high reputation as a special heel that is especially useful in the Peninsula Kingdom.’

The Peninsula Kingdom is full of magic.

Occasionally, poisonings happen.

So, Saint Birn, who knows how to use the divine protection, was a healer that all nobles preferred to be close to.

‘Certainly Saint Birn will be able to treat these patients.’

Raymond felt a complicated heart for a moment.

He is now in a position where he cannot be pushed back by the Tower of Light.

It was dizzying how the Tower of Light would make noise if Saint Birn treated a patient he couldn’t treat.

In fact, reporters from the press who accompanied Birn were seen.

‘They’re planning to spread that they trampled on me as an article. Then my plan to make money in the Peninsula Kingdom will be greatly disrupted.’

But Raymond shook his head.

‘Don’t think nonsense. The Tower of Light can be won later. Right now, patients come first.’

Then Birn asked.

“It seems that you are not enough. Would you please stop harassing the patient with pointless sorcery and move away, Your Highness?”

The disciples were furious.

Raymond was also offended, but walked away without saying anything.

At Raymond’s reaction, Birn made an unexpected face.

Of course, I expected it to be disruptive.

‘Are you aware of your own shortcomings? Not the worst.’

Anyway, Birn stood in front of the patient.

“An evil energy flowing from the smoke of the flames is causing breathing difficulties. We must purify it through Heaven’s blessing.”

Birn deliberately referred to ‘smoke from the flames’ and ‘difficulty in breathing’ as directed by Jors.

Reporters from the press quickly recorded his words.

After that, the main act began.

Saint Birn put his hands together.

A holy look as if praying.


Particles of bluish light began to rise from his body, and reporters burst into admiration.

“That’s the blessing of Jeongmyeong!”

“It is very sacred.”

The reporters took out expensive light-attribute magic tools and took pictures of St. Birn.

‘This is a great scoop.’

‘Is the Tower of Light trampling on Crown Prince Raymond?’

Raymond was the rising god of the Peninsula Kingdom.

However, since the Tower of Light would trample on such divinity, it would cause great disturbance.

When the reporters, paid in advance, were coming up with phrases that would disparage Raymond’s medicine as provocatively and clearly as possible.

Particles of blue light landed on the patient’s body.

It was like receiving a blessing from the holy sky.

“Is it done?”

the reporter asked.

“exactly. You will recover slowly now.”

Indeed, the patient began to moan as if he had awakened a little.

“Oh oh! You are amazing!”

But something unexpected happened.

Saint Birn rose from his seat!

As if the business was over.

“Then I’ll be on my way.”

“…Are you going?”

asked Raymond, surprised.

St. Birn has treated only one patient. Many were still dying.

Saint Birn said as if it were natural.

“I can’t treat all that many patients, can I? There are many more valuable people who need my healing.”


Raymond made an absurd face.

In other words, he didn’t want to waste his heal on commoners who wouldn’t even have money anyway!

In fact, St. Birn came here to show him how to trample Raymond, and he had no interest in anything else.

‘Such a goddamn bastard.’

Raymond clenched his fists.

But St. Birn rode away with a face that showed no remorse.

He left for the aristocratic family that was promised in advance.

Reporters soon left.

“Let’s start the newspaper right away.”

“It’s been a while since I’ve had a scoop.”

Now they will make headlines about this incident with a provocative tone, and this incident will spread throughout the Peninsula Kingdom.

Perhaps this incident could have spread to the entire Crusader Empire.

‘No, that’s not important right now. I have to treat patients.’

The patient’s family was in even greater despair.

At that time, Linden urgently called out.

“Ma Master! The condition of the patient who was treated with the special heal earlier is strange!”

When I went to see it, it was getting worse again after recovering in a flash!

Raymond soon realized why.

‘The damage to the kidneys is so severe that the effect of the blessing of the spirit is diminished!’

Jeongmyeong’s protection was to detoxify the body by maximizing the function of the liver and kidneys.

However, since the kidneys are already damaged, the effect is insufficient.

‘It’s not that it didn’t work at all, but if you want to save the patient, you have to pour more special heels.’

Of course, he couldn’t expect such a thing from Saint Birn.

‘Damn it, can’t I use the protection of the true name?’

Raymond even felt that way.

Of course, that was impossible.

Then an unexpected message popped up.

[Faced with a medical challenge!]

[The attribute ‘Challenger of medicine’ is manifested!]

[The principle of medical treatment for end-stage renal failure is ‘dialysis’!]

[If proper treatment is not received, the expected mortality rate of the patient population is 100 It is judged as a %.]


Raymond stared at the message for a long time.


“No, there is a way.”

Raymond murmured quietly.

The meaning of this message was clear.

having to do hemodialysis.

The problem is how.

There was no way to implement hemodialysis.

“…No, it is not impossible.”

A method came into Raymond’s mind.

“I just need help from Princess Sylvene.”

Princess Sylvene.

With her manipulation-type blood-person ability, there was a possibility of implementing hemodialysis.

* * *

Raymond immediately jumped on the phone and flew to the prison where Princess Sylvene was imprisoned.


A woman was bowing her head in a dark and humid place that made it hard to imagine that the princess was imprisoned.

‘Is that woman Princess Sylvene?’

Raymond immediately recognized it.

Because she looks exactly like Estelle. Like twins, they were almost identical in appearance.

“Princess Sylvene. My name is Raymond.”

Princess Sylvene slowly raised her head, but Raymond was taken aback.

His eyes were dark and dead.

‘You’re being pessimistic.’

Raymond noticed Princess Sylvene’s heart.

It was natural for him to be frustrated because he fell into a conspiracy while serving the people and ended up in this situation.

“Princess, my name is Raymond. I’m here to help the princess.”

But there was no answer.

I was still staring at him helplessly.

Raymond cleared his throat and continued.

“The situation is rather bad right now, but I will do my best to help…” ….”

“…It’s okay, go back.”


“…I don’t want any help, so please go back.”

Raymond hesitated.

Water began to fill up in Princess Sylvene’s eyes.

“…I’m all tired now. I will go by my sister’s side, so please go back.”


Raymond noticed his mistake.

Princess Silvene was not simply pessimistic about her situation.

She was frustrated by the tragedy of her twin sister, Estelle, who had died not too long ago.

‘Then, was it that I gave up because I was helpless in this conspiracy?’

Actually, I thought it was a bit odd.

Princess Sylvene was so helpless that she fell for the conspiracy.

Inje Bonnie, she gave up everything because of the sadness of losing her sister.

‘But I can’t leave it alone.’

If left as it is, Princess Sylvene will disappear with the dew of the executioner.

‘That wouldn’t be what Saint Estelle wanted either.’

In fact, Raymond doesn’t know much about Estelle.

A woman who disappeared leaving many questions behind in many ways.

In fact, Raymond even speculated that she might have some sort of relationship with ‘them’, but now that she is dead, there is no way to confirm it.

‘One thing is for sure, Saint Estelle was really worried about Princess Sylvene.’

‘…please…Sylvene… …ask….’

Those were Estelle’s last words.

It was muffled, but clearly audible.

So, he couldn’t wait to see Princess Sylvene die like this.

‘The problem is that I can’t be persuaded. It will only backfire.’

After much thought, Raymond opened his mouth.

“I understand the feelings of the princess. But may I pass on the last words of Saint Estelle?”

“…What is it?”

Raymond said cautiously.

“…I love you so much, I told you to be happy.”


Sylvene’s eyes fluttered as if she had met a turbulent wave.

pop. pop.

And the tears fell endlessly.

Silent sobs spread in the prison. It was a quiet, more painful cry.

Raymond smiled bitterly and continued.

“Saint Estelle wished for your happiness at the last moment. and…I want to follow his will.”

He carefully held Sylvene’s sobbing hand.

And he said it with sincerity.

“So will you allow me to help you?”

* * *

After a while, Sylvene calmed down.

She shook her head apologetically.

“I’m sorry for appearing embarrassing.”

“no. Are you okay now?”

“Yes, Thanks.”

“This seems to be a conspiracy of the Tower of Light. Treat patients and make sure they… ….”

Raymond tilted his head as he explained that.

‘How is it different from rumors? He said he had the same personality for the sake of the people. Why are you so weak?’

I heard that Estelle is like soft water, and Sylvene is like fire, but she just looked weak.

‘Is it because the sadness hasn’t gone yet?’

It wasn’t.

In fact, Sylvene was thinking this to herself.

‘Now I want to stop serving the people.’

It was an unexpected idea!

‘I pretended to be for the people in order to survive as a minority, but now I’m tired and tired.’

It was a story I could never have imagined.

All she did for the people was for political reasons!

In fact, even the appearance of being as big as fire was just a directing to show off in order to lead the princess faction.

‘Of course, my sister is a person worthy of a saint, but I’m not such a good person.’

Princess Sylvene thought bitterly and said.

“…No, I will stop doing things for the people now.”


“Actually, I was just serving the people for my own benefit. I am tired of wearing false masks.”

Raymond was taken aback.

What kind of nonsense is this all of a sudden?

‘A noble princess for the sake of the people?’

Princess Sylvene confided her details to Raymond.

Raymond realized that Princess Sylvene was sincere.

‘Uh uh This would be difficult.’

It was essential for his Golden Ear project that Princess Sylvene served the people as the center of the princess faction.

Princess Sylvene looked at Raymond with vague eyes.

“It wasn’t easy to make this decision because of my sister’s Yuji, but I’m glad someone as noble as you appeared. Please take care of the people of the Peninsula Kingdom from now on.”

‘Don’t say horrible nonsense! Why entrust the people of the Peninsula Kingdom to me!’

Raymond screamed inwardly and then straightened up.

had to find a way

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Doctor Player

Doctor Player

Dr. Player
Score 7.4
Status: Completed Type: Artist: Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
Raymond, a lowly illegitimate son. He was born as the son of a noble, but he was nothing but a filthy man in the eyes of many. Even his qualities as a natural healer are the worst of the worse: Grade F. It was an irredeemable talent that was worse than the lowest class, indeed. But one day, a miracle happened to him. [You awakened as a player!] [Occupation: Surgeon] It was the beginning of a great legend.


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