Novel Doctor Player [Dr. Player] Chapter 133

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Doctor Player Chapter 133

“Sorry. You made a fool of yourself.”

The young king, who barely calmed down, said blushing.

“no. It is normal for people to feel weak after suffering from an illness, so don’t worry about it.”

The young king made a face of sincere gratitude.

And that was true of Lord Nickells and others too.

‘Not only is he the greatest genius, but he also has such a warm heart. That’s amazing.’

‘As expected, light.’

Machapel III coughed heavily before clearing his voice.

Just now, I couldn’t overcome my emotions, so I acted indecently, but I couldn’t continue to do that.

“Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I want to repay the favor for saving Jim’s life. Do you want anything?”

Raymond shook his head.

“it’s okay. As I said before, don’t worry about it.”

Machapel III looked straight at Raymond.

“Baron Pennin.”


Raymond was taken aback.

Even at a young age, is a king still a king? There was a dignity uncharacteristic of a young boy in his low voice.

“As long as Jim is the king. You know you can’t get past that. With the honor of the Droton family at stake, the king will surely repay the favor. or not.”

Machapel III clenched his small fists.

“if…Do you think Jim will be unable to repay the favor because he is the Scarecrow King?”

Raymond kept his mouth shut.

He realized that the time was ripe.

‘It’s important from here.’

[We are trying to overcome the crisis situation of our allies!]

[The ‘Guardian Doctor of the battlefield’ property effect is manifested!]

[Exercises more power than ability!]

[Intellect stat increases by 10!]

[Skill ‘Speech’ The effect of the effect is strengthened!]

Hearing those messages, Raymond drew in a breath and opened his mouth.

“I’m really sorry, but to be honest, it is. Your Highness does not have the power to give me the reward I want.”


Sir Nekels, who was next to him, exclaimed in surprise.

“Baron Pepenin! What presumptuous talk is that?”

“stop. Be quiet. Aren’t you wrong?”

The young king shook his head bitterly and said to Raymond,

“…I’m sorry. I want to give you some kind of compensation. ha.”

It wasn’t an angry or sarcastic voice.

It was just a voice lamenting his helplessness.

Raymond, who had been quiet for a moment, opened his mouth.

“So I have something to tell you, Your Highness.”


“How about making a deal with me?”

A look of wonder appeared in the young king’s eyes.

“A deal? What are you talking about?”

“I will return all power to His Highness the King.”


The young king made a surprised face.

“What is it?”

The entire kingdom of Droton has already fallen into the hands of Archduke Berard. But you want me to get you back to power?

Machapel III looked to see if Raymond was joking, but he wasn’t.

Dark emerald eyes were serious.

“I will restore all the authority that was unfairly taken away from the devil Berard, so please give me the compensation I want instead.”

“…What if it’s the reward you want?”

“Please acknowledge the responsibility of the Drowton Kingdom for this war and agree to cede the Lafalde region, which was originally my country’s territory, to my country.”

So Raymond said his intention.

* * *

Rafalde Province!

It was the northern region of the Droton Kingdom.

It was originally a province belonging to the Houston Kingdom, but during the war 100 years ago, ownership was transferred to the Drowton Kingdom.

Since then, successive kings of Houston have made it their long-cherished wish to recapture the Lafalde region, and King Auden, the king of the time, promised to grant Raymond an area of the Lafalde region as a fief after the victory.

‘But looking at the current situation of the war, there’s no chance that that promise will be kept. If that happens, I’ll go bankrupt.’

Raymond swallowed his tears.

So, there was only one way.

I have no choice but to fight for myself and win the Lafalde region!

“…Are you saying that we should admit responsibility for the war and cede the Lafalde region?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Machapel III did not readily answer.

It was natural. The Lafalde region was a whopping 20% of the entire Drowton Kingdom.

Raymond delivered a decisive blow to the troubled young king.

“Instead, I will keep the Droton royal family alive in the clutches of Archduke Berard. Not only that, but I will restore all lost authority and save the people of Droton who are groaning in pain.”

Machapel III bit his lip.

At this rate, the Droton royal family will perish anyway.

And not only the Lafalde region, but the entire Drowton Kingdom would fall into the hands of the demon Berard, and the people would groan in more pain.

“…Do you have any idea? If you intend to use Jim’s authority as the king to drive him as a traitor, it will be useless.”

As expected, the wise young king.

I saw through Raymond’s thoughts.

“Eomyeong is effective when the king has power. Everyone will snort if Jim declares him a traitor.”

Machapel III grabbed the hem with his small hands.

Actually, that’s what I tried once.

Archduke Berard laughed loudly and tore the fish out of his face.

“You are right. But when Your Highness gains power, the story will change.”


Raymond pointed to a map drawn in the room.

“Joseph Castle. All you have to do is take over the capital of the Drowton Kingdom and make it yours.”

Machapel III widened his eyes.

“The capital?”

“It is to recapture your capital from Berard’s hands and sit on the throne proudly. Then no one will be able to ignore Your Highness’ words.”

Raymond was right.

Certainly, if the capital is stolen from Archduke Berard and obtained, then no one will be able to disrespect the words of the young king.

Because the capital city has such a ‘symbolism’.

And he was the ‘King’.

He was ignored because he did not have ‘no’ powers, but when he regained the capital with his own hands, everything changed.

There will be people who will gather under the King’s banner.

In particular, those with a will to sharpen their swords against Grand Duke Berard, holding their breath, will stand up.

“Declare Berard a traitor after reclaiming the capital. Then its foundation will be shaken from the very roots.”

Raymond continued.

“Our Houston kingdom will help such a highness. I will help Your Highness to punish the devil Berard, the culprit behind all these terrible things.”

Machapel III swallowed his saliva.

I realized that Raymond’s words were fully feasible.

Declaration of a traitor after occupying the capital!

And if he receives the joint attack of the uprising army and the Houston kingdom army under the flag of King Drowton, Archduke Berard will collapse miserably.

“But there is one problem with that plan, Baron. How do you plan to recapture the capital?”

said Lord Nekels.

“Rumor has it that Berard himself led his soldiers to the north and the capital’s defenses were weakened, but it is still impossible with our current strength.”

Sir Neckels asked anxiously.

“Are you going to receive support from the Peninsula Kingdom forces in the nearby sea?”

Raymond shook his head.

‘That’s not allowed. If you get help from the Peninsula Kingdom, you will be asked for a huge price.’

There is a proverb like this on the continent.

Don’t be in debt to the Peninsula guys! I will take away your liver and gallbladder!

Fortunately, Raymond had another option.

“We plan to get help from the Lan tribe, an alien race south of the Drowton capital.”


The young king and Sir Nekels looked at each other in disbelief.

Lan people!

As an extremely closed immigrant, they were never the ones who would help with this.

But Raymond said confidently.

“I have a way to move them.”


“I will use my ability medicine.”

They looked incomprehensible. To use medicine to move immigrants?

But Raymond thought to himself.

‘With my medicine, I can solve the chronic disease of their tribe. I should be able to get them moving enough.’

The Lan people have had a deadly disease that has not been resolved for hundreds of years.

If you solve the problem with medicine, you will be able to move them enough.


After the story, Machapel III entered into contemplation.

This was because it was a difficult decision to make because the Lafalde region had to be ceded.

But the answer was decided.

‘At this rate, not only the Rafalde region, but also all the people of the Drowton Kingdom will fall into hell.’

As a king, he made a choice for the sake of the people.

“great. I will accept your offer.”

“Thank you, Your Highness.”

‘It was great!’

Raymond clenched his fists inwardly.

You have successfully taken the first step of your plan!

‘I’m going to win the battle like this and get the best egg yolk estate and become a rich super-rich!’

That was when Raymond was having happy thoughts.

Machapel III told an unexpected story.

“Instead, there are conditions. Please make sure to make the people of the Lafalde region happy.”

“That’s a natural thing to say.”

“No, we need a firm guarantee, not just a promise.”

guarantee? what?

To Raymond, who was puzzled, Machapel III told an absurd story.

“When the war is over, please become the lord of the entire Lafalde region.”

Raymond’s eyes widened.

High Lord!

It refers to a great nobility that controls an entire province.

In other words, it is also called feudal lord.

‘What high lord am I? I’m a healer.’

No, apart from Healer, he was a baron-level nobleman.

To become a great lord, you must have at least the rank of a count.

“that…I am only a baron.”

“At the same time, Houston’s greatest genius and son of a king.”


“Above all, will your title be a baron after this war is over? I don’t think Jim will.”

Raymond swallowed.

I see.

Victory was likely.

‘If the war is won according to my plan, at least Viscount… …Maybe even rise to the rank of count.’


It was a two-step win, but it was not a story without possibility.

“But that is not a definitive story. It is for His Highness the King to decide who will rule the Lafalde region.”

There was no possibility that King Auden of Houston would appoint him as the high lord over the Lafalde region.

‘Maybe I’ll appoint the most trustworthy and trustworthy person.’

Raymond said not to worry.

“Whoever it is, a great person will definitely rule the Lafalde region.”

It was sincere.

Even though he was the worst as a father, King Auden was a wise monarch who thought of his people.

I will definitely appoint the most competent and trustworthy person.

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Doctor Player

Doctor Player

Dr. Player
Score 7.4
Status: Completed Type: Artist: Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
Raymond, a lowly illegitimate son. He was born as the son of a noble, but he was nothing but a filthy man in the eyes of many. Even his qualities as a natural healer are the worst of the worse: Grade F. It was an irredeemable talent that was worse than the lowest class, indeed. But one day, a miracle happened to him. [You awakened as a player!] [Occupation: Surgeon] It was the beginning of a great legend.


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