Novel Doctor Player [Dr. Player] Chapter 125

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Doctor Player Chapter 125

It was the result of the combination of the deep emotion I felt for Raymond and the resistance towards the leadership of the Drowton Kingdom.

The problem is that the soldiers also started to be shaken by the words of the citizens of Bioton.

Because there was no one who was truly loyal to Archduke Berard, who had no choice but to follow orders.


The Marquis of Dulac bit his lip.

he felt that the siege had virtually failed.

‘no. If I can’t get my hands on Bioton Castle, which is the most important point, my strategy to defeat the Houston Kingdom’s army individually will also fail.’

They gritted their teeth and launched a final offensive, but the Houston soldiers and Bioton citizens fought unbelievably.

Although they were enemies of each other, they joined forces and fought as one with a heart for Raymond.

Another day passed.

When the siege entered the third day.

Dark clouds rose in the distance.

“It’s a big deal, sir! Houston reinforcements!”


The Marquis of Dulac was surprised.

The reinforcements arrived a day earlier than expected.


The reason was simple.

The reinforcement soldiers voluntarily repeated forced marches to save Raymond.

In particular, the commander who led them was Princess Christine!

Even if it wasn’t so, since she led the soldiers for Raymond’s sake, she displayed a miraculous advance speed.

‘I will definitely save the Master! Just wait! If I die, I will never leave you alone!’

With that in mind, she went on a forced march.


The Marquis dulac took out a cigar and bit it.

he lamented.

‘It was a battle that must have been won.’

The faces of the children held hostage by Berard passed by.

But there was no other way.

The Marquis of Dulac ordered in a heavy voice.

“It is our loss. Defeat the military.”

It was the most intense after the war.

The Siege of Castle Bioton ended with Raymond’s victory.

* * *

This victory resounded throughout the front.

It was a miraculous victory over Drowton’s best general, Dulac, in an absolutely unfavorable situation.


“Long live Raymond!”

“As expected, he is our prince!”

“Something like back-and-forth! Not for our prince!”

The entire Houston Kingdom army cheered.

As if to pay homage to the great achievement, several messages came to mind.

[Reputation rises!]

[Reputation rises!]

[Achievement: ‘Miracle Mercury’ has been achieved!]

[Bonus: Reputation rises significantly!]

[Many people pay homage to your achievements!]

[ Reputation exceeds the standard!]

[Acquire a new title!]

[Title: ‘He who won the hearts of soldiers’ evolves into ‘Kingdom Army Hero (Small)’!] [

Kingdom Army Hero (Small) ]

Description: A title given to a hero of the kingdom’s army.

Title Rating: Kingdom Army level

Additional Effects:

– Receive ‘respect’ from soldiers!

-With you, soldiers will become brave warriors!

– Enemy soldiers are also affected by your greatness! Enemy soldiers’ morale will decrease when they face you!

[Bonus level up!]

[Gets 70 bonus skill points!]

That’s how Raymond even got an incredible title.

And that wasn’t all.

With numerous merits and achievements and experience points for treating patients, he achieved a tremendous level.

[Your level has reached 130!]

[You have met the criteria for ‘promotion’!]

[Your job grade has changed from ‘Battle Surgeon’ to ‘Medical Captain’!] You

have been promoted!

‘Duty captain?’

An explanation came to mind.

[Medical Captain]

Description: A commander who leads the medical corps. As a person responsible for not only the lives of patients but also the military medical system, he has strong commanding power.

After that, a message popped up.

As in the previous promotion, the proficiency of various academic skills increased first, and

[Wisdom to lead soldiers is essential for a commander. Intelligence stat increases by 5!]

[Military medicine proficiency increases to A!]

[‘Medical command’ proficiency increases to C!]

[You can command 40 medics!

] You can demonstrate excellent patient care!]

That wasn’t all.

[Can command ‘general soldiers’.]

[Command ordinary soldiers]

Classification: Disciple Development Skill

Proficiency: D

– As a medical commander, you will be able to command 500 ordinary soldiers!

– Demonstrate excellent leadership skills to subordinate soldiers!

-The soldiers under your command will have stronger morale and fighting power under your command!

In this way, Raymond was promoted from ‘Combat Surgeon’ to ‘Medical Captain’.

* * *

Meanwhile, behind the scenes.

‘I have to change my strategy.’

I gave up on attacking Raymond any more.

“I will avoid dealing with Raymond directly from now on.”


“I will aim for a gap other than Raymond.”

Dulac looked up at the sky.

The sky had turned black and it looked as if it would rain at any moment.

‘Clearly, Raymond is the best talent in Houston. But he also has weaknesses.’

Raymond’s weakness.

That means he’s not the Supreme Commander. Ironically, his position is only a war healer.

In other words, there were many places where his capabilities fell short.

‘Raymond is just perfect. There are many gaps in the other Houston kingdoms. I will take that gap and give it a fatal blow.’

The Marquis of Dulac was troubled.

‘What kind of method?’

It was after thinking about it for a while.

I thought of one conversion plan.

The three princes of Houston Kingdom.

Using them, who are blinded by their sympathy, will be able to lure the Houston Kingdom into a big trap.

‘I’ll have to use them.’

Tuduk. Took.

Just then, rain started to fall from the sky.

Dulac looked at the falling rain with hardened eyes and pledged victory.

* * *

Raymond’s victories had a profound effect on the front.

The momentum of the Droton Kingdom army was completely broken.

As they failed to recapture Choi Yo-chung-ji, they fought a more unfavorable fight.

Conversely, the Houston Kingdom army completely rode the momentum of the rise.

It was almost as if the war had been won.

It wasn’t really a false story either. Because it occupied more than 30% of the territory of the Drowton Kingdom.

If even the central region, the current frontline, is occupied, more than 60% will fall into your hands.

“We need to get our hands on the Central Region ASAP!”

“We must advance!”

“I will go!”

“No I…!”

Every day, heated cheers erupted from the headquarters.

war won.

They compete with each other to score more balls.

However, Duke Leif did not allow him to go out easily.

“The war is not over yet. You have to be vigilant and do your best.”

Every word of it was correct, but others were dissatisfied.

‘No, it’s a war that’s all won, so what’s the guarantee?’

‘I brought the soldiers of the territory and participated in the battle, but I couldn’t make any credit. Shouldn’t I be able to make a mark even at a time like this?’

In particular, the dissatisfaction of the lords was great.

They participated in the war by leading the privates of the territories under their command. But it’s not making any progress.

‘What did he say?’

‘Is it all if it’s a duke?’

‘Are we just going to act as readers?’

But their grievances were nothing compared to those of the princes.

The dissatisfaction of the princes, especially Lemerton Seytil, was sky-high. They are in a position to make a contribution in this war somehow.

‘We can’t end the war with only Raymond’s name raised. I have to make a contribution to the extent of stomping on him.’

In the end, Lemerton came up with a trick.

He contacted commanders from other countries who participated in the war as reinforcements.

“Are you saying you want to act separately?”

Among them, Duke Born, the commander-in-chief of the neighboring Macy Kingdom, opened his eyes wide.

They are with the Houston Kingdom Army to join forces, but they have their own operational rights.

“His Excellency Duke Leif’s strategy is too passive. I think now is the time to rush.”

The Duke of Born nodded.

‘If you go ahead now, you can make a big difference by overtaking the Houston Kingdom Army. Then, after the victory, you can claim a large stake.’

“Okay. I will make it with Your Highness.”

There were a total of 5 alliances of the Crusader Alliance Empire that participated in the war as reinforcements.

Among them, the Macy Kingdom and the Catal Kingdom obeyed Remerton’s will. It was a total of 7,000 troops.

As they forged ahead, the other kingdoms also launched their own operations.

“I don’t think we need to come together as one anymore. In the future, we will conduct independent operations.”

“Good luck to you guys!”

As the allied powers fell apart, the position of the Duke of Rife became difficult.

The nobility of Houston Kingdom became even more impatient.

“We must advance too!”

“At this rate, the other kingdoms will take all the balls!”

Everyone was nervous about the situation where the Huston Kingdom took the feat and the merit was taken by the foreigners.

‘I still have to be careful.’

Duke Leif frowned.

But it was no longer a situation to stay.

The problem was that soldiers from other countries, leaving the public service, went ahead and separated the troops. If done wrong, there was a risk that each one would be destroyed.

When this happened, we had no choice but to push forward together.

Since then, the Houston Kingdom’s forces have abandoned their passive stance and launched an offensive, and the nobles of the Kingdom of Houston, the nobles of other countries, Remerton Seitel, and others competed fiercely for merit.

‘I’ll make the first ball!’

‘I’m the first to occupy the territory!’

That’s when they are fighting ahung daung fierce fight to build merit.

Raymond was receiving a surprise guest.

The loyal servants of Machapel III, the young king of the Droton Kingdom, had come.

It’s also an amazing business.

“His Highness has been lost between death and death due to Berard’s malicious tricks! Please, please, save His Highness the King!”

Sir Nekels.

The leader of the Royal Knights of the Drowton Kingdom and a loyal servant to the young king, he knelt before Raymond and cried out in tears.

“I swear in the name of the great King Drowton, and I will pay any price, so please spare him!”

* * *

There was a story about how the king of an enemy country asked Raymond for help.

Right before the incident, Archduke Berard was sitting on the throne with deep sunken eyes.

‘Damn it. What is Dulac doing?’

I trusted him, but I was only losing battles.

‘Do I have to lead the army myself?’

But that wasn’t the answer either.

The ability to lead the army was overwhelmingly superior to Dulac. Now I had no choice but to believe and watch.

‘damn. How did I come to such a predicament? It’s all because of that damn Raymond.’

Archduke Berard recalled Raymond with reddened eyes.

Then the attendant cautiously approached him.

“His Highness the Grand Duke. A letter has arrived from the Winter Palace.”


Archduke Berard let out an absurd breath.

Winter Palace. This is where the young king was imprisoned.

The young king was not afraid of being imprisoned and sent endless letters condemning him.

Up until now, I had snorted and burned it, but today I was really angry because I felt uncomfortable.

He ordered his subordinates.

“Clean it up.”


“There is no need to spare the Scarecrow King’s life any longer. Go and kill him.”

The subordinates were surprised and dissuaded.

If the king was killed now, it was obvious that public sentiment would be greatly agitated.

The people of Drowton adored the young king of the orthodox royal family more than Grand Duke Berard.


In the end, Archduke Berard made another trick.

“Then let’s do this.”

Archduke Berard smiled cruelly and ordered his attendant to bring something.

After some time, the attendant swallowed and brought a box made of glass.

Inside, large mosquitoes were flying terrifyingly.

“…Isn’t this a mosquito?”

It wasn’t an ordinary mosquito.

It had white stripes on its black body, but it was a species that could not be seen in the Drowton Kingdom.

With the mosquitoes he received from ‘they’ in the past, Grand Duke Berard periodically fed people to breed these mosquitoes.

“Release these mosquitoes in the Little King’s room in the Winter Palace.”


Suha opened her eyes wide.

He had noticed the tricks of Archduke Berard.

Through mosquitoes, the young king is trying to contract a mysterious, terrible disease!

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Doctor Player

Doctor Player

Dr. Player
Score 7.4
Status: Completed Type: Artist: Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
Raymond, a lowly illegitimate son. He was born as the son of a noble, but he was nothing but a filthy man in the eyes of many. Even his qualities as a natural healer are the worst of the worse: Grade F. It was an irredeemable talent that was worse than the lowest class, indeed. But one day, a miracle happened to him. [You awakened as a player!] [Occupation: Surgeon] It was the beginning of a great legend.


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